Henry B. Rogers built 62 Park Street in the 1870s. It was one of the few mansions in the center of town and, like many, is now a parking lot. Rogers’ success came from the shirt manufacturing business he established with another New Canaan resident Albert B. Comstock. Originally called Comstock, Rogers & Co, the company […]
Samuel Silliman opened the first drug store in New Canaan on Main Street in 1845. Nine years later, Lucius Monroe purchased it and renamed it the New Canaan Drug store. Doctors came to dispense medicines and Monroe did, too. By the later part of the 19th century, the drug store had become something of a […]
The shoe industry dominated New Canaan’s economy for more than a century. The first factory opened in 1768 on Brushy Ridge Road, but by the early 1800s there were numerous factories in the downtown area. At the height of production, New Canaan shoemakers produced 50,000 pairs per year. Five generations of the Benedict family created a shoe […]
The New Canaan G. C. Murphy originally opened in 1924 in the Raymond Building on Main Street. Murphy’s was a national chain of five-and-dime stores that opened its first store in Pittsburgh in 1906. In 1939, Murphy’s owners razed the building that was formerly occupied by Stevens Auto Cab and built the storefront which is now occupied […]
63 Park St. was built in 1836. It served initially as a boarding house for schoolteachers and shoe manufacturers in what was then a burgeoning shoe industry in New Canaan. For five years, it was the site of New Canaan Community School, which later became New Canaan Country School. And from 1924-1947, it was the home of […]