The Supreme Court declined to take up a case seeking to overturn Washington state's ban on the practice of conversion therapy for minors who say they are gay or lesbian, prompting the court's most conservative members to say they would have granted it.
impose criminal penalties for sitting, sleeping or lying outside on public property for homeless individuals who cannot obtain shelter. it held at the ordinances were unconstitutional and constituted cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth amendment. the matter came before the powerful 9th circuit court, which has jurisdiction for the western united states and all of california. the ninth circuit has been regarded as a progressive bastion, but president trump was able to appoint ten judges to the ninth circuit. it limited what idaho could do with regard to its homeless. this time a three-judge panel similarly ruled against a city s effort to regulate its homeless population. when grants pass then sought to have the matter considered by the entire circuit, it could not get the required vote from all a act tiff members of the bench.
The Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge on Monday to a court order banning fracking off California’s coast, delivering a blow to oil companies, which argued that the moratorium would undermine oil and gas development on the Outer Continental Shelf.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision to overturn Berkeley s ban on natural gas stoves could threaten dozens of similar restrictions nationwide.