Barrels to age beer at Wunderkammer Biermanufaktur
When the world is ready for the simple pleasure of a table of friends sharing beer, Wunderkammer Biermanufaktur brewer Vasilios Gletsos will have just the drink. A wheat beer made with sumac he gathered last summer, it's tentatively called Amidst and Among.
The name is meant "to emphasize the benefits and detriments of being around each other," Gletsos, 43, said in a phone interview from his Craftsbury home. He aims to put a fair amount of the beer in large-format bottles sized for more than one household.
"I'm hoping to make a beer that's a breath of fresh air and a celebration of being able to be closer to each other, to see people and to share beers and share our lives," said Gletsos, a former brewer at Hill Farmstead Brewery in Greensboro Bend. "We'll see if the virus cooperates."