“In India’s unfolding political drama, all eyes are on Ayodhya, where the Prime Minister and the BJP are hosting a massive rally. On News X, they debated whether India has moved past Hindu-Muslim divides, especially with the BJP in power. They also asked if building the Ram Mandir has eased or worsened tensions. The experts discussed real experiences of Muslims, wondering if they’re getting fair access to government benefits. Major Dr. Mohd Ali Shah shared his hope for unity, while Shamshravish Rein criticized politicians for stirring fear. They all agreed that India’s future relies on bridging divides and celebrating diversity. As the nation heads towards elections, it’s crucial to remember the lessons of history and work towards a more inclusive society. Only then can India truly shine as a symbol of unity in a divided world.” - Newsx
New Delhi, Apr 30 (PTI) A Delhi court has formally framed charges, including that of attempt to murder, against former Congress councillor Ishrat Jahan, activist Khalid Saifi and 11 others in a 2020 northeast Delhi riots case, paving the way for a trial.
A senior police officer told The Indian Express that the Crime Branch has questioned over 200 police personnel and scanned a number of documents, including duty charts of the policemen deployed during the riots.
Delhi riots | Umar Khalid’s bail plea rejected : Rashtra News #Delhi #riots #Umar #Khalids #bail #plea #rejected A Delhi court on Thursday dismissed former JNU student leader Umar Khalid bail plea in connection with the Northeast Delhi riots UAPA larger conspiracy case.The order was passed by Additional Sessions Judge Amitabh Rawat after he deferred
The deceased, Faizan, was seen in a purported video lying injured on the ground as security personnel forced him to sing Vande Mataram and the national anthem during the Northeast Delhi riots.