stop doing this, expel the leaders, shut down some of their news channels. they believe all of those are causing a factor of destabilization in the region and more importantly they want to see qatar stop its relationship and positions in you will with the iranian government. that s the perspective from one side, particularly the countries that have shut down the relationships. on the other hand, the government says that s not the case. they feel there s for need for pluralism in this region. they are supporting the movements because they feel they re being oppressed in their home countries. we have this crisis anthat s where things stand as of this morning. i want to come back to you on the political fallout and perspective. let s get over to hans nickhols. in the immediate fight against isis there doesn t appear to be an impact. no operational effect on the
to people who live in london and understandably so. they are they have been under attack. having said that, does it play in many ways when people don t go to the businesses who are in those neighborhoods, or the publicity gets out there, just the fact that someone was able to take a car or a van or whatever they have and drive it into a crowd of people and run into that crowd with a knife, again, very unsophisticated. not like putting together a bomb. does that play into whether it s isis or any other terror group s hands? well, i ll tell you, i have two daughters and i really very much worry now about them going into popular places. i lived for a year in borough market. it s not just about london, it s belgium, france, germany. i mean, it is and we talk about attacks in london and we should.
london s mayor for quoting him in a misleading and inaccurate way. we ve got the 23rd isis inspired or directed attack tacking innocent lives, children in manchester, children in nice and we want to know, we want to put some blameworthiness here on president trump. i m not going to allow it. so that s the defense of the white house. i think we re going to hear more of that. sara huckabee sanders is going to brief later on today. but directing that obviously at msm, the mainstream media. this is something that the president is going to have to react to. you ve seen the reaction on twitter, back off, this is someone dealing with a terror attack. the president did come out and echo the remarks that you just talked about, expressed the united states standing strong with the people of the uk. the fact that he had spoke within the british prime minister. as we talk about the president s statements via twitter this morning, you had a
chair of contemporary middle east studies and author of isis, a history. and a counterterrorism expert and former undercover operative for the canadian intelligence service. you heard what the fifth had to say. do you agree that the uk has been too tolerant of extremism? well, i mean, first of all, theresa may, as you know, has been in charge of the security infrastructure and the counterterrorism policy in britain for quite a few years. that the attacks that have taken place in the past three months have really happened under her watch. having said so, what we need to understand when we talk about these attacks, they re part of a traveling ideology. transnational ideology. that basically it appeals to the young men and women all over the world, not just in britai but the reality is, what you have in britain is a very complex, radicalized
interview and other statements by russian officials is you re starting to understand why it is that u.s. intelligence and national security experts have long advised being very careful with the country, careful about the information that s shared because you ve got a lot of people familiar with propaganda, familiar with fake statements, just making bold assertions like what you hear in the interview. and now what we re seeing is that while the trump administration may want to work more closely with russia, you re seeing that maybe caution is necessary and taking advisers more seriously with the tone there. on that topic, one of the things that the administration has used during the campaign, candidate trump used to justify his wanting to open up this door with moscow is the fight against terror and the idea that anybody who wants to fight isis would be an asset and an ally in that regard to the united states. given what we ve heard, has that