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P big old sneeze in traffic poffice. P57 degrees the current ptemperature outside. Peast northeast winds, they are plight but shifting. Pand shifting to the southeast. Pwhich is good. Pbecause it will, it will really pstart to warm things up only not pso good things tends to raise phumidity levels up. Pwe do have 40s inland 50s along pthe coast. Pby midday, were in the 70s. Pby the end of the day, upper 70s pto around 80 degrees. Pnext couple of days look great pbefore the rain chances start to pkick in on friday. Pvanessa. Pthank you. P allergies. Pyoure allergic to me again . Pthats it. Pzyrtec doesnt work for that phas . P8 0 one is time. Pwe have new crash reported in ptarpon springs area east lake proad in keystone road. Psouthbound lane blockages preported we do have delays preported back to mitchell road. Pheading that way. Pmeantime, were still dealing pwith some pretty heavy delays on pour majors. Psouthbound because thats punusual. P29 minutes from state road 54 pjust to get to bruce b. Downs pboulevard. Pthis is related to an earlier pincident of road debris and a pcrash. Plooks like you can save punfortunately just a minute or ptwo by exiting at state road 56. Pand taking bruce b. Downs pboulevard south. Pand otherwise id probably just pgive yourself extra time out the pdoor. P 8 02. Pbreaking news out brussels a psuspect has been arrested in one pof those bombings. Olice are not saying which psuspect it is. Por which bombing. Pa judicial Officials Say the psuspect was picked up in a psuburb of brussels not much else pis being released right now bell pjune Prime Minister is being pbriefed. Phe is expected to hold a news pconference within the next hour. P the developments come as pworld continues to mourn the 34 plives lost. Pright now officials expect that pnumber to a rise too. Pislamic state claimed presponsibility. Pand they are warning that more pattacks are in the works. Pare reaching out to belgium poffering their support and say pthat terrorism will not be ptolerated. P and right now belgian pofficials are on high alert plooking for anyone who may have pbeen involved in terrorist pattack. Pthis Surveillance Video was preleased hours after the bombing pinside the airport. Olice believe these three men pthat you see right there they pbelieve the two on the left pwearing the gloves may have been pthe suicide bombers. P and then a local news station pis reporting that theyve pidentified them as brothers. Pduring raids tuesday belgian olice found a nail filled bomb pislamic state flag in one home. P ten americans were injured in pthat attack. Pthree of those were mormon pmissionaries dropping someone poff at the airport when the pblasts happened. P Joseph Anthony mason wells pand richard all from utah but pwere serving in the churchs aris mission. Pchurch released a statement psaying all four were seriously pinjured. Pthey are expected to recover. Pwell about being in wrong place pat the wrong time. P19yearold mason wells was in aris last november during the pterror attacks. Phe was also at the boston pmarathon bombings in 2013. P this morning Brussels Airport pis still closed. Pand will be that way for at pleast thursday forensic pinvestigation into attack pcontinues. Pas we told you yesterday, the pattack came just days after the parrest of Salah Abdeslam one of pthe suspects in november paris pattacks. Pbelgian Authorities Say abdeslam pand others planned another pattack and had a Large Network pof people helping. Phere in u. S. Transit riders and pairline passengers will be pseeing more police and tighter psecurity of a the attacks. Pwhile Homeland Security says pthere is no credible threat phere, they still want to be pcautious. Pthat goes for flying and out of ptampa international. Pshayla reeves is there. Pshayla, seen anything different pthere this morning . P oh, this morning travelers to plikely notice a few changes pthroughout the airport. Pthis would include nor canine punits in airport. Pmore tsa agents. Pand more uniform police pofficers. Pthese are just some of the pchanges that are in place after pthe explosions occurred in pbrussels yesterday. Pnow goal according it a pspokesperson is to make sure the pexperience here is a safe one pfor anyone traveling through ptampa International Airport. Pwere told that the airport pofficials are remaining in pcontact with tsa and also pfederal Law Enforcement agents pas well. Pworkers and passenger are urged pto be on look out for suspicious pbags or activity. Pand also report anything unusual pthey may see. Pabout 2. 