once were, jim. and i worry, too, the signals you can t let, but you re not of the mindset that the russians should just be able to blow through ukraine and take over the country. you re not of that mindset. hell no. i think we should have looked at the economic and the oil situation first instead of completely capitulating to them. you remember the first couple months of the war, people didn t like it. in fact, we were funding both sides of that war with oil contracts. we still honored those contracts. so i feel like we ve, we re talking out of both sides of our mouth on this thing. we never thfd anything to do with it. we should have provided economic pressure on russia. and gone with diplomacy first and led with bullets. i think we got the cart before the horse. i m fiscally reserved.
Triglav in slovenska zastava. Simbola, ki sta ob pomembnih dogodkih povezana tudi s čustveno platjo slovenske identitete. Med obrazi, ki so pred 30 leti, ko je naša država postala samostojna, stkali edinstveno zgodbo in razobesili šestmetrsko zastavo na vrhu našega očaka, je 27 posameznikov, ki so s svojim dejanjem pokazali, da podpirajo neodvisno pot Slovenije. Pogovarjali smo se z gorskim reševalcem Janezom Brojanom, ki je prevzel sprva skrivno misijo na Triglav, in pilotom Letalske policijske enote, ki je skupaj s sodelavcema opremo in reševalce s helikopterjem prepeljal na Triglav.