Ow man l little richc, itits now 16 6 yes sincnce you hadd your f first hits. Oh, yes. Do youou realize t th well, you must r realize that at Yoyour Performrmances now there e are peoplele who wet even a alive when n you first t . Yes,s, but i i have woke e them up n. Everybybody that w wasnt alive whenen i starteded and was g , i Hahave Broughtht The Spiririt and d put it on n them. Werere you alwayays so . No, im m not. A lot ofof people say im m shy, bubut i let itit all hang g , everery bit. The lolove, ththe gentleneness, the tetenderness, the kindndness, yoyou aint susupposed toto hide themem. You got t it. God gagave it. Shshow it to t the world. Announuncer ladieies and gentn, if you wilill, a man whoos become a a leged in his ownwn time, Little Ricichard [ cheersrs and applalause ] gooood golly, m miss molly s sure like t to ball that m music, thatat beat, his voice. E. The oooh my gogod, who is s that . Who is t that . Cant heaear your mamama cal good gogolly, miss s molly id nevever seen anyny of it be. G good golly,y, miss Molll Jagggger just, like, tataking your r clothes ofo. S sure like t to ball if thereres a pianono, get on. He was e everything. G. He spit onon every Rulule Therere was in m music. King he c created thehe temple for ththe rocknnroll ico. Porterer sorry, y yall. It wasasnt elvis. S. Jones s he was lilike a memeteor arriviving. Woman a a comet. Man n a quasar. R. King hihis dna is e everywhe. Its like,e, how do yoyou refefer to the a air . How do youou refer to o the s . Little ricichard im the ememancipator. R. Iim the archchitect. Iim the one e that startrted. Lelet it all h hang out Wiwith The BeaeautifulLittle Ricichard frfrom down in maconon, georgia. A. I wantnt you all t to know that i am m the bronzeze liber. Shut up. P. Man typicically we spspeak ofof legacy inin the laudadat. The legagacy of Littttle Richd is comomplex. Pleasese, please. Id rathther do it m myself. Wawatching hisis Interviewes Overer the decadades, yoyou can seee the varirious differerent versi. Im nonot conceiteted. [ auaudience shohouts indiststi] im convnvinced. Yoyou could sesee Him Crafting H his legacy,y, presentingng His Storyry Over D over a again in didifferent wa. I i was gay alall my life. E. I believeve i was onone of the f first gay y people to o come out. But Gogod Let Me K know that h e adam to bebe with eve,e, not s. Man whahat was his s life tht he expxperienced s such deligh. Hes comiming, hes c comin man n . And susuch terrorr at thehe same timeme . Lilittle richahard you knknow, i wiwill get up p off an orgrgy and go p pick up my y bible. Newman itits almost t like hahaving a splplit personanal. Kingng hes toooo much. Hess too much h for everyoy. Glenn people want it to be a thing. Richard really didnt have a thing. As the p progeny, we must t Understandnd What K Kind of spipirit he ws and how ththis thing tore Himim Asunder S sometime. Whwhoo king he opened d up a way. The Openining Thatat says somemething like, we e can get toto this plac, but i mamay not get there e with you. [ Bebell Clangining ] Lilittle Richahard im from a litittle countrtry t. [ train n horn blowsws ] macocon, georgiaia. Everybody was wondering what was i, whwho was i, and wherere was i gogoing . But i knewew all the t time. I wantnted to be a a star. [ Singining Indistininctly ] whwhen i was a a little bob, there e wasnt anyny rock n . Save e my soul you knknow, everybybody, you k, thatat was that t old thing. And d i thought t that was t tht thing i i ever heardrd in my l. My motother would d be in the Backyayard Washingng our clots onon what you u call a a rub board. D. There e was a lot t of blues. Walklking down t the streets, you would d see black k singes playing g the guitarar. S see my womaman, tellll her hurryry home aint h had no lovivin sincnce she beenen gone got to o step it upup and g y yeah, yeah h Little Ricichard my mother r had 12 chihildre. We had t to Sleep Onon Palles on the f floor. And mymy mother hahad to Cocook Beans E every day. We c couldnt geget enough. You knknow, causese its 12 k. You u know, a bibig old pott of ricice and collllard green. My mother r was so she was s so sweet t to me. My granddadaddy had a a old pi, but i i couldnt p play. I i just hit e every key, and evererybodyd bebe about t to say, ooh he wasas always babanging on the Piaiano Every Timeme you see h him. We would a always Sneaeak Down E and be l looking inn the kikitchen windndow. Littttle richardrd everybododyd to help p me to playay, Bubut I Just D didnt knoww how Toto Memorize E those key. I used t to Hang Outut With H his brotherers, ththe younger r ones, and sisterers. Hihis daddy, charles bbud pennimiman, was Vevery Strict T on him, very strtrict. He w was a Minisister Whwho owned a a small Nighghtb Anand had a Bobootleg Housue At T the same titime. Yeah jackckson Maconon Is Knownn for itits churcheses. Its thehe conservatative reliligious townwn. Sundayays, his s mother wouould get himip and hed a attend the E Baptit Church W with her atat new ho. Collier if you u sat inin the baptitist church, you donnt move at t all. Jackson n and thenn it wouldld be time f for him toto go to thehe a. M. E. Chchh wiwith this fafather. Cocollier you sit inin the holy y rolle, you donnt sit downwn at ya. Lord,d, lord, lorord, lord Littttle Richardrd all the e cn would go t to this chuhurch. Oh, jesusus must hahave been jejesus oh Lilittle RichahardI Woulud Get T there, andnd i would s. But they w wouldnt lelet me sising that mumuch ccause i wououldnt stopo. And d then peoplple started d hg Little T Turns And Thinings In My V voice anand started d requestingng. People usesed to come e to me whwhen i was a a little boby for me to o pray for t them, anand my motheher used to o y ththat youre e crazy. Robinsonon i will s say this a hundrered thousandnd times, the south h is the homome of a all things s queer, of thehe differentnt, of t the nonnorormative, of thehe other sidide, of thehe gothic, o of the groto. Note that t queernesss is notot just abouout sexuali, bubut about a a presence i in ae that i is differenent from w what we reqequire or exe, Difffferent Fromom the norm. Littlele richard and, you k, baback in thatat day, yoyou have sununday clotheh. Soso i would t take my m mothers susunday pins, her r little brorooches and thingsgs, and put t them on mymy monday jt and my t tuesday shihirt. I worere my motherers curtai, the shsheets, put on somome makeup o on my f. My d daddyd likike to kill l. They calalled him a a sissy, a punk, a a faggot. Jackson n when he c came to tn and whitites were exexposed to , it w was kind ofof a shock. I a am tired Littlele Richard My Dad Didt Lilike my actitions and mymy. I wawas born defeformed from a chihild. One of m my legs wasas long, Anand One Of T thems smala. And thisis is my lonong arm, and this i is my shortrt arm. From i he e itit was just. T. I never r could do n nothing g. He t told me toto get out o of the housu, that he e didnt he didnnt want me e there no , ththat he hateted me. He s says that, i wananted seven n boys, anand you are e messing itit becacause i was s gay, hehe put me ouout. Porter i i can only i imagin. Ive Livived ThroughghMy Verersions Of T that. Its debebilitating. G. Its s soul crushihing. And itit can be dedeadly. [ Enginene Starts ]] collier r ann and h her Husbd Actualally took ririchard in, let him ststay upstairirs. A whwhite club i in my hometeton calleded anns ticic toc. Jackckson you k know, what t wd think ofof as a gayay club. It was kinind of like e a speak. You had toto know wherere to o and how w to get in. N. I used to o play therere, and i was singining blues, and i was singnging gospelel. All in n my room m music everyrywhere My Favavorite Singnger was Sisister Rosetetta Tharpe. E. Thisis black womoman could p pl. The momother of rorock n ro. Ththere is no o other