Oh, no . Sue, well investigate that situation. Got couple every days to fix t whats the big deal. In. All right. Kidding. Number weve selected for today. Dont think it will be a ten like yesterday, but not real that i bad. With seven out of ten, we will have some early sunshine, and largely be dry day having said, that cant rule out stray shower, wont be as mild as yesterday when we got to the mid 70s. Heres bus stop buddy. The sixers open their regular season tonight, just that theyre out every town in inane a so we have that on, and the flyers won last night. Some of this rainout to the west, moves toward us, and most of it, not in our viewing area, most of it up in the poconos right now, just around harrisburg, as well. 62 degrees our current temperature, weve got the clouds out there, 3mile per hour winds, 84 relative humidity, sunrise happens at 7 26 this morning. 67 degrees is our high today. Mostly cloudy, few showers, High Temperature come before a cold front hits, starts to cool us down little bit. In fact, big difference tonight. Low of 48 degrees. So, once again, we give you a seven out of ten for today. Still not that bad. Lets take a look at traffic. Now, to get you started on your wednesday morning, we go to the blue route, northbound, just past the broomall upper darby exit. There is a vehicle fire there. And also on the schuylkill expressway eastbound at university ave. , a disable car has the left lane blocked. So it is already jammed on that part of the schuylkill. And, finally, on 295 southbound, at 1195 an accident on the shoulder of the road. Bridges on its Third Mission to the iss. Main engine at 108 . So last night, alex holley, on the 17th floor of my building on the balcony. Because you wanted to see it, i remember you telling me. You can see it from philadelphia there is thing, all the way down, well, one of the best astronomers of the country here, good morning. So let me continue. Go out on my balcony, 17th floor, and a lot of people were on the belmont plateau, a lot of people down the shore were tweeting they are area waiting for it, 6 22, out there on the balcony, come on, i know it is down in virginia, where is it . Where is it . So i go on the nasa website t blew up. It did. Not good. Were you watching it. I was not watching last night because i anticipated the weather was not be good, and early evening, sunset 19 minutes before, but i was following on my phone, i had a little app called mission clock, that lets me follow second by second. And i caught it about 52nd after it happened. So i new then that something had gone wrong. Of course theyre having g what happened there. But i kind of want to know more about what was the mission . Was cents it simply supplies . This was a supply mission. A resupply mission for International Space station. Whats going on is that orbital science has contract with nasa, to provide launch capability up to low earth orbit and up to international stays station. So they have nice contract for. That will what theyre doing, right in the middle of sort of proving that they have the capability of doing this on a regular basis, and doing it safely. And this is the thirds attempt of theirs to send something up the International Space station, first two work just fine, this one has cents had some sort of anomaly caused the engines to fail. Big contract, talking nearly 2 billion. It is. One company. Yes. For this one company. It is a big contract, youre right. But in the longrun, will save nasa monday if i this kind of work can be done by companies other than nasa. Because think about it, this is really just like delivering supplies, snot like doing anything complex in the space mission, although rocket launching is always complex. So almost like it is a delivery system, like some companies i wont name that have brown trucks, and other things like that, but it is like delivering packages. And so, this is something that nasa can out source that will make it less expense disbelief there are other private companies do this. They launch off of southern california. Two hours ago the russians sent up, going up to the space station, their lunch successful, about two hours ago. Right. But everybody who is in this business, every country, every company in this business, has had a launch, has had at least one launch fail. Oh, yes. This is complicated stuff. These engines are working at the extremes of temperatures and pressure, and if there is a failure, it is hard for it to be a minor failure. You know . Because you have High Temperature, low temperature, high pressure, all sorts of things going on. And so if something fails, it is probably more liken gin fail. We went up and it fell back down. You mentioned the engines. A loft people are talking about how old these engines, are actually refurbished from the so far yet era. Yes, two engine systems in this rocket. There is the main booster engine, and you have to remember that these technologies that are being used for liquid fuel rockets are very much the same technology, from the 19 60s, right to up now. Except some companies are using newer designed engines. Need to go newer . Sounds like it. Means they really need to look very carefully at these engines to see what could have went wrong. They do test the engines before they put them on the rock totes use them. The test firings all went fine. Zero like 17,000 miles an hour as fast as they can here. But, also, word last night, there was classified information on the missile. You never can really be sure what is on any launch. Because you cant see the full manifest of everything thats on the launch. So, yes, there is some classified material on this. There is cents also some regular supplies, just for keeping house, and there are also science experiments. But wont run out of tang or anything, because they have presentee . Nothing on that mission was critical. The frozen pizzas cents, you know . They can do without. Theyll get by for another couple of weeks. Plus the russians on their way like i said two hours ago, and theyll launch some more from japan, i think france, and the southern california. Yes. Sad thing for our local area, Ocean City High School had an experiment, and it was on the missile. Yes, they d they had an experiment, in which cool bacteria was going to be tested to see how it attaches to lettuce, i think it was, that could be very important for astronaunts Going Forward in the future to understand what kind of contamination can happen to their food stocks. He said ecoli . Not ebola. Mike, good important correction. Good to see you. Thank you. Well, crews cleared scene overnight, right by our station here, after being called out for reports of suspicious package just after midnight. Now, this is the park there at fifth and walnut. Why is that important . Thats the park thats behind the birth place of america, independence hall. Scene was cleared about an hour later. Also, overnight, car accident involving two vehicles, in northeast philadelphia. It happened around 2 30 this morning, on the roosevelt boulevard near north maze err street. Fifty year old man and 57 year old woman were taken to the hospital with neck and back injuries. Well, there was another possible siting of fugitives, eric frein. Yep, resident reported seeing the accused cop killer near route 390 in Monroe County yesterday. Because of that, schools in the Pocono Mountain School district were closed but back on today. Frein accused of killing one trooper and wounding another outside their northeastern pennsylvania barracks, manhunt for him has been going on for more than a month and a half. Police are not releasing any other information about this reported siting. That story just keeps going on and on. Okay, they were back at it again last night. Parents, football players, the coaches, at central bucks west, attended another School Board Meeting since word of that hazing scandal broke. Remember the scandal led to the cancellation of the football season and the suspension of all of the coaches, we get to lauren johnson. What happened at that meeting . Well, emotions are flying high, alex, chance for everybody to kind of get off their chess what they were feeling in regard to the suspended football season. Parents, players, students, even those suspended coaches were in attendance, blasting the School Board Members last night, at this meeting, saying that they were upset for cutting the season short by cancelling the last two games, including what would have been homecoming lasts friday night against archrival central bucks east, all stemmed from hazing allegations, superintendent says he learned about on october 14th, but he says he learned it happened in august, after a preseason scrimmage, while parents were nearby, hosting a picnic for players. Coaches told the crowd they were not in attendance at this event when this incident happened. Most parents in the crowd defended those suspended coaches. We love the program. The reputation of this Great Program has been harmed by untrue allegations cents of severe misconduct that happened on our watch. Students are resilient. They will move forward and be stronger as is a result of this experience. We will look. We will work to rebuild the cb west football program. Handling the setbacks you have been given i would request that part of this investigation includes restoring the character of reputation of the coaches. applause . I love my players. I love the parents. And i love my coaches. Im greatful for them. Im greatful for my wife, my mother and father to be here tonight and my extended family, theyve been great to me, and cant ask for anything more than the support we got in that room tonight. Board members say theyll reinstate some of the homecoming activities for students edge, also plan to meet with all sports groups, in the district, to teach them about the antihazing policies. Meanwhile the District Attorney says hes asking any players who were involved in this or who witness philadelphia to come forward. Hes still conducting his end dine independence investigation, alex, mike . 