andrea, but what s dragging things down is the unemployment problem, is the housing crisis. you know, a job is so essential. with a job, one, in many cases, has health care. with a job, one can afford a dwelling, whether to rent or to own. and the economic situation that the country faces, we think that the nation must keep its focus on jobs, jobs, and jobs. and our report says that our public opinion polling says that, and we think that s how people feel across the board. when you look at unemployment and the monthly figures are going to come out tomorrow, whether it inches up or down, it was 8.9%, but i can guarantee you, and you know this better than i, having studied all the data, that black unemployment will be higher. it s been an average of 15.3%, among teens, 30% compared to white teenagers. that is disabling for young
but guess what, finally when all of this inventory comes out on to the market, these foreclosed homes, because the banks can t hold them any longer on their books, then you see neither leg down. it s almost like when you go in the refrigerator and didn t check the date and scrape off the top because it s funky, thinking the other part will be better and it s not. martha: looking at other comparisons, atlanta and phoenix, that area got hit hard, but atlanta, you know, thriving met rop lis of atlanta is down 15.3%. this is a classic case of that second leg down, and what people are looking at now is that this is not over remember the big runup in 2005- 06, the peak of the housing market, we saw that runup hit 80 percent, so prices were up 80 percent. the worst hit regions, we ve pulled back 30 percent. does that mean we have another 50 percent to go? martha: hope not. not necessarily, but there is more to flush out
here is a live picture of the streets of new york this morning, where if you re getting ready to get up and out, it is going to be a difficult commute. officially, i guess this is is 3:00 a.m. said they had 15.3 inches of snow in central park this morning. so very rare for this time of year. i think they re breaking records all over the place for the month of january. new york, 30 degrees going up to a high of 35. looks like the snow is tapering off. that s good news. this is the bad news, though. the commute is snarled for sure. this is a look at i-95 this morning, coming from the north to the south, trying to get into the city. a lot of these big rigs ended up getting stalled or stuck, in some cases even jackknifing and it just made for a mess. many stretches of i-95. this is northbound, actually shut down today. a quick update today, the faa
one of our producers is in brooklyn driving around today. if you didn t get your car off the road, you re probably going to be in for it today because some of these cars are literally buried along the sides of the street because of all plowing that is going on. we got another 15.3 inches. i think that is probably going to go up in central park breaking the record for january and chewing through our entire snow budget for the season here in new york city. so what a mess. all right. the boston highlight pick we have as well this morning? a mess there as well. so many places. so much snow. rob marciano, the stuff is piled up now. is it going to be melting any time soon? you know, i m thinking may, april, yeah, we should get a good strong melt going with this one. very nice. it s going to be slightly above freezing today so that will help a little bit. not horribly cold. here are the latest numbers. check this out. central park now coming in at 19 inches. a foot and a half in cen
it s the heavy and wet snow. sleet and freezing rain mixed in at times. it makes it more difficult to shovel and certainly makes it more difficult to plow and drive through. boston and providence, and the cape now still seeing significant snow. and it will continue to accumulate over the next 12 hours, 8 to 12 inches, possibly in some cases, will be the final accumulations in some spots as it has been across much of the i-95 corridor. fairly uniform numbers when you look at the grand scheme of things. central park has seen 15.3 inches of snow. when you factor in what we ve had for january, that s a record. 14.9 in philadelphia. newark s seen 14.2. wilmington and new cannan coming in with 14 inches of snow. newark and new york, they re closed until further notice. boston and d.c. digging out right now. continuing snow across parts of