i know tom gore, and he's a standup guy that has done a lot on behalf of the city and on behalf of children. >> others were surprised by charges, a straight shooter, according to everybody we talked with today. >> we haven't been able to reach thomas gore by telephone. people are stunned by all of this. they say he's a good guy. they helped establish disadvantaged youth. he grew up in foster care. bruce johnson, 9news now. >> sources tell 9news now, other plea deals are in the works. d.c. councilman and former mayor, marion barry is out of the hospital in las vegas. he was admitted to get treatment for blood clots. barry announced on twitter that a clot formed while he was waiting on a plane in memphis. his chief of staff is expected to make a full recovery. # wants you to know about the problem of teenage drinks and in court today, it was the owner of a local store we had caught on camera selling teenagers alcohol. richard kim owns town square market in northwest and he's on trial charged with selling alcohol to minors. following the court testimony today, the prosecution and the defense rested. the judge is expected to issue a verdict tomorrow. the president of the naacp is magessing a passionate plea to african americans in maryland. he's urging hem to back the group's decision to support same-sex marriage and vote for the cause if it makes november's ballot. that is not sitting well with everyone in the free state. >> i'm scott broom in baltimore where today the nation's leading civil rights organization endorsed gay marriage. benjamin is taking a moment to collect himself because as it turns out, the issue of marriage equality touches him to the core. these are jealous' parents, an interracial couple who had to leave maryland to get married in 1966 because race mixing was illegal. >> my parents own marriage was against the law at the time. and they had to return here to baltimore. after getting married in washington, d.c. >> we have always stood against laws which demean, dehumanize, or dediscriminate against any person in this great country. >> they are not speaking for everybody. they aren't the same naacp of years ago. >> clergy like derek mccoy remain unmoved. >> this is one of the places where they are out of step with culture. >> scott broom, 9news now. >> so what do you think? the naacp out of step with culture when it comes to this decision? or, does the group even have the influence on how you feel about issues like this and how you feel about the organization itself? weigh in at mcginty's mail bag. the address is >> battle continues over the federal healthcare laws requirement that everybody has to, or should i say, every employer should cover birth control in their insurance plans. the archdiocese of washington joined 43 other catholic institutions ensuing over that mandate. now the lawsuits claim the policy violates the organization's first amendment rights to religious freedom. so far, the white house hasn't had much to say about that. the evening rush hour for drivers on 395 is fairing a lot better than the morning commute did when a bus caught fire inside the third street tunnel. this happened around 11:00 this morning. it shut down the tunnel for hours. created gridlock and police started turning drivers around, even forcing some out of their cars to walk to safety. >> smoke rushing through the car. >> luckily, nobody was actually on that bus when it caught on fire. three capital police officers did have to be taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation, but no reports of any other injuries. fire investigators believe that fire started from a mechanical malfunction. the yellow school bus, which is being used by the military and is hooked up to a tow truck was all but destroyed. starting next year, not paying your traffic tickets in d.c. could hurt you at tax time. the washington examiner reports the preliminary approved budget would allow the city to reduce tax refunds for d.c. residents who owe cash to the dmv. that would apply to outstanding car fees and fines. it would have no impact. d.c. estimates the measure could bring in $2.5 million a year. what a dreary way to kick off the week. anny, we are hoping the rain will go away, but it's not going away any time soon. >> we need the rain, but boy you can feel the humidity out here. i know you can relate, bad hair day, right? we're looking at some scattered showers right now. here's a look at the doppler. we have seen some light scattered activity right now here in northwest d.c. it's not raining. we see peeks of sunshine. you can see further out west, we have a couple of lightning strikes. wind chester, hagerstown, you're getting light rain. fredericksburg getting a downpour probably right around 95 and that cell will stick around for a little bit and we're going to continue to see some showers tonight and maybe a couple thunderstorms. only a slight chance for that. temperatures, 75 in downtown. 75 in college park. 69 in reston. and 68 degrees in gaithersburg. you'll want to keep your umbrellas handy for the next few days because we have more showers arriving tomorrow. we'll talk about the timing of that next system and also we'll take a look at your memorial day forecast, back to you. >> redskin veterans got their first up close and personal look at the future of their franchise today. rg3 all decked out in his burgundy and gold, leading the team through its first round of ota's. kristen berset with more from redskins park. >> i'm kristen berset in ashburn, the redskins wrapping up day one of ota's this spring. rg3 getting his first chance to orchestrate practice with the entire team, showing that speed, that agility that has been so highly touted and now his teammates have gotten a glimpse at what all the hype is about. >> the workout was good. talking to