Petition packets for Independent and New Political Party Candidates who wish to run for local offices in the General Election, to be held Tuesday, November 5, 2024, will be available at the Vermilion.
On March 8, 2024, Terrion Liggins (DOB 12/30/1987), formerly of Danville, Illinois, pleaded guilty to Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, a Class 1 felony, for 10 years Illin.
Traffic Accident H24-1262 Time: 10:51am Location: 600 W Elm St Unit 1: 2007 Chrysler Utility driven by Rhonda S Fink(46)(F)of Rossville Unit 2: 2008 Volkswagen Bug driven byBrenda K Hollen(61)(F)of H.