What to watch: Catch up on ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ or start the new Star Wars series ‘The Bad Batch’
Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune
Wondering what to watch this week? Check out these film and TV recommendations.
“About Endlessness”
Ah, the merry month of May — perfect for Swedish filmmaker Roy Andersson’s latest and perhaps final musings on what it means to live, suffer, endure. And it’s a comedy! Bone-dry, 76 minutes in length, it comprises meticulous vignettes ranging from young women dancing outside a roadside café to Hitler cowering in his bunker to a priest losing faith in his one true God: a bottle of spirits. A new documentary on Andersson, “Being a Human Person,” finds the ailing auteur struggling with alcoholism and its role in his creative life; all his films, Andersson says, are about self-confidence and humankind’s crippling deficit in that regard. Ashen-toned, dourly witty and visually singular in the moving-tableau design of all his work. (VOD, including siskelfilmcenter.org; facets.org; and musicboxtheatre.com) — Michael Phillips