Blood. Every hour we hear more stories about the incredible bravery exhibited by people who risked their lives to save strangers. And it always seems like, the worst displays of humanity in this country are immediately followed by the best. And then sadly, that is followed by no action at all. And then it repeats itself. So weve talked about gun violence on this show before, and im not sure what else i can say. I also know nothing i say will make any difference at all. But to congress, i would just like to say, are there no steps we can take as a nation to prevent gun violence . Or, is this just how it is and how its going to continue to be . Because when you say, which you always say, now is not the time to talk about it, what you really mean is, theres never a time to talk about it. And it would be so much more honest if you would just admit that your plan is to never talk about it and never take any action. Congressman Steve Scalise who in a wonderful, a truly wonderful moment, returned to the house floor four months after being shot himself said that his being alive is proof that miracles really do happen. But is that the best plan d. C. Has for dealing with gun violence, when theres a shooting, we just pray for a miracle . Because maybe that is it, but if youre not willing to do anything, just be honest and tell us. This is how it is, this is how it will continue to be. Instead of saying, this isnt the time to talk about it, just say were never going to talk about it. If its going to be thoughts and prayers from here on out, the least you can do is be honest about that. Fortunately there are plenty of people who are willing to do the most they can do, our First Responders and all the heroes that we saw last night. So a round of applause for all of them, and their incredible [ applause ] incredibly heroic action. [ applause ] now thank you for your [ applause ] thank you for letting me say that. Now, lets get to the news, everybody. In a recent poll, where respondents were asked to give a one word description of President Trump. The ten most common responses were incompetent, arrogant, strong, idiot, egotistical, ignorant, great, racist, ass, and narcissistic. [ laughter ] even worse, they only polled three people. [ laughter and applause ] did you say ass . I said ass. I put ass two. President trump today, hosted the Prime Minister of thailand at the white house, when asked wheres thailand, trump said usually about four inches below my belt. [ laughter and applause ] that did not get the reaction it deserved. [ laughter ] you will not hear a better joke this decade. [ laughter ] in a new interview, House Speaker paul ryan, said he thinks President Trumps heart is in the right place on race relations. Oh, sorry, i misread that, his heart is in the white place. [ audience oohs ] [ laughter and applause ] hey a new media study has found that only one in ten stories offered a positive assessment of the trump administration, while the other nine were true. [ laughter and applause ] former california governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will speak at a rally tomorrow against gerrymandering, admission is free, but i would still pay 1,000 just to hear him say gerrymandering. [ laughter ] we have to stop gerrymandering. Gerrymandering. [ laughter ] weve been gerrymandered. Gerrymandering. [ laughter ] after President Trump tweeted yesterday that secretary of state, Rex Tillerson is wasting his time trying to negotiate with north korea, politico published an article titled, should Rex Tillerson resign . Replied tillerson, i resigned months ago, has nobody noticed . [ light laughter ] scientists have identified an early human ancestor that is responsible for the initial spread of herpes to human beings, and as suspected, it was carl. [ laughter ] i made tools, you want to see my tools . [ light laughter ] according to reports, the bakery based on the series the hunger games is expected to open in times square. Even worse, the new 50 shades of buildabear. [ audience oohs ] [ laughter ] that that bear is of age and agreed to that photo shoot. [ laughter ] and finally today was world no alcohol day. Robitussin it is, said steve bannon. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] he is an nfl hall of famer, the cohost of Good Morning America on abc, and also executive producing a new game show, snoop dogg presents the jokers wild, Michael Strahan is back on the show everybody. [ cheers and applause ] he is a wonderful guy and a fantastic actor, you know him as one of the stars of nbcs this is us, Justin Hartley joins us everybody. And were going to have music from a dynamic musician and performer, tash sultana joins us. So you are here on a wonderful night. [ cheers and applause ] before we get to that, every week, it seems like weve seen donald trump at his worst, and every week he finds a way to sink lower. And now, with his response to the crisis in puerto rico, we are witnessing, once again, the very real consequences of electing a lazy ignorant racist as president. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth the scale of the humanitarian crisis in puerto rico cannot be overstated. Over 3 million u. S. Citizens living there have been without power, more than half the population doesnt have access to clean drinking water. Food is scarce, roads are damaged, and gas has been in short supply. And yet our president seems to know only one thing about the situation, that puerto rico is an island. Its on an island in the middle of the ocean. Its out in the ocean. This is an island sitting in the middle of an ocean, and its a big ocean, its a very big ocean. [ light laughter ] this is an island, surrounded by water. [ laughter ] big water, ocean water. Seth water. [ light laughter ] the whole things like getting a situation report from a cartoon cave man. [ laughter ] but its not fair to keep harping on the fact that trump is dumb. Lets not forget, hes also lazy. [ audience ohs ] the day after Hurricane Maria made landfall in puerto rico, trump jetted to new jersey to spend a long weekend at his private golf club. The sense of urgency didnt begin to penetrate the white house until monday. When images of the utter destruction and desperation, and criticism, the administrations response began to appear on television. So, trump literally needed the tv to tell him to help puerto rico. Trump watches so much tv, at this point, even golf announcers will start dropping hints for him about how to do his job. [ audience oohs ] and a short putt for mcilroy, but he looks distracted. Hes probably focused on President Trumps tweets about north korea this morning. Thats gotta be on his mind. Hes looking at the hole and thinking, please, mr. President , stop calling him little rocket man. [ laughter ] and, when you think about it, if theres a nuclear war, then there would be no more golf. Good point. And heres the putt for par and he missed it. [ audience ohs ] thats what happens when the president tweets crazy [ bleep ]. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] seth and on top of that [ cheers and applause ] that is what happens. And on top of that, trumps acting Homeland Security director made things worse, when she called the recovery effort, a good news story. And when she heard that comment the mayor of san juan was understandably frustrated. Pleading in interviews and press conferences for more help, and a greater sense of urgency for the people of puerto rico. And in return, donald trump did what any leader would do, he berated the people begging him for help. President trump is attacking the mayor of san juan, in a barrage of Early Morning tweets. The mayor of san juan who was very complimentary only a few days ago has now been told by the democrats that you must be nasty to trump. Suc poor leadership ability by the mayor of san juan and others and puerto rico. Another tweet, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. Seth everything . They want electricity and drinking water, not rihanna tickets and a new tesla. [ light laughter ] now obviously, Many Americans are angry about the president s choice to lash out at the mayor of san juan, instead of focusing on hurricane relief. But no one is madder than Puerto Ricans themselves. One of our writers, jenny hagel is puerto rican, and shes here to comment right now. Welcome jenny. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, seth. First of all, can we see a clip of mayor cruz being nasty, please . When youre drinking from a creek, its not a good news story. When you dont have food for a baby, its not a good news story. Damn it, this is not a good news story. This is a people are dying story, this is a life or death story. If you think thats nasty, youve never seen a puerto rican woman get mad. [ light laughter ] she didnt even throw her shoe. [ laughter ] you dont believe me . One time during a parentteacher conference, my mom told my teacher to go to hell, and my teacher was a priest. [ laughter ] also heres how i know thats not nasty, she didnt even switch over to spanish, cause thats when you know youre in trouble with a puerto rican woman. If mayor cruz ever goes full puerto rican on you [ speaking spanish ] [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] mmhmm. You might be thinking, well, if she didnt get that mad, maybe shes not puerto rican, but you know how i know she is . cause shes in the middle of a [ bleep ] storm, and she still looks good. Look at those glasses. [ light laughter ] meanwhile, you look like a hurricane hit you on a normal day. [ laughter ] mira, quit calling mayor cruz nasty, thats not the word you mean, you mean noncompliant. Youre mad because you were challenged by a woman of color, youre mad that a woman of color is more compassionate and better at her job than you. Because you dont like us, and i know why, its because we have the thick wavy hair you so desperately crave. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i lose more hair in the shower in the morning than you have on your whole head. You [ speaking spanish ] [ laughter ] so remember, if you know whats good for you, dont step to a puerto rican woman. You cant handle it. [ speaking spanish ] back to you, seth. [ cheers and applause ] seth jenny hagel, everybody. [ applause ] but you know its not fair of us to keep harping on the fact that trump is dumb and lazy. Lets not forget, hes also a liar. And any trump crisis would not be complete without a bizarre and unnecessary lie, fabricated out of whole cloth. Like this tweet when trump tried to brag about his response to the hurricane. People are now starting to recognize the amazing work that has been done by fema and our great military, all buildings now inspected for safety. Sounds reassuring, except for the fact that puerto rican officials literally, had no idea what