20 Apr 2021
Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis shouted “all cops are bastards” as they took to the streets to celebrate the conviction of former police officer Derek Chauvin.
Shortly after a Minnesota jury convicted Chauvin for murdering George Floyd, Black Lives Matter protesters celebrated before marching into the streets. As the march began, protesters began shouting, “All cops are bastards,” according to a tweet by independent journalist Brendan Gutenschwager.
Chants of “All cops are b***ards!” as the crowd of several hundred mobilizes to march in downtown Minneapolis #Minneapolis#ChauvinVerdictpic.twitter.com/IS7HFQbNqM
A short time later, the group shifted their anger to the Minnesota National Guard troops sent in by Governor Tim Walz to help keep the peace in the aftermath of the Duante Wright shooting and the then-pending verdict in the Chauvin trial.