Impossible Foods has been getting a lot of buzz for its veggie “burger that bleeds.” Whether it’s family members, friends or celebrities on social media, you don’t have to search very hard to [.]
WHV-EAM International Small Cap Equity Fund bought a stake in Lux Industries on Wednesday, which was followed up by Abakkus and GMO buying shares in Rupa & Company on Thursday.
Backers of pesticides crackdown receive police protection following death threats. Report: Jonathan Matthews
In the run-up to a June 13 referendum in which voters will decide whether to support two measures that crack down on pesticide use in Switzerland, leading supporters of the two proposals have been on the receiving end of not just an avalanche of abuse, but even death threats.
As a result, Céline Vara, a lawyer and Green Party politician who helped initiate the proposal for a ban on synthetic pesticides, is now under police protection. Franziska Herren, who initiated a clean drinking water initiative, which, if passed, would stop farmers who use pesticides from claiming state subsidies, has also received death threats.