7 11. In Delaware County police on the hunt for drivers that hit a person and then took off. Happens all too often. Happened on route 322, in booth win, right in front of a mcdonalds hamburger place. Medics rushed the person who was hit to the hospital. No word on that persons condition. Fox did get this Surveillance Video from across the street, capturing the vehicle involved. Investigators say, it may be a ford suv. Thats kinds whatever it looks like. Now, it is heavy front ends damage, and broken headlight. If you know anything about this, you know what to do. Call the cops. The water was ways high. My gosh. Today marks the second anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. That ferris wheel, iconic photo, two years ago today, yes, two years ago, after the storm pounds the the east coast, Recovery Efforts are still underway, in some jersey shore towns. Were in longport, probably the only place along the coast where it is good news still two years later because the southern end of the jersey shore line is really the high end of the recovery picture, two years to the day. As nice cents as things look here in longport, still looks like a disaster in so many other places cents north of here and specially north of brigantine where the storm hit directly. As we watch the waves here, sends the sea mist into the brand new blacktop street, we all remember how hard this wall was wacked by those hurricane winds, and waves, enough to toss these big boulder into the street, and break up this sea wall, kicking these rocks like a kid kicking a small stone down the street. And while the memories mostly brink back these images of the see seaside amusement ride in the ocean, roll he is coaster, boardwalks, all row placed by then, but not the homes and neighborhood north of beach haven where the hurricane hit and the harder whip around hurricane wind devestated ocean, Monmouth County towns, up there, two years still seems like just only the start of a too long wait to rebuild, recover, and while they dont have to rewind the images on video, because they still see an unliveable house today, or just an empty lot still today two years later. Al innings, mike, it was called a catastrophy two years ago. It is being called a colossal frustrating wait still two years later today for so many people. Steve, is that house on the corner the one you walked through that was completely damage in the. Yes, marvin asher, mentioned him, we became part of documentary. Man behind the camera, jared, was cents with me that day. And we had no idea that marvin road out the storm. But a Police Officer french mine here in longport said marvins in there somewhere, we think, we just havent been able to get to him yet. So i was on his first floor in his devastated living room. He came down. Node idea how bad his house looked. That was his first view of it. Because we woke him up. And the sun finally came up. He and i saw it for the first time ourselves. Imagine him staying through that storm. The amazing thing on the other side every his house, amy mentioned this in her article sunday, the Blues Brothers statues Still Standing today like they were after the hurricane. So, some things just dont bobbing, in jake and elwood blues, his statues, still there today. Still reminder for so many here in longport, that he road out the storm and survived it, and smiling and happy today. That image is still in my head of you walking through that house, see if we can fine the footage from two years ago, compared to today, so much better today, my goodness. Thanks a lot. 7 14. I know we talk about this ebola situation and all of the states around it. But did you know over 100 pennsylvanians at this hour are currently being monitored for ebola because they came from west africa. All of those being monitored recently spent time in either liberia, sera lie own, or new begin. I no pested to for the virus. Meeting with health workers, in the front lines, on the site against ebola. So the president says the states must use science instead of fear, as they decide when to quarantine or monitor american medical workers returning from west africa. President obama says the United States cant be seen as shying away from the battle against ebola, and must support workers, helping in the fight. Instead of discouraging them from going over there. Meantime, the second of two texas nurses cents with ebola, there she; is out of the hospital. Some of the first people con to contract the virus in the United States, of course, and doctors say both are now cured in at lan tax emory hospital, the stars amber vincent, she helped this patient here, who later died. She caught the virus while caring for thomas duncan, who died of course in dallas. All right, well, good to see they were cured, though. Positive signs. Apparently they can never get ebola again, certain strains, immunity for them. Tough price to pay. Heres glue mike, al, just talking about sandy. Dont be alarmed by the radar picture from two years ago today. It is the radar picture of sandy just slamming into new jersey. But one thing i had forgotten, and perhaps you did, too, all the snow that fell in west virginia, asomugha result of the same storm. You can see that on the radar, as well. But what you cant see is the wind and the storm surge, that caused all of that destruction, as is that super storm warmed in, two years ago, today. Now, lets get back to today. Radar, in comparison, pretty tranquil. Although there are some showers out toward harrisburg, some of our pocono counties, as well. And we cant rule out stray shower for today either. As is this cold front, makes its way through, meaning, we wont be seeing temperatures in the 70s, like we did yesterday. Maybe not again until the spring. But well see, as time goes by. There is a few showers out there in berks county, right now, temperatures are on the mild side. Weve got 53 degrees in bethlehem and l allentown right now, we have 52 warminster, 62 degrees in philadelphia. Which is about normal high for october 29th. Fiftynine in Atlantic City, 66 in cape may. That is how youre starting off this morning. Here it is, your trickortreat forecast. We think bone chilling breezes not really but had to say t mostly cloudy skies, dry, cool, for trickortreating, and well have some sun, if you are little ones are going out before it gets dark, it will be about 58 degrees, and then, sunset on halloween exactly 6 00. So it will be about 55 degrees by then, maybe sweater on underneath the costume, and by 8 00 it will be 50 degrees, so that gets you all set for friday night. Bit every roller coaster ride, down to the 40s, both days of the weekend. Little taste of wintertime for two days, and then, by tuesday of next week, we are back into the 60s, where were supposed to be. Thats your force cast, yikes. Now, lets get to the roads. Because in collegeville, South College individual road hopwood road there is an accident that has one lane blocked. Also, in philadelphia, roosevelt boulevard northbound near haldeman avenue, disable vehicle, center lane blocked, it is a mess. Finally, in philadelphia, roosevelt boulevard, another part of it, near old lincoln highway, an accident there is on the shoulder of the road. Swing and miss. Struck him out. The Philadelphia Phillies are 2008 world champions of baseball. Boy, i miss harry. Six years ago tonight the phillies won the world series. And tonight, i love watching this theme, brad lidge, crushed. Tonight, another world series champion will be crouds. Lets go royals. Worlds series between the royals and the giants has come down to the final game. Game seven of the world series, nothing better, except game seven in hockey maybe. Game seven last night, with a ten to nothing win in game six. Scored seven runs in the second inning. Odds are stack up against the giants now. The home team has won the lasts nine times the world series has made it a game seven. Of course you can watch the game, along with all of us, tonight right here on this station called fox. The sixers tipoff. Might as well say this, might as well im sorry. Scott is already in the studio . Sorry, scott. Oops . Slip of the tongue. He didnt mean it. The sixers kick off their season tonight in indianna. And this weekend is the home opener, im going to go to the game against the heat saturday. Well show you something youve never seen at a sixers game before. A win. No, just kidding again. Just kidding. Kidding. Wow. This will be an interesting interview, coming up. And if you think the only way to get lung cancer is from smoking, think again. A local mans fight for life even though he never smoked a this is ceo tom macarthurs world. In macarthurs world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. And macarthur opposes a womans right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. For us in the real world, Aimee Belgard. Aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a womans right to choose. Aimee belgards on our side. Im Aimee Belgard and i approve this message. Ryan costello went into politics. In 2001, doctor Manan Trivedi joined the marines. Trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. Costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. And while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his Campaign Contributors