trump was talking about. Asked about trumps tweet, the governor of puerto rico said all buildings . Im not aware of such inspection, perhaps he was referring to a particular set of buildings, im not sure. [ light laughter ] just imagine how scary his lie about building safety would be if his previous job was buildings. Oh, [ bleep ]. [ laughter and applause ] someone better check those inspection papers. [ applause ] seriously, and you better pray they dont look like this. [ laughter ] with his insults this weekend, trump proved once again, how petty and cruel he can be. And look, i know he wont listen to me, or the media, or the mayor of san juan, but he does usually, listen to the military. So ill let retired Lieutenant General russel honore, who was in puerto rico while trump was at his golf course sum this whole thing up. What is your reaction to the president s tweets this morning . I have no reaction, the mayor is living on a cot. And i hope the president have a good day at golf. Seth damn. [ audience oohs ] were you in the army or seal team sass . [ laughter ] this is the cruel racism of donald trump at work. When the victims of hurricanes in florida and texas needed help, he didnt hesitate. But when the victims are people of color, and when the critics challenging him are women of color, his reaction is to insult them, drag his feet on sending help, and bring up financial issues. For example, no one ever asked how texas and florida would pay for their recoveries, but trump has repeatedly raised the issue with puerto rico. Tweeting about its massive debt, and the billions of dollars owed to wall street and the banks, which sadly, must be dealt with. And then at the same time, his own administration is pushing forward on a plan that will help the rich. A giant tax cut. President trump and republican lawmakers making the case for their newly unveiled tax plan. An independent, Nonpartisan Group has come out and said that 80 of the benefits by 2027 will accrue to the top 1 . If that means, if youre a family making over 900,000, under the plan, the details that we know so far, youre going to get a 200,000 tax cut. The Tax Policy Center also estimates the plan would add 2. 4 trillion to the deficit over ten years. Seth so while he chides puerto rico for not paying its debts, trump is willing to spend trillions on a plan that would cut his own taxes. That is, if he even keeps his money here in the u. S. I have a feeling hes got his money stashed away on an island. Surrounded by water. Big water, ocean water. Seth water, water. [ laughter and applause ] so, in the middle of a disaster, trump is worried about finding the money to save lives in puerto rico, but isnt as concerned about spending 2 trillion on tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. And not only that, trumps cabinet of millionaires and billionaires is so out of touch, they cant even lie about their tax plan effectively. Last week, trump Economic Advisor gary cohn, a multimillionaire, former Goldman Sachs executive, try to claim middle class taxpayers would get a tax cut of about 1,000 a year. But when he offered examples of ways families could spend that money, he didnt seem to know how much everyday items cost. If we allow a family to keep another 1,000 of their income, what does that mean. They can renovate their kitchen, they can buy a new they could buy a new car. Seth huh . [ audience oohs ] [ laughter ] you think it costs 1,000 to buy a new car . The best you could do with 1,000 is take uber everywhere for a week. [ laughter ] also, i love that he thinks the first thing a middle class family would do with 1,000 is renovate their kitchen. [ light laughter ] okay honey, we can pay off our Student Loans and these medical bills, or we could get that hot property brother to add subway tile to the breakfast nook. [ laughter ] oh, hey, i just found a 5 bill in my jeans, why dont i take us all to the movies. [ laughter ] popcorn . Of course, ive got 5. [ light laughter ] so trump doesnt have the basic human decency to show compassion and grace towards victims of a natural disaster. And his party is more concerned with cutting taxes for the rich, but if theres one thing we can all agree on, surely its that children deserve health care. Republicans have always proclaimed themselves the party of family values, so im sure they would never let a Government Program that provides health care to millions of children, expire without doing anything about it. And theres no way this next clip will prove me wrong. Funding for the Childrens Health insurance program, known as chip expired today, after congress failed to come up with the necessary 15 billion. Created 20 years ago, with bipartisan support, chip provides insurance for 9 million kids whose families make too much to qualify for medicaid, but too little to buy their own insurance. Seth man, how soulless do you have to be, to let Childrens Health insurance expire. Id say paul ryan would have trouble looking at himself in the mirror, if he had a reflection. [ laughter ] this week is once again given us very clear proof of who donald trump really is, and who he and the gop really serve, suffering u. S. Citizens of puerto rico are desperate for help, and millions of children need health care, but trump and the gop have no problem spending 2 trillion on tax cuts for the rich. Wed all be a lot better off if trump would just stop being president , then he could anywhere. You know, even an island. Surrounded by water. Big water, ocean water. Seth water. This has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth well be right back with Michael Strahan, everybody [ cheers and applause ] announcer for more of seths closer looks be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Posting hashtag yeehaw. Hashtag i have no signal and i still cant post out here. Woah look out, coming through. Hey thomas. Howdy there joy. See joys got the new iphone with verizon unlimited. You bet i do. Best phone, best network. Americas largest, most reliable 4g lte network. She can post out here like she does in the city. Hey twelve likes. What . Likes wont get you didly around these parts. 