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Todays eye opener your world in 90 seconds. Id like to see you hold back on setentlemorts f a little bit. Doesnt sound too optimistic. Good negotiator. Thaes the art of the deal. Netanyahu visits the white house amid controversy. Turmoil within the administration makes it very difficult for us to exercise responsibilities to defend the nation. The leaks to the press are outpacing inthe formation available to congress. That classified information gets out there, it can harm somebody, it could kill somebody. The storm has been battering parts of washington and oregon sliding town the coast through Northern California this morning. In Northern California, crews are scrambling to repair the dam. Think were still in trouble. A fire and burst of light that left thousands without power in grant county, washington. Oh my gosh a third suspect arrested over the killing of the of north Korean Leader kim jongun. My its all still a m aurkynd iosterus story. More than 1,000 people have fled their homes. Wildfire destroyed nearly a dozen houses. N ilochartte, n orthcarolina, a plane was forced to make an Emergency Landing after it hit a deer during takeoff. Washington romances are taking a strange new turn this week. Ashton, youre better looking in the movies. Suspected communication between suspected russian operative peand ople inhe t Trump Campaign raised a red flag. Red flag with a little Yellow Hammer and a sickle. Andy puzder came under intense criticism. Puzders wife in 1990 on a talk show tribing domestic violence. That took him down. Who brought that tape to light . Who is powerful enough to tackle a cabinet secretary . You guessed op thank you, oprah. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota lets go places. Welcome to this is this is. Charlie rose is off, but youll be happy to know recovery is going very well. Anthony mason is with us. Hello again. Hello. In the middle of a white house shakeup, President Trump is significantly shifting u. S. Policy on the middle east. The president welcomed israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday. Mr. Trump said any Israeli Palestinian peace deal is okay with him even if it leaves the palestinians without a country of their own. The meeting took place at a stressful moment for the white house. The president needs to find a new labor secretary nominee and is still working to replace his former National Security maviser, general Michael Flynn. House. Good morning. Reporter good morning. American president s typically set the global agenda for global policy, but diplomats tell me President Trump is still very vague. One clear priority he has is a broad mideast peace deal, but some of his own public statements may complicate that. My friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reporter at wednesdays press conference with Prime Minister netanyahu, the two leaders showered each other with praise, a stark contrast to the strain ed relationship with president obama. President trump broke with more than two decades of u. S. Policy when he said he would not insist on a twostate solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. I thought for a while the twostate looked like it may be the easier of the two, but honestly, if bibi and the palestinians are happy, the one might be best. Reporter that means announcement drew a sharp warning from palestinian official hannan ashrawi, who said mr. Trump is, quote, accommodating extreme and irresponsible elements in israel and in the white house. The israelis are going to have to show some flexibility. Reporter but in a startlingly blunt moment, President Trump did push on the Prime Minister, telling him to scale back settlement construction on palestinian land. As far as settlements, id like to see you hold back on settlements for a little bit. Well work something out, but i would like to see a deal be made that might be a bigger and better deal than people in this room even understand. Thats a possibility. So lets see what we do. A start. Doesnt sound too optimistic, but good negotiator. Thats the art of the deal. I also want to thank reporter noticeably absent from President Trumps side was National Security adviser Michael Flynn. Resign two days ago, but publicly blamed the media and Intelligence Community for his ouster. I think its very, very unfair whats happened to general flynn, the way he was treated and the documents and papers that were illegally i stress that illegally leaked. Reporter President Trump just tweeted about this saying, leaking and even illegal classified leaking has been a big problem in washington for years. He then calls on the New York Times and others to apologize. Now, classified leaks are illegal, but these leaks of intercepted phone calls with the Russian Ambassador revealed that mr. Flynn had misled not only the public but other white house officials, and that is what caused President Trump to lose trust. Now, cbs news has learned that retired admiral robert harward, a former Deputy Centcom commander, had been offered flynns job. Hes negotiating terps of his role and an announcement is expected today or tomorrow. Margaret, thank you very much. The President Trumps comments on general flynn confirm that he and the Intelligence Community are still at odds. The wall street journal reports u. S. Spies are keeping Sensitive Information from the president because of their, quote, deep mistrust of him. The director of the National Intelligence office says, quote, any suggestion that the u. S. Intelligence community is withholding information and not providing the best possible intelligence to the president and his National Security team is not true. Republicans and democrats are calling for investigations into flynns firing, but they disagree about what to investigate. Chip reid is on capitol hill with the latest on that. Chip, good morning. Reporter good morning. Republicans want an investigation into the leaks coming from the Intelligence Community. But democrats are much more concerned with whats contained in those leaks and investigation into the administrations ties to russia. On the flynn issue, i think that we need to ask questions first. Reporter on capitol hill, some republicans are reluctant to support a congressional investigation into general Michael Flynns contacts with russ russia. If Law Enforcement thinks there needs to be an investigation based on Law Enforcement type of facts, they make that decision. We dont need more political investigation up here. Reporter the Senate Intelligence committee is already conducting a bipartisan investigation into russias activities in relation to the u. S. Election. But democrats are now calling for a separate independent probe of the Trump Administrations alleged collusion with moscow. The intel folks are doing a good job now, but i think its now bigger than just the intel. Reporter late yesterday the republican chairman and top democrat on the Senate Judiciary committee sent a letter to the Justice Department requesting copies of the tripanscripts of mr. Flynns intercepted calls. Democrats urged jeff sessions, an early supporter of candidate trump, to recuse himself and appoint special counsel to investigate what flynn did,ho w knew about it and when. Senate democratic leader Chuck Schumer is leading the charge. Those prosecutors should not be reporting to the first senator who endorsed Donald Trumps campaign. Reporter republicans say the biggest problem is not the latest allegations about russia but the leaks of confidential information by the Intelligence Community. The leaks to the press are outpacing the Information Available to congress right now, and