Theft Under H24-2558
Time: 1:03am
Location: 101 W Main St (Ted’s Home Beverage)
Arrested: Kendrick Buckner (22) (M) of Hoopeston
Details: HPD officers were dispatched to the above l.
Speeding (37mph in a 25mph), Driving While License Suspended H24-2085
Date & time: 4/25/24 8:29 pm
Location: W Main St/S 3rd Ave
Arrested: Marcus J. A. Colunga (M) (19) of Hoop.
Warrant Arrest (Vermilion County 20CM428,19TR2287) H23-4583
Time: 11:30am
Location: 301 W Main St (Hoopeston Police Department)
Arrested: Terry L Williams(34)(M) of Hoopeston
Details: Mr..