even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. In congress, only trivedi will do whats right for you. Im Manan Trivedi, and i approve this message. The sixers say they have a plan, but what is that plan . To turn this team around . Here is what howard eskin, of our sports team says, charming man. Always charming. Hold on, scott. This is what howards had to say on the 10 00 oclock news on monday. All right, the 76ers becomes to open the season with the worse team in the nba. And thats just not opinion. I will state some facts. It is the season i will call tank two. The sixers want to lose as many games this season as they can, the ownership and general manager, sam hinge i have, couldnt the fan base that this is a good thing. So, what is this plan . And is this personally he needs new glasses cents cents, just trying to help. You should see his socks. Chief executive officer, we like to call it a ceo, scott oneil here, scott, good to see you. Thanks for having me. There is truth in what he says, a little bit. I mean, not going to be a very good season. Depend on how you look at it, so for thus plan continues, the second year of the plan, lasts year about deconstruction, you saw a lot of the old mid range jump shooting veterans kind of move off into the sunset. And now this is kind of us building around the core. And the fruits of that labor last year, which you got a great basketball player in the draft. Yes, a heck of a player. From . The university of kansas. Not bad player. And he lives in my building now on the elevate sore with him. Certainly follow him on twitter. If you get to know him, you fall in love with him. We talk about very young team, the young esteem possibly in nba history. He is a good tweeter. You should definitely follow him on twitter. But he wont play this year. Likely not. Just like we did with noel last year, want them for ten years, not ten minutes as we like to say, but theyre young, young team, we will play aggressive style, very philadelphia style basketball, mc he cw on the court practicing. People want to know when do you think hell be playing. Mid november. Mid november. New orleans know snell. Would have been number one pick had he been healthy last year. Out of kentucky, arch rivals, but athletic long gangly jumps like a poke owe stick. Highlights wait to go happen. Here are some things people are saying will happen. The organization said that Michael Carter williams might play at the beginning of the season, and you got us all to buy tickets, and then you realize, well, wont even play now, Michael Carter williams wont play the first few months. If nothing else were transparent. So that is going back the last year, when we came in, you know, new orleans, make sure we do everything we can to make sure hes with us a very long time. Same thing about michael. Together we build. Not hey look here, none that far with us. We come in and say it. Some people think you couldnt us. Hope not for sure. But we thought it would be, you know, a lot seen, now it is like oh, wait he wont play just yet. There are reports about it. There may be reports. Never deny it . We never, like comment on the injury and health because cents for us again it is like there is nothing more important than the health and wellness ever. On paper, this Team Looks Like it will be really good in three years. You got twin towers, right . And then if we dont do well at all well get another great draft. Twentyfirst round picks next year. The Building Blocks are in place. There are kids. You come fall in love with these guys. Do you have get to a game. And saturday speaking every Building Blocks, what happened to the floor. Oh, what did happen to the floor . It collapsed. Incredible. So it is casino of turns your hard wood into an i max theater. So we have casino of 3d extravagant did a before the game. So ringing the bell, after the sixth hit, the floor completely collapses. So cool ive never seen that before. Kinds of like the team. Oh, oh i went to the home opener last year and weep beat the heat. Yesment and i think well take them down again. Do it. Such a pleasure. Thanks for coming in. Good future. I love basketball. All right, so serious issue, and a serious crime. They call it ebola profiling. Discriminating against people simply because theyve come over to the United States from west after a you know where it is happening . West after a you know where it is happening . In philadelphia. There are 211 lawyers in congress. But not one electrician. So heres a bright idea. Donald norcross. A Union Electrician for 30 years. In the state senate, he stood up for working families and hell stand up for south jersey in congress. Working to make college affordable. Fighting to create jobs that can support a family. And pushing equal pay for equal work. Donald norcross. A congressman for us. House majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. I cant wait to write my book. I could be reading it right now. Is it going to be 50 shades oh, ya. Ill be throwing shade all right. Details all right, well, weve got the sixers cap on buddy today, because regular season of course opening in end ann, a flyers won last night. Weve got the umbrella in case. We do have the possibility, of a stray shower, or two today, temperatures on the mild side. Mid 50s to 60s this morning, seven out of ten, i dont think well Vehicles Team rain, wont be as mild as yesterday. Mostly dry, and having said, that heres some rain on radar little edging into the pocono mountains, 62 degrees, 3mile per hour winds out of the southwest, 84 relative humidity, sunrise time just happened 7 26. 67 degrees, and possibility of a scattered shower or two, and then chillier tonight. Down to 48. Thats your foxcast, from the weather authority, now, lets get back to new jersey and 259 southbound at 195, and an accident there, that may slow you down, even though it is on the shoulder the road. Mike . African imigrants being discriminated against because of the Ebola Outbreak in west africa. It is happening here. So, now we will show you another look at viral video we showed you lags cents week, aimed at putting ends to the stigma of being liberian in america. We are liberians, sarah leoneians, guineaians and nigerians. We live in a region thats been devastated by a deadly disease. But were not all infected. It is wrong to sterio type and stigmatize an entire people. Remember were human. I am a liberian, not a virus. And we actually have one of the largest liberian communities notice country here in philly based on human relations want you to know any discrimination will not be tolerated. We have roo here with the commission, she will talk to bus this. Yes, executive director of the commission. Thanks for having me. Weve seen this in our city . We have seen it. In what form doses it take . Are people yelling at them . Nobody getting beat up or anything . So far we havent heard reports directly to our agency about that. But the concern is that there has been epidemic whatever people are calling fearbola the absolute fear of ebola. You know the washington post, abc2 weeks ago reported two out of three americans, have an absolute fear of the ebola epidemic, and thats now trickling out into other areas butting them in quarantine right when they come over . So, we at the commission on human relations, we enforce the practices ordinance, which says that you cant discriminate against people on 15 to 16 protected categories, including, national origin, and also disability, or per selfed disability. Our concern is that some of the stories were hearing is that people are being treated differently, just because they come from west africa, their family was cents there, they have accents. Do you have an exam be . Sure. Even a city colleague, who is from nigeria, from west africa, went to the hospital for a concern with his ankle. And when he got there, was asked a series of questions very different from what he was cents what other people were being asked. Nigeria is not one of the areas that has ebola. Ebola free. He didnt appreciate the fact he was cents being asked all of these questions specially because he hasnt been back in many, many years. You guys have had number of complaints since this whole ebola really got talked about here in the United States, about 100 calls a day . Complaints are going directly to the Health Department. And what were here to do, and thank you so much for having us, to ask that the complaints come to us, the concerns. There are rumors that are all over the city of philadelphia, people calling the Health Department with their concerns, when they should be calling us. Okay, us. How do we get that number . Put it on our website. Sure. Absolutely. Commission human relations cents 215 6864670. Well put that on myfoxphilly. Com immediately. We want to hear from anybody who has any concerns of actual discrimination, or for people being treated differently. Not only do we enforce the laws, but we also want to make sure that people in communities are being treated equally, and fairly, and that neighbors arent overreacting without the facts. Another message that we have for everybody, get the facts, get good reliable facts, and be the voice of reason in your community, or at your place of work. It is not easy to contract ebola ebola, and people need to know that and not be scared. Yes, be proactive. Read, and then go tell your coworkers or the people at school about this. So they can be knowledgeable. Absolutely. Thank you so much. Nice job. Okay, think you can only get lung cancer from smoking . No, no, no. You can get lung cancer without smoking. Local man, who never smoked a day in his life is now in the fight of his