[ grunts ] faster [ dramatic music plays ] the days of working out for hours on end are over. Its just crazy what you can do in 30 minutes a day. Dont tell me 30 minutes doesnt get done. What matters is the sequence. What matters is the pace. Pick up the speed what matters is the intensity. Come on one, two, three, four thats what matters. Look at me a mother of five. I never had any time, but i did have a half an hour. You are doing in 30 minutes what at the gym, it would take you an hour hour and a half to do. A p90x3 workout is only 30 minutes. [ beeps ] but that doesnt mean an x3 workout is half a workout. Its a whole workout in half the time. Big difference. Were talking concentrated intensity here, folks. You dont get off easy. You just finish faster. [ beeps ] thats p90x3. [ beeps ] [ air rushing ] [ pulsing ] [ slow music plays ] announcer it may seem crazy to you that 30 minute workouts can create extreme changes like these over the course of 90 days. But the latest scientific findings prove that the majority of benefits from a workout occur within the first 30 minutes. And after that, your body actually becomes less and less responsive to exercise. So, to reach your fitness goal in 90 days, you dont need to work out for an hour or more. You can take your results through the roof by following a proven plan, designed to get the most out of those first 30 minutes. P90x3 is that proven plan. The plan goes like this you work out at home, not the gym, because gym owners hate deadlines. Think about what it would look like if everyone got ripped in 90 days. [ crickets chirping ] you only work out for 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week, for 90 days. But you spend those 30 minutes giving it everything youve got building muscle, burning fat, challenging yourself to try new things, pushing past your boundaries, and hammering your core, because, this time, youre going to get that sixpack. And youre going to get it faster, because p90x3 pushes your body to change faster. Heres how. People who join a gym often see physical changes in their first three weeks, but those changes gradually stop coming, no matter how hard they push through their routine. Gym rats call this the plateau effect. P90x3 busts through those plateaus by using a system called muscle acceleration, which changes routines every few weeks, before your body can adapt, using a potent blend of muscle Building Techniques cardio routines, core stability training, martial arts, and more that keeps your body guessing for the full 90 days, so that not only does your hard work turn into hard muscle it does it faster. Every workout is only 30 minutes. You think, 30 minutes . Can i do what i really want to do . And to be honest with you, the the results blew my mind. It really comes down to their muscle acceleration program. Your bodys never given a chance to adapt to the program because its changing it up all the time. Throughout the whole 90 days you know, youre never gonna hit those plateaus. Ive worked out at gyms, and i got into decent shape. But, again, with with x3, 30 minutes you know, i went from an average guy to bodybuilderstyle ripped. I was 179 pounds, and i got down to 164 pounds. Its just crazy what you can do in 30 minutes a day. I mean, its just like you know, you you got to bring it, but its awesome. You guys want to see the reason why i get results like this, why i get this sweaty . You want to know the real secret . Tonys watching me. Announcer this is tony horton, one of the nations most passionate advocates for health and wellness. Four. Announcer his unique approach to body transformation has revolutionized home fitness, making him one of the most successful and soughtafter trainers in the world. People can do 30 minutes. We took the breaks out. I dont talk as much. Whoo [ laughs ] but we understand that theres all these folks out there who are trying to be better, who are trying to be fitter, who are trying to be happier, who are trying to lose the weight, and they just havent found a method yet. P90x3 is gonna get them there. Announcer getting there doesnt mean getting in the car it means working out in the most convenient gym in the neighborhood your living room. People ask me how often im going to the gym. And i can just tell them 30 minutes in my living room p90x3. I never thought that 30 minutes a day would get me to where i am now. Weve learned, in the last 10 years, you can make it happen in 30 minutes, and thats what were doing here. And i think its pretty obvious by the sweat on your faces. You are constantly switching things up. Theres crosstraining. Theres pilates, agility weight training, and i was never bored. And its all over in five four hang in there three two, and time. Boom for me, and probably for a lot of women, we have this this muffin top that wants to happen. We gain 5 pounds, and it all seems to be right here. And the one thing about x3 is that it attacks that area. Every single time i pushed play, i felt like my stomach was getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Look. Can you see . I have lost almost 25 pounds 18 inches all over. I cant believe that my stomach looks the way that it does. It just takes 30 minutes just 30 minutes for 90 days. Announcer once you decide to do p90x3 and then commit to the intensity, you will succeed. And we know this because, in multiple 90day test groups, p90x3 users, on average, lost over 20 pounds and an incredible 35 of their body fat, all from just 30minute workouts. So many people in this test group had such amazing results. We had, you know, a 95 success rate with p90x3. Announcer this is kevin, a graduating member of one of the p90x3 test groups. Every day of x3, when i walked into the room, my goal was to give 3,000 . Its all about the intensity which is easier to do in a shorter period of time. 30 minutes. Tony horton is a guru of knowledge and motivation. 