[horns hononking] [dog bararks] [bababy crying s softly] [dog b barks] [horns hononking] [bell didinging] [u[upbeat rockck music] boboth i i took a Wawalk Throrough This Beautififul World Felt The E cool rainn on My Y Shoulder found somomething gooood Inin This Beautififul world i f felt the rarain Getttting Colderer l la, la s sha la, la,a, la, la sha la, l la, la, laa sha la,a, la, la sha l la, la, la,a, la shaha la, la, l la, la, laa [dramamatic music]c] do youou smell thahat . [mototorcycle enengine rumblb] momotorbike exexhaust, fish sauauce, incensnse. The e Faraway Smsmell Ofof Somethingng is that t Pork Grilllling Ovover Charcoaoal . Vietnam, i it could bebe no p place else. E. [bell didings] [vietntnamese folklk music] [m[man sings i in native l la] liststen to me. Listenen to me. There is n no other waway to s see this cicity, hano, than f from a mototorbike or a scoototer. To do Ototherwise Wowould E to miss itit all. [horns hononking] [horns h honking] whoa [horn honknks] i
Ow man l little richc, itits now 16 6 yes sincnce you hadd your f first hits. Oh, yes. Do youou realize t th well, you must r realize that at Yoyour Performrmances now there e are peoplele who wet even a alive when n you first t . Yes,s, but i i have woke e them up n. Everybybody that w wasnt alive whenen i starteded and was g , i Hahave Broughtht The Spiririt and d put it on n them. Werere you alwayays so . No, im m not. A lot ofof people say im m shy, bubut i let itit all hang g , everery bit. The lolove, ththe gentleneness, the tetenderness, the kindndness, yoyou aint susupposed toto hide themem. You got t it. God gagave it. Shshow it to t the world. Announuncer ladieies and gentn, if you wilill, a man whoos become a a leged in his ownwn time, Little Ricichard [ cheersrs and applalause ] gooood golly, m miss molly s sure like t to ball that m music, thatat beat, his voice. E. The oooh my gogod, who is s that . Who is t that . Cant heaear your mamama cal good gogolly, miss s molly id
[horns hononking] [dog bararks] [bababy crying s softly] [dog b barks] [horns hononking] [bell didinging] [u[upbeat rockck music] boboth: i i took a wawalk throrough this beautififul world felt the e cool rainn on my y shoulder found somomething gooood inin this beautififul world i f felt the rarain getttting colderer - l la, la - s sha la, la,a, la, la sha la, l la, la, laa - sha la,a, la, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la shaha la, la, l la, la, laa [dramamatic music]c] - do youou smell thahat? [mototorcycle enengine rumblb] momotorbike exexhaust, fish sauauce, incensnse. the e faraway smsmell ofof somethingng is that t pork grilllling ovover charcoaoal? vietnam, i it could bebe no p place else.e. [bell didings] [vietntnamese folklk music] [m[man sings i in native l la] liststen to me.. listenen to me. there is n no other waway to s see this cicity, hano, than f from a mototorbike or a scoototer. to do ototherwise wowould e to miss it