mothth. Sistster rosetta t Tharpe Shshifted A Lolot Of What W We Thought T was possie for Blblack Soundd Outside E of the chuhurch. Everywhwhere that i i go eveverywhere ththat i be robinsnson the pupurpose is t m on the piaiano or on t the guir until yoyou get to the mountataintop, until yoyou reach the ecststatic spacece. When the s spirit comemes. Sining in the m morning, sing in n the evenining sing in t the middlee of Thehe Day Robinsnson . Thahat is the r anand the rollllin. Jesus i is mine [ chcheers and a applause ]] littlele richard one nigh, Sisister Rosetetta Tharpe came through. Stewarart the Macacon City Auditoririum is a Vevenue Thatat many Peopople Playedd in the h height of t their care. Richchard workeded there as a teenanager. Lilittle richahard anand i went b backstage. And i Wawas Singingg a Sistster Rosettata Tharpe Sg called ststrange thinings happg everery day. And d sister thaharpe said, i havave a littlele boy, and he s said he Couould Beatat me singining. And shshe brought t me out the. Mymy mother sasaid, go onon, j jesus is ththe holy Lifi Tururning Darknkness into l l There Arere Strange T thins happening g every day y na,a, na, na, n na, mm, mm and everyry day Little R Richard ththats the t timeme i ever wawas onstage. And i i was up Thehere Justst Screamingng and singig. Evevery day t there are s Strange Thihingd theyre e happening g every Da Littttle Richardrd thatat was the g Greatest ThtgEvever Happenened to me. And so i h had to get out ofof macon. Plus, i i was ready y to shin. Little ricichard I Wawas Workg in atltlanta, geororgia, at the r royal peacocock, and d i met a sisinger nanamed billy y wright. He w wore green n suits and green n and gold s shoes. Iid never Seseen A Man Dressed D like that. T. Y yes, i rememember a all the Thihings Ththat we useded to do Littttle Richardrd i idololized him. It wasnnt his Voicice Thatat got me. I i liked the e way he loooo. Billy wrigight. He had t the high popompadou. Ththe pancake e makeup. Anthonony the masascara and the littttle pencil l mustach. He was also openly gay. Little r richard i i had alrey stararted wearining the hair, but t when i sawaw him, i ststd sweeping i it back on n the si. Anthony and then billy helped richard get his first record deal. Little richard they recorded me in t the Lobby O Of The E radio statation. Wasnsnt no stududio. T taxi, taxi,i, take me a any it wasas popular i in macon and in atltlanta. Taxi, taxaxi. Kingng richard d becomes more famamous in macacon, anand his Fathther Startss Playining these sosongs around thehe clock at t the cl. Richard saidid for the E First Timeme in his l, his father was proud of him. And bud penniman actually welcomes richard back into the famimily home. One night, i would sit there all night and watch people get off the bus, you know . You know, you understand. And he got off. I said, oh, boy. He said, i play piano. I saidid, i sing. G. So we gogot together. King he h had a flambmboyan, wildchildld style. Hehe would statand up while playing piano. O. Hadley esesquerita, who is a also queer,r, taught him how to play piano. Hes a harard guy to get alolong with, but he tauaught me hohow to play. Y. Thank k you, esqueuerita, wherever y you are. Rorobinson i i think whenen pe Talk Aboutut Billy Wriright or e esqueritass influence, theyeyre like, oh,h, well, Litittle Richard Justst stole Hisis Whole Swaw i think ththats not e exacty whats happening. It i is another case of witnes. They are kind of like the mirrors that come into your life to show you who you really are. Sounds so sad. Isnt that sad . Whoowhee, it make y you cry. That w was my daddddys fafavorite sonong. Itit was calleled chain o of king richard told his father he could help take care of the famamily financially, but he didnt have a way to get around. So he told me he was gonna help me get a car. Bubut he died d that fridaday. Whenen i came frfrom the clu, he w was dead. Richardds best fririend shshot him. In order to help support his family, hes a dishwasher at a Greyhound Bus station. I i was makingng 15 a weeeek, and cocouldnt eatat in Thehe Restauranant where i i was fixingng the stuf. They woululdnt let y you ea . No, youou couldnt t eat the. You u couldnt g go to thehe bathroom m either. I loved my mother so much, and i was determined to be something, to make something out of myself to help her. Hadley hes stillll workig the toururing circuiuits. And hess part of g groups tt are toururing all ovover the so. Loving this pay bump in our allowance. Wonder where mom and dad got the extra money . Maybe they won the lottery . Maybe they inherited a fortune . Maybe buried treasure . Maybe it fell off a truck . Maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. Now i can buy that Electric Scooter im starting a Privateequity Fund that specializes in midcap. You do you. Visit xfinitymobile. Com today. Hey, hey,y, hey hey, hey price i was in a augusta, gegeorgi, and Ririchard Cameme over withl thisis makeup anand this lououd. Id never r seen ananybody likeke richard. He hadad run into o lloyd pri, a a Big Hit Rerecord Withh lawdydy miss clawawdy. Feelels so good d today price i i had this s white and red cacadillac. He saiaid, i wantnt a car jujust like ththat. I wawant to get t out of geoeo. You got toto help me. And he sayays, make a a demo anand send it t to art rupue at s specialty r records. Of c course, thehe rest of it is h history. [ applauause ] Littttle Richardrd ah, ladis and d gentlemen,n, good evene. Baby dont youou Wish Yourur Man Hahad long haiair like minin yeah verara art rupepe and his a a , bumps blackwell,l, listened to Little Richardss demo. Didnt think much of him. But riRichard Was SConstanty Pesterering the sesecretarie, and the E Persistencnce paid o. Rupepe said, okokay. Memeet him dowown in new o orl. Hess playing d down there. Do a sesession atat cosimos s with him. Blblackwell The Backck Of A Furnrniture Ste On Rampartrt Street thats w where we wewere record. Tyleler very smsmall place. E. Itit looked lilike a hohotdog stanand. Man when you first saw and heard Little R Richard, what werere your impressionons of him . . Wow. W. Wow. I was s beautiful. L. And they w wasnt useded to bebeing aroundnd no young, goododlooking g guy like me. Iim not concnceited, eitit. Little ricichard came e in flittyty, running,g, and he w was very well, hehe was very y beautif. Littttle richardrd when i wene, they w wanted Me T To Sound Le Ray Y charles anand b. B. Kin. Im all a alone alone in n this worldld i im all alolone they w wouldnt lelet Me Sing Like L little richchard. Theyey had Me Imitating G these peopople. Bubut blues wawas not what i reaeally felt. I wawanted to sosound differe. Me and thehe young kidids, we s tired d of all thahat slow mus. Blackwelell i just t stopped the Sessssion Becaususe We Just T were not getting g anywhere. Soso they takeke a lunch b br, Anand They Go O over toto the dew d drop inn. All l of the boosters, rounder, pimps, whores was hanging around, and there was a piano. And that w was when i i began toto know and d understandnd ri. Little ricichard theyey didntw thatat i played d piano. So i startrted singingng Tuttiti Frutti loud a as i can. A awopbopaaloomop agood h hot damn t tutti frutttti, good bobo tutti f frutti, gooood boot tututti frutti,i, good boot Tuttiti Frutti, g good boot if itit dont fitit, dont t force it you can g grease it, make i it easy kingng but the e lyrics to o i frutti arare about ananal se. Ththats what t theyre abab. Ththeyre abouout penetratat. Vera bumpmps ears prprick u, and he s says that soununds like it couldld be a hit. T. Tututti frutti i but t the lyricscs were too o lo ever get a Air Play Onon the ra. So he Spspots Doroththy Acrossss the room. M. Dorothy sasays, you thinknk you Couldld Cleanp this l lyric . Man pretttty Nasty Lylyric . Yes,s, nasty. Nasty, nasasty. Dorothy sasaid they wawas dir, and theyey wasnt ththat dirty doroththy, they w was not thahat dirty they werere just as s clean as you werere. They say i i needed heher, so i accepteded the fact t that id causese i didnt t know ththe record b business. Vera so they gogo back for the sesession in t the afterno. Put ririchard on t the piano. Knew r right off t thet it was Dififferent Whehen he s, wwop bop a l lop a lop bom m bom. I said What The E Hell Is Tht and ththey did a c couple of t , and hehe sends itt back t to rupe. And rurupe said yyeah, thisis is differerent, man. Wasnt n Nothing Outut like i. And i wawas scared because dididnt nobodody sound d like that. T. I said, mman, Theyey Gonna Lauaugh at me. Put it outut, and it boo. Wop bopop a loo bopop a Lop Bobom Bom tutti frurutti, Oh Rorootie T tutti frutttti, oh rootot tutti f frutti, oh h rootie tutti f frutti, oh h rootie tututti frutti,i, oh rootie a Wop Bopop A Loo bopop a lop p ba ba one nighght, i was s sitting atat the housese in macon,n, ge, my m mama and ththem. Wlac from m nashville,e, tennes. Genene noble. He said,d, we got a a new recd by a g guy called d little rici, and d its takenen this counuy byby storm. Hehe said, itits the Mosot Reququested Recocord We Everer i saidid, ma, thahats me. Ththey didnt t know i i was littlele richard. [ laugughs ] i sasaid thatss me, ma. I said, im a statar. She s, shuhut your mououth, boy. I said, iim a star. R. A a wop bop a a loo bop a lop baba ba This B Black Musicic was so ini. It wasas so full o of power and rhytythm. Itit was so fufull of a fefery anand having f fun. Oh,h, Tutti Frurutti Kingng sort of f like the b bi, a shotot out of a a cannon. So explolosive. Its so feferocious. Tutti frurutti kingng it just t sounds like nothihing else. A a wop bop a a loo Bop A Lop Bam M Boom PorterLittle Ricichards mc is s so infectioious. Infufused with s so much joy. King alall of thiss postwawar aching, yearning, Teenagage Horninesess and dese to b be eroticalally free. Put it intnto a musicacal fom ththat people e could feele. Oohwheeee when i camame out with tutttti frutti, It Wasas Considerered race muc onlyly played onon black stata. Black recocords was Plplayed Fofor Black Pepeople only. Ththere is mususic, and thtn thereres black k music. Whenen black peoeople make m m, itits Pejoratatively Chararactd Anand Classifified as racece m. Blblack recordrds wasnsnt gettingng pd onon White Statatis Eveven at thatat pe. Yeahah, but you u know what, the kikids found i it. Wewere going g to Hit Youou Wie Of T the top Vococal Groupss in thehe nation. Kiking part o of that chahae hahas to do wiwith ththe rise of f independenent d, of traransistor raradios, which are e in cars. And soso you have e White Kis Driving G in cars with new t transistor r radio, lilistening toto deejays who are e playing blblack mus, whicich had preveviously been a kikind of undederground mum, especiallyly r b. Ththis is alanan freed, kiki, Rolling Riright along,g, and theyeyre Reallyly Rocki and rollllin tonighght. Hahadley peopople like alaland would gogo on to Popopularize He D didnt invevent, Bubut Popularirize the term R Rock N Roroll. Wateters all Whwhite Kids In Baltitimore Grew WUp Listenening to the three e black statations, webb, wsidid, and wwinin. Even Racacists Listetened and Ld Alall Black Mumusic inin teenage b baltimore. Wewe havent a always had d tee, strarange as it t sounds. The concept of thehe teenagerr reallyly didnt exexist, per , in the w way that wewe know it. Ththis music i is teens. Ththeres a frfreedom being a teteenager. You shshould expereriment. You u should be e different. And then y youre Supppposed To G grow up andnd get backk ininto the norormative boxo. But littlele richard i is the n fofor that nexext generatitn of t teens whoss like, oh, werere not gettiting in t the box. A wop b bop a loo b bop a Lop P Bam Boom King byby now, Recocord Labes are lolooking to s sign artiss who o can speak k to this Undergrounund Black Mumusic that is bebecoming Popopular Withth white kidids. Littttle richardrd They Dididnt Ththat Black i image overer their kidids. Theyey didnt wawant the Whihits Looking G Up at thihis big old d greasy Blaly Sisinging and d screamingg and bebeaming and d steaming. They s said, no, no, no. Wop b bop a loo b bop a lolop bom bom,m, i got a g gal named d daisy Littttle Richardrd and so what thehey did was s they sa, weere gonna p put the whwhite butts s on it. She almlmost driveses me cra a w wop bop a l loo bop a a lop bam boboom when elvlvis couldnnt stop , they p put pat boooone on me. I got a a gal nameded sue s she knows j just what t to i i got a galal named sueu Wop Bopop A Loo p a lop p bam bom itits hard to keep a a straight f face when i t talk aboutt the papat boone cocovers. I i mean, itss no contesest , no matter r what race you are. Hadleyey thisis was a comommon practit, and it s says someththing Profd Abouout Americanan Culture that i thihink is stilill tru, That Blackck Music is the welellspring of amerirican populalar musi. But at t the same titime, Thesee Indudustries Andnd Societies that v very often n do not value blacack creatorsrs. Wop bop a a loo Bop A Lop Bam MBoom Hahadley or w want ththe blacknesess toned dodo. I was s very disgugusted, becae i wawas Just Comoming on thehe , and all l the white e girls wewere screamiming over mem, anand the syststem didnt t li. I was not t Supposed T To Be The E Hero For t their kids. I was gegetting a hahalf a cet a recocord, which h was very l. King therere was lotsts of Shenenanigans Atat that time with royalty payments. Little richard i didnt even understand the contract. All i wanted to see was Little Richard. When i s saw that, i i , i got a c contrac i dididnt even nd ththe other papa. Thats my Y House Righght Thern The Leleft where i i used to l. Thatats the firirst House I Everer bought, rigight ther. Specialtlty recordss gave m me an advanance. I moved mymy mother and my b brothers anand sistes to r riverside, california. It was a joy to o give ththem Somethihing Ththat i never had beforore. Thatss where i m met richar. He looked at me, and he said, oh, were gonna terrorize. [ [ laughs ] he camame to my shshow. I cacame out in n a big cape, and i would drop the cape to the floor. I was shaped a certain way. And they had never seen it before. He said, oh, if i knew you would turn out like that, me a and you wouould have kicket a long t time ago. [ laugughs ] vera Richard Was S back inin new orleaeans for a recocording sessssion. And he insisted upon using his road band instead of these creme de la creme musicians in new orleans. W well, long, tall salllly, shes s built for r speed she g got Everyththing Thatat uncle johohn need, ohoh, i i saw unclele john wiwith long, T Tall Sally Y he saw auaunt mary cocomin ad he ducked d back in ththe alley o oh, baby, y ye we upped t the tempo, and wewe got the w words goingng st ththat pat boooone couldnnt t his Mouth H Together T to do. Littttle richardrd He Couldlt Geget that rhyhythm right. Nobobody can. [ laughghs ] vera Long Tall S Sally became an n even biggeger hi. And d it actualllly became a gold r record. Sosold a millilion copies. Welell, i sawaw Uncle John Withth baldheadad sally he saw auaunt mary cocomin d he duckeked back in n the alle o oh, baby yes, bababy ooh king Lilittle Richahard has an Incredidible Stringng of hi. Little ricichard tututti frut gooood golly, m miss molly, long tallll sally, slippin and slidinin, jennyny, jenny, rip it u reaeady teddy. Lucucille wont youou do yoyour sisterrs will lucucille wont y you do your sisteters will y you ran offff and marrird but t i love youou still the e First Songngs that yououe that your r parents hahate is the Begeginning OfofThe Soundndtrack Of Y your. Anand in my case, it wasas most d definitely y lucille i a asked My Frfriends