30 minutes, done properly, in the right sequences, the right way, at the right speed gets it done. Would you agree with that . All yeah being a kid, being 260 pounds, i was made fun of all the time. I couldnt play the games i wanted to. X3 is what made me get to that dream that ive always had as a kid. I weighed 207 pounds. 207. And what do you weigh now . I weigh 175. 175. Thats 32 pounds. 32 pounds from working out a half an hour a day . So, hows all that make you feel right now, standing here . Are you getting teared up right now . No, man. No, no, no, no, no. What is that in there . Your eyes are all moist and stuff. Get back in there. Ha [ pulsing ] [ midtempo music plays ] announcer get stronger than ever. Get sexier than ever. And get ripped faster than ever before if you call right now and get p90x3, the brandnew 30 minute extreme fitness boot camp, featuring more variety than any other Fitness Program from weightlifting to cardio plyometrics, pilates, martial arts, yoga, agility training and more, all designed to keep your body accelerating towards one goal to get in the best shape of your life in just 30 minutes a day. Call now and also get the p90x3 fitness guide, a quick and easy nutrition plan, tonys trainer tips, the accelerator progress calendar, 247 online fitness support, and well include a prograde resistance band free when you call during this show. So youll have everything you need to get started right away. Get all of this for only three payments of 39. 95, and well even upgrade your order to express delivery. [ tires screech, horn honks ] this is your chance to make the biggest change to your fitness in the shortest amount of time guaranteed or your money back, with no questions asked. Call now. [ music continues ] hi. Im jason. And this has been my gym for the last 90 days. About 13 years ago, i got a scholarship for college to wrestle and run track. [ crowd cheering ]. And run decathlon and the 400 hurdles. [ men grunting ] i played rugby. I did jiujitsu. I did mma. You know, i worked out 4 to 6 hours a day to stay in great shape, to compete. A toll on me. I was just burnt out, so i stopped. I felt out of shape, and i was lazy and just felt blah, really. I saw that tony horton came out with a new p90x3 program. And i was like, what . So, i watched it, and i saw it was only 30 minutes a day. I was like. Done. Youre lifting weights. Youre doing cardio. I mean, youre doing everything. I mean, im an athlete, and those are all the things that it takes to be an athlete. You have to lift weights. You have to do cardio. You have to stretch. You have to take care of your body. And p90x3 has it all. Form, function, and precision this is how athletes move. Put it in. You start working out, even if youre tired. And the next thing you know, its halfway over. And its go, go, go. And thats the kind of program that i really like. I like to get after it. Pick up the speed. We got 15 seconds. My goals, when i started p90x3 i wanted to lose like 10 pounds, you know . And i lost 30 pounds in 90 days. I was just amazed at what happened in 30 minutes of exercise, eating right. The best reaction ive had was from my fatherinlaw. He said, hi, jason. How are you . Wheres the rest of you . [ chuckles ] so i was like, oh, i left myself back home in my basement. I decided. I committed. I succeeded with p90x3. [ pulsing ] you figure, the more time you work out in one session, the more results youre going to get. Turns out it doesnt work that way. This is how your body responds to prolonged exercise. You see, its in that first 30 minutes that almost all of your fitness gains occur. But that sweet spot wont do you any good unless youve got a program that takes full advantage of that 30 minute window of change. Thats where x3 kicks in. [ beeps ] [ clock ticking ] 3. 2. 