5 Million People are pexpected to move through these pterminals in coming weeks as the pspring break season gets under pway. Pthe u. S. State department, they pissue ad travel alert urging pamericans taking any sort of ptrips to europe to remain pvigilant. Pright now they do have some ptargeting mass transit in those pareas. Palong with a restaurants, psporting events, any public plocations so they are urging eople to be cautious as they ptravel abroad. Ptampa International Airport does pnot have any sort of director pnonstop flight to brussels, pwere told there are a number of pflights through airlines that pconnect and go to brussels as a pfinal destination. Pwere told if any changes are pmade to those flights, a pspokesperson for the airport psays those changes would come pfrom the individual airlines. Pguys, back to you. P all right shayla, talk plater. Pthank you so much. P and just a few hours a moment pof silence takes place to pcommemorate the lives lost in pthe blast. P the president ial candidates ptook a bumpy ride through wild, pwild wes on way to white house. Psenator Bernie Sanders won two pstates they were smaller ones. Phillary clinton pulled out big pwin in arizona. Pto republican side donald trump pbut ted cruz one big in utah. Pbiggest issue for voters pyesterday, the terror attacks in pbrussels. Pturns out that might have helped ptrump get more votes in arizona pwith some people saying they pbelieve he may be the best pcandidate to beat isis. Pand new this morning jeb bush pannounces hes endorsing prepublican president ial pcandidate ted cruz. Pin a statement bush said cruz is pconsistent and a principle pconservative who appeals to pvoters. Phe added he believes cruz only pcandidate still in race that can pfix washington. Pcruz zest hes honored to preceive the support from jeb pbush. P so, where is the delegate pcount right now for republican . Pafter yesterday donald trump has p739. Pted cruz has 465. Pohio Governor John Kasich ptrailing behind with 143. Pand democratic side hillary pclinton now has 1681 delegates. PBernie Sanders is slowly pcatching up with 927. Pand its actually a lot closer pif you take away clinton pthan 400 of them. Pfirst democratic candidate to preach 2383 delegates will preceive the nomination. P this morning two men are in ptampa general after a sky diving paccident. Pthey collided mid air. Pone is in serious condition. Pother is critical. Pthis happened a sky dive city in pzephyrhills. Pgeneral manager said men were pexperienced sky divers wearing pwing suits and not long after pthey jumped they collided in mid pair. Pone of the men was able to pdeploy his chute and land in pdrop zone. Pother man either knocked out or pincapacitated pincapacitated. Phis reserve chute automatically pactivated he landed four miles paway sky diving deaths are not pcommon according u. S. Pa chute passociation in 2014 they precorded 24 deadly accidents out pof roughly 3. 2 million jumps. P theres a big warm up phappening right now. Pdave back in few minutes with platest on our weather. Lus one month after dropping pcandidate as we reported its pnot donald trump. Pwe will talk lot more about pthat. Pand Charley Belcher, good pmorning. P good day to you, laura. Pi im in Water Works Park in has ptampa where tampa shakes pspeakers festival is happen pthursday night, friday night, psunday matinee. Pstick around we will hear a plittle richard the third. Pnow the winter of our pdiscontent. Pmay glour outs summer. Pand all the clouds and lord upon pour house in deep bosom of the pocean bay. Pnow, victorious our bruised arms pcome up from monuments our stern parms change the the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. Right now, all youre thinking about is finding quick cover, so you can continue streaming your favorite show in the great outdoors. And you dont need a dead zone further interrupting your otherwise perfect afternoon. Echo from bright house networks. Eliminates dead zones, so you can stream confidently and now connect to. Standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet. Only 94 a month put more fun in your day with icecreamflavored coffees at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. America runs on dunkin. 3 3 russell 2shot new this morningthe recent terrorist attacks has some new this morning a precent terror attacks has some eople wondering humans born psavages are majority of people pjust born kind . Paccording according to new presearch answer is quite simple. Pfox 13 dr. Joette is here now pwith answer. Psay, right dr. Jo. Pit absolutely is. Pwhat they are saying is people pare inherently al truist p. M. Pthat means they want to psacrifice themselves for others pmore generous so its only that plearned behavior that makes us a plittle bit more frugal a little pbit more selfish. Pwhen you look two studies there pwere two studies that were done. Pand they found in the beginning, pand first group, they took them pand they let them watch videos. Pthese videos were somebodys phand getting poked by a needle. Pthey also then made them mirror por make emotional faces i know a plittle complicated. Pbut to kind of mirror what that pamerican was going through. Pand it turns out they, then let pthem play another game. Pthis game was to see how pgenerous they were dictator game pallowed to give people money pbased on their income, based