Abouor Bubut all Theieir Lips Werere t lucille Littttle Richardrd gave me t thl to rebelel really, r really ea. I defifinitely Stotole Someme little ririchard recoc. I cacant remembmber which, because e i stole lolots of rec. Little ricichard i reremembr when i plalayed my firirst da, they had m me on This S Tour Calllled the topop ten show. Ruth brorown, fats d domino, lavern bakaker. But i was s at the botottom as a an added atattraction. And Whenen The Tour r was ove, i wawas the one e headlining. Vera nobody could follow him, so h he had to c close the s s Eveverywhere H he played. Lilittle richahard eveverybody wawas afraid o oe because i i was unprededictab. Theyey didnt knknow what i was going to do. Id go up in the balcony of the auditorium and i would hide, and when they said Little Richard, i would jump out the back, and the promoter would be, oh,h, lord. And evererybodyd bebe hollerg and scscreaming. Im a little anxious, im a little excited. Im gonna be emotional, shes gonna be emotional, but its gonna be so worth it. I love that i can give back to one of our customers. I hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. Oh my goodness. Oh, you guys. I know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. You have made an impact. So have you. For you guys to be out here doing Something Like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity. Reaeady, set, g go, man, go i got a g gal that i i love reremember, inin the 1950s0, thereres legal l segregatio. Blblack kids a are not ablbe to l listen to m music in t the same Spspaces Asas white kidids. Blacack and whitite musicianans wererent allowewed to p play togethther. True. Little r richard Ththe White Pe Starart Leaping G over the b ba, anand they gotot down wiwith the blalacks. My mususic broke d down the was of s segregationon. Vera theres sosomething about thisis music ththat made blblack and whwhits want to o be togetheher. Here youou came on b black. Yes. And g gay. Yeyes. And talenented. Yeyeah. Andnd loud. But the e one thing g they wre about t you when y you came on, yoyou were absbsolutely 10100 sure o of yourselflf. Where e did your c confidencee come frorom . Well, see, itit wasnt jujust a gay t. What i it was is t to be blk and toto work for r white gir, i hahad to look k that. If i didnnt wear makp and d look effememi, i couldntt work the white e clubs. Theyey wouldnt t lee with the w white gir. You wewerent a ththreat. Yes. I w wore it a. From wahwwah to whoooowho, i i had it allll on. Evenen sometimeses boo. Thahats old ririch. Aint noththing to h. Ainnt a thing g to intutuitively, i it doesntt really q quite make e sense ththat the wayay that you u w, like, makeke yourself f more se in ameririca of thatat era is by exagaggerating your queueerness, riright . I i said, ricichard, arent youou afraid ofof people Ththinking Ththat youre e different . T and d he said, no. I dont giveve a Damn Whwhat They ThthI Know T The Evil Fefeeling that you f feel when y you sint anand the beatat. Maman that twtwobeat patatn isis the musicic brought t o the e United Statates of amema by Thehe Communistst Conspiray to corrupt teeeenagers. A meanans by whichch the Whwhite Man Anand His Chiln Can N Be Drivenn to thehe level witith a negr. Itit is obviouously negro o m. Tthat black k boy gonna a coo Town Sininging that t black muc Anand Gonna Run our chchildren crarazy. Id be a afraid for r a white l to l look at me. E. This is a a radical, r radical. This is s the same m moment asas emmett titill. Lilittle richahard Bunch Hf Whitite guys wilill follow Yu Anand Hang Youou in a treee. Nynyongo so o whats Revevoluy About T this Blackck Exuberane Isis this capapacity to own the right to be in t the world that gets s emmett tilill murde. Hendryx i remember doing shows where people would throw things at us onstage. You Wewere Drivingng a lot at tt from one t town to thehe nex, and you u wanted to o stop for , but yoyou were notot welcome. Bebeing Run Ouout Of Restauras at gunpoint because e you walkeded in the e wrong dooror. Nyongo y you could g get thrn in jaiail for haviving long ha. It happened to Little Richard in texas. King richard was arrested many times. Little richard i had police take me off stage in augusta, georgia, a few miles from my hometown, and beat me with blackjacks. They said, youre singing nigger music to white kids. Portrter in thehe face of insurmouountable chahallenge, Sometitimes Simplyly existing is a revevolutionaryry act. We built a hell of f a highway. Y. And peopople are Stitl Drivining on it. Thats rigight. And d they aintt paying nono. No. [ lalaughs ] whoho thisis is beforere the height of t the Civil R Rights Movevt Inin the 1960s0s. Theyey are Concecerned Ththat the oldld order of f th, the Relatitionships Bebetween Black and d white teenenager, is going t to become s somethg that they y can no lononger con. I if she walklks by, the e mes get engrgrossed waters i used to o go see all the rorock n rololl movi. Thehe girl cannt help it was the e very firstst time i acactually sawaw him live, singing. G. Readydy, set, go,o, man, go ive got a gal thatat i love soso imm ready ready, ready, tededdy, iim ready itit made the e music even a Thohousand Timemes Bebetter than n It Alreadydys for r me. He w was gay, bubut i didnt reallyly know thatat then. I knew s something w was differ. He just bebecame partt of my ididentity. And littlele richardss mustae i wearar to this d day for ovover 50 yearars in a a twisted t tribute to o. And d so the gigirl cant h he spread thehe word of R Rock N Roroll to placacet it hadnnt quite gogotten to. Jones s the film m came to brb. Anand it was s so differenentm anything t that i hearard or s. He was g giving me m more Confie Thatat thats whwhat i wanteted. Becacause of ththe rock nn roll filml, Lilittle RichahardBecamee One Ofof the main n charactes in rocock n rollll. You knowow, there wawas fats do, chchuck berry,y, elvis s presley, and jerrrry lee lewiwis, and ththen, of couourse, Littttle Richardrd. You know, its likike the big g five. But riRichard Was S was s the strongngest. Was s there a a lot of sexex going on . N . Oh, yes. Oh, nighght and d. Alall night. I had all these orgies going on. Eveverybody lilike to jackck maststurbate. Eveverybody lolov. Everybybody liked d to go to o. Everybody. Y. Sosome people e wish theyey never hadad to leave. You u know, i dodont know wy evererybody say,y, [gasps] ] i justst loved whahatever cam. Yoyou know, i didnt r refuse noththing. If you k knocked on n my doo, and i wawanted more,e, for su. Oh, she e is a whoopoper. They shoululd just keeeep lee and take a angel off. [ laughs ] ] richardds fantasieies are e the greatetest on eart. I belilieve that i if hed havan a a screenwrititer, he wouldld have at least 9 9,988 filmsms that w would be exextreme hitst. He saiaid, i wantnt you toto meet lee e angel. I saidid, do you u really liki, richard . He said,d, yeah. She got t some good d stuff. Littlele richard shes a a wonderful l girl. Yoyou know, shshes beautiti. Shshes lovingng. Shes kiki. But anangel is a g girl, shshe Just Enjnjoys sex. And evererybody doeses. I sasaid, oh. W whend you u t scscrewing womomen . Wewell, he slelept with mem. And i i guarantee e im all wo. Woman h how old werere you whwhen you metet richard . . 