1. Bam and youre done you do not need to work out for an hour. Its not necessary. You dont need to put yourself through that struggle. Before i started p90x3, i did think you needed about an hour to work out. Come on, victor thats the way to work. You dont think were getting it done in 30 minutes . Are you kidding me . this is real. This is this. How much fun you having right now . [ laughs ] in the first 30 minutes of your workout, thats when your body is able to change the most. After that, your body just starts working less efficiently. So, as long as your workout is intense and youre giving 100 for 30 minutes, theres no need to work out for an hour. You dont have to go to the gym. You need very minimal equipment, and you can do it in your house. You can do it in a hotel room. You have no excuses. In 90 days of p90x3, i lost 27 pounds. I didnt know it was possible to get such Great Results in 30 minutes a day. But i would have never imagined that, in 3 months, i would lose almost 30 pounds. Thats pretty crazy. Now show us your abs. [ laughter ] [ pulsing ] because of how fast these workouts are, weve designed all of the moves to hit more than just one muscle group, whether youre lifting, jumping, or striking. But the one area that gets worked the most is right here. Every x3 routine is an ab routine. Sixpacks are what we build here. Show america your abs, cause we we might have. You should see the before picture didnt look like that. You dont see the results when you go to the gym honestly. In the gym, i would wait for a machine or see what someone else was doing and walk around. I would spend two uneventful hours. Dont tell me you got to spend an hour and a half in the gym, moving weights around. Look at the pump that we got. One thing i found out, by being in this test group, is you dont need time. With 30 minutes a day, i started seeing results, really, in two weeks. Ive lost 20 pounds in 90 days. I knew where it came from. [ laughs ] this is what happens when you show up. This is what happens when you dont quit. This is what happens when you make the best of your 30 minutes. Boom announcer if youve been at your gym for more than 90 days and you dont have results like these, youre in the wrong gym. You need this one. Its called p90x3, a brandnew 30 minute extreme fitness boot camp that features almost every exercise class you could find at your old gym, from weight training to jump training, martial arts, cardio, yoga pilates, and more. And every workout, start to finish, is only 30 minutes. The muscle acceleration system in p90x3 is designed to constantly introduce new moves and routines, keeping you engaged with more variety and intensity than any other workout, so that your body quickly sheds fat and builds lean muscle at an accelerated rate. And the results are extreme. All you need is 6 square feet of space, a set of dumbbells, and a pullup bar. Or to make things even easier, you can do the whole program with a prograde variable resistance band, and thats it. Then, just spend 30 minutes a day with 16 of the most transforming workouts ever created. There are six musclebuilding resistance routines, including eccentric, synergistic, and classic weightlifting. Thcrree osstraining power workouts for explosive athletic performance, featuring plyometrics, agility training, and more. Three fatscorching cardio routines, including martial arts, speed drills, and weighted cardio. Two advancedxi flebility workouts, featuring dynamix stretching and extreme yoga. Plus, two special abripping core routines that rewrites the book on how to get flat, defined sixpack abs. If youre willing to work out hard for 30 minutes, these 16 workouts are guaranteed to get you ripped. They also come with 6 free bonus gifts the p90x3 nutrition guide, which makes it simple to know what to eat, when to eat it, and what to avoid, so you get fitter even faster. The p90x3 fitness guide, where every move is laid out in specific detail, so even if you dont have the dvds, you still have the program. The p90x3 accelerator calendar so you can chart each halfhour routine and stay right on track for the full 90 days. And youll have tony right there with you with 247 online fitness and nutrition support, live chats, and the entire p90x3 community. This 180 value is yours free. Just think youd pay 1,000 for only one week of personal training with tony. But with this full 90day bodytransformation system youre done in 30 minutes a day, and you wont pay 1,000. Not 500. Or even 200. Call in the next 18 minutes, and youll get the entire accelerated p90x3 Training System for only 3 payments of 39. 95. And were not done youll also get tonys special how to accelerate Training Tips program, giving you techniques and insight tony has learned from decades of training, so you have all the answers before you even have the questions. And when you call during this show, well also include a prograde resistance band and door attachment free with your order, so you can do the entire program without any extra equipment itll all be there, a complete gym right in the box want to get bragging rights . Only x3 graduates get to wear this crushed it tshirt. But if you send us your result photos, well send you this exclusive tshirt free of charge. You crushed it and to make this a complete nobrainer, well even triple our moneyback guarantee, from 30 days to the full 90 days. That means you can do the entire program, and if it doesnt live up to the hype, return it and get your money back. And right now is the best time to call, because well even upgrade your order to express delivery. [ horn honks ] thats a 15 value, free, so you wont have to wait 2 to 3 weeks to get x3. Youll have it in 2 to 5 business days. And if youre interested in athletic performance, ask your operator about p90x3s elite Fitness Training block featuring workouts specifically designed for professional