Does Your College Have Anything To Do With The Pay Package You Command?
College Placements are not really the true indicators of quality of the graduate a college produces. Graduates from certain colleges may command a premium entry level salary. However, over a period of time, with a work experience of about five years or more, his/her salary evens out with that of the graduates from any other renowned colleges.
For instance, of the 60 engineering colleges in Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, some graduates may land into their dream jobs with a hefty pay-package. However, none of these colleges produce graduates who can command an average salary anywhere close to that of an IIT graduate. Even with 5 years of corporate exposure an IIT grad commands Rs 15 lakh per annum of pay package, while most other graduates from the top 100 colleges in India command an average salary of Rs 10 lakh per annum.