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Degree ultraclear black white it wont let you down [ mo more, more, more ny ] how do you like it how do you like it more, more, more how do you like it how do you like it how do you like it more, more, more the autumn carved turkey is back for a limited time at subway. So much turkey. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Please give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] also sitting in with us this week, hes a pioneering legend in the metal drumming world, playing with some of the top bands in the genre such as strapping young lad and dethklok. You can check him out on the new album from Brendon Smalls galaktikon entitled ii become the storm. Gene hoglan is here, everybody. Thank you so much for being here, gene [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much, seth. Glad to be here. Seth our first guest tonight is a super bowl champion, nfl hall of famer and emmy winning talk show host. He cohosts Good Morning America weekdays on abc and executive produces the new series snoop dogg presents the jokers wild which premiers october 24th on tbs. Lets take a look. Former nfl player Michael Strahan is going to get funky with us. Identify the dance hes doing. Roll the clip. Oh, okay, whooo go, michael. Go, michael. Hey, hey, hey. Mike got moves. I didnt know he could move like that. Seth please welcome back to the show Michael Strahan, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth how are you . Im doing great. Im doing great. Seth youve done the hardest thing. You showed a clip where you looked like the immature one and snoop looked like the adult. [ laughter ] haha. Maybe i was hanging out with snoop a little too much, you know what i mean . Seth there you go. Right. Seth so this is you have multiple jobs. Yes. Seth and yet you took on executive producing this snoop dogg jokers wild show. Mmhmm. Seth how has snoop been as a collaborator . Hes been great. Hes been great. You know what, he watched the show with his grandmother as a kid. And he came on the 100,000 pyramid and we left, then he said, i want to do a show. And im thinking, okay, the guys been hanging out with himself too long, you know. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] but he brought up jokers wild, checked it out and hes perfect. And he loves it, hes into it. He has a lot of fun. And thats really what hosting a game shows about so i think its a perfect fit for him. Seth i will say this, because ive seen him work with martha stewart. Yeah, love that. Seth ive seen a little bit. You know, he is somebody who only does stuff he loves. Mmhmm. Seth i dont think he would waste time on anything else. Youre very similar. You do Good Morning America here in new york. Yep. Seth but you also do the fox sunday show, so you were in l. A. On sunday. And then you take a red eye every sunday night. Yeah. Seth and come here to go to work . Yes. Seth you love working . Im insane. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] but, you know, honestly, i do love working, i love every job i have is great. And i think because of playing football for 15 years, like, everything now is gravy. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] and, like, when people go, oh, its so hard, im thinking, eh. Seth yeah. Its not so hard. [ laughter ] seth because i have looked at all of your jobs and none of them is it legal to hit you. Yeah. Seth yeah. Exactly. [ light laughter ] and then im not blamed when the team loses. Seth yeah. Im not sore the next day. Seth yeah. This is great. Seth thats true. No matter if you guys have a bad episode of Good Morning America, you dont walk off and have somebody be like, you suck [ laughter ] yeah. Well, yeah, that actually has happened. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] seth but its about the football stuff, its not a bad half. Theyre like, you didnt throw to local weather exactly. [ laughter ] but even but people never forget the football. I think a lot of a lot of women know me from like, daytime tv and all that. They dont know i played football. But for the guy though, when i was coming here, i walk out of my house and the guy goes, whats up with your giants . I look, i said, dude, i havent played in ten years, i dont know, like [ laughter ] seth yeah, right. Forget it, dude, i dont have no control. Seth yeah, its not like theres a board of, like, retired players. Exactly, we got to go up to the board of retired players and say, whats wrong with the team . We dont we want them to win just like everybody else does. Seth i want to ask you about football. Obviously its been a fraught couple of weeks with the nonfootball