and sticky, by the middle of the week, less humidity along with the cooler temperatures, overnight lows will get backt into thelo 60s, more than a few showers to start the day ifday f you're well south of washingtonh here as you get south of fredericksburg toward richmond,d a pretty good line of showers, h you can see that riding west wet toward east, out toward the the eastern shore. what can we expect today? to cold front north and west that is going to move in. that could kick up a fewfew thunderstorms later today much can you see the clouds moving through the area, we will be partly sunny later this this afternoon with highs mid-to upper 80s on the warm side side later today. today. >> okay, thank you, tucker. let's check in with julie ji wright and get an update on thee morning commute, hi, julie. nice and quiet, with folks heading 395, no issues for folkk headed toward newington, and and continuing toward the 14th 14th street bridge. brid northbound on i-95, leaving route 100, all lanes were open,, an easy trip as well continuingt toward laurel, bw parkway looksk great along this stretch. overnight construction clears as you continue to make your way through columbia.colu and leaving annapolis, and and headed inbound toward bowie,bo southbound you're in the clear y asou well. germantown headed toward the split. 1 accident to report along forestville, route 4.rout that's a check of fox 5 to time traffic. thank you, julie.k you, just a short time ago, thess are live pictures, president prn obama coming there, we saw first lady speak just a moment ago. the president is now making hiss way to the podium.podi they arrived in northern ireland just a little while ago.ago. this morning as he is speakinghi in belfast on the plans to tear down the so-called peace wall there. after this, he is going to be then taking part at the g-8 summit where world leaders willl discuss several issues, issu including a free trade deal, as well as they will about the crisis, live pictures from belfast as the president getses set to speak there. >> hello, are belfast! >> hello northern ireland. [ cheering ][ chee >> you now know why it's so difficult to speak afterafter michelle, she is better than me. [ laughter ] >> but on behalf of both of us thank you so much for thisthis extraordinarily warm welcome. i want to thank hanna for introducing my we had aod chance to speak with hanna back stage and she is an extraordinary young woman who ii know is going to do greater grea things in years to come. i want to thank two men who have visited the white house on st. patrick's day with a warm welcome. prime minister peter robins, and -- >> [applause] >> and deputy first minister mir martin mcbegi mcginnis [applause >> i spent the whole year trying to unite washington around things and they come to visit in st. patrick's day and they do it in a sinkle afternoon. >> i want to thank the secretarr of state for northern ireland. [applause] to all the minister insidede the audience, to lord mayor marchin.hin. [applause] >> depend, listening to thethe president there speaking in belfast right now.belf this is before the g-8 summit sm which he will be attending, bute right now he is speaking to a a group of people there talkingtag about the peace that they have h been able to attain and maintain in the region and about the u.s.'s role in this. this we will continue to follow it tf through the morning hours, and d pop back in and see what the se president is saying during thatt time. but again, live pictures out of belfast before the g-8 summit and we will continue to follow it. it. >> meanwhile in other news this morning, new records show the governor of virginia spent taxpayer money on a range of rag personal items. governor bob mcdonnell billed the state for body wash, sunscreen, and vitamins. they should have paid for the items themselves.selves >> they used state employees too run personal errand for theirthi adult in maryland several peopleoe are lucky to be alive after ar deck collapse in southernrn maryland on father's day.ay. it happened at a home in st. mary's county on sundayunt afternoon. the deck fell eight feet to thee ground sending two people to to hospital. hosp in frederick police are searching for a masked manman believed to be behind two attempted robberies. one happened early sunday morning at west church while officers were talking toln the victim, they got word of of another incident.her in both cases, the suspect worec a mask and had a small baseballa bat. no injuries were reported and nothing was stolen.olen. a safety walk and bike event is being held at the mott trop e metropolitan trail. trai today they are urge to wear aa white shirt and convene atnven 4th and f street at 7:15. at 7 a similar event was held onon friday. there will be a moment of silence honoring victims on the trail. police will be on hand to offer safety tips as well. still ahead another force of police in turkey in an attempted to end protests there.ther an awkward look at a over a super bowl ring. ♪ ♪ for a store near you go to the america's longest and cock yesterdayer war, hamid karz is expected to announce that his own country's security forces is going to take over the security it has grown to more thanthan 350,000 members today. toda some are questioning its ability to take responsibility for fighting the taliban insurgencies and they new imagem coming from from turkey as the e protests continue to rage on. on they are spreading in the biggest city of i istanbul, poli are trying to start the protesters from getting into ana part that is the unrest. the prime minister says he has a duty to evict them. protests erupted