Coming up this week on Finding Your Bliss is return guest
Victoria Lorient-Faibish. Victoria is a Registered Psychotherapist, a legacy professional with over 25 years of experience. Her influences include Eastern philosophies, Person Centred Therapy, Reiki, visualization, Polarity Therapy, meditation, as well as modern and traditional psychotherapy. She is a relationship expert, life coach, author of two books,
Find Your “Self-Culture”: Moving from Depression and Anxiety to Monumental Self-Acceptance and
Connecting: Rewire Your Relationship-Culture. Victoria is also an award-winning inspirational dynamic keynote speaker. Her focus is to disrupt multi-generational family and organizational BS! And get to the good stuff. Victoria has tons of resources from her online courses to her fun TikTok and YouTube channels. For more great stuff all about Victoria, visit her website at