republican leaning district, but it s been amazing how many republican women have come up to me and talked about how, look, i could never personally have an abortion, but i ve never walked in another woman s shoes and wouldn t tell another woman how to live her life. what we re seeing is a division between those women and the elected republican leaders in the state and the candidates in the state. the republicans are the dog that caught the car on this issue. they literally have been preaching about this and talking about it in black and white terms. as soon as it happened, they realize politics doesn t make great policy. particularly, women understand there s a million reasons when you desperately want a child, you may not be able to carry it to term. 1931 ban does not speak to the realities that women go through. i m sure what you re hearing is what i m hearing. i come from a pro-life area. most people i grew up with consider themselves pro-life. so many of them checked out on the
america has become a deeply society. and when it comes to violence, i think that s a deal breaker for most americans. so, tom, though, let s be very clear this in germany and 1931. 1932. people aren t going around, tom, with wheelbarrows of cash to buy some bread. we have unemployment at record lows. we ve had record job growth over the past year and a half. we ve got family restaurants that are only half open because they can t get people to come work for them. you ve got service industry people, entrepreneurs, small business owners, all suffering economically because they could hire more people and people are just choosing not to work. so, i just got to say
kept a low profile on the campaign trail. her democratic opponent governor gretchen whitner not so much. the only reason michigan continues to be a pro-choice state is because of my lawsuit. reporter: even before roe v. wade was overturned whitner filed a lawsuit to prevent a 1931 michigan abortion ban from taking effect. the state supreme court now gets the chance to rule on whether an abortion rights measure that drew nearly 600,000 valid signatures will be on the ballot in november. the vast majority of people in this state support a woman being able to make her own decision, whether it s one they would do or not. reporter: it s a motivating issue for voters like emily and her mother rhonda who joined governor whitmer at a women s roundtable on wednesday. people are more so in the middle like my mom, they will be more so pushed to vote for people who are going to protect their reproductive rights. i could not have said that better myself. reporter: not everyone
tudor dixon has to say about abortion before i decide if that s who i m going to vote for. reporter: sore for of what voters hear about her abortion position is from democratic ads flooding the air waves. are you for the exemption of rape and incest? i am not. reporter: she s kept a low profile on the campaign trail. her democratic opponent, governor gretchen whitmer, not so much. the only reason michigan continues to be a pro-choice state is because of my veto and my lawsuits. reporter: even before roe v. wade was overturned, whitmer filed a lawsuit to prevent a 1931 michigan abortion ban from taking effect. the state supreme court now gets a chance to rule on whether an abortion rights measure that drew nearly 600,000 valid signatures will be on the ballot in november. the vast majority of people in the state support a woman being able to make her own
will vote for. reporter: so far most of what voters hear about her abortion position is from democratic ads. that are flooding the air cavs. she s told us exactly who she is. are you for the exemptions for rape and incest? i am not. reporter: since winning the republican primary august 2nd, dixon s kept a low profile on the campaign trail. her democratic opponent, governor gretchen whitmer not so much. the only reason michigan continues to be a pro-choice state is because of my veto and my lawsuit. reporter: even before roe v. wade was overturned whitmer filed a lawsuit to prevent a 1931 michigan abortion ban from taking effect. the state supreme court gets to rule on whether an abortion rights measure that drew nearly 600,000 valid signatures will be on the ballot in november. the vast majority of the people in the state support a woman to be able to make her own decision. whether it s one they would do or not. reporter: it s a motivating