so were operating in a situation in which we dont have all the facts before us. Reporter attorney general sessions said during his confirmation hearing that he would avoid involvement in investigations of Hillary Clinton because of concerns about impartiality. But he says he will not recuse himself from investigations of his administrations ties to russia. Gayle . Tank you, chip. Is on his first foreign trip ready to meet with russias top diplomat. U. S. Officials say Rex Tillerson plans to listen to his counterparts at the g24 ministers meeting in germany. Many of them are worried about the new administrations priorities. The retired exxonmobil ceo will meet with Russian Foreign minister sergey lavrov. Us are Officials Say theyll talk about recent fighting in ukraine and the civil war in syria. President trump will have to find a new choice for labor secretary. Andy puzder withdrew his nomination yesterday. The decision came amid uncertainty over whether the fast food executive had enough votes to win senate confirmation. The Washington Post and the partnership for Public Service say of 696 key positions requiring senate approval, only 12 have been confirmed. 23 are awaiting confirmation. Jan crawford shows us how puzders nomination fell apart. Good morning. Good morning. Puzder faced opposition since his appointment back in december and while many of trumps cabinet nominees votes he is the first nominee not to make it through the confirmation process. Andy puzder pulled his nomination for secretary of labor following increasing pushback not only from Senate Democrats but several senate republicans. There would have been questions that even if hed been able to be confirmed would have made it difficult for him to be an effective secretary of the department of labor. Reporter in a statement announcing his withdrawal, he said, i am honored to have been considered by President Trump to lead the department of labor and put americas workers and businesses back on a path to sustain tbl prosperity. Andy puzder would have made a really good labor secretary. Reporter puzder is the ceo of cke restaurant group, the Parent Company of burger chains including hardees and charles jr. No pay, no way reporter but allegations of workplace cry violence fueled ine mr. Puzder has a long record of cheating workers out of overtime. Hes paid out millions of dollars to settle claims when he was ught cheating. Reporter at home, puzder paid an undocumented immigrant in cash to do his housework, later saying he did not know the woman was not legally qualified to work. He vowed revenge. He said ill see you in the gutter. Reporter in a 1995 ep sold of oprah, his wife accused him of domestic abuse, something hes always denied. President trumps nominee for the director of office of management and budge set facing skrut fi from his own party for supporting cuts to military spending. But hes still expected to get the 51 votes he need for confirmation. As for puzder, the white house has not indicated who his replacement will be. An undocumented immigrant mother taking refuge at a Colorado Church is in intensitying the National Debate over janette is trying to avoid deportation. She entered the First Unitarian Society after skipping a scheduled meeting with u. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The mother of four feared she would be detained. Barry petersen is outside the denver church. Good morning, barry. Reporter good morning. Janette entered this church behind me yesterday in an attempt to keep immigration officials at bay. She says she will do whatever it takes to stay in this country and keep her family together. An emotional janet viz cara is fighting to stay in the United States. This is not just an attack on me, its an attack on the entire immigrant community, she said, speaking from the church where she has taken ref yunl. If the system thinks it can break me, it can make me kneel, the system is wrong. The mother of four entered the United States illegally from mexico 20 in 2009, she was convicted of using a fake Social Security number she says she was using to work. Two years later a federal judge ordered she be deported to mexico. She was allowed to stay on appeal during the Obama Administration but her recent request was rejected. Across town, protesters rallied in front of the u. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement headquarters. I. C. E. Agents have arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants across the country in the last three weeks. The agency has repeatedly said these raids are routine. Nearly 3 million were deported under the Obama Administration. But i. C. E. Does not enter sensitive locations such as churches except in extreme situations related to National Security, terrorism, or public safety. Reverend mike moran says she is welcome to stay in his church as long as is necessary. She hasnt been in in 20 years, that punishment is obscene for the crime that was committed. Reporter shes not the first undocumented immigrant to take refuge in this church. In 2014, a mexican man stayed here for nine months. He left after i. C. E. Sent a message saying he was no longer a priority. Gayle . All right. Thank you very much, barry. Two more suspects were arrested overnight in connection with the apparent assassination of the half brother of north korean dictator kim jongun. Another female suspect scene on Surveillance Video wearing an lol shirt had previously been arrested. An autopsy revealed florp puncture wounds to kim jung nams face or head so, that discredits initial reports that assassins used poisoned needles. Adriana diaz is tracking the investigation. Reporter good morning. The list bizarre tale keeps growing. Today a 25yearold indonesian woman was arrested along with a man suspected of being her boyfriend. They joined a 28yearold woman arrested yesterday carrying a vietnamese passport. This attack unfolded in the middle of Kuala Lumpurs busy International Airport and in full view of Security Cameras. This woman is a suspected assassin. She was caught on Security Camera at Kuala Lumpurs airport wearing a shirt ironically emblazoned with the letters lol. She and a second woman are suspected of attacking kim jung nam, the xild half brother of north koreas dictator. Police say two women threw a cloth laced with liquid on his face monday. He died en route to the hospital. One place you wont hear about the murder, north korea. Where later kim jongun is busy marking the 75th birthday of his late father, kim jongil. May have ordered the hit on his brother. Hes already purged dozens of top officials including his uncle to exert his authority. Ultimately, this is about power inside north korea. Reporter Foreign Affairs analyst ken gauze wrote a book on kim jongun. Kim jongun may now feel steps toward consolidation of power, which would include getting rid of his brother. Reporter kim jongnam was once the countrys heir apparent. From while, he krit sized his younger brother. South korean Officials Say he survived an assassination attempt in 2012 and wrote a letter to his brother, begging for leniency. If north korea did, in fact, order his murder, it may indicate growing instability. Why has it taken north korea so long to final licari out this executioning . That would suggest to me there has been some triggering factor either inside north korea or outside north korea that has led to this reporter the two women in custody have not been charged yet, but they are being held without bail for seven days. As for the autopsy, kims blood, urine, and tissue samples are being tested for toxic suxs, but the results are not expected for about a week. Norah . This is so fascinating. Adriana, thank you. The death toll from gun violence in chicago is rising. In just two days, three children were among those killed. 