These sales are lining the pockets of gangs, empowering them to ever-increasing heights of activity and malevolent influence. Right there you have a new layer of social harm for a product which, in its much-lamented but socially-sanctioned history, has wrought so much damage to the health of the nation. A
Stuff sting showed that the cigarettes could be bought by people unknown to the sly vendors, although perhaps more commonly by people the sellers knew and trusted. Officialdom must stamp good and hard on the practice, at least as best it can, given the difficulty in keeping the product out of the country.
Jed Parsons And Gareth Thomas - No strangers to Akaroa, wannabe-locals Jed Parsons (CHCH) and Gareth Thomas (AKL, of Goodshirt ) are teaming up to play a very special show in - buy tickets