the guys in the locker room. i feel i have good command of the offense. i knew where i was going and knew where to go. i could play football and let loose. >> he loves this game and enjoys it very much, but he is also very mature. >> he has been doing everything we expect. he's looking sharp. he doesn't look like a rookie right now. >> a scary moment, mike shanahan bowled over by cornerback, thorp son, during a passing play. after laying motionless for a couple minutes. shanahan got up on his own, said he felt woosy, but he finished practice and seems to be okay. from redskins park, i'm kristen berset, 9sports now. >> can hardly wait for the preseason. still to come, tiger in golf returned to the nation's capital. and 9news now gets down with the former number one golfer in the world. but first, a last minute deal could save 158-year-old tradition in virginia. the latest on the future of the state fair. that comes your way next. the virginia state fair is not dead. at least not quite yet. a proposed deal is in the works that would allow them to continue. the agreement would free up funds in several accounts and allow a buyer to purchase the entire fair. right now, a foreclosure auction is scheduled for the fair's event and property only. a federal judge still must say prove the new deal. a hearing is set for that on wednesday. the supreme court has decided in a not to take up an appeal. if you'll remember back in 2009, a lower court ordered the young man to pay $675,000 for illegally down loading and sharing 30 songs on the internet. called that penalty crazy and his appeals have been working their way up the court system. now, the supreme court says no and that could mean the end of the line. prosecutors say they will appeal the 30 day jail sentence given to a former student at rudd kiers. prosecutors say the sentence is too light. he could have gotten ten years. the roommate committed suicide just days after the spying incident. what do you think here? a young man is dead, but robbie didn't -- was not necessarily the one responsible for killing him. so what do you think? don't pack up that umbrella just yet. they could stick around, anny is here to let us know how long the forecast will rain. but first, the nato summit in chicago ends with a promise about the end to the war in afghanistan. protest, that is just not soon enough. nato wrapped up the summit by firming up plans by ending the war in afghanistan. hand over the lead combat roll by sometime next summer and end the combat mission by the end of 2014. but that does not mean all the nato troops will be out of there. some will have to stay to support afghanistan's own forces. >> nato will continue to train, advice, and assist and support afghan forces as they grow stronger. >> meantime, outside the summit, protesters once again out there making noise, many downtown chicago businesses, including boeing, shut down. in anticipation of protesters, one scuffle with police led to 45 arrests. just over one month, tiger woods and the at&t nationals will hit the links. the tournament is returning to the storied course in bethesda after being held the last two years in philadelphia. and today, it was media day for the event and tiger kicked off the event with a chipping contest against fans and then the world's former number one golfer spoke to the media about coming back to d.c. for the first time in three years. mike got a chance to speak with him one on one. >> why didn't you just donate money to foundations already going? why did you decide education was where you need to go? >> it's my upbringing. it felt comfortable, you know. i didn't want to become a golf foundation. i was raised with education first. family then education. without my mom, especially my mom's art and diligence. >> she was the tough one, right if. >> i would never have gone to stanford, but she was always on me about that. education must come first and she was always on me about, you know, trying to improve my brain. get smarter. trying to blah. it became second nature to me. eventually, i got lucky enough where i got a scholarship and even then, i realized that i still had a long way to go. but it definitely fit into how i was raised and that was a direction we took the foundation. >> the preparedness thing struck me. the young gentleman you talked to, said he wasn't prepared for his class. did that play a part in making the foundation switch to an education focus? things like that when you heard stories like that? >> that's not why we did it, but it became a by-product of it. once we started getting into education and started realizing that it was the way to go. started seeing that these kids are not prepared, they are behind the curve. they have never been on a computer before. it is second nature to have an iphone or ipad or i touch. these kids never had one. how are you supposed to compete? they are left behind. they have never been on google. they don't understand that. they don't understand what a search engine is. if you're beginning to college, or think you might want to go to college, you are so far behind. we aren't going to leave the kids behind. we are going to get them up to speed. that's what we're doing. >> mom literally was a tiger mom. another perk, getting to play the famed blue course at congressional, even though the weather was dreary. topper shutt and mike met up in our foursome. no word on who shot the lowest. might have been top. >> you think? he's a big golfer, though. >> yeah. yeah. i think so. okay. >> let's talk about this so- called dreary weather. by the way, my front lawn is green and growing because of it. that's a perk. >> our lawns are going to be thanking us for the rain. the rain will continue the next few days, not good, it's humid out there. some of the women complaining about bad hair