on ptheir face based on lots of pdifferent things they they put pthose two things together they ut group that was kind of most pgroup and then they kind of pused, they used something called pmagnetic stimulator to kind of ptarget an area they thought was pmaking them selfish. Pwhen they did that they kind of pdampened it. Pthey found they became even more pgenerous. Pso basically i know thats very pcomplicated, but the underlying remise is that when they took pall of those things away the erson was actually more pgenerous and gave more money. P lets bring it back to the pbrussels attack for just a pmoment. Pbecause if you listen to pideology religious or political pwhich every you choose, they pbelieve they are doing the right pthing. Pthey believe they are psacrificing themselves for a pgreater good. Pyou have to wonder at what point pis therein dock trination that pmakes you capable of taking panother life. Pwhether you believe its good or pnot. Pno, thats absolutely true. Pso if they are tapping into that pinherent altruism in those eople, and there are, basically pjust, you know we used to call pterm Brain Washing in old days. Pyoure basically redirecting pthat all truism and making them pbelieve that what they are act pis what they are doing is for pgreater good. Pwe are hard wired that way. Pand so you think about it, it pmakes sense that were hard pwired that way. Pthink about raising a child. Pi mean, if you were not paltruistic not self sacrificing pchildren wouldnt survive. Pright. Pwe wouldnt, you know we pwouldnt have that. Pbut i think the brain is very, pvery fascinating. Pin this particular study in articular, because they went so pfar as to do functional mri pimages brain as these people pwere watching these videos pmaking these faces. Pthen they were taking and they pwere targeting these specific pareas of the brain using this pstimulator. Pthen they were uncovering all of pthis activity. Pand i think were just at the pbeginning stages. Pi think guarantee you probably pthings that they may be able to pdo. Pand again, they are looking at psome of these things too because eople become more hardened you pknow people that have been pembattled people overtime. Ost Traumatic Stress disorder. Pso, so part of the reason for pthese studies is to try to help pthose individuals connect pbetter. Pbut, you know, to your point, i pcan understand how it could otentially help them understand phow perhaps some of these groups pare enticing young people to pjoin them. P yeah. Pand you have to, i mean its a pgood reminder of how malleable pour constitution and our pdemeanor is. Pand how those influences can preally go either way. Pits your choice in a lot of pways, right . P no, i think youre absolutely pright. Pi think there is that pvulnerability period. Pi think that they are exploiting pthat. Pclearly. Pthey are exploiting that in pthese young people. Pand its its a tragedy. Pthis we are good. Pour nature is good. Pand we always say that i dont pknow about you you always say peven if you meet someone are you preally dont get along with you pthink theres something in there pabout this person i know theres psomething good. Pi know theres something there. Pand you look for the glimmer and pyou know, most of time you might psee it then just that popportunity to capitalize on pthat glimmer. P waiting for folks all right pdr. Jo got to leave it there all hilosophical. P definitely. P thank you. P i like that. Pyeah. Pwere wired to be good. P yes. Prestore your faith in humanity. Pyeah. Pyeah. Pwe do every morning here on good pday. Pwe try. Pwe try. Pwe try. Pall people are not all bad. Pwe have a lot of bad news but ptry to work good news. Pyoure right. Phonestly we are good. Pwe have fun and make fun of each pother. Pin general were good people. Pwe dont make fun of each other pjoking. Pwe do, we give each other a hard ptime. Pback, laura. P do not take that back. P 8 17. Pi know we love you. P you do mean it. Phey, its 8 17. Plook at the beach. Pwho wants to go out there and penjoy it. Pa beautiful start to the day. Pits mild. Pyouve got gorgeous sunshine, pgulf looks great. Pfantastic good morning lakeland. Phows that for a sun up . Pfor almost an hour now. Pand now by the 9 oclock hour, pwere really going to start peating away at that chilly air. Pthere are spots in upper 40s too pin new tampa. Lant city. Pbrandon made et cetera way back pto 52 degrees. Papollo beach in mid 50s. Pmid 40s crystalive innerness the pthing is, these temperatures, a plot warmer than yesterday. Pmid 50s along the coast. Pand i got upper 40s to lower 40s pinland as well. Pfrom 7 to 12 degrees warmer than pthey were yesterday at this ptime. P enjoy sunshine with southeast pwind. Pit will warm us up. Pit will alleges bring more pmoisture into the atmosphere. Phence a few clouds as well. Pwell still make it back to pupper 70s. Pmaybe sneak in an 80 or so ptemperature inland. Ptonight, mild, low temperatures pin the 60s. Ptomorrow looks like