side of watching the games. Mmhmm. Seth you come from a military family. Yeah. Seth your father was a major in the army, is that corrrect . My dad is a retired major in the army, yeah. Seth so how do you feel about the president sort of basically dividing this issue and saying to take a knee is this sort of act of antipatriotism . Well, i think that everybody has the right to protest, thats what this countrys about. You have rights here. For plain and simple, first of all. [ cheers and applause ] and i think equating taking a knee with patriotism and being against soldiers and being against the flag, i think that the true meaning of what it was was about racial inequality. It was totally different issue. And i see it now as a distraction away from other issues that are going on in the world. From, you know, you got north korea, you got puerto rico. You know what i mean . You have so many other things going on that you take the time to pick on football or basketball, i just think priorities need to get in order in order to do what we need to do to make the country better. [ cheers and applause ] seth you know, it does strike me that, you know, if youre a fan in the stand, some fans have obviously made the choice to boo when players take a knee. It seems though within the locker room, teams have had to address something that is again, its nonfootball related. Yeah. Seth and it strikes me that you have to ideally youd put all your energy towards thinking about football and thinking about the game. It also strikes me that, you know, in a football locker room, you have a lot of white guys, you have a lot of black guys. Do you think that theyve discussed it in a way thats actually been unifying for them. Oh, absolutely. Seth or giving each other a better understanding of their positions . Absolutely. And when i was playing, we had one white defensive lineman. Seth uhhuh. Dave tollefson. He sent all of us were on a group text ten years later. He sends us a group text and he said, i just want you guys to know, that i am with you, that my kids will understand that, you know, everybodys the same, you treat the person for who they are, not the color of their skin. And it meant a lot for us for him to send us that. He didnt have to. But i think in a locker room, when youre going through so much stuff outside of football, thats the one place you go where everybody has such an incredible understanding. Its a team. I need you, you need me to be successful. I dont care where youre from and what you do or who your religion, your race, anything. Were all here for one common goal. And the locker room is a good safe place for guys and i think thats why you saw so many guys come together, so many teams come together to support each other because it is its a special place. And its very hard to put it into words when you havent been there. But players support each other when times are tough. And Colin Kaepernick doesnt have a job now. Everybody thinks he should have a job, but thats up to the owners. But one thing i will say is that it takes a lot for a guy whos making a lot of money, which is what everybody thinks to judge somebody by, to put it on the line seth yeah. For people who he does not know, who he owes nothing to. But for him to say somethings not right and im going to do something about it. And to do something where at the end of the day, people will remember him for that more than sports, which is the most important thing in the world. Seth yeah, i do think i think youre so right. [ cheers and applause ] and i think, you know we talk a lot about courage in this country and risk. And what you said is so true. Whats getting lost in this is Colin Kaepernick genuinely did put a lot on the line. Yeah. Seth he risked a lot. I want you have another show because you why not . [ laughter ] this is called tackle my ride. Yeah. Seth and this combines a couple of your loves football and cars. Yeah, yeah it does. You know, its basically a show for the fans where lamarr woodley, an expittsburgh steeler. Seth exsteeler. You a steeler fan . Seth yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, you know who that is. Seth absolutely. And then we have university of michigan. Yeah, then a buddy of mine, james then a guy james who did some of my art work on my cars, we combine these guys to go out and find fans with great stories. And to, basically, tackle their ride. Make then pull up to the game and show basically show off that im like the super fan here. But we take their cars. We outfit them to the hilt. And then we have their favorite player from their team pullup and present it back to them as a thank you for being such a great fan. So its like very good relations between players and fans because we appreciate. And players appreciate their fans. Seth i know you love cars. What did you have right before your first contract and what you have right after your first contract . Oh, before my first contract, in college, i had a ford festiva. Seth i cannot picture you in a ford festiva. [ laughter ] i didnt want to picture myself in it either but had no choice. Seth when i find it hard to believe that when you walked on a lot, a dealer said, i can see you in a ford festiva. [ laughter ] the finances were a little different. Seth yeah. And plus, my parents paid for it so they didnt care. Seth oh, gotcha. But, i mean, i almost had to take out the front seat and sit in the back. I was like