After two successful years in partnership together, Future Females and the UK Government’s International Tech Hub Network, have committed to increasing their support for female founders around the world through the Digital Access Programme. The partnership has pledged to support an additional 1,330 early-stage female entrepreneurs through the Future Females Business School by March 2022, in addition to the 316 female founders who have already benefited from this innovative programme.
While 42.1% of women see the opportunity to start a business, just 10.2% of women are actually taking action, in fact, the female entrepreneurship participation rate has declined in 41% of countries in the past 2 years (GEM, 2020). On top of this, the recent pandemic has been crippling for many female-led business, with a December 2020 Future Females community survey finding 36.7% of entrepreneurs saying COVID-19 had a very negative impact on their business, and 75% stating they have an urgent priority to understand how to better leverage technology to meet the new market needs.