A drunk man, identified as Sanjay Jadhav, climbed atop a 300-foot-high tower of the BSNL on Monday evening in Maharashtra's Buldhana district. The police succeeded in getting him down after four-and-a-half hours.
Mexican human smugglers risked the lives of a migrant mother and her two small children by moving them over a 30′ section of a border wall in California. Surveillance camera operators captured the incident early Thursday morning.
El Centro Sector Border Patrol camera operators observed a man being lowered from the border wall about three miles west of the Calexico West Port of Entry at about 3:15 a.m. on April 22, according to information obtained from Border Patrol officials.
A few minutes later, smugglers lowered another man over the wall this one with a small child clinging on his back, officials stated. The smugglers then lowered a woman holding another small child.