shaq. You know what i mean . [ laughter ] it was like it was little car. And it was powder blue. Seth oh, wow. With a pink wave down the side like that. Seth yeah. [ audience ohs ] and ill never forget, i was at a party in college and i walk up to the car and i get to the car, i hear some girl go, oh, girl, that must be his girlfriends car. [ laughter ] crushed me. Seth but then you got to say, but believe it or not, im single. And shes like, with that car youre going to stay single. Exactly [ laughter ] didnt have a shot. Seth yeah. And then what after . What did you do after . Well, then after, you know, i bought my parents a cadillac sts back in 1993. I was so proud to be able to do that. Then i bought myself a truck and i bought myself a car. But im a car collector now. Seth yeah. I love cars. I have now probably have about 20 cars. Seth thats great. But each one evokes a feeling. Its something when i was a kid growing up in germany. Seth mmhmm. Ive always been into cars. The autobahn and everything else. I have old, new, muscle cars, fast cars, slow cars. A little bit of whatever floats the boat. Seth well, you deserve it all. Thank you so much for being thank you, my friend. Always fun. Seth Michael Strahan, everybody well be right back with Justin Hartley [ cheers and applause ] tmobile never stops. Weve doubled our lte coverage. 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The Second Season airs tuesday nights at 9 00 p. M. Lets take a look. I really need tonight to go well. You know, i need to prove to everyone that im the bigger man, but like the funnier bigger man. You know what i need . I need it to go like when George Clooney returned to do that last episode of er. Do you remember that . That was cool. Thats what i need. Thats what im going for. I need people to love me the way they loved clooney. This is your least attractive side. You know that, right . Yeah. Seth please welcome to the show, Justin Hartley, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] nice. Seth hi justin, how are you man . Im good, how are you . Seth good. Its good to be hear. Seth its great to have you and congratulations on the success of the show. We had chrissy metz, your costar was here last week. Love her. Seth and we were just talking about and i wonder what its like for you, obviously you started shooting the show last year. Yeah. Seth you shot a bunch of episodes before any of us saw it. Right. Seth so it was not the giant hit it is now. Has your life changed shooting season two versus how it was season one. Well, i mean im sitting here next to you. Seth thats true. We would have had no interest in having you here. [ light laughter ] no, i no, no, no. No, it was it was less than zero, yeah. No, it has. So we had this trailer that came out seth yeah. At the beginning of the series and a bunch of people sort of took to the trailer. Seth mmhmm. So we kind of knew there was interest there, but it hadnt aired yet. And it was just a trailer, it was a two minute thing or whatever. And then the show started gaining momentum and it just kept going and going and going. And now were in to season two, and weve had this long sort of this hiatus where everyone has been, you know, missing the show and wanting the show to come back so theres been that buildup. And now we finally came back last week and the ratings are better than ever. Thank thank goodness. Seth yeah congratulations. Thank you. Seth i will tell you [ cheers and applause ] on just the scope and the reach of your show, i did a cameo, i played myself a cameo in one of the episodes. It was one of my favorite moments. Seth thank you very much. Yeah, no, it was. Seth i stumbled on you and kevin and randall fighting. Yeah, yeah, yep. Seth and i can tell you i got more calls and emails from friends about that than i ever do about this. [ laughter ] no, youre great. Seth theyre like people genuinely said, you were so good in this is us are you doing anything else . [ light laughter ] oh, thats great, thats great. I get the same kind of thing. I did a syfy show for a while and there was that fan base out there that just watches the syfy shows. Seth yeah. So theyll say to me, theyll be like, oh, my god, green arrow from smallville. what, did you just quit acting . [ light laughter ] and im like, i dont even know what to say, im like, yeah, im done, i quit. Seth thats better, they dont want to see where green arrow is now. No arrows . You dont have any arrows. Exactly. Just tears. Seth so i we did this cameo together. That was the first time we met, it was lovely to hang out with you, but then i did not realize that we had been in a movie, this is true, we had been in a movie before together but we did not have any scenes together. It was called spring breakdown Rachel Dratch wrote it yeah. Seth and we both played love interests of her. Yeah. Seth you played you were seth the hunky guy she meets on spring break, shirt off looking rad. [ cheers and applause ] and i, i her very dear friend yeah. Seth was cast as her gay fiance. So that is me. [ cheers and applause ] thats great, thats great. Seth i you know when she called when she called and said i won a part, i just assumed id be a shirt off hunk, and she went a different way. She went a different way. [ talking over each other ] we cant get away from each other. Seth you got to work with Sylvester Stallone . Yeah. Seth how was that . I mean, its everything you could