Old-timers of the party from constituencies such as Panchla, Udaynarayanpur, Raidighi and Diamond Harbour gathered in front of the BJP’s election office in Calcutta’s Hastings on Monday. MP Arjun Singh, also a Trinamul turncoat, sought to address their issues and sent them back with a promise that their concerns would be taken care of.
The BJP has fielded Mohit Ghanti in Panchla, Trinamul turncoats Dipak Halder and Shantanu Bapuli in Diamond Harbour and Raidighi, respectively. Sumit Ranjan Karar is the BJP candidate in Udaynarayanpur.
State BJP general-secretary and party’s observer for north Bengal Sayantan Basu was summoned by Shivprakash, joint general secretary (organisation), to discuss the emerging situation and how to pacify the agitators.