16. Im Walkining Down West Broadad street inin savan, and d someone cacame over tote anand told me,e, littltle richardd wants s to meet yoyou. My responsnse was, does he k know im a a girl he a always intrtroduced Mee On Thehe Stage Justst as i was s his lady, and i woululd have to o stand. Hehe asked me e to marry h h. I cocouldnt do o it. 17. First timeme i was on n my ow. He knew ththat He Hadd Somethining Inside O Of Him that was h hard to briring ou. If its s not gonna a come out , it will cocome out eveventual. Little ricichard i had beenen a Flash O Of Lightntning for twtwo years. In f fact, you c could just t ce the liviving flame. I i was at thehe height to make e the big momoney. Ththey had me e on this totr goining to sydneney, australa. The engigines of thehe plane had turneded red rereally r. To me, i i Thought Ththe plane wawas o. Robibinson he f feels and s set anangels are h holding thehe pl. Hehes overcomome by this s vi, and d hes overcrcome by fea. Little ricichard ththen, after r arriving i in s, i was appeararing in a s stadi, and this ball of fire came over the stadium. Ive always heardd from a a little boboy that Thehe World Wasas going to, anand it was f frighteningn, you u know . I just f felt that god was spspeaking to o me. Rorobinson lalater, ththey say thihis is sputntn. Bubut it doesnsnt matter. Littlele richard s said hehe Saw A Firireball after r angels werere holdingp a planane, period. D. Hes l like, ii got to cucut this touour. I neneed to get out of herere Little Richard i said, after these dates, im m going to s stop singin. Im m going withth the lord. One of t the band boboys sai, if f youre sererious, ththrow your r rings in ththe w we got o on the ferrrry, and d i threw ththem in the e. Wiwilliams wewe knew he w s a rorock n rololl star. Why wowould he bee coming to oakwood . Word spread hes not coming to give a concert. Hes c coming as a a student. Winslow oakwood wawas the prememiere black k seventhdaday adveventist schohool. Very cononservative. E. I was a a little boyoy. My motheher was a teteacher. I was old d enough to know whwho he was. But t we didnt t have rockck n roll l on campus. It was a a sin toto listen toto richardss m. Williamsms shorortly after r he got theh, he gave hihis testimonony. He s said he sawaw himself i in. Hehe said he k knew he w wasnt readady to see t thd with whahat he was s singing anand how he w was behavini. He called it devil music. Little richard the lord is coming soon, and i want to dedicate my life to god. And i want to study so i can help other people that are doing wrong where they can be saved, too. Williams he actually said if you have any of his records, he would buy them back. And he was going to have a bonfire. He burnened the recocords. Cut t his hair. Wewe just accecepted him as a norormal studenent. Lilittle richahard lived in the d dorm. Hehe always hahad on a suiuit j. And he hadad a Big Bibible Thatat he carrieied with him. And if y you saw himim comin, you u knew you m might get s sd to be prayayed with. I i liked him. M. He hadad a Real Buburden for the e salvation n of soul. And d he liked t to tell hisis. I think Little Richard wanted to do gods will, but he lived a high lifestyle. Hehe had a nicice home that he bought for his mother and his famamil, and ththe church wasnt paying him. He wasnnt an ordaiained minis. He n needed moneney. Newmwman i was s in a Bandd Calleded sounds inincorporate. Wewere told t that werre going onon the road, and d were backcking Littttle Richardrd. Wewere all sasaying Thisiss Justst this i is beyond b be we all f figured that hed d retired, and we w wouldnt hear of f him again. N. All i can n assume Iss Don Ardeden told Ricichard Itit was a gosospel tour. Thereres a rehehearsal calll. He had a s sweater on n him. I dididnt recogognize him. So were n not quite s sure whatat to expectct the firstst. So, ththe bands r riffing. You knowow, now, frfrom ameri, ladidies and genentlemen, we havave Little R Richard, and hess not onstatage. Hes n not there. From the b balcony, wewe hea, i am an a atom bomb, eyeses wide openen and a cap, anand he jumpsps off the b bal, ran up t to the stagage, and. A w whole Lot O Of Shakin goin on whoo yeah, y yeah, yeah h a w whole Lot O Of Shakin goin on nenewman I Wawas Rocketedd Into T The Fifth D dimension. I wawasnt of ththis earth a an. All of a s sudden, Richard Jujumped off t the pia, Lay Onon The Flooror as if f he was deaead. Is Ththere A Doctctor in the e . Isis there a d Doctor In T The richard d would wakeke up all l Of A Suddeden and d play goodod golly, miss mololly. Good golllly, miss momolly sure likeke to Ball Newmanan nearly e every nigh, it e escalated i into a a fullblownwn riot inin the theatater. Pepeople have e wrecked ththe. [ Dog Babarking ] the polilice dogs arare calle. W whoo, sure e like to baba i Rememember Comining off of tt anand thinkingng, now, Thisis Is Rock N Rol [ cheeeers and apppplause ] Little R Richard brbrian epstn broughght me to liliverpool. And when i i walked inin, he s, richahard, i got t four guy. Would you u mind Takining A Pice With M My Group . And they was nervous. He said they never met no one famous before. Mccartney the last day of school, we used to bring our guitars, and i used to stand on a desk and do Little Richard. Lennnnon its h hard fofor people t to imaginee how ththrilled the four o of us were. E. We w were just a almost pararad wiwith adoratition. They had never made a record. Didnt nobody know them but t their moththers. I took thehem with me e to hamb, germrmany, to ththe star clu. Nenewman thatat place wasas ma. Wiwildness, dedebauchery, if youou wanted itit. Richarard just absbsolutely makes out leleather pantnts, the male s stripper gegear he. Mccartney y hamburg,g, that was s The Real E Wewe got to knknow little e ri. Wewe used to s say, iis it true e you threww alall your rinings off thehe br well,l, of coursese its tru, child. D. And d wed just t sit theree for hohours like kind d of Disciplples In T the dressining room. Newman id see e paul on the side of the stage more than n the rest o of the b. All mymy screamy n numbers were to dodo with him. M. Littlele richard paul was t e that wanteted to do ththe holl. I said, whoo he wouldld say, whohoo, ooh whoo,o, oohoohooohooh. Then nexext thing yoyou know, whoo jagggger itit was one o of our firsrst , and d we were opopening for littlele richard. Wewe were basisically a cocover. You know, we hadnt written much. I would be by the side of the stage every night watching. English babands, ththey were vevery static. Watchingng richard, see, oh, wewe dont have to ststand there. E. Use the e whole stagage. Richarard would Wowork Thatat audience,e, getting ththem up out of theheir seats, swayining, shoutining, waviving their a arms. Wellll, alright t jagggger cacalling and d respondingng s. 30 datates, so i s saw littlele richard 3 30 times. You know w what i meanan . Later on, i realizeded he wasas, like, Dodoing Churh in a theatater in nortrthern enengland, basasically. Wedd like fininish up with littltle richardds long tallll sally. [ chcheers and a applause ]] gonna t tell aunt m mary bobout Uncle J John HHe Claim Hehe has the m mi b but hes hahavin a lotot o o oh, baby, y yes, baby whoo baby some fufun tonight,t, yeah [ cheers a and applaususe ] king suddenlyly, You Haveve Black Ars who Werere Displaceded from thehe charts. The Innonovations Ththat they have Brougught Have Bebeen styld anand adopted d by others s w. Well, l long, tall l sally shess built foror speed, she got T Everythingng that king . Generate e way moe success s than they y are able. In americaca, Little R Richards Nowhere E near whwhere he wasas in the mimid. Hadley Ththis Happensns to a t of blalack artiststs, going baback to teenenagers as fickle e consumers. S. We want t fresh deliliverers of the innnnovation. Hey, richahard. Wewelcome. [ [ cheers andnd applause e] yoyou and Chucuck Have Kinind of Takeken England D by storm. How w do you feeeel about Otothr Peopople Borrowiwing your mamat . Wewell, dick, i mustst be truthf. I i am very grgrateful to o w ththat My Mateterial Is T the type ofof matel that the e Entertainerers Y would lilike to use. E. Vera he hadad a good bobody of wor. He h had graduatated to the e l of show bubusiness whehere yoyou dont neneed a hit r red to continunue to work. K. Little ricichard Wantnt Everyy To Sing G