looking at everything through the prism of how we get to 3% growth. >> neil: that area of growth is concentrated among the wealthy. they would get you the bang for that buck, right? >> i need productivity growth. i need everybody to be more productive. we need folks to come back to work. that's why welfare is part of maganomics. welfare reform is. getting rid of obamacare -- >> neil: you still want across the-board tax cuts. >> i want as much as we can get. the proposal is on the board about the 15% corporate rates. >> you mentioned the 15%. others on the hill, their starting point is 20, 25%. warren hatch mentioned 25%. is there a point that you say, no, no, no. our minimum is this? >> it's a negotiation. if i start at 15, they start at 20, 17 1/2 is a good number.