temperatures pgo right back up into the low p80s. Prain chances decent for friday. Pabout 40 percent. P50 percent for saturday. Pback to 40 percent for sunday. Pvanessa not a wash out this pweekend but definitely punsettled. Pokay all right dave thank you. P8 19. Phere couple trouble spots were pfollowing on roadways pinellas pcounty. Plive look along 275. Pin the area of 22nd avenue psouth. Pwere actually looking towards i pchecked on the map 26th avenue psouth. Pand a looks likes were dealing pwith i know its hard to see pflashing lights and hazards here pon side of the road. Pthere was crash reported here pjust remember your move over law panother crash to make note of phere in hernando county. Pwe do have a couple lanes pblocked in eastbound direction. Pcortez boulevard at high point pboulevard. Pkeep an eye out for emergency ugh. I really shouldnt. No, you know what . I should. And i will. I deserve this. Im a bogo findin, weekly ad flippin, couponing mastermind. Whos saving big time . This girl can i help you . Indeed. This queen of savings deserves a reward. A cannoli, please. The weekly ad, bogos and coupons. Three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. Publix. Where shopping p good day tampa bay. PWater Works Park. Pright in downtown tampa. Pright along the beautiful river pwalk. Plook at this Hillsborough River pthere right across university of ptampa. Pso gorgeous. Pa little shakespeare in park to ptell you shake peer festival phappening through april 3rdrd. Pthursday night, friday night, psaturday night. Pand sunday matinee too. Pit is free. Pcoming hang out in park get a plittle culture expose your kids pto shakespeare and talk about it pa little bit. Prehearsing going on on stage. Pgoing back and forth between two pdifferent shows, much to do pabout nothing and richard the p3rd. Pjackie, katrina. Pi guess everybodys in both pshows, right . P yes. Pyes. Pwe alternate between both shows. Ptell me for noeks you dont know pabout. Pnothing. P seinfeld. Pactually, seinfeld is closest, pone of about nothing. Pit a play about nothing. Lay about love. Pi would say if you are fan pthey. Ptwo warring we dont like each pother but these two will wind up ptogether that shakespeares pversion of that. Eople get intimidated by that planguage p no it is hilarious. Pshakespeares language is so pmuch easier to see or hear than pit to read. Pdont be intimidated if you had pto read it for school. P the language itself is so pcolorful and it is music. Pand comedies you get wonderful pwords and put together in just psuch most interesting ways. P and bawdy, definitely. Pand you f. You know shakespeare pyou know all the dirty jokes. Pbut kids will enjoy it because pthey are in pretty costumes prichard the 3rd explain. Pderek by the way is richard the p3rd. Pexplain the show to folks. Pbasically after time of war in ptime of peace richard realizes phes not able to be in that time pof peace. Pso he decides to basically pdestroy everyone. Panyone around him taking it for phimself and become the king. Peverything he realizes he has no pone again. Pand eventually, they come and pkill him. Pyeah. Pspoiler alert. Pspoiler alert. Pgave it away now. Pspoiler alert. P and 1500yearold spoiler palert. P and, this is a very pchallenging role. Pby way much ado a comedy a ptragedy. Pwhy is this known as one the pmost challenging roles for an pactor . Pi think its, amount of speech pthat is you have to have, the hysicality, because he is a phunch back he does have a limp pto a hold that and handle the planguage and psychology of his pcharacter is such a challenge as pan actor. Pone of those where they direct pyou get to talk to audience as pvillain. Pbasically house of cards. Pyeah. Pyeah. Pright . Pthere we go. Pso come see seinfeld and house pof card for free a water works ark. Pnow is the winter of our pdiscontent. P but here at good day their pnever discontent. P oh, awe, no. Retty good actor. P to be or not to be. P altruistic. Pwhat noble in mind outrageous pfortune p kill it. Pmove on. Pmoving on. Pvery nice. Pvery nice. P the Tampa Bay Rays that was pthat was impressive. Pit was. Phes an actor. P and Tampa Bay Rays keep a ptras last ad lot longer than pexpected. Pwe will tell you why trip ended pwith them stranded and stinky. Pthey were stuck on the runway in pcuba for 7 hours overnight. Pcoming up what players are psaying about it. Pand with walter allen is dealing pwith a bio hazard this morning. Pnot real one. Ponly a drill. Pyeah good morning guys. Pthank goodness not real thing. Pbut question is, you know what pwill we do in case we are pattacked with a bio weapon. Pthey are having a mock training pexercise. Pthey are going through there pbriefing right now. Pwere going to talk to organizer pand see what it takes to put psomething like this together to pmake sure everybody is nsync to we stop arthritis pain, because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We g ive you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. 