right withth me. Come. Wop b bop a loo b bop a lop p bom bom [ [ cheers andnd applause e] kingng he was b back toto his old l lifestyle. He calalled up bumumps and sa, i want toto change mymy imag. I wawant to Comeme Out Loudd and gaududy as the l living fla winslow w we had a ststeamer tk full o of these ououtfits tatassels and d flamboyantn, prettyty material. L. And we p played withth everybo. But no matatter where e we we, Richard Ststole the shshow. Onone time in n atlantic c c, Jajanis Joplinin was Kikilling The E audience. She e had gottenen about seseven standiding ovationo, and d she literarally passeded. Anand im stananding therere s, man, ririchards inin troubl richchard told m me, getet back in t the limousis, go bacack to the h hotel, and bring g Me My Mirrrror SuiThthey Cut Offff all the l li, they put t the Spotligight On , and hehe spun Arouound Likeke a glass b ball. Anand those lilights wentnt everywherere. [ [ cheers andnd applause e] anand Janis Jojoplin i can ststill see heher face. And she sasaid, oh, m my god Ririchard Toldld all of thth. Let it a all hang ouout with the Beautitiful Littlele Richd from d down in macacon, georg. I want youou all to Knknow Thatm The E king of rorock n rol [ chcheers and a applause ]] l lucille baby, s satisfy my y heart lucucille bababy, Satisfyfy My Heart i playeyed for it, baby a and gave yoyou such a wonderfuful start a aaah jagger Little Ricichard was s the first t thing i rerem, as far as s rock n r roll wawas concernened. Winslolow one timime, elvivis came bacackstage, and elvis s said littttle rich, dont yoyou ever wororry about t anything. Baby, b baby, pleasase Dont Leave Itit alone, Yeyeah WiwinslowYoyou Will Alwlwae ThtheTrue Kining Of Rock K N [ cheers a and applaususe ] youre probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. But what if we told you its possible that comcast Business Mobile can save you up to 75 a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers . Did we peak your interest . You can get two unlimited lines for just 30 each a month. There are no Term Contracts or line activation fees. And you can bring your own device. Oh, and all on the most reliable 5g Mobile Network nationwide. Wireless that works for you. Its not just possible, its happening. Why isis it, richahard, Afteter 26 Yearsrs in the bubus, youre as s big if n not bigger r than ever . R . Whats thehe secret to succecess . I thinink its bececaue iive been rereally doingng. Winslow e everybody was intoto the excesess. Littlele richard it got s soc during cononcerts and Televivision Anand every otother thing. [ cheers a and applaususe ] one daday, i was g getting reaeo gogo on the ststage, and i was s so tired. Anand a friendnd of Mine Introducuced me to c cocaine. Blackwell l 73 and 74, ththey were cocoming to mymy m asking for money that i couldnt account for. And i knewew where it t was go. I didntt stick aroround muh after ththat. Lilittle richahard i i was just d doing everyryth pcpcp, cocainene, heroin. Angel he e just wasnnt the pn i knewew anymore. Littlele richard one night,ts appearing g at magic m mountai, Anand A Friendnd of mine c cad to come toto see me. Hehe was 21 yeyears old. He neverer did arrivive. Hehe had gotteten shot. Later onon that nighght, he di. I had Anotother Friendnd of me that i wenent to his h house to g get some cococaine. He fell dedead. Anotother friendnd of mine, some f fellas Put T In A Truk and cucut him up with a b butcher kninife. My brorother tony y said, rici, i want to borrow somome money. I i had an engngagement in miamimi, florida. A. I said, tony, whehen i get b, iill let youou have it. Whenen i got bacack, instead of goingng with tonyny, i met a. We went t to a hotelel to have e a party. The nextxt morning, someboy pushed a a note up u under my r saying, your brotothers de i tell you, you tatalk about r rock botto, ive been n below the e rocks where it was no bottomom. God is t talking to o me throrough my brorothers deah anand all of m my friends s thad right inin a row. Oh, god. D. Lord, please helelp me. Plplease save e me. U uhhuh, itts me itts me, oh, lord i a am standingng. Lilittle richahard it statarte to thinknking more s seriousy about my l life thanan ive everer thought. Oh, imm Standingg In The N Need Of Prarayer n not my mothther. Little ricichard I Opopened Mymy Bible to o mark 8 366, Theherefore Whahat Shalall it profifit a man, ifif he shouldld gain the e we world, andnd lose his s own so but itts me oh, o oh, lord, y yeah i am stananding in ththe ned of prayer r Little Ricichard and d the oy rock ivve got now w is the r, christst jesus. I jujust let it t all go. [ [ applause ] ] oh,h, that Beauautiful City Where J Jesus is wawaiting i i said, welell, lord, can i Singng Rock N Roll and do b both of thehem . Gogod says, youvve got to b be all for , oror let me gogo. Whwhen tony didied, itit really afaffected ricich. He dididnt want t to be onone of thosese who o would die e and burn i in. Thats thehe way we wewere tau. Littttle richardrd im justst d that godod was ablee to c clean me upup and wawash me up. And thank k you, lord. D. Im nonot gay now,w, but, you k know, i wawas gay all l my life. I bebelieve i wawas one of t Tht Gay Peoplele to come o out. But god d let me knonow that hee adamam to be witith eve, notot. Oh, god,d, how can y you save . Im hohomosexual. Oh, gogod. Im m not just a a dope addid. Im m unnatural. L. I like me. Nonot only didid he take m e fromom dope. King Richard Cocontinued hihis tou, and hess renouncining His S Queernesss even Morore Ferventltly than be. Littlele richard he changede frfrom homosexexuality. Therees harm to o communitis to have Sosomebody Spepeaking On A Publilic Stage Inin that. I feel h he betrayeded gay peoe by s saying hess not. But i do u understand. D. Yourere not stronong enough to take e it. I understatand that. Especiallyly a personn like l little richchard, who o had so mucuch to hold. As i lolook around d i i can see s so many peoeople nyongo o when i hehear his papassionate s singing at t thi, especialally at the e mda telet, its harard to tell l how muh is Runnining Towardsds god versus r Running Awaway Fromom himself. B but i realilize that i shoululd be grateteful o oh, So Gratateful Man N i think o of how Lilittle Richahard fared as a y young persoson. Asas a kid whoho came from a Chuhurch FamilylyWho O Was Black K and queerr and femmmme and disasabled, whood been Bulullied By N not only otother kids, but alsoso his fatheher. Ththeres a lolot of Violelee Ththat Attendsds trying t to live a q queer li. Heheres the o one and onlnly littlele richard. [ chcheers and a applause ]] newman i guess hehe held Himf Respsponsible fofor ththe type of f guys thatat he figurered that he e bt to the wororld, and Yeyet Wht He Broughtht Us was frfreedo. You aint t supposed to hide nonothing. You got itit. God gaveve it. Shshow it to t the world. Nono, i dont t want to hihi. King hehe was very,y, very gd at Libiberating OtotherPeope Througugh his examample. He w was not gooood at Liliberating H himself. I t thank god foror, for all l that he gag that mymy god gave e to me there is s someone worse o off than i i am ththank you, j jesus. [ [ applause ] ] thisis holy biblble is Sometethg Thatat they can n treasure and Kekeep Througughout The Y years. This i is a Beautitiful Bible and a wowonderful bibible, and d it is yoururs. Woman n at that t , you u were selliling bi. Thatats right, and makiking 150 a a week. Winslow h he was doining big g church evevents, and he wasas doing gosospel sh. Iim through H With Rock K nl as far as s me being a a perfor. But it wasnt paying him very well. I Lookoked Aroundd and dididnt have e any mone. The record c companies paid me nothing, you know. Nobody h had paidid me a dimeme. All ththose hits . . All ththose hits. Richarard went dowown there on