possibly imagine times ten, it is i mean, i grew up watching his movies. Seth yep. I wanted to be rocky and for a moment in my life i think i thought i was rocky. Seth sure. And then there he is, i worked out with him at the gym a few times. We go to the same gym. How cool is that . [ light laughter ] seth yeah. And then and then milo knows him. And sort of made a phone call he and he came and graciously accepted to do the role. And hes on set and here he is Sylvester Stallone and youre like how am i supposed to work with seth right, this guy. With the legend. And he immediately disarms you. He immediately like, puts everybody at ease, and hes just like the coolest guy in the world, and youre just having a conversation and then he does a bang up job as a wonderful actor. Says a few gracious words, tells a few jokes. And then he leaves. And as soon as he leaves, youre like, ah, you miss him. Youre like, ah. Seth yeah. Come back, sly come back yeah. Seth you didnt know how good you had it. Hes the real deal, man, hes the real deal. Its amazing. Seth thats really exciting. You have a 13yearold daughter . I do. Isabella. Seth is she a fan of the show . Uh huh. Seth is this correct . Yeah, yeah. Seth is this exciting for you . Is this the first time she has liked a piece of your work, like this . Yeah, i mean kind of. I think she no, not liked. But i think its the first time it was like cool. Seth sure. And she seth cause youre on a hit show yeah, yeah. Seth that probably im assuming a lot of her friends watch. I mean, the parentteacher stuff is great. Going to the school is great. Im allowed to go to the school now which is great. Seth thats nice. Yeah, cause i was on a hiatus for a year or two. Seth yeah. And now im back. All of a sudden im cool. Seth just, yeah, wait in the parking lot and now you can actually walk she told me shes like, youre like as cool as a 13yearold. And i was like, well, thank you, what a compliment. Seth that is high praise. Life goals right there man. Life goals. Seth you go to a lot of dodgers games, congratulations on them making the postseason. Thank you, thank you. No, i bleed blue, im a die hard lifelong dodger fan. I have been since i was a kid. My dad was a big dodger fan when we were growing up so i was the only kid in chicago that was like a dodger fan. People would see the blue hat and then id turn, and they would be like boo you know . Seth yeah. And so seth optimistic . Hopeful . How do you feel . No, im hopeful and optimistic every year, we stumbled a little bit going into the playoffs, but i feel like that builds character and i feel like, you know, they dont need any pep talks. Obviously theyve got some great pitching and theyve got a lot great players a lot of energy. Theyre good as a team and they play well together, and they can do it. And im feeling good about this year. Seth i think they would take that as a pretty pep talk. I like that you, i like that you did that sort of back door thing where you said this isnt a pep talk, but then you gave a pep talk. Thats right. Seth yeah, yeah. Thats my thing. Seth yeah, you cant just go right at it. Theyd be like why are we listening to this guy . But the way you said it, i think theyre like dont take any advice from me but this is what i would do. Seth well, best of luck on that thank seth and congratulations, on season two. Its so great to see you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Seth Justin Hartley, everybody this is us airs tuesday nights at 9 00 on nbc. Well be right back with music from tash sultana. [ cheers and applause ] welcome to maxx you. You are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. You stand out in a crowd. And are pulled together. You follow your own lead and show your strength. 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[ cheers and applause ] i see the way you move its fluid we got by my side got nothing to hide there that youre hurting i see the tears behind your eyes and i cant wipe them clear your love is like gold to me but you hold me closer to the light will you find a bullet inside no, unless you magnify welcome to the jungle are you gonna dance with me welcome to the jungle you got to close your eyes and see welcome to the jungle are you gonna dance with me well hold on well hold on yeah yeah [ cheers and applause ] seth tash sultana everyone. The ep notion is out now. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ill have the langoustine lobster ravioli. For you, sir . The original call was for langoustine ravioli. A langoustine is a tiny kind of lobster. A slight shellfish allergy rules that out, plus my wife ordered the langoustine. I will have chicken tenders and tater tots. If youre a ref, you way overexplain things. Its what you do. 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Youll get a closer look and more downloaded right to your phone. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to Michael Strahan, Justin Hartley, and tash sultana, everyone thank you again. [ cheers and applause ] gene hoglan, and or course, the 8g band. Stay tunes for carson daly, see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause ] carson hi there, good evening. Im carson daly and welcome to last call. Tonight, were coming to you from the lovely penthouse suite at the time new york hotel, high above nyc. And weve got another killer show for you

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