days, but that's going to stick around. we need the rain. here's a look at your michael and son live camera on this monday evening. we're starting to see the clouds clear out a little bit. don't let that fool you. more showers are on the way. 75 degrees under partly to mostly cloudy conditions. dew point 65. yeah, when dew points are in the 60s, it is sticky out there. live doppler 9,000 hd. it's not widespread. you can see around frederick and fredericksburg, we have some showers popping up right now. winchester, some light rain. some heavier cells when you see the yellow south of hagerstown. fredericksburg also getting a downpour as well crossing interstate 95. so, we're also watching tropical storm alberto. hurricane season doesn't start until june 1. we have a tropical storm. it's right here, heading out to the east at 8 miles per hour. we are seeing sustained winds, gusting up to 50 miles per hour. alberto is expected to weaken and not cause any problems, just head out. currently it is 68 in manassas. 67 in leesburg. mid 60s for winchester. culpeper and fredericksburg, you're in the lower 70s. it feels warmer because of the humidity. it will be unsettled and humid the next few days here. showers and storms are possible for tonight. it will be scattered. areas of fog for tuesday morning because of the on shore flow. more showers tuesday afternoon. and then unsettled again through your wednesday. here's the future cast. you see the green? that's the light rain for tonight. tomorrow morning, the commute shouldn't be too bad with the exception of areas of fog. otherwise we'll see more showers developing in the afternoon and also in the evening hours. i think tomorrow's evening commute has a better chance to be wet and we'll see showers around wednesday. more showers and a couple thunderstorms are possible as well. we need the rain and we are going to take it. all right, so for tonight, cloudy with scattered showers. lows in the 60s. downtown, cooling down to 64. gaithersburg. 62 degrees. for tomorrow morning, grab your umbrellas. mostly cloudy with scattered showers. areas of fog. keep that in mind if you're living in an area prone to fog and for the afternoon, mostly cloudy, more showers. more widespread and a couple thunderstorms are possible. high 77 to 82 degrees. in cumberland, winchester 77. warrenton 79. manassas also getting up to 79 degrees. just a little warmer compared to today's high of 75. d.c., 80. annapolis in the upper 70s. here's a look at your seven-day forecast. more showers and storms through wednesday and thursday. lower 80s. friday, we warm things up in the mid 80s and take a look at saturday. we are all excited for the big memorial holiday weekend. it's going to feel like it, especially for saturday. upper 80s, close to 90 degrees. only a chance for isolated storms for the holiday weekend. most of the moisture will have passed through just in time for all of those folks. >> i see lots of thunder and lightning. >> we'll be back. >> we want to hear what you think. send your e-mails to mcginty's mail bag. the address, 9news now will be right back. in the mail bag tonight, reaction to a story last week on a restrictive abortion law. house republicans would like to force upon the district. congresswoman eleanor holmes norton said she was not allowed to testify. william, who says he's a reverend, says norton has nothing to complain about. as representative frank made clear from the beginning, democrats had an opportunity to submit one witness and she wasn't it. if she were it, she would not be representing the thousands of district aborted children given no choice to even live. so much for voting rights, tell the whole story. you should tell the whole story, reverend. except norton argues it's congressional etiquette. that goes above and beyond whatever other witnesses may have been called. and then, there was this reaction to the story we aired last week on that new evidence in the trayvon martin case. craig from king george, virginia, says i was wrong to say that the accused shooter, george zimmerman, had racially pr filed trayvon martin. rarely do you make a mistake, but you have to re-examine the circumstances about zimmerman being racist or martin was being followed simply because he was black. that black hoody may have had more to do with the situation than anything else. craig, you may be right. the origin until tape of the conversation between zimmerman and that 911 dispatcher that seems so wrong at first was edited by a news organization in a way to make zimmerman appeal to be profiling trayvon. regardless of everything else, if zimmerman obeys that very same thing and stays in his car, we're not having this conversation. personally, conversations like this are a favorite part of my day. the address is that is my report along with anita brikman. topper shutt is back as well. log on any time. we'll see you a bit later. bye bye. now, "entertainment tonight," the most-watched entertainment news magazine in the world. ♪ you need to show >> the latest on the death of bee gee robin gibb. ♪ how deep is your love >> his final hours. >> he was fighting to survive. fighting to hang in. plus -- ♪ stayin' alive the brothers family feud. >> i have been deliberately disinvolved. >> barry, nothing and no one can come between me and you. >> and the decade they defined. then, the emotional tributes to donna summer and whitney houston at the billboard music awards. maria shriver and the hollywood stars who came to say good-bye to robert kennedy jr.'s wife. then -- >> you referenced maria. how's your relationship today? >> our arnold schwarzenegger exclusive, one year after his love child scandal. his first interview about the split. >> the most important thing is the kids are doing well.

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