A 7-year-old girl in Ludhiana was seriously injured when an elephant lost its cool and threw her down. The incident occurred in the Guru Har Sahai Nagar area. The girl, named Preeti, was rushed to Christian Medical College and Hospital for treatment. The police are investigating the case and awaiting statements from the victim and her relatives. The condition of the injured girl is now stable.
Police in Navi Mumbai have busted a flesh trade racket allegedly run by a 17-year-old girl at a hotel. Four women, hailing from Nepal and Bihar, were rescued. The accused girl, a fashion design student, would trap people on dating apps and offer them sexual services for a fee. She has been sent to a Juvenile correctional home. A case has been registered against her under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act-1956. | Mumbai news