voters as well as jake tapper and dana bash. and those town halls are the big ticket tonight. what more can we expect from the trifecta event? i think it will give each of them a chance to introduce their candidacies. john delaney, former member of congress, believes democrats are lurching too far to the left. tulsi gabbard, hawaii congresswoman, is basing her candidacy on foreign policy. and pete buttigeg, the youngest person in the race, he s 27 years old, believes his age is in fact a virtue, saying it s time for new leadership. one number you will hear over and over is that s 2054. he talks about it a lot. he said that is the age he will be when he s donald trump s age. he talks about that a lot when he says the young generation will still be paying off the debts of this generation to this point. he talks about 2054 a lot, which
will alienate people. i don t think a goal should alienate people. in its current form it is a set of goals more than a fully articulated set of policies or a road map. our goals need to be more, not less ambitious. i m coming at this as somebody who is, god willing, going to be here when i m the current age of the current president which is 2054. a lot of these predictions will have come to pass. i have been in the position twice as mayor of having to use an emergency operations center in south bend for what should be historic flooding. one was 500-year and one was 1,000-year. they happened 18 months apart. climate is an emergency that s hitting us right now. we need to treat it as a national emergency that has the same power as the great depression or a world war. if the seriousness of this issue is commensurate with those world historical moments. but the big difference is this
level of economic opportunity in our country, i believe that s the right direction to be going in. everybody is going to have their own features they going to add. as a mayor i would like to do it and there are other developments that will have to come along to establish how we can meet those goals. they are the right goals especially from a generational perspective. from what the world is going to look like in 2054 is whenly reach the current age of the current president. it s not a theoretical question. it s very clear we can t go on like this. these weather extremes are what we were warned about in the 70s and 80s. i have shuttered to think about the fact that god willing i ll go alive to see the consequences of the predirectioctions that a being made right now. young people don t see the
about a policy by saying that it s socialist. if someone my age or younger is weighing a policy idea and somebody comes along and says you can t do that, it s socialist, i think our answer will be, is it a good idea or is it not? that idea has lost its power when you think about the way it was applied to characterize the aca, an idea that the affordable care act. affordable care act, obamacare, relying on market principles, implemented first by a republican governor. and they said that was socialist. the word has mostly lost its meaning. it s lost tarks bility to be used as a kill switch on debate. earlier on he show you said you ll be president trump s age in 2054. you are 37 years old. the youngest candidate in the democratic field. if elected you d be the youngest president ever. president trump is the oldest president ever elected president. you said it s time for a new generation in american leadership. does that inherently mean it s time for the older generation, say poli
i d like to see it funding more things that would help our cities become sustainable. and other developments that have to come along to establish exactly how we can meet those goals. but they re the right goals if you come at this from a generational perspect of. for me, the question of what the world is going to look like in 2054, which is when i m going to reach the current age of the current president, it s not a the retsical question, that s a personal question. and it s very clear that we can t go on like this. these weather extremes we re experiencing now are what we were warned about to expect in these years in the 70s and 80s by science. i shutter to think about the fact that, god willing, i ll be alive to see the consequences in the 20 fuf50s of the prediction being made now. you re saying young people don t see as much conflict between capitalism and concept of socialism as past generations have seen. president trump has been pretty clear he s going to try to use the idea