By Alexa Rodriguez
Mar 2, 2021
What began as a local celebration in Santa Rosa, Calif. has grown into an official acknowledgment of women’s contributions, otherwise known as Women’s History Month. Since 1987, the annual month-long celebration highlights American women who’ve made groundbreaking contributions as well as uplifts women to help get through various issues that exist today.
From Claudia Jones, journalist and scholar whose work centered, women gender and race, to activist Mary Tape, who won a landmark case against the San Francisco Board of Education, which guaranteed Chinese children the right to a public school education, the list of inspiration women who’ve paved the way for others goes on and on. While the accomplishments of these trailblazers can hardly be contained by a single month, we’ve highlighted eight ways you can honor Women’s History Month from home and continue to support the women of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
By Dana
Feb 26, 2021
This week s Houston Women podcast guest is Marissa Herrera of mommystylefile. We chat about her life as a Houston mom and influencer, making a career out of posting about fashion, beauty, and lifestyle on Instagram.
Marissa describes herself as follows:
Marissa | Houston Influencer
Houston mom of two, sharing fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. Mixing high and low end finds to make a signature, chic style
Follow Dana on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and check out her other Houston Women Podcast interviews! This episode is brought to you by Gallery Furniture Houston!
By Alexa Rodriguez
Feb 26, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is testing relationships in a way that most couples have never experienced as they juggle the stresses of being stuck at home, working and helping their children attend virtual classes. The pandemic has made it really hard because you are being so forced to be together in ways you aren t used to having depend on each other. It is definitely bringing out different characteristics that people might not be used to encountering in their partner, Valerie Goss, a marriage and family therapist in Los Altos, California, told TMRW.
Goss said she s received more messages over the past year from couples who want to start therapy, figure out how to be better partners and/or determine whether it s time to end their relationship. Before starting couples therapy, experts say there are five key things couples should know that will contribute to their success.
By Alexa Rodriguez
After scrolling through TikTok and seeing the devastation caused by last week’s winter storm,
ChrisWieland was compelled to do something. The posts of people’s ceilings falling in, houses being flooded and folks not having drinking water motivated him to action. So the Tennessee man used the platform to raise money and then drove supplies and donations down to Killeen, Texas.
Wieland asked his more than 98-thousand TikTok followers to contribute and they came through quickly. He raised $7-thousand and spent it buying supplies, necessities, food, personal hygiene items and even PVC pipes, so people could start fixing their water lines. He made the 12-hour car trip and met with local police and Killeen’s City Coordinator to set up at a community center and get the donations to those who needed them ASAP.