want to bring up these numbers. this is the new orleans crime numbers, armed robbery 52%, murder 35.3, carjacking 25.4% and burglary 29.6% and knowing you ve never been broken into before and seeing the numbers up like they are, are you worried about the direction your city is added? no. i refuse to let the criminals win. at the end of the day, you have to have more community involvement. i think, for example, for us, we try to be involved in the community. at the claiborne location, we hired a lot of neighborhood kids and became involved in the community. we hire a lot of ex-cons or people that just got out of jail. we try to make an impact. this particular store, we just open. so obviously, we didn t have enough time to be more involved in the community.
@JmObserver - Credit extended by conventional and Islamic banks (collectively known as Other Depository Corporations or ODCs grew 5.4 per cent to RO 27.8 billion at the end of November 2021, the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) announced here on Wednesday. Credit to the private sector alone grew a modest 2.3 per cent (Y-o-Y) to reach RO 23.4 billion, the apex.
Indonesia's fiscal deficit may narrow to less than 5.4% of gross domestic product this year, due to the commodity boom and economic recovery following its deadliest Covid-19 wave, its finance minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said on Monday.