2yearold levon tay white was riding in the back seat when a suspect shot into the car. Investigators believe his uncle was the target of a gang attack. He also died. 11yearold takaya holmes and 12yearold kenari gentry bowers were both hit by stray bullets in separate shootings over the weekend. Only one suspect has been arrested. So sad. Keeps getting worse. Yeah. Storms moving through repaired spillways at the nations tallest dam. Nearly 200,000 evacuees returned home tuesday, but many are concerned the expected rain could cause new problems at the oroville dam. People had to evacuate sunday when the damaged spillways threatened to cause catastrophic flooding. Officials say there is no immediate danger, however. An investigation is under way to find out why a plane crashed into, listen to this, a deer. Yep, a deer, during a takeoff, in charlotte, north carolina. Nearly 50 people were on board. We had a loud bang, though, were coming back. Okay. We think you hit somebody said it was a deer. Reporter the mississippibound American Eagle flight immediately circled back to make an Emergency Landing yesterday. Firefighters were waiting to hose down the plane because the collision caused a fuel leak. No one on board was hurt. The deer did not survive. Would you throw out perishable food by or best buy date . Ahead ending the confusion members of congress raised concerns about a sophisticated russian spy ship lurking near a key u. S. Submarine base. Ahead, how the Russian Military move just 30 miles off the connecticut coast may pose a new test for the Trump Administration. Youre watching cbs this morning. rebecca i struggled with depression, i thought i needed cigarettes to cope. I was able to quit smoking, and then i started running. Now i feel a lot better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Befi was active. Gia, i was energetic. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. He also prescribed lyrica. Calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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This is boris calvo. Boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community Green Mountain coffee. Two of the biggest names in Country Music, keith urban and carrie underwood, they brought the house down at sundays grammy award. This morning another big moment for Country Music. It happens right here in studio 57. We are psyched about that. Why . Because whos coming, norah . Lady antebellum. Theyll join us in our next hour to reveal the nominees for 52nd academy of Country Music awards. Im thinking maybe carrie and keith make that list this year. Hes a fantastic cant hear it when he sings. They had a great performance. Welcome back to cbs this morning. In this half hour, a new echo of the cold war close to the american homeland. The pentagon is tracking a hightech russian spy ship near an important naval base on the east coast. How the patrol is the latest in a string of provocative Russian Military maneuvers. Plus, the expiration labels on perishable food might have an e Expiration Date of their own. The grocery industry considers a change to confusing language on packages that could reduce food waste and improve safety. Time to show you some of the headlines. The Washington Post reports Congress Approved legislation that blocks a rule to keep guns out of the hands of certain mentally disabled people. The obama era rule would have prevented an estimated 75,000 people from being able to buy a firearm. Gun Rights Groups oppose the rule. The aclu also critici saying it advanced a stereotype that people with mental disabilities are violent. The New York Times has a study saying the number of extremist groups active in the u. S. Is up. There were 917 groups last year according to the Southern Poverty Law Center up from 892 the year before. The number of antimuslim groups almost tripled to 101 last year. There were 34 back in 2015. The Indianapolis Star reports on the search for the killer or killers of two teenaged girls in northwest indiana. Two bodies that were found near a creek tuesday were identified as 13yearold Abigail Williams and 14yearold liberty german. They were reported missing the day before after they had gone hiking. Police hope the public can identify a man photographed in the area that day. The wall street journal says verizon is close to a deal to cut the price of it offer for yahoo s core internet business. Talks restarted after revealed a massive security breach. The original price was 4. 8 billion. Companies are now near a deal for 4. 5 billion. A 300 mutt. Nice little discount. There you go. The San Francisco chronicle describes a tense emergency yesterday at a downtown construction site. A oneton concrete wall on top of a 35story tower came loose when a support broke. Officials feeder it would fall. They closed the streets and evacuated 15 buildings in the area. It took five hours to stabilize the slab. Some members of congress are sounding the alarm about a russian spy ship sailing off the connecticut coast. They say the vessel, the victor lee november, may be collecting information on a u. S. Naefl base. New london is the main submarine facility on the east coast and home port for 15 nuclear subs. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The ship is over the horizon about 30 to 40 miles out to sea in international waters, and even though the pentagon says they dont believe it poses any threat to the people in this area, they do see it as yet another instance of russian provocation. At about 300 feet long, the ship was built for spying. The ships sophisticated surveillance equipment can intercept radar, radio, and other electronic signals. Its not there because it enjoys the connecticut coastline in the winter. It is collecting information apparently because it wants to spy on our military. Reporter the vessel set sail from cuba and was spotted tuesday about 70 miles off delaware. U. S. Territorial waters extends just 12 miles from the mainland. Yesterday it was said to be within 30 miles of new london. Its route would have taken it past several navy M Installations but the director of the Russian Maritime Studies Institute doubt the ship picked up a lot of Sensitive Information. When we know that that vessel is in range, its highly unlikely that we are using radio or radar waves or any other kind of electronic L L Communications that this ship could pick um. Reporter the ship has traveled up the Atlantic Coast before in 2014 and 2015. It was also docked in havana in 2015 when the first highlevel u. S. Delegation made its historic trip to cuba. We know theyre doing it. They know that we know that theyre doing it. Reporter its the late nest an alarming string of incidents involving Russian Military. Last week a group of russian jets buzzed a u. S. Destroyer in the black sea. And the u. S. Accused russia of secretly deploying cruise missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, in violation of a major arms control treaty. This russian spy ship may be just pt administration, which has been all too cozy with Vladimir Putins regime in russia. Reporter the pentagon is keeping a close eye on this ship, but they really cant do anything unless the ship ventures into u. S. Coastal waters. Thats the 12mile limit, or they break international law. Now, interestingly, the u. S. Doesnt have an equivalent kind of spy ship, relying instead on planes and satellites to gather their military intelligence. Norah . Thank you so much. New Research Suggests doctors may be able to predict autism at an age when treatment is more effective. It means diagnoses may be possible in the first year of life instead of the current range of 2 to 4 years. Researchers performed brain scans on babies considered high risk because they have an older sibling with the disorder. 