life. Well introduce you to him, and tell you how hes trying to double lung cancer survival in the next ten years, and he needs your help. Hey, mike, did you hear about this . National cat day. So you want to see the pictures of your cats, showing some right now, this ones from joycement look at the cute little kitty. Make sure to send them in, hashtag 29 food day. Do you have put that hashtag in there so we did can show the picture on air. Thats a small kitty. Must be a baby. Say it, kristin, im a tool. Say it. Im awkward. Say t im awkward. Im so awkward in real life. Hey the movie twilight is set in a town called forks, washington, one of the most rainy cities in the u. S. Perfect for a family of vanpires because they like it dark. Forget. That will philadelphia actually the best place for these blood suck tears live, heres y this survey comes from real estate breaker red fin. Bunch of data to figure out which place would be most appealing to vanpires. Why filly . They say philadelphia is the highest number of blood banks, blood drives in the country with average of 548 a year. Thats great thing. s a great things. For humans and vanpires . Philly tops the list also because of its late night bar scenes. Also a great thing. We like to give blood and drink liquid. Most bars are open until 3 00. Where are these bars open until 3 00n leaving plenty of time for vanpires bees for night out on the town. Philadelphia has the most homes for sale near cemeteries. Oh, great. And average 160 cloudy days a year, perfect, vanpires since of course they cant go out in the sun. Chicago came in second on this list. We were number one . Number one. So, tell me, what are you, what did she say . How are you . Vanpires. She admitted she is a vampire . Really. s vampire. I never saw that crap. You know, he wanted her to say it. She new what he was, he really was his true i cant handle her. Okay. A baby gender reveal party, have you heard about these . In 2001, doctor Manan Trivedi joined the marines. Ryan costello went into politics. Trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. Costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. And while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his Campaign Contributors even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. In congress, only trivedi will do whats right for you. Im Manan Trivedi, and i approve this message. Beautiful day we had yesterday, it was amazing. Oh, no. This morning it wasnt that cool when i was walk to go work. We do have mild start to the day, the thing; because of all of the clouds that we have around, temperatures arent going to move whole lot. This weekend, rain up to the north, show you the entire, well, most of the cold front, as it is going to make its way from northwest, to southeast, throughout the day, another dis to turn ands, light showers, up in mount pocono, even to the north that far, up in berlin, pa, getting some rain this morning, but nothing around here, 53 degrees in allentown, bethlehem, 58 degrees in mount pocono. For late october, thats pretty mild. Fiftyfive in chester, doylestown, 62 degrees, here in philadelphia. And down in south jersey, bridgeton has 58 degrees, but it is 65, in cape may. So, this may be the mildest morning we see for awhile, because it is what is happening this weekend, influx of air from yes the north pole coming in with taste of winter, both saturday, sunday, and thats about how long it will hang around for now. So, instead of temperatures in the 60s, we will have temperatures in the fours, and in the morning, especially, sunday morning, we could be just like minneapolis, in north dakota it will be cold, so here it is, the seven day forecast, 67 degrees today. Sunny, cooler tomorrow, and friday. Spooky cloud, but i think dry for trickortreating it you are going to the temple game, noon saturday, not dry. Looks like well have some rain moving in, and big chill with a high of only 48 degrees. By sunday, temperatures in the fours, 39 degrees during the day, bit milder monday, then back to the six offs, which will enjoy, by tuesday, thats your seven day forecast, so, lets go back it the roosevelt boulevard northbound, near old lincoln highway. We have an accident, on the shoulder, there, and things are very slow on that part of the boulevard. In dresher, pennsylvania, the turnpike, westbound, at virginia drive, accident on the cheryl. Gregory drive, babalon road, an accident with lanes blocked there. Alex . Advice of celebrities who love palatis endless, victoria model, even sophia, they just say this is just transformed their bodies, and laid frist wayne to west chester, flock to one after kinds studio where they can sweat and cut like they do in hollywood. Tell us about it, jen . You have seen this, good morning to you. Good morning. These people look like theyre moving so slowly, but theyre crushing it. Right . Yes, what theyre doing extremely difficult. So, as we talked about, 600 calories here. Huge. Say it again . Fifty minutes . 600 calories youre burning. Okay. So doing entire total body conditioning work out here at one shot in less than an hour. So focusing on slow exercise, focus on the slow switch muscle fiber and thats where we will find the calorie burn and the breakdown. And the definition in your muscles, rather than the bulk. So, like she could do any work out, why do you think it is the celebrities really good attached to palatis, not the pill at is, the mega former machine. Because were bigger, heavier, leaner machine than traditional reform earn, they really allow your range every motion increases so much. Were focusing on your core the entire time. Andorrans factor huge, pushing you through every exercise for 50 minutes straight. Bodies shaking. Yes, and when you see the shake, thats the muscle breakdown, and the fiber the fat burning. Heres what i like about. This heres what people say behind your back. Ready . They they hate coming here but love coming here because it is so hard. But, in other instances cents it is like one big giant machine, and your their with one instructor. These are expensive machines. But you have them all in a setting so it kind of feels like youre not in prison by yourself, you are in like a group setting, so that kind of helps each other push each other . Definitely. Always encouraging people to take the Group Classes cents gets little competitive between the ladies and men, we want them to get into the exercise faster. One of the ways, checking it, slow sex err sizes, quick transition, and everybody starts to get competitive, a lot of time we will say megans already in the exercise, better catch up. Hurry, you know, sort of push each other against each other. Kicking it up a notch. We do us. You dont want people board . , no our six month anniversary of being open, yahoo. Congratulates. Thank you. So we decided to change things up with the disco ball, little 70s music. It is insane. And you really see the transformation. Weve seen kate hudson, miley cyrus, famously, everyone what are you doing . And she said palatis, and you say it all starts right here in the pizza and beer zone . It does. That love handle everyone is terrified of, that little donut everybody calls it in the front, were focusing on that in every single exercise for 50 minutes straight. So people really get the opportunity that to work on that for 50 straight minutes. Dont get that in every work out. Core stage aids eggs so important for our strung, our spine, standing up taller, posture becoming better, lenthening our next. We are so long. We are. You and. I 5 feet. Tall. You know this, the planning, so we have to talk about planning well do that at 8 45. Okay. You guys are look good. And mike, alex, i cant cheer with you enough. These people are crying. They want the segment to stop. Even though it is so slow after move. You need to get on one of those. And you can emulate at home. Thanks, jen. When were you glowing up did you want to be like your dad . Probably more like your mother. If youre a millennial. Why some say men are just too soft in 2014. And of course, sticking with this story all morning long. This rocket exploding a right after take off. Group of students from new jersey made that was on that that is cents a spacecraft. And now, burn to a this is ceo tom macarthurs world. In macarthurs world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. And macarthur opposes a womans right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. For us in the real world, Aimee Belgard. Aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a womans right to choose. Aimee belgards on our side. Im Aimee Belgard and i approve this message. People in 20s, 30s, arent tough guys, theyre soft, they cant do what their dads used to do like fix a sing, change owl in the car. How about two . You seem like tough guys to me. No, no. No, no, no. That age group should be expanded, i cant do anything around the house. I cant either. Im horrible. I watched, i watched my father build an entire unfinished basement piece by piece, when i was a kid. I watched him replace engine parts do, all of these amazing things. Can you do that . I cant do any of that, no. You learned from it . In fact, i came home one day from work, and my wife was in the bathroom, im like what are you doing . She is like im replacing the backs seal on the toilet. Which, by the way, do you have take the entire toilet off of the floor, and replace so she is far more skilled in things like this. My wife i was like what are you doing under there, hone . Im replacing the garbage disposal. She does these things. I take pictures every these things. My ineptitude comes genetically, my father purchased when