Hollywood Boulelevard and pickcketed. Wowoman famouous little r d did that . . Famousus little ririchard tryiyg to getet that Famomous Money that he made so o many yearsrso ththat hes nenever seen. Richard really w wanted to make momoney soso that he c could helpp take carare of his m mother anand his brotothers anand sisters. S. What w were you doing wronong . I i didnt do o nothing wrwr. Ththey were jujust crook. Ththey thoughtht i was a l e blblack fool f from macon,n, ge. Verara you haveve to remember t richard d left specicialty recs 18 m months into a thrhreeyear cocontrac. Art rurupe said, theress a price t to be pa. Yoyou forego a any and alll futurere royaltieses. So richahard never r received a penny y after a titime from eitheher his songngs or h his recordidings. It was egregiously unfair. Little r richard i i saw all my frienends on the e hil, and i wawas still ththe valle. And itit bothered me. Herveyey 30 yearsrs after r Little Ricichard brea, Blblack Entertrtainers were stillll being mararginali. Mtv in 1 1981, 24 hohours of mu. And therere are no b blacks on. King he didnt even get a grammy for his actual recordings or his performances. Littttle richardrd im an innovatotor. Im thehe creator im ththe king of f rock n r. When i camame along, elvis wawasnt even n out. Elelvis has Nenever Writtetn A Sosong in his s life. He w was white. I was blac. Winslow that struggles hard because, you know, a lot of times he might have felt that he had to prove himself. The life and times of Little Richard. Tthe quasar r of rock. Man whwhat does ththat . The brbrightest ststar in t the universrse. I dodont think k it was richards s idea to dodo the b. I think hehe was approroached toto do the bobook. 1,0,000 a day o on. My nose e is big Enonough To P Park Dieselel trucks. D. Diesel trucuck. Diesel trtrucks in. And god d got me offff of it. And he h healed my b body. And now i i am a man o of god with a newew Book CalllledThe Lifife And Timemes of l little richchard. [ laugughter ] he dididnt exactltly tellll the truthth all the t. He states s that I Didid Thins that i dididnt know i i did untitil i read t that book. Ohoh. A closeeup, close. Oncece he starteted to feel l a, it all c came back. When i f first wrotete Tuttiti Frutti, it wasas tutti frfrutti, good bootyty. [ lalaughter ] [ cheers a and applaususe ] pepeople want t it to be a a t, you knowow . I meanan, this nigight, oh, h hes got a a thing. But wait a a minute. This nigight, hess got anothther thing. If it d dont fit. Dont t force it. Did d you undersrstand ththat one . Yeah. Thatss carpent. [ laugughter ] no richchard reallyly didntt have a ththing. Richarard was who o he wanted d, when he wawanted to bebe, How W He Wanted D to be, onon what day y he wanted d to. Well, i hahavent beenen invold in sexex in 14 yeaea. Its beeeen 14 yearsrs. Thats notot my main t thg inin life, pereriod, anym. My m main thing g in life now is t to be a mesessenger. Whetheher youre h homosel or Whatevever Walk of fe a Peperson May B be, god loveves them. He existeded in contraradicti. He could be openly gay in s some ways, probobably to hihis circles. This hapappened for r decade. Nyongo as a queer person myself, i think that queerness is often misunderstood as an individual identity, right . The truth of one person, r righ . As if f we have a single trurh thatat we can nenever change. He w was flamboyoyant at allll. But itit was all i in jesus n. Evererything wasas in jesuss. Everythingng. Great godod almighty,y, been a a long timeme coming glenn h hes very, very gene. Rereally closese to all ofofs inin the band. D. Hehe would sayay to the crcr, idd like yalall to meet t m and thats what i would always call him, my second dad. Hed brereak me off f 100, break keitith off 10000, Just Givive Everybodody 100 oror somethingng, you knowo . Jujust glad toto see us. Hehed send pepeople to scscl Anand College e and stuff. Angel a and he paidid rent, inincluding mimine. Never bragged about it. Richard was the love of my life, and i believe i was the love of his. He calls u us. He calllls our m. Iveve never metet someone that wasas so real. Nyongo Q Queer Commumunitis Knknow this wewell, this idea of creating your own family. We all really loved him and cared about him being great. Man 10 Peperformers W who held give b birth to rorock n rol now w have a perermanent hom. Woman It T Is The Newly Formed Rock N Roll Hahall of fam. Jejerry lee lelewis, chuckck b, the evererly brotherers, ray y charles, l little richa, jajames brown,n, fats domimi. Nyonggo there w was a cerem, Bubut Richard D wasnt thehe. [ Sisiren Wailining ] hehervey he h had gotten Nn A Cacar Accidentnt in hollywy. Littlele richard i was inin my sportsts car. I was rereal tired. And i i just blackcked out. Oh, oh ohoh, my god. Man n its belilieved thatt He Felell Asleep A at the whe. Hervrvey they f found a bag with a about 30,0,000 in it. He had f flown to lolondon and gogotten a rececord offe. [ Sisiren Wailining ] hehe didnt hahave a lawyey. He d did all thihis on his o. Man n he is verery lucky to have e survived. Nyongo o i mean, f for richd to havave missed the e hall of fafame ceremono itits the firirst and onlnlye hes been n widely Rececognize Ththat must hahave been heartbrereaking. Woman whahats the Momost Impot Thining in your r life t . Love. Thatats what i i want so m much to havave. I donnt have it t exactly exactly y the way ththat i want. I dont t have nobodody but e and the e great god d of abrah, isaaaac, and jacacob. Im a little anxious, im a little excited. Im gonna be emotional, shes gonna be emotional, but its gonna be so worth it. I love that i can give back to one of our customers. I hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. Oh my goodness. Oh, you guys. I know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. You have made an impact. So have you. For you guys to be out here doing Something Like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity. Hadley that firstst inductn class s in 1986 of t the rock nn roll hall of fafame had this d doubleedgeged swod to wherere it is rececognitio, bubut in a weieird way, itit can also o be dismisssl as a r relic of ththe past. Yes,s, you creatated it. Yoyou inventeded it. You set t the templalate for. Bubut, you knonow, the peoeoe whwho really m made it whahat s are these e younger babands or t these whitete artists. What . . I useded to wear my hair r like that. T. Eveverything i i get, Ththey Take Itit from me. Whoooo. Because e of his flalamboyanc, peoplele made the e mistake of not t taking Him M Seriousy Alwaways as a mumusician, as a humuman, as a p performe. Anand the bestst new artisist i. [ laughthter ] meme. [ laughterer ] i i have neverer received d no. Yall ainnt never gave me e no grammy. Y. King its endndearing. Itits funn. But Asas A Black M Man Watctching that,t, i heard d seething a anger tht underwrwrites whatat hes sayi. Shshut up. Youou have nevever given me what i is due to m me. And since e you dont t know, im gonna a tell you. I c cant turn n you loose i if i do, im gonna a lose my mimind i c cant ever r turn you l l if i do, im gonnnna lose my y mind king he was jusust going too the E Induction N speech for otisis redding, whos passsse, but he c comes onstatage, and ththeyre playaying, i c cant turn n you loose byby otis. Imm gonna givive You Everythingng you want t kingng and he w wants you t tw that he Knknows Ththat hes ththe root of all of f this Anand Nobody E else can n sing this s song like e h. Everyrybody got t to know, ye whohoo, ooh, owow, ow, ow, ththank you. [ cheers a and applaususe ] oh, my g god. See, you a all should d record. I dodont know w why youre e. Iim still hehere, and i i look decenent. [ lalaughter ] whoowhee. E. Shut up. Make my pipicture. [ laughterer ] oh, i fefeel so realal. [ Clclears Throaoat ] i feel s