Actor Shekhar Suman and former Congress leader Radhika Khera joined the saffron camp at the BJP s Delhi headquarters on Tuesday in the presence of party national general secretary Vinod Tawde and national media department in-charge Anil Baluni. Find out why they decided to join BJP.
Daltonganj: The Bishrampur assembly constituency is under scrutiny of CEO K Ravi Kumar as it recorded low voter turnout during the 2019 Lok Sabha elec.
Mamata Banerjee declared that she would not form an alliance with Congress for seat-sharing in West Bengal. The TMC versus Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury skirmish had been broiling for sometime, considering both parties have been rivals since Mamata Banerjee won the first state Assembly Elections.
Parth Pawar, the younger son of Ajit Pawar, is gaining attention in Maharashtra s Pawar family power struggle and is speculated to rise in prominence ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
Even though India witnessed a nearly six-fold increase in the total number of voters since 1951, almost one-third of them stayed away from exercising their franchise in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.