give me an example. we had a hearing today with small businesses. simple question today, would you vote to repeal obama care today, yes or no? nine out of ten, repeal it today. the only one who didn t repeal it, said i m so uncertain about what it means for me. i don t say repeal it, but i don t like it. employers are cutting the size of their workforce. today, a constituent called my office. in tears, working for the same fast-food restaurant for 19 years, 37.5 hours per week. today, she was called in, her hours are being permanently cut to 29. she doesn t know how she will make ends meet. why would they do that to her? what is the significance of 29? if you have over 50 employees, are you subject to the mandate unless your workers are 30 hours. they redefined partunder 30.
overfed him, practically killing him with kindness. he was adopted by a veterinary technician. she had to fight for custody of obie. he got praised to waddle down the ramp. his belly made him look like something that washed up on the beach. but thanks to an overweight management formula fed to obie, in a dish that slows the dog down as he eats, he started losing weight. didn t appreciate veggies. these are carrots. reporter: and he was too fat for the treadmill. demonstrated by norah s other dachshund. but over eight months, look at his weight go down on the scale. here is he at 41 pounds, by the time of the surgery, he weighed 37.5. but no way this extra skin and flab would ever disappear on its own, plus it was black frominfe.
37.5% picked the buzzer beater. none of you liked the batman video. have a great weekend. gretchen: tgif everyone. good morning. it is march 8, 2013. i m gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your friday with us. a top al qaeda spokesperson and the son-in-law of osama bin laden has been captured but guess what? he won t be going to gitmo. he ll be going to new york city today and going to court. should he get the same rights as an american citizen? steve: the state department wanted to honor her with the courage award until we reported that she wanted america to burn on 9/11. doesn t anybody over at the state department have google. wait till you hear their response. brian: a major classroom controversy. one kid s cupcake. are they threatening. they re threatened over these world world war ii soldies on top of the cupcakes at
what we will do tonight is not only adon adopt a piece of legislation that will give literally tens of millions of americans the assurance that their taxes will not be raised, millions of small businesses that their taxes will not be raised, millions of people who through no fault of their own are struggling to find a job and try to keep bread on their table, the assurance that we will be there to help. tonight we will come together and do something else. with 37.5 hours left to go in the 112th congress, we will display to all of our constituents that yes in the final analysis we have the ability to come together, to act not as republicans, not as democrats, but as americans.
unemployment benefits extended for a year. business tax credit will be extended for a year, the student loan help is going to be a five-year program along with a low income tax credit. this is what sources are telling me. the big thing here, and the reason why chuck schumer is saying that there will be strong democratic support is because the president has won the war on race. there has been a lot of conversation about, well, let s go to 37 or 37.5. the president will get 39.6%. this takes us to the old rates under the clinton administration and they are permanent and it will take a big move by the congress to move us off that rate in the future this is a big a big win for the white house, $600 billion in revenue with no spending cuts and we go to round two as the calendar takes us to the next phase of all of this.