whole okay workmans shop in the basement, and there was a table saw. My mother used to fold laundry. Oh, my dad, countly days, handing him wrenches and stuff under the car. So what happened to you . I dont know, cant do a thing, not kidding. I have to have the guys downstairs in my building come up and put lyle but the bees. Oh, come on, even i can do that. I cant get the sons off im with you. On more than one occasion, my father actually removed stitches from my body. Yes. Because he didnt want someone tolls do it. Oh, my gosh i kid you not. Why would i pay 100 for somebody to do this . When i can come on, here, this this is not that complicated. No, i whole heart educationally agree this article. Casey boy . No, no. No . No better than we. You built all those book shelves at your house, you have done some project. I can hang some , no i can be told where to make a cut. And, you know, im a good apprentice. But i am not a good foreman. Doing this stuff . On pinterest . There is manterest. I did a project the other month, putting up toilet paper dispenser, and i did it wrong i did it wrong. Was it is outside . No, it was definitely inside. You know, making things level, doing level, you know . Terrible at it. Did you ever, there this is a test after marriage. Did you ever wallpaperer room . No, no, no, no. I removed wallpaper fresh a room, and in so doing started to remove the dry wall. Thats how inept i was. All my brothers in law are contractors. So, i, thank god, let them do it. Whats the womans name . Oh, kathy. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Thats me do you finds this attractive, man who can wear a tool belt and fix snuff. I think so, absolute. I yes, one in the village people. Ya. I think it does. You know, my father, i mean, did he everything, he built a car. He built our house. He could do absolutely anything. But, like you guys are talking becomes both of my brothers, not at all. Nope, nothing. We are girly men. We truly are. It is horrible. I guess as long as you know how to call a hand i man, maybe not a problem . Have the number on speed dial. That was my name is high school. Ya. He work alone. So they say. My bench work. Oh, goodness gracious. I mean, did i train people. But, you know . Oh, wow. Well they made it into a sin i max move. I and still going. Sin i max . They had dirty movies . Really . Sin a max. Ladies, see you next week. All right. Softies. Good day, wednesday, october the 29th. Listen to this, the day the stock marked crashed . 1929 . explosion heard . Virginia we have a problem, a rocket explodes, in a fireball seconds after its launched, somebody using their cell phone trying to watch this launch last night, at 6 22. Mike, last year, new jersey leaders are hyping the slogan, stronger than the storm. Making strides while he fights for his life. Oh, that dream wedding. Without your soul mate. Yes, yes, if you cant wait for the big day, you know longer need a spouse to get married. Why so many women are signing up for something called solo weddings. What . Ya, you marry yourself. I guess they say the first person you love should be yourself . Selfies team and all, but really . And somewhat costly. Weddings usually are. And depressing. Because you want the gifts that you see everybody else getting married and getting great wedding gifts and youre not getting any . Great idea, ill march myself next year. Lots of presents. I think thats what is behind it, but thats just me. Getting to the weather, because it is going to change starting today. It is cents a seven out of ten. Mostly this afternoon, wont be as mild as it was yesterday. There is bus stop buddy with the umbrella, just in case, and a sweatshirt, and not really that cold out this morning. Temperatures are in the 50s, and six offs, and there is some rain up in the pocono mountains, around scranton, none of it has made its way into the philadelphia area, just yet, but we are seeing cloudy skies, it is 61 degrees, and in philadelphia right now, 67 is owl we manage for hi, no more 76, like we had yesterday, few showers, here and there, little bit of sunshine, but mostly cloudy skies. That takes care of your wednesday. Weekend and beyond coming up in the seven day. Lets get to traffic. I95 northbound near curl land street an accident. It is already backed up in that area every day so real jammed now. Now, northeast philadelphia, woodhaven road, east at authority on road, there is a disable tractortrailer. So, the right lane blocked there. So thats a mess on woodhaven road. Finally, horsham, gregory drive, at babalon road, an accident there, and few lanes are blocked, so thats going to slow you down, as well. Off the coast of virginia following this rocket explosion, yet, evening, investigators are now tapped with trying to figure out what the heck went wrong. And carry barrett following developments like that investigation this morning. What a scene. Can you imagine, us. Officials say that theyre not sure exactly how long it will be before they actually know what specifically went wrong with this rocket. But theyre their top priority, repairing the launch pad a zap. It happened just seconds after the launch of that unmanned commercial craft yesterday. Fortunately, nobody on the gown was injured, when it blew up. But, the cost of that spacecraft, and the surprise lost in that explosion, estimated at 200 million. My god. Yes, officials do say, there were some Hazardous Materials on board, there werent many people in the area, not to touch anything that they find, as crews clean up that aftermath today. Preliminary others show damage contained to the south end of wallops islands, in particular. That pre determine hazards area, predominantly where many of the pieces came down, but as frank suggested fair amount of scatter and as it hits the watt letter likely float into other areas. The rocket was owned by an american company, orbital sciences, nasa very rely and the on private rockets because the Shuttle Program was shut down. This rocket was loaded with supplies for the iss, International Space station, obviously, some other experiments, as well, nasa is telling us that the iss does have enough supplies for couple of more months, but there has been another rocket scheduled to leave for the iss in december. So theyre going to have to hold out to the crews up there on the International Space station until then. And also, the russians set one up today. Few hours ago. Do we know exactly what was on that though . No, i dont think it was anything food or anything. Food, water, that kind of thing, personal effects. So they have to wait until december to restock on that kind of stump. As you guys have been mentioning, some High School Student friends ocean sit how had an experiment on that rocket, what that experiment was doing was studying key coli. All that work. I know, how disappointing. That stinks. Well try to run by that high school in the next hour. Okay. See how theyre feeling, probably a lot of disappoint. Thanks, kerrey. 8 05, two years ago today there is happened. We had water coming in like a water fountain, doors, windows, water was cents waist high. Two years after the storm pounded the east coast, Recovery Efforts still underway after jersey shore, well get steve keeley live in longport. Hey, steve . To get their homes offer the grounds, and on the road to recovery, for many along the jersey coast, two years after that road to recovery, still a deadened. And long point port you see here better than it did before the storm. These nice expensive homes, even nicer and more expensive likely now, we were here the day after two years ago, and met the man who road out the storm, marvin ash nerve, hes still here, and he and his neighbors homes wrecked then, picture perfect now. But the picture far different north of here from Long Beach Island up as less wealthy and more winds swept away homes are still far away from being lived in again. Many still have to be raised up, elevated off the ground, lifted up before any Insurance Company will pay up, and cover for fixing them up. Again, so, yes, the amusement rides, boardwalks, that got front Page Pictures to two years ago, may be back, but not the homes further off those beach blocks, north of beach haven, brigantine, where stronger than the storm alex, mike, still only slogan. Stronger in spirit, is still such a hard reach for many two years later. Boy, thats for sure. All right, steve, thank you. 8 07. Of course for complete look back at Hurricane Sandy log on to to our website myfoxphilly. Com. Well, joan rivers daughter melissa has reportedly hired a new York Law Firm to investigate the death of her mom. And this investigation could lead to lawsuit against the clinic where rivers was treated before her death. Now, rivers died september 4th, week after that clinic procedure, medical examiner determined the comedian died as a result of brain damage, because of lack of oxygen, the new york state Health Department is already investigating the clinic. Balls i think joan brought in her own physician. A lot that went on before, during, after, so what really went down. Were talking shopping this morning. Sue, how many days are we away from christmasses this. Fiftysix . Fiftyfive . Not talking specifically the sales, but the strategies you can use this early in the holiday season, coming up how to define those hidden deals. Another thing how to make sure you get free delivery of the items you get on line and in stores. You know, Free Shipping . Thats big. Little tip there. But first, hes never smoked before but hes fighting for his life. Local man battling stage four lung cancer. His scary diagnosis. How hes now making strides. By the way it is national cat day. Keeps him and the cats n if you use the hashtag fox 29 good day, there is a very good chance your kitly get on. helicopter whirring roars siren wails pop music playing when youre ready ready, ready, ready come and get it get it, get it when youre ready, come and get it na na na na na na na na na na na when youre ready, come and get it na na na na. Female announcer its a great big world and it can all be yours. Here and only here. Come and get it. Radar shows you where the rain s most of that up around scranton, williamsport, harrisburg, have seen the rain so far this morning. But this entire cold front is on its way in from northwest to southeast. It may take a little while. Maybe until early afternoon, before it comes through, and there you see the rest of the day, in our future cast, a loft clouds, maybe few peaks of sunshine here and there, but what about the rain . We dont see too much showing up. But well give the possibility of a stray shower here and there. And if we do get rain, maybe a. 10 of an inch,. 