3 3 russell 2shot pthis is good day tampa bay. P rays are coming off that phistoric trip to cuba. Pone that turns out lasting a bit plonger than everythings fine plonger than they expected. Pyeah. Pturned out to be a story. Pthey were supposed to be home plast night but theyve got stuck ptarmac for 7 hours. P fox 13s Alcides Segui is plive for us near tampa pinternational. Pand alcides, they may have been pstuck but at least some of them pmade the best of it, right . Pchris archer is just amazing. P can you imagine . Pdo you imagine being stuck on an pairplane with a bunch of guys pwho havent taken a shower on pcant be good. Pi cant imagine what it smelled plike on that plane. Pthose guys happen to be back. P they arrived roughly 5 oclock pin morning as you mention there pwere on that tarmac for 7 hours pstuck on plane they had mccall pissues with a second one came in p4 oclock in morning again they parrived here all tia about p5 00 a. M. Pwe actually got video of them ploading up charter bus. Pvery early this morning. Pnot only the players but the pstaff, coaching as well. Pall of their equipment went into ptwo large box trucks as well. Pthose folks, those guys should pback home this morning. Pbut it was an historic moment pfor all of Tampa Bay Rays. Pnot only just major league pbaseball but rays fans as well. Pit was long day for these guys ptoo. P a long trip. Pand kind of funny because, while pchris archer is sitting there on pstuck on that plane he actually pwent to twitter to make couple pmeants. Phe tweets quote of the day, went phays stuck in cuba. Pa shower wasnt work after game pmany guys have not showered. Pagain this was historic visit no pmatter where you stand pritcally ponly second Time Major League pbaseball team has traveled to pcuba since fidel can electro pcame to power. Pmore than 55,000 people packed pin the stadium and all cheered pwhen president arrived. Pand of course the rays gave pmr. Obama something to cheer pabout. Pthey dominate this game 41. Pduring game kind of interesting pmajor League Commissioner said phe hopes the relationship pbetween both lesion cuban and pamerican improve. Pin fact the commissioner says he phopes to see a day when cuban layers can both play in major pleague baseball and play in cuba pas well. P now what this means for cuba pin terms of political pramifications very interesting. Pwant to see how the, the embargo lays out what this means for pcuban people. Pi guess only time will tell. Pthey are arrived at 5 oclock pthis morning. Pthey have a game scheduled in pafternoon. Pi spoke with pr person earlier pthis morning he tells me that pgame will go on. Pbut it will be the minor league layers playing this afternoon pat 1 oclock down in fort meyers pagainst minnesota twins. Pthe guys that were traveling in pcuba will have the day off. Pback to you. P deserve it. Pthey deserve it. Pall right alcides, thank you. P russ. P 8 33. Pthis morning top stories right pnow st. Pete police need your phelp identifying the man who has pbeen using somebody elses pcredit card. Pgoing to shopping spree. Ptake look surveillance. Pyou can see a man wearing a blue plong sleeved gators shirts blue pjeans, black hat silver chain pwalk into a store. Pgot a good description. Pthen he walks out with his hands pfull of electronics he purchased pwith somebody elses money. Pvideo is pretty clear. Pso if you recognize them call pst. Pete police. Psarasota police are looking for pthis man, hes accused of a paside to steal her money. Pwhile at bank of america atm ptook off with 800. Pdetectives dont think this is phis first time to do this peither. Pif you recognize him, call psarasota police or crime pstoppers there could be a reward pand to get him off the streets. P12yearold florida girl is pfacing misdemeanor battery pchargesmorning for pinching a pschool. Pthe girl told police that she pwas playing a game with other pclassmates. Pbut all fun stopped when she pfound herself in the back of a pcop car. P this happened in orlando area pmiddle school. Pmother of boy told police she pwanted to press battery charges pagainst this little girl, p12yearold brianna evans. Pshe was suspended from school pbecause of this. Pshe now has to complete pcommunity service. Ass drug tests and classes. Pshe has to finish a diversion rogram if she wants battery pcharges dismissed. Pit is 8 34 now. Pfirst time since big win over pgawker hulk hogan is talking to pthe immediate dwra. Pthe verdict. Phe uses one word, to describe pjuries decision to award him pthat 140 million has his plawsuit. Pright off the bat. Phe says overwhelmed. Phogan told police hes relieved pthat people finally believe him pwhen he says he never meant to psell or market the sex tape he pclaims was secretly recorded. Pthe jury decided post the video pthat was posted by gawker pviolated hogans right to rivacy. Phogan says he cannot believe it, pespecially when he heard the pnumbers come in. Padding it was a very humbling p 8 35. Pif