pulse at 37.5 kilohertz. because of the way the physics work and the ocean, the range is only two or three miles. two miles of ocean depth, you have to get a ship out there and deploy the sensors and tow it across the sea floor and listen for the objects. in the best scenario, it is out finding the pingers before the batteries die. they are rated at 30 days. 30-to-35 days is what the manufacturer says we should expect out of that. that is the scenario we went through with air france 447. my company was involved with the french bea and putting together the pieces so we know where to focus the search. the laborious search happens to
box has a pinging device. the water activates that and that starts transmitting at 37.5 kilahertz. i don t believe here s a scenario. you re saying it s not in water. i m not saying that s not in water and these are potentials. here s the potential i believe also is, that two people, or any individual passengers, bent on getting into that cockpit, took control of that cookpit, took control of the flight, disabled the transponders, maneuvered the aircraft to a lower altitude and took a direct flight path. this took a direct course and established a flight path as though people knew where they wanted to go. could it involve a pilot? absolutely it could. but absent facts, if this searry is accurate, then it would be a 9/11 style hijacking, 12 years
time for the news by the numbers. the christmas edition. first, 33 million, that s the number of real christmas trees sold in the united states each year during the christmas season. next, 37.5%. that s the percentage of charitable donations given between thanksgiving and new year s. finally, 108 million, the average number of homes santa will actually visit tonight, assuming there s at least one nice child in each. all right, kelly, thank you very much. christina speers was the picture of perfect health in her college years. she was exercising six times a week, drinking plenty of water. when she stopped needing sleep thought nothing of it. little did she know that was bad and could have been deadly. joining us now, christine and
competitive awards and scholarships. do they get out of debt? people go to school and broke with a degree they didn t want and we look whether they graduate within four years. that is the postgraduate success at 37.5%, right? that is salary and other measures of career success. the nationally competitive award. so want to be on the list and they bend the truth. they don t bend the truth, they outright lie. tell us how it is, michael! they have knitted to lying to the federal government about their s.a.t. scores or their incoming classes, where their kids ranked and other things and what is interesting they are doing that purely to boost their performance on these rankings because these rankings are so important these schools. higher rank means you have better quality students and better alumni giving and all of these things. why are the rankings so
give me an example. we had a hearing today with small businesses. simple question today, would you vote to repeal obama care today, yes or no? nine out of ten, repeal it today. the only one who didn t repeal it, said i m so uncertain about what it means for me. i don t say repeal it, but i don t like it. employers are cutting the size of their workforce. today, a constituent called my office. in tears, working for the same fast-food restaurant for 19 years, 37.5 hours per week. today, she was called in, her hours are being permanently cut to 29. she doesn t know how she will make ends meet. why would they do that to her? what is the significance of 29? if you have over 50 employees, are you subject to the mandate unless your workers are 30 hours. they redefined partunder 30.