26/11 Mumbai attack: How the terror attacks unfolded 13 years ago, a pictorial recall - As many as 166 people were killed, including 18 security personnel, and several others were left injured. Nine of the ten terrorists were killed.
Mumbai Terror Attacks: What Happened On November 26, 2008 (Simple Explanation Infographic) मुंबई आतंकी हमले की आज 13वीं बरसी है। 20 तस्वीरों में उस खौफनाक दिन की कहानी लेकर आए हैं, जिसे याद करके आज भी सिहरन दौड़ जाती है.
On the 13th anniversary of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, India pressed for an expeditious trial, saying that the families of 166 victims from 15 countries are still awaiting closure.
Pakistan is using its usual delay tactics to safeguard the terrorists who orchestrated the heinous terror attack in Mumbai and India is mincing no words to remind the neighbouring country of its commitment.