there was a bio hazard pcouldnt be prepared . Pafter todays disaster exercises pyes. Pfox 13s walter allen at inellas Park High School where poperation bad break is about to ptake place. Pwhat are we getting ready for pthere walter . Pjust a few minutes ago, they pstarted the bioterror attacks. Pso it were officially under an pattack right now mock attack pwere under it right now. Pif you are in charge of porganizing this entire event. Ptalk about what it takes to get psomething like this organized. Pit takes about four months. Pwe meet with Community Partners pto Health Department and other pCommunity Partners that all come ptogether. Pand actually participate in a preal world emergency. Pso weve planned for four pmonths. Plooked at the plan, and pdeveloped exercise objective and pevaluation criteria to be able pto evaluate the success, the pstrengths and areas of pimprovement that we need to take lace after this exercise is pcompleted. P now under simulation once the pattack has started you have 45 pminutes to get everything set pup. Pthats why you see everybody pkind of hustling around getting passignments, getting everything pset up. Palso you have about 50 pvolunteers that have cue cards i phave one right in front of me i pcarrying a handgun and that pclient is their responsibility ptoes act that they have punsecured visible handgun psitting in passenger seat not to pwave it or anything like that. Pthat is something of the things pyou deal with . P right. Pthey look dealing with somebody pthat may alcohol impaired. Pagitated and upset and they have pcounselors here that would try pto help people that are having pemotional concerns or sychological concerns about the pattack taking place and trying pto help them with assuring their psafety and being able to handle pmedical Counter Measures when pthey take them back home to a pfamily loved ones and friends. Pnow of course youre always phoping you never have to pactually go through this in real plife. Phave you ever done a training pexercise with a community where ptheyve actually had to pimplement what they have learned pand how did they do . Pyes Sarasota County we conducted pan exercise last year for phurricanes. Pand then they had tornadoes come pthrough. Pand people said that it was just psecond nature to them. Pthey had gone through exercise pthings came back to them. Pso they were very thankful were pdoing the exercise again this pyear for them. Pand theyve been very pappreciative than they went pthrough last year. Pabsolutely. Pvery serious situation. Pyes, it was. Pokay. Pthank you so much for joining pus. Pstay with us at 9, because of pcourse this is going to be in pfull swing this exercise psimulating a bioterrorism attack panthrax is weapon of choice for pthis mock attack. Pwe will bring you that coming up pat 9 oclock. Pall right walter see you then. Pthank you. P you bet. Pto dave we go talking about the pweather. Pwow. Pwarmed up quickly. Pit is. Premember how fast yesterday pwarmed up too p yeah. Ptoday even nicer than that pbecause were starting off 5 to pten degrees warmer then we were pyesterday. Pstill if youre walking outdoor psome jackets to north, and pinland are needed for another phour or so. Pbut that should be about it to pbe honest with you. P45 to 49 from brooksville down pto Wesley Chapel tampa is 57. Pst. Petersburg 64. Pmind temperature comes in top of pthe hour. Pso in about 22 minutes, well pget into another number which plikely be a lot warmer than pthat. P40s to north. Pwest palm, up through marathon pthey are in lower 70s. Pvery solid southeasterly wind. Pand thats the key to the pforecast. Pas we get winds out of the psoutheast number one, it pumps pup our afternoon high instead of plower 70s today. Pwell be flirting with 80 for plater this afternoon. Pdown side of that southeasterly pwind it does tend to increase pthe surface moisture. Pso with the warmth, the dew oint numbers are going up as pwell. Pwe do have a front on the way. Pand unfortunately this front pbecause it loves us so much pwants to hang around for easter pweekend. Pwhen it does, any little minor pdisturbance that moves along pthat front in the form of pshowers works it is way in. Pso really, unsettled best way to pdescribe easter weekend. Pany outdoor plans i would pchecking back with us each day pto see how well have a few pwaves of showers moving through pfrom friday all the way through puntil monday. Pso 79 degrees for a high ptemperature today. Pwell get back to lower 80s. Ptemperatures will not an issue pat all this weekend. Pwe will have that 40 to 50 ercent rain chance. P welivehere you too could win a pmug just like this individual. Pscott. Pnow you know what, i was looking pa that picture for a while, prussell. Pi was thinking, the sale boat. Pthats what got it for me was pthat sailboat crossing over the psunset. Pthats what it brought it in for pme. Panyway, fox 13 mug for you. Pget pictures in well give one paway each and every day monday pthrough