bill: there is new violence in the streets of athens, greece. watch here. the [shouting]. bill: rioters are back and out in force on the streets of athens hurling firebombs at police as the parliament there okays new austerity measures to get hands on vital bailout money, money that it needs. amy kellogg live in london this. amy? reporter: bill, as you can see the situation is bad. that is violence that flared in the midst of a two-day general strike called in greece. the government keeps making these cuts it needs to make in order to gets financial house somewhat in order. this is against the backdrop of staggering unemployment. new figures out today, show augt unemployment in greece is 25.4%. youth unemployment at a staggering 58%. unemployment in greece is actually twice the eurozone average. a record 1.27 million greeks
thursday. chaos again in greece? rioters clashing with police as parliament passes an austerity bill. the bill has $17 billion worth of cuts and tax increases for the next two years. it comes amid news that the unemployment rate in greece hit 25.4% in august. that s up 6% from the same time last year. steve: a dramatic chase after a bank robbery right out of the movies and it was all caught on camera. let s show it to you. you can see the suspect trying to run away from the police. a mailman saw the guy and the chase was underway. a police car swerved to avoid the suspect, but crashed into a fence and a tree. the suspect got found in a backyard, but didn t give up easily. it all led to some very scary moments for kids, students
him. you ll see the interview tomorrow on america s newsroom, stay tuned for that. that shall be interesting. martha: in the meantime there is a bit of a shakeup in the republican presidential playing field two weeks before the crucial iowa caucuses. newt gingrich had been surging in that battleground state. take a look now, ron paul has jumped into the lead. according to the real clear politics poll ron paul is first, romney is third. gingrich is third. you can see the high for gingrich is right there, he s in the green up about 35, 36%. december 12th was his absolute high point at least up until this point. he s got even hammered from negative advertising from ron paul and it seems to be sticking. mitt romney holding steady at a 25.4%.
restraint this budget tells a different story. government spending a percentage of gdp will skyrocket to 25.4% in 2010. the highest since the middle of are world war ii. in the middle of the depression when roosevelt was spending on every federal program imaginable, spending as a percentage of gdp only hit 10.5% at its the high that was in 1936. those shocking numbers don t touch taxes. this budget according to the wall street journal contains two trillion worth of tax hikes they include a repeal of the bush income tax cuts on singles making over $200,000 a year and couples over $250,000. capital gains tax hike goes to 20% from 15%. a tax on banks in the form of a responsibility fee new taxes on oil and gas. the administration is also pledging to reform the international tax system and
restraint this budget tells a different story. government spending a percentage of gdp will skyrocket to 25.4% in 2010. the highest since the middle of are world war ii. in the middle of the depression when roosevelt was spending on every federal program imaginable, spending as a percentage of gdp only hit 10.5% at its the high that was in 1936. those shocking numbers don t touch taxes. this budget according to the wall street journal contains two trillion worth of tax hikes they include a repeal of the bush income tax cuts on singles making over $200,000 a year and couples over $250,000. capital gains tax hike goes to 20% from 15%. a tax on banks in the form of a responsibility fee new taxes on oil and gas. the administration is also pledging to reform the international tax system and