Turkey plans to launch its first Istanbul-class frigate F515 in January 2021
Turkey plans to launch its first Istanbul-class frigate F515 in January 2021
Sunday, 03 January 2021 15:34
According to news published on the HABER VAKTI website, January 2, 2021, the construction of the first Istanbul-class frigate F515 continues at the Istanbul Shipyard Command in collaboration with many Turkish companies under the leed of Turkish company STM. The Istanbul-class frigate F515 will be launched on January 17, 2021.
The new Istanbul-class frigate F515 for the Turkish Navy. (Picture source Naval Analyses)
The Istanbul-class is a new generation of frigates developed under the MILGEM Turkish warship program as the I-class frigate. As of 2018, the MILGEM project covers four Ada class anti-submarine warfare corvettes and one ELINT corvette, four Istanbul class multipurpose frigates and TF2000 class anti-air warfare destroyers destined for the Turkish Navy, four Jinnah-class frigates for the Pakistan Navy.