friday. Pvanessa. Pall right. Pgreat pictures youre getting. P hope scott enjoys that mug. Pyour time look here along 275 pnear hillsborough avenue. Plooks like this is going to be pin the southbound direction pwhere weve got a crash. Pnot blocking any travel lanes, poff to the side. Pbut of course remember move over plaw heading that way. Pwe want to check in the rest of pour majors see how travel times pare fairing through that stretch pof 275 updating here getting pkind of out of that red zone. Plooks like the time didnt pchange much but looks like pstarting to tick down as far as pcongestion is concerned 29 pminutes from 75 to i4 along 275 psouthbound. P75 at university parkway, seems plike this is our daily trouble pspot as far as crashes are pconcerned. P75 were hearing northbound paccording to fhp university arkway we have a crash with one plane blocked. Lease note we have a delays not ponly northbound but southbound pas well through that area. P stay with us in a couple pcouple of months, just a few pmonths, a huge slip and slide pwill be taking over downtown ptampa. P really . Pi didnt know about this wait psomething to experience i love pthe slip and slide. Pyou remember slip and slide. Pwait until you size of this one. jen grab your flip flops and bathing pgrab your flip flops and bathing pyes. Pthe city. P a giant water slide is taking pover north boulevard in downtown ptampa saturday may foint. Pexpense is here to talk about pall wet and wild event. Pthanks for coming by and talking pus to its my pleasure. Pso this is kind of crazy. Pyou take a 1,000 foot slide and ptravel all over country with it. Pmy best friend thought of idea i ptold him it was stupidest idea pive ive ever heard and now pcoowner the company. Pits always be great idea looks pso cool after first ept i pactually did it i was like, ptransformed interest a child. Pthis is cool. Pi ran up the hill i slid ten ptimes i couldnt get enough of pit. Pyou travel all over north east psecond go round, right . Pdid it last summer. Pweve already done 100 events pcities have loved this just pgreat atmosphere. Pits such a fun thing. Phere we go. Pweve got video now. Pfront. Pthats me. P so were watching it go. Pyou brought a good point up eople are like florida its pfloridaed how are we going to papply the slide . Pim telling you, donna pmccallister is a little hero she pand special Events Office down pfound bridge for us. Pwe ae slope literally like psledding in the summer. Psledding the summer. Pdown both sides. Pno only is it just the slide, ptheres other events going on pthat day too, right . P its a party an absolute pfood, music. P people look like they are phaving a lot of fun. P thousands of super soaker pwater fights. Pits going to be great. Pare there like dress prequirements, can you do you phave to wear bathing suit and ut your jeans on . Pyou can sneakers . Phonestly bathing soothe is fun pwe had guy an 85yearold man in pthree piece suit slide. Pthats Russell Rhodes right pthere. Pnot hes 80. Pbut i can see him sliding down pin a suit. Pmuch is it go going to cost . Pall ages we are going to have a pkiddie slide we dont want eople to be playing human pbowling with their kids. Pfor safety. Pand then, the cost starts at p 10. Pwe have packages and promotion pand actually right now we have a romotions people go down and pbuy before prices increase you pslide. Pabsolutely. Pright now really, really pinexpensive i did not say you pwere 80 years old there was an p80yearold man that slid down pin three piece suit russell come pi said i could see russell in a pthree piece suit sliding down pthe slide. P you saying i wouldnt want to pshow myself in swim suit is that p you look very fit to me p thank you. Pyoure so fit. P yes. P okay. Pso this is just a cool idea. P is this good day project . P yes. Pim wearing a tshirt. Pcan we come out day before . Pfour hours maybe we can set up pslide in good day courtyard. Pwe have courtyard. P im break it down for a plittle while. Pshut up. P absolutely. Pdeal. Pwell do it. Pweek before do you know how many pliability forms. Pcalled slide city on north pboulevard. Pslide down the bridge. Pmay 14th. Pthis is amazing. Pyou will blown away every proem pnent member of society has hit pme up saying they are coming pmake buckhorn. Pwe will kick it off with him. Peven Charley Belcher who we will ptalk to now i could see you pspeedo sliding down the slide. P he wonts first one. P my goodness. P no . P my goodness. Pi wish i knew what you were ptalking. Pi wish i was paying attention. P im so sorry. Pgiant slide in tampa. P good. Pi got one of these in my hands pim not paying attention too pmuch. Psee this is the scary thing, me pwith a sword, yeah ive got a psword. Plots of swords and doing stage ptampa Shakespeare Festival which pis happening in Water Works Park poh, yeah. Pand its free, folks. Pits free. Poutdoors, its what does fresh epcot mean . Maybe its sampling seasonal dishes. Enjoying handpicked music or