when i finally discovered from transgender meant i was like i know what i am. i started testosterone at 17 1/2 years old. this is day one on testosterone. this is my voice, my face. i felt more like myself because i knew that the changes were coming. my stead dad dns know that i was trans. there was one day he beat the absolute crap out of me. i felt scared. i came to the conclusion that getting stronger would protect me from any of that ever again. that was enough motivation to get as serious as i did about bodybuilding. the discrimination is very real. in the bodybuilding community people telling me i will never be a real man. i feel like i have to outwork every person in there just to make a statement. my goals are to compete in mr. olympia and just make, i guess, a footprint for trans people in the bodybuilding community. i look in the mirror and i m thankful. this is definitely the person i was born to be, without a doubt. we call it the mother standard of care.
quickly growing very dangerous. for many people in low lying areas near the lumber river in lumberton, north carolina. cnn s polo sandoval is joining us on the phone. he s calling in because of safety issues. polo, gives an update. reporter: martin, what we ve been seeing, the lumber river continues to worsen, disturbingly similar to what i witnessed about two years ago when hurricane matthew made for an extremely dangerous situation in this same area, where many people lost their homes. we re witnessing the lumber river continuing to rise, currently flowing at 17 1/2 feet. it has at least seven more feet to go, according to the current forecast. my colleagues and i drove through the streets of lumberton today and we reached a point where we couldn t press forward anymore because of the danger.
checked it out and that it s all like regulated. when it coulds to assault rifles yes. have you taken a stancen to that as well. yes, we are against assault rifles and we d like to see them banned. thank you so much. i know have you to go back to class to check in. lunch time, you ll have even more to do. what s going on at lunch? yes. at lunch we are going to have a lot of stuff going on our in common area, the cafeteria area, we ll have registration to vote. if you re 17 1/2 you can go to lunch and register to vote. we ll have a letter writing station where people can write letters to senators like roy blunt. we have samples. people can fill in the blanks and get that done so their voice is heard. a quick question. out of all of you guys, how many are 18? who s turning 18 soon? got it. these are the future voters and some of the voeders here. this is what of what we re seeing in clayton.
i can tell you that. honestly, all of you guys have shown the qualities we re looking for. thanks a lot, guys. i appreciate it. you know, you can limp around and say you got attacked by a dog and try to milk that for all you can today, all right? drugs have played a role in the arrest of many of the inmates detained at the hillsborough county jail. the majority of them are on the demand side of tampa s drug problem. but michael garcia has been on the supply side. he was once a leader of one of florida s most notorious gangs. how high up in the chain were you? pretty high. you were the number one yeah, i was the president, let s put it like that. i was the president for the whole state of florida. garcia is at hillsborough county appealing a 17 1/2 year prison sentence for trafficking cocaine, selling ecstasy and possession of a firearm. he s been in custody for the last three years.
looking at everything through the prism of how we get to 3% growth. neil: that area of growth is concentrated among the wealthy. they would get you the bang for that buck, right? i need productivity growth. i need everybody to be more productive. we need folks to come back to work. that s why welfare is part of maganomics. welfare reform is. getting rid of obamacare neil: you still want across the-board tax cuts. i want as much as we can get. the proposal is on the board about the 15% corporate rates. you mentioned the 15%. others on the hill, their starting point is 20, 25%. warren hatch mentioned 25%. is there a point that you say, no, no, no. our minimum is this? it s a negotiation. if i start at 15, they start at 20, 17 1/2 is a good number.