athletes. Your new body is waiting insideam. Operators are standing by. [ beeping ] [ dramatic music plays ] [ crickets chirping ] 4 our of every 5 gym memberships go unused. The main reason people stop going to the gym is because they stop seeing results. It makes sense. If youre using the same machines and doing the same routine, your body will adapt and you will experience the plateau effect. The muscle acceleration system in p90x3 hits your muscles with a complex system of moves and techniques so that your body is forced to keep changing throughout the entire 90 days. And because weve packed it all into 30 minutes, staying committed to a 90day deadline is that much easier. When a workouts shorter, mentally, thats gonna push you. Lets go, boys. Come on. Come on. Come on. Whoo there was a ton of variety. I mean, theres yoga, pilates, kickboxing, strength, totalbody workout, cardio, strength and cardio in one workout, and it keeps your body guessing because your bodys like, what is going on . Theres so much usually, youre going to the gym, and youre going to the elliptical or the treadmill, and youre sitting there, pumping it out. And your body gets used to that. Its the same motion over and over again. Or, you know, youre lifting and youre doing the same routine. And theres no change because your body mastered it. Well, p90x3 takes it to a whole new level, where it keeps throwing things at your body and your body keeps adapting and thats how you see results climb, and thats how you get results, really. This program isnt just a Workout Program its a nutrition guide, as well, and talks all about nutrition. Theres no counting calories or carbs. Its just counting portion sizes, based on the size of your hand. Like, its kind of crazy. And to think that that would work it actually did. I got shredded in 90 days. I lost 10 pounds, but gained muscles. I gained muscle and lost body fat same time. And thats very hard to do. I achieved a physique that i never thought i would reach. And to do that in only 30 minutes a day was absolutely insane. [ pulsing ] i couldnt work out for more than 5 minutes at a time. I was so out of shape. And i was really upset at myself, but i just remember telling myself, if i push like, every single day, i can do it, and i will lose this weight. Being in a gym made me feel selfconscious because i always felt like people were looking at me and like, oh. Shes not doing that right, or, oh, why is she working out . Being at home makes me feel comfortable. I can try new things and know that nobody is judging me. If this speed and pace is too fast for you, then slow it down. Do your own. Every single day, it got so much easier. I was lifting weights. I was using my own body weight. I was doing yoga. I was doing pilates. I was doing everything, and in 30 minutes, i got it done. Why not work the whole body . Thats what p90x3 is about. You start from the top of your head to your toenails. My toenails are so fit right there are muscles on my toenails. I lost 32 pounds, and i lost 20 inches all over. So i just shrunk everywhere, and the fat just melted off of me. Everybody should try p90x3. It works. Im not being paid to say this. I [ laughs ] [ laughs ] i didnt think it was gonna work for me, but if you stick to the plan, you will lose the weight and you will be happy. The x in p90x3 stands for extreme not extreme commitment, but extreme results. That means you can turn around years of neglect and lose up to 60 pounds or more in just 90 days because x3 is so efficient at keeping your body challenged. [ beeping ] this is ed, one of the heaviest members of the p90x3 test groups. 240. 240. Oh, my god. I always knew in the back of my head that, like, oh, i should really make a big change in my life. I should really do something. That way. Now go back. 30minute workouts they really work for me because, in my head, its not such a big task. And once you do it, you realize, oh, wow, 10 minutes are left, just like that. And as youre going through it it just goes by so quick. In these 30 minutes, its so intense that i definitely feel like im getting a better workout. Its crazy exercise after exercise after exercise. Heres your break 30 seconds, then right back at it. So youre just fitting so much more into those 30 minutes. I have lost almost 43 pounds 23 inches off of my body 9 inches off my waist. [ laughs ] oh, i even have six abs peeking through, so its kind of nice. Yes, im gonna do another another round of p90x3. So, i am here to look at my final photos after two rounds of x3. Take a look . Oh, gosh. [ laughs ] good gosh. X3 experience has been just transformational, inside and out, just having gone from, you know, as being this fat, kind of outofshape guy to being the guy who always wants to do, you know, an extra mile on a hike. This is all due to x3. Announcer 20 and 30yearolds call this shredding. 