2 of an inch when all is said and done, have the umbrella nearby just in case today. Temperatures are mild this morning, in the mid 50s, bethlehem, allentown, mount pocono, 61 degrees in philadelphia. For late october, thats pretty mild. Fiftyfive in chester, and limerick, as well. So, down in Atlantic City it is 61 degrees, 56 in cape may. Enjoy time outside this morning because look what is going to happen this weekend. A bit of a polar plunge, some really cold air moving in from the northwest, over the weekend, just to give us a taste of the season to come. So, right now, as we said, were at 61 degrees in philadelphia, but if you look up to our north, minneapolis, it is 37 right now, so we will get a taste of some of that cooler air, lets get that seven day forecast, to you, because there are a lot of changes coming. Shower around this morning, a lot of clouds, little bit of sunshine, but sunny and cooler tomorrow. So high, topping off only about 60 degrees, on thursday, and maybe 60 on halloween. I do think it will stay dry for trickortreating friday night. But by saturday, weve got winds driven showers, chilly temperatures, maybe a few snowflakes up in the mountains, and some entirely possible on saturday morning, 48 degrees our high saturday, 49 on sunday, and things get back to normal by tuesday, thank goodness, with the temperatures. And dont forget this weekend is when we fall back, and we go back to standard time. We lose that hour or gain that hour of sleep, i should say, yes, fall back, turn your clock back saturday night. Oh, there is your seven day forecast, we get to the roads, because on i95 northbound near kurland street, an accident, there the reports right lane is block. As you can see on the map there, it is jammed, so try to avoid that part of i95 in Delaware County, also, in bala cynwyd, east levering mill road. There is cents an accident there. That has lanes blocked. Take overhill road as is your alternate. And in wynnecote, church road at washington lane, an accident has all lanes blocked, your alternate there is cheltenham avenue. Alex . 8 14. November is lung Cancer Awareness month. For many of us when we think about lung cancer we automatically picture smokers, sometimes thats not the case at all. We sure learned that last year, first introduced to you a roxborough man in an unexpected fight for his life. It was around this time three years ago when marks live changed. August of 2011, woke up in some coal sweats. Healthy active 28 year old new something was wrong. I ended up doing an xray of my chest. Found small spot. Mark, who never smoke a day in his life, was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. And more tests revealed that the cancer had spread. We did a scan in case. That will would be able to tell if there is cancer throughout your body. And so it lit up in my right shoulder, and also in my back, in my l4 spine. What would follow, multiple rounds every radiation, chemotherapy and even surgery. Bright spots along the way, mark propose today his girlfriends rape nel july of 20126789 the couple wed last november. Now, one year after we met mark and rachael, the the chemotherapy continues. So does the fight. And theyre back. Mark, rachael, welcome back. Thank you. Halloween . Pretty close to that, yes. So, how are you . Doing chemo right now, so, have some good days, some bad days, but overall doing okay. Its been three years now, how are you holding up, wife . Doing okay, doing okay. It has been a tough year. So we saw a lot of challenge that year that were casino of new challenges that he hadnt experienced before. Do you mind telling us . Well, he started on a Clinical Trial based out of austin this year, and it was casino of doing the complete opposite whatever it should have been doing. The cancer actually progressed tan got worse, and he lost a ton of weight, and it was a very scary time period there. But thankfully hes gotten his weight back, and hes healing better. What are the doctors saying . Right now just got to take it daybyday. You know, theyre doing whatever they can with the chemo right now. Relieve your minds . No, not really. It is pretty tough, too. But, yes, i mean, it is there. I know you mentioned this is the fourth rounds, so this will determine kind of where you guys go next with treatment . We will get some scans coming up in the next couple of weeks, hopefully good as the last couple of scans we got. What have you learned about lung cancer . Because you didnt smoke. So what do doctors say . Pretty vicious. We were at a point where i was getting radiation done to a clavicle, couple of spots up here, and the only spot that would have been left in my body was cents spot in my right shoulder. And all the sudden we did another chest xray, or chest scan, it was all over the place. So just is that where we are now . Yes. Thats what were really fighting. Is that a racing . Did you know ahead of time when you did the clinical . It wasnt during Clinical Trial actually. That is what pushed us toward the Clinical Trial was the fact that it blew up within my chest. Well, not just sitting here taking it . Trying to be proactive. Thats what we will do the run again . Yes. This sunday, registration is closed, but you can come the day of the event and sign up. And look for us. We will be in our orange shirts, and we have a pretty big turn out this year. We have about 184 people who have pre registered on our site. And big goal, right . Big goal, question yes, so we fundraise since mark was first diagnosed under the name miles for mark for the past three years, so our goal in our third year is to hit 100,000 over the three year time period that weve been fundraising. So my meat is horrible. Is that 33,000 . Just about, yes. So this year were pushing for about 31,000 some change. Where are you right now . Actually at about 27,000, with another thousand dollars check that has to hit, so i would say close to 28. Well, while dont we do . Maybe we can get it done by the time we get off the air . That would be awesome. So 4,000 away . Just about, yes. What do you got in your wallet, mike . Im happy happen to donate,. So whats the website in well put it on our website. Free to freeze. Org. Find event information on thereto join the event. As well as the Philadelphia Free to breathe event. Again there is sunday, up at memorial hall. Every 25 raised is equal to one hour of research. So why dont you log on right now . Even just 25 bucks . Because it all adds up. Yes. Well keep an eye on the total today. Thank you, thanks for coming in. Thank you for having us. Thank you very much. Make that run sunday. Weather will be good. Little chilly but good for running. Yes. Okay, well, shes back. The fit mom who asked millions, hey, whats your excuse . I know you had a baby. I had three. Look at my body. Well, now, shes back. And she has friends this time. Well show you the new picks. But first, find willing right can be stressful. So women are not waiting to walk down the aisle. How you can plan your dream wedding antithe knot while still single. Marry yourself. Ya. And keep those cat pictures comingment oh, look at this one. A lot of cute ones, keep the pictures coming. You can hashtag fox 29 good day so we can put it on tv. Tradingin or selling your car, truck or suv . Webuyanycar. Com takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. One, get your free online valuation. Two, drive to your local car buying center. And three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. Buying used cars is all we do. All makes and models. No dealership pressure. Well even settle your loan or lease. So dont wait. Get your free online valuation now at webuyanycar. Com just by switching to progressive. So youll be bringing home the bacon in no time. Sorry. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. Do you ever wants to sue your phone company . At t being accused of unfairly slowing down the data speeds to some of its customers smart phones. Federal trade commission filed a lawsuit accusing the cell phone giant of targeting millions of customers who pay for unlimited data. So, just slow it down, and then use large amounts, well, the practice known as lot link. And the suit claims some customers speeds are cut by as much as 90 . I have un limited data plan. No wonder my phone is slow. They have to bat thal out in court. Us department of transportation set to holds meeting today about the possibilities of phonecalls on planes. Oh, no. This as the federal trade commission considers dropping its decades old ban on Cellar Service on planes. Critics say allowing calls during flights would cause air rage on crowded planes. I guess it would be kind of annoying. If the fcc does drop its ban it, would be up to the Transportation Department to allow or restrict cell service. Can you imagine how annoying it would be on an airplane with everybody talking . And then it is loud, because you hear huh . Cant hear you no, wouldnt be able to sleep. Coy do it quietly. How . I should be the only one allowed to do it. You have the loudest voice in this room. What are you talking about . What . Do you want to eventually get married . Maybe one day. Down the snowed. Ya. Have a family . Maybe. Cant find anybody who wants to marry you . Just walk down the aisle by yourself. Japanese travel agency offering solo wedding package for single women. They go through the entire process of planning a wedding, without ever saying i do. Snow is two day package, includes dress fitting, hair, make up services, and even a male model to pose in the photos to fake as a groom for you. A fake groom . A fake groom, yes. I think i would want more after silhouette though where you cant really see who it is cents . Show your face to your family. Entire package cost 2,750. Cheaper than a wedding if you actually had two people in it. So far ten women have bought t so people are actually doing this. A fake wedding . A fake wedding. So youre kind of marrying yourself . But as sue was talking about, at least you get lots of presents. Ill take some presents. Package also comes with a rope and a noosement just kidding. 8 25, quincey . Hey. Im at the Philadelphia Pet Hotel. First ever doggy swim club, going on here, thats peco, peco grab the ball. I will tell but it coming up next. There are 211 lawyers in congress. But not one electrician. So heres a bright idea. Donald norcross. A Union Electrician for 30 years. In the state senate, he stood up for working families and hell stand up for south jersey in congress. Working to make college affordable. Fighting to create jobs that can support a family. And pushing equal pay for equal work. Donald norcross. A congressman for us. House majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Ryan costello went into politics. In 2001, doctor Manan Trivedi joined the marines. Trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. Costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. And while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his Campaign Contributors even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. In congress, only trivedi will do whats right for you. Im Manan Trivedi, and i approve this message. In macarthurs world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. And macarthur opposes a womans right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. For us in the real world, Aimee Belgard. Aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a womans right to choose. Aimee belgards on our side. Im Aimee Belgard and i approve this message. A little wind any Atlantic City, dont have any rain, at least not yet. And even if you get some, it is not going to be very much today. But, things will be changing, because, temperatures are changing, especially over the weekend, so bus stop buddy has a sweatshirt on. Actually, mild out right now, but there is the just in case umbrella for later on, seeing little bit of sunshine, at the moment, but clouds will take over. So, we decided instead of the ten to gave you a seven, because we do have the chance after stray shower or two, later on in the day, for right now, weve seen little bit of rain in the poconos. Been raining all morning around harrisburg, but nothing here, not yet. So, not bad. 61 degrees right now in philadelphia. We have 5mile per hour breeze, no big deal. And 67 already the high today. Yesterday, it was the reverse of that, it was 76 degrees, for hi, it was so nice, but we had mostly cloudy skies eventually, and stray shower possible. So thats your forecast for wednesday. We will have a seven day forecast, just ahead, but right now in traffic, we start off in blue bell, the pen lynn blue bell pike at skippack pike, accident there with all lanes block, alternative is butler pike. On 95 northbound, near kurland street delco there is an accident, reports of the right lane blocked, and it is jammed. In bala cynwyd, east levering mill road, accident has all lanes blocked there. Overhill road to stay away from that, and finally, church road, washington lane, an accident that has all lanes block, your alternatives there, cheltenham avenue. Mike . You know what ive been watching you for years, right . Yes . You should fire your agent. You know why . Why . How long that is been since kacie left as our traffic reporter . Well, couple months, i guess, yes . So you have been doing this almost six hours a day, weather and traffic, weather and traffic. You never get a break. Whats so hard about hiring a new traffic person . I dont know. I dont make those decisions, but im just why dont go to the general manager and complain. Just why are you beating up sue . Im trying to be a team player here, snub. Why dont you get on twitter, for example, do you drive around a lot . Coming in. The news director . Oh, he is over there. Talk to him. Can you do traffic . Sue is tired. Okay . I am tired. But youre doing great job, sue. Could you get like an ups driver, fed ex, those people know the roads. They know the roads. Everybody knows the roads. Twitter. Whats your hand until. Alex holley fox 29. And holly is with a e. Get you in here tomorrow. Hey, spending the day at the pool. You know, noselike spending the day at the pool. But im talking about dogs. Dogs in the pool, quincy thereto talk more about it, about the first swim club, doggy swim club. Mike is getting fuzzed out today. Right . Youre like put a bandana on your head. That was like too pock. Geez. Okay, im at the pet hotel, Philadelphia Pet Hotel here, jared right here, the first doggy swim pool. Why would dogs need to be in a pool . Pools are really great for not only recreation, when dogs need to tire themselves out, a terrier, she loves to swim, has a lot of energy. Great way to release that energy without, you know, any casino of pressure on her joints. Also really great on the animal, Animal Hospital side, from a dog thats very arthritic, also, in need of exercise, maybe little bit after overweight necessary there, allows them to come, in burn off calories, and really enjoy this beautiful saline heated pool. Now, i say i want to bring pie dog n whats the process for me to bring my dog in . Hotel side real east i within on one swim sessions every day. Drop off your dog just like dropping off for day care day, boarding stay, schedule that with my con see age staff. Well do one on one swim session. That will lasts for about 30 minutes. On the pet hospital side, on the Animal Hospital side, all would you need to do is if youre not current client of the Animal Hospital you would just go in for an evaluation with one of our veterinarians, to make sure your baby is healthy enough to go in the water, also make sure theyre properly vaccinated. Once do you that sign up for swim session at nighttime. Real cool because this allows the owner to get in the pool with their dogs. You really get to be interactive, bring as many toys as you want, really have great time with your animal. The water special kind of water . Like the casino of watt their we would swim in . With this water is saline water, so there is a lot of benefits to. That will the water is very clone, also very soft. Very comfortable to be in, obviously heated so it is nice and warm. The water dots feel soft. This whole facility is amazing, you guys have like a hotel for dogs on the other side. Check out the entire facility coming up in the next hour. Excellent. Where is that joint . Where is it . Oh, it is cents in south philly like right by the airport, right by the airport, a 40 5401 olsteen avenue, right by the airport. Ive been in that pool. Matter of fact . Mike, still there . Im still here. Were you like talking tough. I apologize for that. He calm down. He took little walk. Whats so hard to find somebody to dot traffic for sue . Here he goes again. I mean, you want to do it . Get on twitter. Is he was at the pool last week swimming with the dogs. Heres what i have to say about that. covering . Wow. I realize i thought you were going to say who let the dogs snout. Thats a cliche. I also cents gave my cat a bath last night. Cats and water . No, they dont like t look at all of the fur on my tongue. Ewe. National cat day. Thats why were looking at cats. Tweet us pictures of cats using hashtag fox 29 good day. That cat could probably do traffic. Hey, the cast of the walking dead cant stomach their own show. How is it affecting their eating habits, really . Plus this. A woman, ladies, something a loft us deal with, but it is down right annoying. Why is some women are saying enough is enough. Why is some women are saying enough is enough. Apparently the go to word at the bottom in job creation. Massive cuts to education. And higher property taxes. Under governor corbett, pennsylvanias been heading in the wrong direction. Theres been no leadership and no vision. Thats gotta change. As your governor, i will lead. And well move pennsylvania forward. Well restore manufacturing jobs. Close Corporate Tax loopholes. And make the Gas Companies pay up to fund our schools. After all, its time to get pennsylvania moving again. Friday a so halloween, as you hear this song, hence, well have elsa here in the studio, and she will be our very special guests, we know a lot of children and guess z will be excited, come on out. We want to see you there, im sure you want to meet elsa specially if you have an elsa costume, we want you to wear