in 2054 when i am the current age of the current president, they re not somebody else s problem, they re personal. that was south bend mayor who is currently exploring a run for president in 20 dwent. he would be the youngest president in history as well as the first openly gay person to hold office. well, look at this environment, this wonderful swirl of fun you re wa you re walking into. we have everything going on right now. jeff baize saying he s been extorted, an affair. same old stuff l.a. confidential was about 100 years ago. why would you walk in to put yourself in a pedestal of being a candidate right now? blackmail, black face, there are a whole bunch of horrors going on. unfortunately this is what we see a lot of the time when we
part of what we re looking at is the idea that it s time for a new generation. if you re planning to be here for decades, just look at the world a little differently than some of what we ve heard from the president and others who seem to say, this isn t going to be my problem. look, pete buttigieg knows he has an uphill climb here but he s a rhodes scholar as well. he is someone who is going to have a voice in this conversation. i thought he made an interesting point. he said he would be donald trump s age in 2054. and that s how long it will take to be a paying back the tax plan. and he talks about climate change. so he definitely is talking to a generation of voters. there s always people in a crowded field like this who may be running for something else ultimately. vice president. but as of now he s in the conversation. one thing is interesting going back to kamala harris. iowa and new hampshire for all the talk about maybe they re not
nostalgia is not the formula for the middle of the country. i can t wait to share that with the rest of america. what does that mean? there could be new visions or new approaches that are good and new approaches that are bad. new doesn t necessarily mean good. what does that concretely mean, the newness or the sort of fresh eyes you bringing, being 37 and coming from where you re coming from? well, for one thing, i think you just look at issues differently. i m thinking a lot about 2054. that s the year when i ll be the current age of the current president. i think if you re making plans for what it s going to be like then you, have you a different sense of urgency around issues like climate change. if you know that your generation is going to be picking up the bill for reckless tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, you have a sense of urgency around getting our policies right when it comes to taxation. i know you ve run for state office, if i m not mistaken, state treasure
the well-being of the 100,000 residents in our city, the experience of being sent overseas on the orders of a president, experience that helps me understand how the decisions that are made in washington affect people at the level of everyday life. you know, at the end of the day, i have more years of government experience than the president of the united states. i have more executive experience than the vice president, and i have more military experience than the two of them put together. my experience, my perspective, and, again, that of a new generation with a different outlook from the industrial midwest, and a city that in my view proves that resentment and nostalgia is not the formula for the middle of the country. i can t wait to share that with the rest of america. what does that mean? there could be new visions or new approaches that are good and new approaches that are bad. new doesn t necessarily mean good. what does that concretely mean, the newness or the sort of fresh ey
harvard educated rhodes scholar as well as lieutenant in the navy reserve who previously served in combat in afghanistan. of historical note, buttigieg is the first openly lgbtq official to run for president. the generation distinction is one of his assets. the case here is simple, that it s time for a new generation of leadership in our country. i have served my city as a mayor. i ve served our country as a military officer, and now i m ready for a new way to serve the american people. i am thinking about what the world will look like when i reach the current age of the current president which is the year 2054, and if you re thinking about what you ll be doing in 2054 the world just looks a little bit different to you because you know that you re going to be picking up the pieces.