seeing locally grown topiaries. Whatever you pick here, the Epcot International flower and garden festival. Is certified fresh epcot. Experience a year of fun and all four theme parks with a florida resident annual vo you can check on them. You can worry about them. You can even choose a car for them. mom honey, are you ok . child im ok. announcer vo love. mom were ok. Pwhat what gore gore jugs park a pwater element for the kids. Ptheres dog park right here. Pdogs are running around dog ark. PWater Works Park if youve ever pbeen down here and kicked around pyoure really missioning out you pgot to come down here. Pits fun. Pright on Hillsborough River. Pthursday night, friday night psaturday around 2 oclock in pafternoon enjoy april 3rd you pwill see free shakespeare. Pbecause the Tampa Shakespeare pfestival is under way. Pcan come see much to do about pnothing. Por richard the 3rd. Phow do we no which that can all pfound on our website or on our pfacebook page a listing which pshows or which night. P that was perfect segue. Pso you said much to do thursday p richard friday. Pthen we switch it the so much prichard sunday. Pthats this weekend. Pwe will switch it again next pvery nice. Pnow shakespeare is known for pmany things. Pkind of bawdy and naughty jokes pif you really listen closely. Phe loved that. Pand also known for tragic for ptragic scenes. Pfor death ask destruction. Pright . P yes. Pwhich means combat and sword pfights. Pyes. Pand theres good one in richard pthe 3rd. Pthere is indeed a great sword pfight at the end of richard the p3rd. Phow does one go about making pthat happen . Psword fighting on stage is preally an interesting art form a pbut also incorporating acting pelements. Pwe really have to plan out peverything we do to make sure pits safe. Palso want to look really pexciting and dangerous. Pso it takes lot of practice and plot of time. Pwe see it just a little bit. Pone little phrase from richard pthe 3rd. Pnow this is richard the 3rd . Pyes. Pthe hump back limp limping prichard the third who was famous pand all right. Pthere you go make me do it that pall right. Pand who is he fighting here . Prich man who will become sing pengland. Pyou see a little bit of this. Pall right. Pnow, that is like a couple pseconds. Pbut that takes a lot of work. Pthat alone would take 5 or 6 phours to build it and get it up pto speed like that. Pnow is that what that full speed pabout what we do it on stage. Pyeah . Pnow let me see slow motion. Phere. Pand the point of doing this dan pis that you can see really ptheres relatively little threat pto the actors p yeah a lot of what they are pdoing is a kind of doing things pout of order in real life if im pgoing to attack youre going to pthrow punch and youre going pblock p no im going to turn and run pfor the car. P go for that. Pbut the idea if youre going to pget out way i start to punch i pwait for you to move ottawa then pi throw the punch. Pyou see that moment he ducks pright . Pso i happen to have toward right phere. P yes you do. Pi have a sword too. Pand crowd goes wild. P all right. Pso, our first step, if we were pgoing tore a try to kill each pother would be to do what is it pfirst of all we want to far penough we could actually get the oints on each other. Pwere actually farther away, pthen if were really fighting pdoesnt really hurt you. Pexactly this sounds good. Pif we go. Pexactly. Pso what im going to do is first pthing youre going to try to get pmy sword out of way knock my psword aside. Psomewhere. Pim going to defend it we go pthrough a series called cuts and airing and an add in little pthings when you tack me in head plike you did or take that sword pand send your sword away. Plittle movements like that tell pthe story or perhaps well have pmoment where you take your sword plike youre going to chop my phead off from side and i duck. Pand get underneath it right . Pwhole idea what keeps us safe pthere you really go where my phead is you show me that sword pup there my shoulder and call it pcue then i duck. Pyou go where i was. Pwe get the timing so tight that pdifference. Pwe have to trust each other. P a lot and work with each pother a lot. Pthats how much works goes into lenty more3 3 the rays trip to cuba lasts a few p the rays trip to cuba. Phuge success but lasted a few phours longer than expected. Phow they are reacting to that. P and a simple gesture after psome bad news. Pthe touching story behind this icture. P and good morning and welcome pto good day tampa bay at 9 im plaura moody. Pim Russell Rhodes. Poutside with dave. Pyou know 1800alove about this ptime of year . Pwell that, but it just happened pas i was walking through pnewsroom on little place where pawe free food that somebody pbrings in there were jelly pnice. Peaster jelly beans. P oh. Plike lilley jelly bellies . Pthese were, what kind were pthese . Plife savers. Ublix two for one star burst i phave my dads jelly bean jar

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