81 of babies with abnormal Brain Development later developed autism. Our dr. Dr. David agus joins us from los angeles. Doctor, this sounds like a breakthrough. What exactly did these brain scans show . Well, they took children and actually did it at night when they were sleeping and put them in an florida. Mri. Part of the brain got thicker, what you see, here, and smell, but they could see the changes that then correlated to alzheimers at 6 months rather than waiting till theyre symptomatic at age 2 to 4. Will this be routine screening for highrisk studies . A its an early study so it needs to be validated but its not scaleable. An mri is difficult. Waiting for a child to fall asleep and put them in a machine with all this banging, an expensive test, is probably not the way well diagnose alzheimers autism, but it gives us hope well intervene in this disease earlier. Au what are the odds of having the United Statesitis about 1 in 68. If you have a sibling, that order is significantly higher, on the order of 12 to 15. Why is it higher for sibli s siblings . Because we think theres a genetic opponent to alzheimers. Autism. And well learn more going forward. We were talking about autism. Why is that Early Detection so important . Early detection in autism is very important because if you intervene starting at 6 months theres some data that you can have a better outcome later in the children. So we want to push earlier, diagnose earlier so, hopefully we can push them in the right direction for Brain Development and they can have a life thats actually a more compatible with speaking and interacting by that early intervention. Are you learning anything from the study on how to treat autism . I think were learning something in that we now have something to follow if we put in some of these treatments, he now we can start to look did we change the thickening of this brain at age 6 months. Dr. David agus, thank you very much. The date stamps on food can be confusing, especially when youre shopping in the store. The changes youll start seeing in your Favorite Grocery store. Best by, purchase by, use by. How do you figure out when your food goes bad . How some grocery trade groups are trying to simplify things. And our podcast app. The producer, the editor of our eye opener explains what makes your world in 90 seconds stand out every morning. We get questions about that. How do you guys do that . Well be right back. Wonly new alkaseltzer plus st want powerful relief. Free of artificial dyes and preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you dont. Loudspeaker clean up, aisle 4. Alkaseltzer plus liquid gels. 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Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Should i stay or should guy . You should stay. Stay, stay. There could be something new to check out at the Grocery Store. The Food Industry is working to simplify the labels on food perishable items. Best by, use by, and tell zell by and best before can be confusing for shoppers. Jamie yukas is here to tell us how the changes could save you money. I bet you help a lot of people this morning. Good morning. Reporter good morning. I hope so. It can be confusing. Walking through the store it seems like every single food item has a different label on it. Grocery trade groups are hoping to expire that by using just two terms, use by and best if used by. They think it will help, make it less complicated, and keep people from thousanding out perfectly good food. Every grocery shopper wants to buy the freshest food that will stay fresh the longest after you bring it if your food reaches the sellby date, does that mean you have to throw it away . And if youre past the best by date, does that mean its no longer edable . Sometimes i think its confusing because you know the sell by but not use by. If they would stick to one thing on every product, that would be way easier. Reporter two of the nation es largest Grocery Store tray groups agree. According to the Food Marketing institute and the grocery manufacturers association, consumers are confronted with more than ten different date labels on packages. Theyve announced a joint effort with retailers to adopt a new Industry Standard of just two labels, best if used by for quality and use by for products that are highly perishable or have a food safety concern over time. Theres always this habit of going to the back of the shelf and taking the mill k with a da thats the further out. This will help consumer know when that date matters. Throughout the industry for this streamlined initiative. Its an example of the Food Industry really stepping up and stepping forward to address a consumer challenge. Reporter the new label guidelines are voluntarily, but giant retailer walmart is already on board. It says it supports the effort to simplify consumers lives and reduce food waste. The Natural Resources Defense Council says millions of americans are throwing out good food because they believe its not safe to eat after the date on the package. We waste about 40 of the food we produce. The single most Cost Effective solution is standardizing and clarifying date labels. Reporter the trade groups think the new labels will be adopted by next summer. They think not only will it save food but it will actually save you money because you wont be throwing away food thats perfectly good that you could be eating, norah. Really good idea, jamie. Thank you. Anything to clear that up. It gets confusing. Waste less, absolutely. The Online Market k variety of homeland items is expanding. How the companys new cyber studio will help people buy craft supplies. And up next, the natural illusion that looks like fire pouring from a cliff at Yosemite National park. How do you become americas bestselling brand . You make it detect what they dont. Stop, stop, stop sorry. 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Tell you doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine,. Or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar, stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away. If you have signs of ketoacidosis. Which is serious and may lead to death. Im in this for my family. Im in this for me. Ask your doctor about farxiga. And learn how you can get it for free. A waterfall at Yosemite National park looks like its on fire this week. It appears to glow in a deep orange at sunset. Visitors can see this amazing phenomenon at Horse Tail Falls for about two weeks in february. But it doesnt happen every year. Water flow, clouds, and temperature have to be just right for the effect. The sites been called yosemites fire fall. Pretty. I want to go. Add that to the bucket list. Be great to see it. It would. Lady antebellum has earned ten academy of Country Music awards in the bands powerhouse care this years top nominees for the acm awards. Well be right back. [000 52 06;00] at whole foods market, we believe in food thats naturally beautiful and fresh. Delicious and powerful, and full of nutrients. Food that makes us nourished and mighty, and connects us to the natural world. So there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. We believe in real food. Whole foods market. Sugar, were letting you go. What . Whos replacing me . Splenda naturals . Look, shes sweet, shes got natural stevia, so thats it . We made you a cake. With sugar . Oh, no. laughing so thats it . We made you a cake. [beeping] the 2017 rav4 with Toyota