so unnecessssary. [ laughs ] ] on onene hand, they mightht be laughihing at. Anand ill telell you, whehen it heard d Otis Sing G Lucille i thoughght it was m me. [ [ laughter ] ] king they also o might be l laughig because e theyre ununcomforta. Hehes speakining truth toto p. And d he is basisically Tellllim WhwhatNobody Y Really Wanants y but evereryone shoululd say. What wouould it do t to the Amen Myththology Of R Rock Musicc to sayay that its s pioneers were blalack, queer r people . One of thehe Greatest T Singes ever livived, one of Thehe Greatestt Compososers ever l lived. Thatats includiding me and everybybody else, jimimi hendrix a and all of fm ththats been n with me, jamemes brown, t the beatles, and mimick jagger. R. He dontt ever mentntion it, but he wasas with me, too. Youre waiaiting for y your tu, you knknow . Youure waitingng for, wwhats he g gonna say a abou mick, you u remember t that. Hes h here. He knknow. Hehe was sleepeping on thehe f. Ththey didnt t have no bebed f. I knowow he cant t forget. That cararpets hardrd, wasntt it, mick . K . [ laugughs ] jaggerer everyonene was behoholden to hihim for Ininfluencing G them to stt plplaying rockck n roll. Whoowhohoo audidience whoooo whoowhohoo auaudience whwhoowhoo send d me some lolovin send it, i pray hadley by the 8080s and d into the 90s, Evererything Thahat Little r rd had Put Inin Motion was now jujust the Oxyxygen Ofof American N popular mumu. When youure so far r away hadleyey when i s started chehg out in Colollege Bandsds like. Should d i stay orr shouldld i go now . W . Hahadley . L. Living cololo, bad brainsns, fishbonene, i hearard, like, rock n r roll is blalack. That Souounded Heretetical to , whicich is terririble. Was just b blown awayy by howow much i hahadnt been d about the e truth of rock nn roll. P Pretend Youou are Here Robinson were e using the e wrong wod whwhen we talklk about aappropriatition. Thinink about itit as obliteter. When y you take anand then era, Yoyou Remove T that Entityts Capapacity to bebe attached d to this ththg ththat they crcreated, to make e money fromom this t thing that t they creat. Dont youou know, bababy, i neneed you so o much the Infrfrastructurere Of Thehe Culture D does that. It s still does s it today. Robinsnson Littttle Richardrd cannot bebe d and d has a loudud mouth anand has a fifire. So if Yoyou Try To T Take His t [laughghs] right, he is goining to battltle yo, not justst from a, This Isis My Song sort of , but, thisis is my souound, mymy rhythm, m my being. I i waited onon you, yeaha h hey [ [ cheers andnd applause e] each y year in preresenting the Presestigious Americanan Music Awaward of me, We T Tell You Ababout someone who hahas had an i important and Ongogoing Impactct on conontemporary y music. Hihi, this is s keith richcha. We were a a bar band. And d our first t tour, i i probably l learned moroe in that sisix weeks than i evever had befofore or s. Congratutulations, l little ric. Gigive me a cacall, man. Ladidies and genentlemen, gigivp for the E IncredibleleLittle R Richard t tutti frutttti, oh rootot tutti f frutti, oh h rootie t tutti frutttti, oh rootot tututti frutti,i, oh rootie tutti frurutti, oh rorootie Wop Bopop A Loo bopop a Lop Bobom Bom i got a a gal nameded sue s she knows j just what t to i got a g gal named s sue she knonows just whwhat to d she rocksks to the eaeast, She E Rocks To T The West Butut shes Thehe Gal Ththat i love e best im m really glalad to g get this awaward. Itss been a lolong time coco, and iveve been waititing. Anand im Justst So Gratefel that d dick clark,k, whwhich is an n old friendnd of, he and h his wife, hahave seen fifit to m make this T Tribute To E while e im still l alive in this woworld. And d and imm just gladad im gladad that he s saw and he w wants you t to see that i am m the origininator. I i am the emamancipator. I am t the architetect of R Rock N Roroll. Rhytythm and blulues had a b , and Somemebody Nameded it rorock n rololl. [ lalaughs ] yeyes. Oh, ththeres thatat night all over a again. Wow. W. Womaman where d did yo . What h happened . I Rememember Sittiting back n The Backck Watching G Him get t. And a and when i i saw him start toto cry, justst like righght now, itit made me c cry. [ crying ] ] becacause, you k know, he had mentntioned on t the ride ovo, you knknow, how hehed always t lilike he didndnt get whaha you u know, he d didnt get what h He Deserveded and how hehe created all this m music. And nobobody nobobody gave m anytything for i it, you kno . Anand. Ohoh, man. Sororry, yall. I ththink more o of us Shshould Declalare what wewe. Especiallyly for peoplple of co, especialally for queueer peop, right, i in this cululture, dont t shrink. In a sorort of more e religio, consnservative r religious s s, you dodont declarare who o you are. Yoyou dont dedeclare whatat yo. You u give the g glory to go. Anand when Litittle Richarad is Talalking Aboutut being the e Innovatorr Anand when hees talking g at being the e originatoror, hes s saying, i i am the e god of thihis. And thatss one of ththose sps where e i know thahat he knos that whehen he is fufully hims, hess closest t to god. Good d golly, Misiss Molly S sure like t to ball oooh, m miss molly y s sure like t to ball when yoyoure rockikin and aarollin canant hear yoyour mama cac whoo clclark The E Architect T Of Rock nn, the onone, the onlnly littlele richard. I am the b beautiful Little R Richard, and d dont youu ever f forget it. Whoo [ cheeeers and apppplause ] youre l little richc. Whwhoowhoo hey, its litittle richarard on ic. Hi, peeewee whwhoo jojones any t true perforor, that t thing doesesnt ever l leave you. And d i think hehe tried to od ononto it as l long as he e c. Rock nn roll is n not a partrt of jesus. S. Anythihing that isis not of gd is notot from god. D. And d his last d days were c cg everybody y he knew anand sayi, gget right w with god, because e the end ofof the wod could be a any moment,t, and yoyou Need To O Be Ready man n he was rereflecting on his m mortality. Hehe was reflelecting on, is therere a way ththat i couldld live somemetg ofof a joyful l afterlife . E penniman the last months of his life, it was important for him to tell people that god is love and that he loved all mankind. I dont see the end as the only place where the meaning resides. Man if f you could d leave jujust one legegacy to thehe wo, wowould it ratather be y your musicc or Youour Preachining and Yoyour Church H work . Little ricichard i i think all l that goes s tog. I i dont go t to churh and sing Lolong Tall Sally or Goodod Golly Misiss Mo but all ofof its mus, and d i love it. T. He pavaved the wayay for Eveverything T that follow. Nyongo h he taught m me thatat you couldld claim thihs eveven when yoyou werentt suppososed to. I amam The King G Of Rock nn. Owowow my, my, mymy, my. Anththony Littltle Richard De Ththe world pepermission t to to be who o you wanteded to b, who you u were. Porterer the e reason whyhy im finala, finanally able, as a b black queerer man, toto show up and do a anything i i want isis because o of him. Maman its alalmost as ifif eve is defefined by lilittle richa. I dont t want anyththing frfrom them. Alall i want t to do is toto spd what they y got from m me. Just c carry the g good word over the w world. Thatats all. A a wop bop a a loo Bop A Lop Bom M boom tutti frurutti, Oh Rorootie T tutti frutttti, oh rootot tutti frurutti, Oh Rorootie Tutti frurutti, Oh Rorootie Tututti frutti,i, oh rootie a w wop bop a l loo bop a a lop ba Boooom Ental L Music dodo you feel l that Therers Nonot enough r representatat . Because after the lalast incide, i hahad childrenen bussed in. Whwhen i thinknk about The Historory of blackck televisi, i ththink about t when blblack folks s watch, wewe watch to o zero in onon. Insteaead of makining us celelebrate yourur holidays,