it, it will be great. Also, we will have big reveal of our costumes, it will be a must see, it will be great for prizes, you know how we do on halloween, it will be a good one. So parties starts at 7 00 a. M. Elsa arrives around 9 00. I think it is actually now halloween that was so long. Walking dead apparently cant stomach their own show. The props have turned some of the actors into vegetarians. Apparently the flesh eating zombies and prosthetic organs well look pretty realistic. Some of the actors say they cant even touch red meat or chicken any more. I would have to lever the show. I like my chicken, red meat. Do you . Maybe it is good. Maybe theyll be healthier. Oh, alex made cookies. I didnt know were you a cook. I did, but you crushed them. Thats all right. I just dropped them. Halloween cookies, i love doing festive things for the holiday. Ill report later. If he is still alive. Yes. Really . Robot . The song is Still Standing the test of time, even though ive had it. Well there is time, one singer showing us how the song can be performed, really, in any genre. Oh marilyn manson, new sick, anthony vincent, all kinds of ones we just heard, whats your favorite take on it . What do you mean . Do you like stevie wouldnter . Do you like the spice girls one . Michael jacksons probably still my favorite. Nothing like it. Nothing tops that. So quit screwing with it, or messing with it, 8 42, going to jen now. Jennifer, palatis us. Oh, she is planking. Were going to plank now. But taking our inch is that plank pictures. We love her. Either love her or hate her. Shes got make your booties look good you. Guys ready . Look good you. Guys ready . Common back after the imagine a health plan that gives you zero. As in zero copays. If youre on medicare and eligible for medicaid, Gateway Health has a Medicare Advantage plan for you. Gateway Health Medicare assured diamond gives you better coverage, benefits, and service, plus zero monthly premiums. And zero copay for primary care and specialist visits, hospitalization and er, even transportation. Call 1877gateway today for a better plan. And a better you. So many pictures every cats, kitties, it is national cat day. Keep them coming, use the hashtag fox 29 good day. Well, everyone knows the term planningking. All over social media. But the plank, they swear by t of course, this is video of us doing it here in the news room. But apparently you can do it, make a work out. So how do you keep this interesting, jen . Okay, this the first thing, hi, guys, how are you . Random, random, met her at crazy party friday. I was like who is this youre actually training for a bikini competition, right . Thats correct. Next weekend. Okay. So, we here in the studio, so, every year, ive come here on tv one other time. Mike is like all they do is plank over there. We always hear that and plank is full body work out. Working every muscle group for the entire 50 minutes. Come over here, tell me how to plank. Because you say planking is one of the things trainers like yourselves, athletic coaches, why do they love it so much . They love it because you are working against your entire body weight. It is all core, and working every single area of your body, as well. Okay. So go do your plank. Man. So these are little straps gill get your feet in here all waited. You why why do you like planking with the straps . Planking with the straps, engages your entire core. And obviously that is super important. For anything involving back exercises, you dont want to dip those hips. Keep it nice and straight. And the secret of the core part of the secret you will never be able to cheat. Because i can tell when youre cheating. What . Thats right. Okay, so, right there. I like this. All right . Here is one of the things, so what were doing right now, im already bored. Kick it up a notch. Cool thing about there is you can always switch it up a little bit. So start with plank jack. So she will open up the legs, close them, zip them together. Good. So squeezing the good as you zip those legs back in. Perfect. Good. Twelfth one, good. One in at a time. Okay. Why do i feel like im going to die . You can totally take a break, take maybe 32nd break, you pop back up. Then another one, that you can do, you can drive both knees in, to double kneein. Nice. Owns the place . I confess, sometimes im cooking dinner, im pop down, do a plank. Im not sure it is this kinds after plank. But something you can do at home even without this . Yes. I feel like i cant even do awesome. You can have them at your house, you can suspend them from the sealing, from a heavy door strap. So it is something you can easily do at home, if youre cooking, if youre doing this, that, or hope youre not cooking while doing it . Is she not taking a break . Not right now. And shes down. Tell me about your thigh move. Because you like that one . Sweaty. So awesome. Because thats another thing you want people to do, right . Were wrapping it up. Show us real super quick. Get your foot in the bottom. Regular ones here. All right. And last thing, for this bikini competition, you havent had any booze . No wine, no beer . , no looking forwards to it afterward, though. Planning planking, some of us harder than others. This has inspired me. I know. Watching your segment and eating cook us. Shut up. Yes, were doing that. Alex made these. Theyre fantastic. Well, thank you. And still moist after 48 hours. Right here, you have to tell people theyre old . Oh, i forgot to send out instagram, instagram in the commercial break. Instagram what . Her beck sevenday forecast. I took a picture. You did . Oh, no. Have you ever been so tired you cant keep your eyes open . Oh, ya, last night. Check out this little guy. He was so tired he couldnt keep them open long enough to enjoy his ice cream. Dealt falling asleep with every break. Whatever. You know youre tired when you dot whole jump back up thing. Go down, and just oh, thats great. Okay. Whether we come back. It is one of those moments that you go why didnt i think of this . I could be having a lot more money in my bank account. I know exactly what you mean, especially when im in old city, falling ought time, on those cobblestones, stilettos, coble tons, just dont mix. Sometimes just like kate middleton, our shoes get caught. But shoe lovers, we have a game changer for you this morning. How you can disguise those damaged heals. And two women from our area invented this. Youll meet them in in 2001, doctor Manan Trivedi joined the marines. Ryan costello went into politics. Trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. Costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. And while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his Campaign Contributors even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. In congress, only trivedi will do whats right for you. Im Manan Trivedi, and i approve this message. We had some sunshine, also a lot of haze, as we gaze, at the skyline of philadelphia. This vantage point, from our airport camera. So, lets get you ready for the next couple of days. And through the weaken, mild start today, but we will see increasing clouds, and we cannot rule out a stray shower, it is not going to be a deluge, but you do have to be ready for little bit of rain. By halloween, why, look, a ghost, over philadelphia. Anyway, cooler temperature, trickortreating, though, should be dry. Rain moves in, on saturday, along with a big, big chilly blast, on saturday, and it will last through sunday. So, get those sweaters out. Maybe put an extra blanket on the bed, just in time for the weekends. Thats your forecast, lets get to the roads. And, see whats happening out there. On your wednesday morning, we start off with some of your travel times. Next on i59 southbound wood i have answer to the vine, that will take you about a half hour. And also, on the turnpike, northeast extention, southbound, before lansdale, we have disable vehicle, there, and the left lane is blocked. Al next. Gossip good for you . Talking behind your friends back. Good excuse there. Oh, i must be really healthy then. This is ceo tom macarthurs world. In macarthurs world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. And macarthur opposes a womans right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. For us in the real world, Aimee Belgard. Aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a womans right to choose. Aimee belgards on our side. Im Aimee Belgard and i approve this message. Cats everywhere. Cats on ecstasy. It is national cat dow. My goodness, my twitter account full of cats. We want to see a picture of your pussycat today, too, use the hashtag fox 29 good day. Hey, good day to you. It is wednesday, october 29th, 2014. Ive never seen a cat in a plug. Now you have. Now i have hey, talking shopping this morning, yes, not for the sale but strategy. Shopping strategy. How to find those hidden deals before you ever spend a dollar, plus, we want to know this. How can you get Free Shipping . This woman cat called more than 100 times in one day. Ladies, it is something a lot of us deal with. And it is down right annoying. Why some women are saying enough is enough. Not the best of mixes cents, sometimes kate middleton, shoe lovers, we have a game changer, how you can disguise all of those damaged heals. Yes if you damage that heal, New Invention by two women who live in the philadelphia area. Why didnt we think of this . I know, always that, why didnt i come one those little pieces cents of tape with the end of shoelaces in. What are those called, eyelet . Thing a ma jigs. Is that a small eagles snell. Eyelet . Sue . I call them the holes. Here are damaged heals on the