Walmart-backed e-commerce platform Flipkart and Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus face new troubles in India. The State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission at Chandigarh has imposed a fine of Rs 30,000 on Flipkart, OnePlus and a mobile phone retailer for selling a used phone as a brand new one.
News News: Strict traffic measures have been implemented in Gurugram to ensure clear passage for emergency vehicles. Offenders obstructing ambulances and fire trucks will be fined Rs 10,000 and receive immediate online challans. The fine aims to facilitate unhindered passage for ambulances transporting critically ill patients. The Gurugram traffic police are also facilitating green corridors for ambulances carrying organs for transplant. This measure is in response to growing concerns about delays faced by emergency vehicles due to traffic congestion and careless driving.
By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent @StacyBrownMedia House members have censured Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman for triggering a fire alarm in a U.S. Capitol office building while the chamber was in session in September. The Republican-backed resolution received support from some Democrats but faced significant opposition, with most Democrats dismissing it as
Stay safe this holiday season! Danao City Government issues order to regulate the sale of firecrackers and fireworks. Find out which pyrotechnic devices are permitted for sale and the penalties for non-compliance. Read more.