Safety sense, standard. Toyota. Lets go places. It is thursday, february 16th, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead including the ceo of es tee in studio 57. The Online Marketplace sells millions of hand made goods. Now they want to break into the 43 billion craft supply industry. Well find out why and how. First heres todays eye oper at 8 00. One clear priority he has is a broad mideast peace deal. Some of his public statements may complicate that. The republicans want an investigation into the leaks. Democrats are more concerned with whats contained in leaks. Many of trumpsab cinet nominees that had narrow votes, he is the make it through confirmation process. The list of suspects in this bizarre tale keeps going. This attack unfolded in the middle of Kuala Lumpurs International Airport in full view of Security Cameras. Storms moving through Northern California today will be a test for theen rectly repaired spillways at the nations tallest dam. This is still an emergency situation. The ship is over the horizon. Even though theen pntago says they dont believe it poses a threat to people in this area, they see it as another instance of russian provocation. Rumor the German Shepherd won best in show at the westminster kennel club, a huge honor that the dog has no idea it received. If its true, rumor was named after adeles song rumor has it, which explains the dogs middle name, lemonade. Charlie is off and recovering nicely. President trump is breaking with more than two decades of u. S. Policy suggesting middle east peace may not involve a twostate solution. That would mean no longer committing the u. S. To have a future palestinian state that would exist peace through along israel. Im looking at two state and one state and i like the one that both parties like. Im very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one. You can hear netanyahu laughing in the background. Palestinian official hannan ash wary responded a situation of perpetual occupation would only generate greater extremism and violence in the region and beyond. The twostate solution is a longstanding policy of the u. S. And has global consensus as a basic requirement for peace. President trump did tell israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the white house yesterday that he should scale back building settlements on palestinian land. Id like to see you hold back on settlements for a littl well work something out, but i would like to see a deal be made. I think a deal will be made. It might be a bigger and better deal than people in this room even understand. Thats a possibility. So lets see what we do. A start. Doesnt sound too optimistic, but thats okay. Good negotiator. Thats the art of the deal. After the meeting, netanyahu reportedly said that he is willing to examine reining in settlement construction. The president also defended ousted National Security adviser Michael Flynn just a day after asking for his resignation because of an issue over trust. Flynn misled white house officials about contacts he had with the Russian Ambassador before the inauguration. President trump lashed out at those who leaked the contents of flynns communications and said flynn wud treated unfairly. The president also tweeted this morningenings the spotlight has finally been put on the lowlife leakers. They will be caught. During the campaign, mr. Trump had a different take on leaks. This just came out. This just came out. Wikileaks. I love wikileaks. And i said write a couple of them down. Hillary admitted this is a beauty during one of these secret speeches amazing how nothings secret today when you talk about the internet. No. Cbs news senior National Security analyst Fran Townsend said the number of leaks is stunning. The very people who are pointing to the importance of these leaks in terms of the revealing flynns potential activity with the russians and are applauding it are the same people who were crying foul from wikileaks and snowden and bradley manning. And you cant have it both ways. I come back to this is why we keep secrets. George w. Bushs Homeland Security adviser, also said investigating russian influence in the Trump Administration will now be more difficult. She says people will worry that anything they tell investigators will become public. The fbi is already investigating russian ties of some former Trump Campaign officials including onetime Campaign Manager Paul Manafort. The name of carter page, a former policy adviser on russia, has also come up. Jeff pegues has more. Reporter former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort is flatly denying contacting anyone associated with the russian government and former adviser carter page calls allegations that he or the campaign coordinated with russian opera tichs complete hi fabricated by paid consultants and private investigators. Ive only said hello to a few russian officials over the course of the last year or so. Reporter carter page, a former trump foreign adviser, and the founder of an Energy Investment firm with business interest in russia, says he was not in regular contact with russian officials during the 2016 campaign. In july 2016, ahead of the republican convention, page gave a policy speech in moscow that drew scrutiny and later questions about his ties to the Trump Campaign. I made very clear that i was not in moscow as a representative of the Trump Campaign. Reporter the fbi and u. S. Intelligence agencies are looking into whether Trump Campaign officials and other associates had repeated contact with and coordinated with russian intelligence before the election. Also included in the fbis investigation former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Both page and manafort say they have not bp contacted by the fbi about being the target of an investigation. The role of the fbi is to find out whats real. Reporter former assistant director of the fbi. He says it conclusions. The notion that there is suspicion there or that somebody that the fbi is looking into connections doesnt mean there are connections. It certainly doesnt mean there are nefarious connections. It could mean on its face the fbi is looking into it. Reporter Law Enforcement sources confirmed earlier this week that fbi agents had interviewed former National Security adviser mike flynn last month. According to the Defense Intelligence agency, flynns security clearance has been suspended as investigators look into his ties to russian officials. Norah . Jeff, thank you so much. Dozens of restaurants and businesses from new york to los angeles plan to stay closed today as part of a nationwide protest called a day without immigrants. Slen ti Chef Jose Andres is one of many restaurateurs supporting the action. He is being sued by President Trump for booking out of a deal to open a restaurant in mr. Trumps washington, d. C. , hotel. The action calls for immigrants not to go to work, not to anything. The protest is in response to the president S Immigration policies. Online marketplace is expanding after racking up more than 27 million buyers around the world. The ceo of the company, chad dickerson, a lot of people there, but thats chad in the toyota green room to share how the company is trying to take on craft supplies. If you Lady Antebellum is one of the biggest Country Music groups in the world with seven grammys and ten academy of Country Music awards including need you now, one of gayles and my favorites. The trio will help us announce the top no, maam tees for this years acm awards. Theyre here hay yay. Thats ahead on cbs this morning. Dont ever let anyone tell you you cant change. Ooh that is what life is. Change. Its not some magic trick. Its your will. Your thoughts become your words become your actions become your reality. Change is your destiny. Now go chase it. Give extra. Get extra. Whats the story behind Green Mountain coffee and fair trade . Lets take a flight to colombia. This is boris calvo. Boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. Coffee. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. The Online Marketplace etsy is expanding since its creation in 2005, the website says it has grown to more than 27 million buyers in almost every country. 40 million vintage and hand made items are for sale on etsy. Com. This week they announced its move into the 43 billion craft supply industry with its latest creation etsy studio. The website launches in april and will be dedicated to selling craft supplies to both experts and amateurs. And it will offer around 8 million products for sale and feature project tutorials. Etsys ceo chad dickerson joins us now. Good morning. Good morning. Great to be here. Youre basically taking on Craft Supply Stores like michaels or joannes. Are from what i read you said there was basically no joy in that marketplace. Absolutely. When we look at the craft supplies marketplace we really believe that anyone can make and we just need to bring out the joy of making. So when we designed etsy studio, which comes out in april, we really baked joy into it. If youre a crafter, and anthony, i dont know if you make things or not television. I ma even you, if youre a beginning crafter, you can go to etsy studio to launch it and find a beginners project and make something with your family over the weekend. Its in a very joyful environment. Your plan is to have 8 million products available on etsy studio. Who will be providing these products . Yes. We have hundreds of thousands of craft supply sellers really around the world who will be providing those products, and the great thing about buying on etsy studio when we launch in april is youll be buying from a Small Business somewhere around the world. So youll be supporting an individual typically and our seller base is largely women, about 87 women. I want to talk about the joy you said because im definitely an amateur. I went to michaels once and bought a colored pipe cleaner. I have no i really have no skills. When you talk about the joy, what do you mean by that . What is it about that gives you joy doing this . So we really believe that every person including you, has a sense of creativity inside them and that sense of creativity brings joy. When you come to etsy studio youll see beautiful photographs of the merchandise are people teaching you how to do it . We have tutorials that will teach you how to do it. I believe in you, gayle. You can do it. Etsy studio can help anyone to do a short weekend project or something longer. For example, this might be surprising, im a ceo, but im learning how to quilt. Are you . You could learn how to make more necklaces. No. That would make her very happy. You were telling me before that you worked for cnn in the 90s. I did. Theres hope for the rest of us. What did you do at cnn . I worked in early websites. Right. So where did this idea come from . Etsy really came from the craft fairs you see Walking Around neighborhoods even their craft items. We have 1. 7 million sellers around the world, 27 million active buyers. What made you believe this could work as a website . What we really saw in 2005 was this community that you see when you see offline craft fairs, you see people buying and selling from each other, spending time with each other, admiring each others craft, that you could bring that experience online and that local feel of standing across the table from swunl you can rep hi kate online and connect people across the world. How do you rebut some of the criticism with esty selling these mass manufactured products that will take sort of this homespun image away from etsy. We dont allow mass manufactured products on etsy. We do allow people to use thirdparties to do things like jewelry testing, which is a very expensiv expensive, difficult, even dangerous part of jewelry making. So everything on etsy has to be cr what does etsy stand for . Etsy really means whatever you want it to be. We have a tradition in the company of when anyone asks we make up a different answer. Make up one for today. What is it today . The best answer that we have is theres a section of film 8 1 2 from one of the character says etsy, and it sounded really good and thats where it came from. Pits a great website. Thank you. Continue gralts to you. Chad dickerson is the ceo of etsy. Actor Ashton Kutcher says hes found his real calling. Ahead, the very serious message he delivered on capitol hill yesterday. And later, roman ruins 2,000 years old are brought back to life through virtual reyal pi. How renaissance art and computer programmers combined to create it. Hi, thanks for coming. This year, chevy received more j. D. Power initial quality awards than any other car brand. Im very, very impressed. Did i mention they received more of them last year too . Oh wow and the year before that. More doors. Oh my god what . and the year before that. Oh man it keeps going in fact, chevy has received more j. D. Power awards for initial quality than any other car company, four years in a row. Im speechless impressive chevy, stepping up their game yet up 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus hearthealth support with b vitamins. One a day mens in gummies and tablets. Hey julie, i know todays critic. Need a sick day. Dads dont take sick days. Dads take dayquil severe the. Nondrowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy. Head, no sick days medicine. Whattwo servings of veggies . V8 or a powdered drink . Ready, go. Ahhhhhhhh shake shake shake shake shake done you gotta shake it i shake it glad i had a v8. The inorigal way to fuel your day. Right now its time to show you some of this mornings headlines. Yes, a little earlier than usual so at 8 30 Lady Antebellum can help bring you the top nominees for the acm awards. The Los Angeles Times supports time warner shareholders approved a plan to sell the company to at t for nearly 85. 5 billion. The deal would combine time warners media assets like hbo, cn at ts wired and Wireless Networks and directv. The merger must still be approved by the Justice Department. Washington post reports actor Ashton Kutcher testifying in the senate about ending modern slavery. This is about the time when i Start Talking about politics that the internet trolls tell me to stick to my day job. So id like to talk about my day job. My day job is as the chairman and the cofounder of thorn. We build software to fight Human Trafficking and the Sexual Exploitation of children. My other day job is that of a father of two, a 2monthold and a 2yearold. Son and a daughter. He considers his work with thorn to be his real calling. Doing a great job. The starledger of new jersey has an update on a story we told you about earlier this week. Twrdinal joseph tobin is letting their Catholic Youth Organization basketball team. The archdiocese ruled two weeks ago that the team must drop the girls, but the boys refused to play unless they were brought back. We love this story. Im so proud of the boys on the team. Taking a stand. And happy with the cardinal. And the New York Times says scientists think theyve learned why exercise promotes heart health. They found that workouts boost prodeep levels and genetic activity in the cardiac cells of mice. The researchers say that explains why moving around slows the aging of heart muscles. Country supergroup Lady Antebellum is about to share some big news. You isle definitely want to hear it. The trio will help us reveal the top nominees for the 52nd academy of Country Music awards only on cbs this morning. I was thinking gayle and i might also have a duet of need you now. Im game. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Multiplatinum Country Music trio, of course Lady Antebellum, has a long history of success. The seventime grammy Award Winners have sold more than, listen to this, 18 million albums, thank you very much, and have ernled nine numberone hits. So only on cbs this morning we love when we can say that and say it again, only on cbs this morning, Lady Antebellum joins us to reveal the top nominees for the 52nd academy of Country Music awards. Those awards honor the biggest names and talent in Country Music. Thanks, charles. Im going to chemothat. Little souvenir . Little souvenir. Your wife has excellent tastes. Good morning to you guys. Good morning. Hillary, start us off with the male vocalist of the year nominee. Okay. Male vocalist of the year nominees are jason alldean, dirks bentley, thomas rhett, whos also going to be a daddy this year, big year for you, chris stapleton, and keith urban. Thats an allstar cast. Up next, number two, female vocalist of the year. Charles . Im an expert in this. First off, Kelsey Ballerini, shes going on tour with us this year. Yeah. Going on tour with us in may. Miranda lambert. Yay. Marin morris. Casey musgraves. And of course carrie underwood. Thats a tough crowd. Congratulations. The third category is entertainer of the year. This is the big one. Jason aldean. Luke bryan. Good buddy from georgia. Florida georgia line. Carrie underwood. And keith urban. Wow. Wow. Fourth category, vocal duo of the year, sorry youre not eligible because there are three of you. Hillary, who are the nominees . They are big and rich, brothers osborne, dan and shay, florida georgia line, and matty and tae. Has anything stood out to you you go i know x is going to win . Theyre all so good. And youre probably friend with them too. Yeah. Really proud of brothers osborne has had a breakout year. Glad to see those guys in there. So has marin morris. I really think its her year this year. We have one more. This is vocal group of the year. Lets see eli young band, Little Big Town, old dominion, rascal flatts, and one more who is it . Have we heard of this band . Lady antebellum yay that would have been a big disappointment. Whooo is it sad to say im going to root for you guys . This is so exciting. One, i think Country Music singers are the nicest, nicest people. We talk about that dont you think, anthony . You cover music a lot. And i know you cant stereotype, but really, you guys and your industry are something else. You remember what it was like when you won your first award in this category . Yes. Acm was the first award we ever won. What was that night like . Oh my gosh. I just remember never i was always crying. Look at you. Oh, wow. We were babies. I cried the whole night. Need a haircut. For every award show my wife always called me like interrupting cow guy, come in and interrupt dave, you were rocking the beatle look. I mean, that was. That was in 2008. That war amazing its been that long already. I cant believe it. You know whats funny, now, too, its 2012 and were all married, we each have a kid each and life on the road is definitely different. Its become earlier mornings than it youed to be, but its really fun. We take our families on the road a lot with us and it really is a family out there. Eisleys little daughter is 3. All the crew guys, she gets greets everybody in the morning. Shes like the mayor. And another one coming up in may . Were going on tour. We have Kelsey Ballerini coming out with us. Great lineup. And bret young. Shes hes having a huge start. We kick off in california in bakersfield the end of may, may 26th, and six country, three continents, going all over the world. First time in south africa. Hope you get to go on a safari while youre there. Youve already released you look good from that the thing that strikes me, their horns. I never think of Lady Antebellum and horns. Nice mixture. Whotz idea was that . Was it yours, hillary . Were they resisting . Yes. Its funny, too, because youre like Country Music, what are they going to think about horns . If you go back to johnny cash, he has ones all over. I dont know. It really made the song. I think so too. But last year you all did separate projects. When i heard you were going to do that, i went uhoh, this is the beginning of the emd, theyre not coming back together. Was that a trial run or no, not really . No. There was never a way we were not going to reconvene. It was just we had worked for so many years, nine years almost, nonstop, we kind of wanted a breath to spend time with our families and pursue a couple of Passion Projects always knowing we would come right back to where we started. Whats the best part of going to a big awards night . I think we really truly are best friends with all these artists. Little big town, luke bryan, all of them. It is a funny thing, like a little reunion. Its the only time you get to see each other because youre always on the road. Youre all in different parts of the country. Luke barely answer my phone calls. When youre not listening to your own music or your friends, are there other genres that you like . I love bruno mars, justin timberlake. Ed sheeran. Love him. Were fans of really all genres of music. We grew up with a ton of influence. When you hear another artist release a great song, do you have like some musicians say theres like a combination of adoration and envy. Oh, yeah. I mean, i remember when Little Big Town released girl crush, i thought it was such a bold statement and when id see them id text carrie and say guys having the gummings to put Something Like that out there. And it does. It makes you kind of go, hey, man, lets stop being scared to say save something and make a statement. It spurious on. It does. When you hear a great song, die a happy man that thomas rhett put out. I remember being on a beach and a wedding in the distance, that was their first dance and i texted thomas, and i said you know youve made it when its a first dance song. Whats the story behind need you now . Oh, man. Who was drunk . Thats a place weve all been at some point, but i think one of coolest things is hearing what other peoples interpretations are because weve been in meet and greets and the fans are, like, my husbands deploy and this song just brings us together. Or its about, you know, a past relationship that you just cant quite get over, you know . So i think thats one of the kind of make it their own. Good luck this year. So glad to have you guys here. My favorite Lady Antebellum song heart of the world. If you had to pick one, could you . It ees hard. So happy for you guys. Congratulations on your new home. Where are you going to be tonight . Stephen colbert. All in the family. We like that. You can watch the 52nd academy of Country Music awards on sunday, april 2nd, at 8 00, 7 00 central on cbs. Visitors to ancient sites in rome can now be transported back in time with the help of new technology. Imagine in ancient times this room was filled with brilliant, colorful marble and this view out onto the city. Now it is possible to see thanks to Virtual Reality. Well have that story coming up on cbs this morning. The perfect home. From now through february 20th, everything is on sale. Save on furniture and accessories for every room. Plus, enjoy thirtysix month, no interest financing. Come in today and save. With havertys, your home can be perfect. Even when life isnt. The president s day event is on now at havertys. Life looks good. Tradingin or selling your car, truck or suv . Webuyanycar. Com takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. One, get your free online valuation. Two, drive to your local car buying center. And three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes so dont wait. Get your free online valuation now at webuyanycar. Com. Find out how much your car is worth at webuyanycar. Com fios is not cable. Were wired differently. In the last 10 years, we have received 6 times more awards than cable, including the jd power award for highest Customer Satisfaction for the fourth year in a row. Only fios has the fastest internet, on the most awarded network. Get this amazing offer 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month for the first year. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. A truck driver in kazakhstan got a startling request for directions from the pilot of a military helicopter. The chopper touched down right in the middle of the highway. The pilot can be seen saluting and shaking the drivers hand. He reportedly asked for directions to the nearest town then took off. The countrys Defense Ministry later said it was part of a plan visually determine their location using tactics that included human survey. Wow. Dont see Something Like that every day. Coming up, technology is helping ancient rome come back to life. Visitors at Historic Sites thousands of years old can now use Virtual Reality headsets to see what they looked like. Digital artists use renaissanceera art to recreate the relics. Seth doane is inside the ancient underground ruins in rome and how tourists can see whats no longer there. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Take a look at this. This space was once above ground. The grand home of emperor nero and considered one of the most magnificent palaces ever built. Its name means the golden house. Its hard to imagine that it was once colorful and flooded with light. But now modern technology is allowing tourists to peer into the past. 2,000 years ago this labyrinth now under the city of rome was the sprawling home of emperor nero, stretching the size of three football fields. Today tourists can explore it, but the colors, light, and opulence of this ancient roman villa were unimaginable until this month, when visitors could start using Virtual Reality glasses. The room looked out centrally onto one of the two pantagonal courtyards. Tom papa is viz guerraing from new york. You always try to imagine in your mind what it must have been like and this helps tremendously. Reporter Virtual Reality brings to life the grand architecture, rich colors, and opulent walls inlaid with precious gemstones. All of it had been lost for centuries. This entire room was filled with soil like this. Yes. And spaces and other completely filled. We know now reporter alessandro, the chief archaeologist here, explained how this place was buried following Emperor Neros death. In the ancient historiogra y historiography, he was depicted as monster. Reporter a monster. The emperors massive compound was covered over. It was forgotten about for nearly 1,500 years until renaissance artists tunneled down into what they believed was an ancient roman cave. Painters during renaissance times would come through reporter that hole . Yes. Reporter and discovered it. Yes. Reporter the marvelous frescos they saw influenced art for centuries and their paintings of the site would become a roadmap for a much later generation of digital artists. Nothing is invented. Nothing is invented. Every part of the reconstruction has a scientific we have the gold reporter raphael is an architect and Graphic Designer whose company painstakingly created the Virtual Reality show. And you recognize from the shape, this really strange shape here, we have this strange shape here. Reporter you go back to these renaissance paintings to recreate what this looked like. Yes. Reporter and then transition to here digitally. Yes. Reporter its italy so of course his studio has its own frescoed ceiling. Working from the town of amelia, outside rome, designers used the graphically Rich Technology of video games to virtually transport tours inside the ancient palace to see its grandeur, its colorful marble, and sweeping views of rome. You look down at the grass and the grass is moving in the wimd. Its fun, yeah. I saw a lot of tried to touch the grass. It looks life like. Yes. Reporter the city of rome has used technology to reimagine several tourist sites including the forums of cesar and augustus, where history is illuminated through lasers and light shows projected on the ruins. Through the bitter reality you can understand how this spaces were in the past. Reporter francesco was the one who pushed to use Virtual Reality here. It is something that nobody can imagine before. Reporter its interesting, this concept of using modern technology to understand ancient history. To get closer to the things of the ape chent past, the only way is to use technology. Reporter the architecture and paintings here influence the likes of michelangelo and raphael. Excavation work continues. There is still another 30 of this palace to be unearthed. Wow. That is just stunning. I think so too. Technology is amazing, isnt it . You think, okay, i need to do something with my life. Absolutely. Thank you, seth doane, reporting from rome. Some philadelphia fathers made valentines day a special occasion that their daughters will never forget. You have to see this video ahead. Ballet moves to show their daughters just how much they care. Oh, my. Thats some caring dad right there. And tomorrow we take you behind the scenes of the hit tv drama called homeland. Have you heard of it . Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 150 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. Get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month for the first year. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. This is going to make you smile. These are dedicated fathers proving theyll do just about anything to show their daughters how much they love them. Philadelphia dads joined them for a special valentines ballet class. Some even wore tutus as they tried to make their leaps and turns as graceful as possible. These videos became an Online Sensation and together they have now been viewed more than 20 million times. Thats when you know you have a cool dad. I think i saw some of my moves in there. 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Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Not the hall of fame ring. Right . It matches my jacket for obvious reasons. I want to talk about other things. You guys missed by birthday yesterday. Happy birthday. Youre 57. I saidt look good. All right guys. Maybe this is something you can do this weekend. Have you been to the national zoo lately . Yeah, about four months ago. Whats new . Am i missing something . Well go back. Youre going to miss something if you dont go this weekend. Now is the time you want to plan the visit to the Smithsonian National zoo because our beloved panda bow bow is moving to china. You may remember in august of 2013 that the panda was born at the zoo. Its going to be a tough fair well. We saw the panda grow up. But heres what you can be happy about. Its part of a long standing agreement with the chinese government. Shes going to head to china to go to their breedings centers. And shell hopefully produce offspring. The goal is to get more pandas into the wild. Before she leaves starting today through the weekend, theres a few ways to say bye bye to bow bow. Today at 9 30, bow bow will be

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