40 and 50yearolds call it turning back the clock. Across the country, people are looking for a physique they never thought possible. And with p90x3s 30minute workouts, theyre finding it staring right back at them from the mirror young, young at heart, even those folks who didnt think theyd ever look good in a birthday suit again. You know, a lot of people have been left behind. A lot of folks have been left at the bottom of the mountain, and they just assume that thats what their body is supposed to look like. They assume that theyre gonna be overweight. They assume, because my parents look that way, im supposed to look that way. But the program is set up so its doable. Its doable. A half an hour doable. And so all these folks who have struggled in the past, not gotten the results they wanted thought that they had these body types that werent gonna change those beliefs shattered. [ thud echoes ] with p90x3, theyre not at the bottom of the mountain theyre up here with me. Announcer getting into the best shape of your life is no longer a dream. Theres a clear path ahead that will get you there faster than any other Fitness Program, and it all starts at this moment. [ beeps ] you decide to do p90x3, you commit to the 30minute workouts, and in 90 days, we guarantee youll succeed, or your money back. All you need is 6 square feet of space, a set of dumbbells, and a pullup bar. Or to make things even easier, you can do the whole program with a prograde variable resistance band, and thats it. Then, just spend 30 minutes a day with 16 of the most transforming workouts ever created. There are six musclebuilding resistance routines, including eccentric, synergistic, and classic weightlifting. Three crosaistrning power workouts for explosive athletic performance, featuring plyometrics, agility training, and more. Three fatscorching cardio routines, including martial arts, speed drills, and weighted cardio. Two advanced flexibility workouts, featuring dynamix stretching and extreme yoga. Plus, two special abripping core routines that rewrites the book on how to get flat, defined sixpack abs. If youre willing to work out hard for 30 minutes, these 16 workouts are guaranteed to get you ripped. They also come with 6 free bonus gifts the p90x3 nutrition guide, which makes it simple to know what to eat, when to eat it, and what to avoid, so you get fitter even faster. The p90x3 fitness guide, where every move is laid out in specific detail, so even if you dont have the dvds, you still have the program. The p90x3 accelerator calendar so you can chart each halfhour routine and stay right on track for the full 90 days. And youll have tony right there with you with 247 online fitness and nutrition support, live chats, and the entire p90x3 community. This 180 value is yours free. Just think youd pay 1,000 for only one week of personal training with tony. But with this full 90day bodytransformation system youre done in 30 minutes a day, and you wont pay 1,000. Not 500. Or even 200. Call in the next 3 minutes, and youll get the entire accelerated p90x3 Training System for only 3 payments of 39. 95. And were not done youll also get tonys special how to accelerate Training Tips program, giving you techniques and insight tony has learned from decades of training, so you have all the answers before you even have the questions. And when you call during this show, well also include a prograde resistance band and door attachment free with your order, so you can do the entire program without any extra equipment itll all be there, a complete gym right in the box want to get bragging rights . Only x3 graduates get to wear this crushed it tshirt. But if you send us your result photos, well send you this exclusive tshirt free of charge. You crushed it and to make this a complete nobrainer, well even triple our moneyback guarantee, from 30 days to the full 90 days. That means you can do the entire program, and if it doesnt live up to the hype, return it and get your money back. And right now is the best time to call, because well even upgrade your order to express delivery. [ horn honks ] thats a 15 value, free, so you wont have to wait 2 to 3 weeks to get x3. Youll have it in 2 to 5 business days. And if youre interested in athletic performance, ask your operator about p90x3s elite Fitness Training block featuring workouts specifically designed for professional athletes. Your new body is waiting inside this program. Operators are standing by. [ beeping ] [ dramatic music plays ] the preceding was a paid presentation for p90x3, brought to you by beachbody. Sik mu c male narratorno paw a reid psentation for meaningful beauty advanced by cindy crawford. female narrator with special appearances by debra messing. m ale narrator Valerie Bertinelli. female narrator christa miller. male narrator and stars from tvs royal pains and the mentalist. And now, for 2015, our best offer ever, including 95 in free gifts. Brought to you by guthyrenker. Hi, everyone, im beauty and style journalist Katrina Szish on location in beverly hills. In just a few minutes well meet one of the most beautiful women in the world supermodel cindy crawford. At age 45, cindy still looks impossibly young and gorgeous. christa felts oh, my god, shes just stunning. Her skin is just amazing and so i feel like now i have a chance. Whats cindys beauty secret . Were about to find out. musical flourish string music Valerie Bertinelli the first time i saw cindy in person, she turned around,

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