What does “protect the taxpayer” refer to? I served on the Budget committee and I can’t say I felt that Town Manager Audra Caler, was doing anything that we needed protection from. Possibly, during our pandemic budget 2020, confused instructions from various state and federal departments made things challenging, but in her defense, Camden did a good job handling a pandemic that was largely dismissed by various national leaders.
Every year, voters learn that the town cannot and will not fund every great idea that is proposed. The services that a town provides are pretty basic. Let’s review: Police, Fire and EMS, roads, sidewalks, snow removal etc., and daily tasks of cleanliness that promote public health and safety. Currently, Camden is committed to a long list of important projects. These projects represent good, valuable improvements to our region. My contribution will be to listen & ask questions.
WALDOBORO Voters from the Town of Waldoboro will cast ballots during the town’s annual town meeting June 8 on a series of warrant articles, including what to do with the property of the former A.D. Gray School. Below are a few highlights of the.
THOMASTON Voters in the Town of Thomaston will cast ballots for the town’s annual town meeting June 8 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters will decide on proposed ordinances, how the town should spend its monies, the RSU 13 school budget proposal and will.
On June 8, voters in Rockport will choose two of four candidates to serve a three-year term on the Rockport Select Board. Penobscot Bay Pilot has posed questions to each candidate, providing the opportunity for the public to better understand their position on issues important to the town and region. Here, Candidate John Strand discusses his
position on various topics
Please provide a biography of yourself and explain why you decided to seek a seat on the Select Board?
I grew up in Washington and Colorado, earning my B.A. at the University of Colorado. After college, I taught English to young professionals in South Korea, before serving as a U.S. Navy officer during the Global War on Terror.
First, voters will be tasked with elected a handful of municipal candidates.
Approving the adopted Hope Elementary School budget and an amendment to the town’s marijuana ordinance appears next on the ballot.
Lastly, voters will be charged with determining if a pair of sitting municipal officials should be recalled from their elected positions.
Public hearing for the June 8 election, which is part one of the annual town meeting, and public hearing for all articles on the June 22 town meeting warrant will be held Tuesday, May 18 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. For signup information, click
To request an absentee ballot, fill out