in brazil l before a soccer match between mexico and italy. it thousands of people tried to get into the stadium to rally thera high cost of next year's cost. the demonstrators carried play cards and some carrying the minimum wage in brazil. br the biggest protest is planned l for today.for feeling the heat, coming co what a popular gro grocery chais doing to stay a ahead of the the competition this locally. let's check in with tucker.k >> that looks like a ufo. let's check in the forecaste warm and humid this afternoon. i will have the details on the forecast, and julie is here, too. she will look at traffic, we will do it after the break. if you're seeing spots bebefore your eyes... it's time... for aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® has an active naturals total soy formula that instantly brightens skin. and helps reduce the look of brown spots in just 4 weeks. for healthy radiant skin. try it for a month. then go ahead and try to spot a spot. aveeno® positively radiant. naturally beautiful results. you're going to feel it on your skin out there thisere this morning. the waking up, taking a live look lk outside, it should be worst, could be happening storms thatpt we had last week. week >> yeah, you know. know. >> summertime in washington, wee have grown to expect it. it. summertime arrives in a couplee of days, going to feel summary today, upper 80s, a a thunderstorm this afternoon, afe just a typical afternoon june weather. we haven't had a lot of heat a e this year, last june when we had temperatures in the triplen thee digits, you know, looking laterr this week, it's going to be beautiful, wednesday, thursday,d and friday, low 80s with not a a lot of humidity. humidity it's something to look forward to. >> i can't wait. >> yeah,ny neither. >> numbers current national, 744 at reagan national. na most or much of the area herehee basking in the 70s to startto st your day. day. stew i72 in leonardtown and cooo get you in the mines, 68 in winchester to start your day. mid-up to he were 80s to start t your day. day. it will be on the humid side asd we have a couple weak fronts coming through.through. one came through last wednesdayy bringing shower activity,activi, generally to the south, got to get down to those of you in in colonial beach, across theacross eastern shore, and ocean city, gets shower activity overnight, there you can see not a whole ae lot of action, we do have clouds to start the day.e day it will be partly cloudy to mostly cloudy with periods of sunshine. looking off to the north and and west. i guess we will see. see. that if we were looking furtherg toward the north and west, west there's another weak cold front that is going to drop down inton the region later this afternoon and could kick up, there we go, could kick up a couple afternoon hours, here we are at 1:00 and d the futurecast indicating the in possibility of a few showers, sh and we will be kind of warm and humid this afternoon as the front starts to drop down. by wednesday, the front will get far enough south of us, we're going to open up, high pressures issu going to build in and pleasant into the week here with temperatures expected to be in the -- in fact, we will take a i look at five-day, 87 today, partly sunny, a few showers and storms, scattered storms stor continue overnight, 81 tomorrow, the warmest storm of the week, mid-80s, sunshine, lowlow humidity or lower humidity it's washington after all in thee summertime. but it should be very, very nice here for the middle and end ofe the week. all right, perfect. >> thank you, tucker. tu time to check in with julie wright to get an update on the e commute. >> all right, you guys. >> hi, hi, did you try some the browny brittle yet. yet. it's good. >> you haven't tried it, wisdomi >> just have to be careful, it t gets stuck in the teeth.teeth. >> that's from my mama to you guys. >> thank you, mama.mama >> mama wright.wrig >> leaving germantown, headed hd toward father hurley boulevard,o no issues reported continuing ct southbound. you will find lanes are open coming across the american am legion bridge. northbound 395, police activity, thanks ty forgiving me a headsrg up on that.that no issues leaving belt oaks, and 395 across the 14 street bridgee an easy drive right now now continuing across the potomac, o heading for the southeast beltway, we are have the crashch move to the right in order to to get by. that's a check of fox 5 on time traffic. thank you, julie. safeway grocery stores are expanding in the d.c. region this a big way. wa they are building two new localw stores that are attached to to apartments. the one this wheaton opens in in october, the new store in northwest d.c. opens next next summer. the company is planning to build or rebuild four stores in alex aalexandria, rocksville.cksvie. this time with a new visioni a solar powered plane. this. >> this week it it's on displayi here in the d. region. d.c region.gion. this morning lauren demarco iso here to tell us what it expect. >> reporter: the designer and pioneer, and it has landed here in the d.c. region. take a look at the solar impulse, first airplane that can fly day and night without a drop of fuel, and it doesn't pollute, either. it's the brainchild of the swiss pioneerist. >> it's extremely light, the the total weight is the size of 7477 is the weight of a small sizesie car. >> reporter: 12,000 solar cells in the wings provide thehe electric w motors with energy, r during the day the plane sun sun bathes to recharge the batteryby to fly during the night. >> flying in a balloon, using aa lot of propane, almost failing o because of the lack of fuel. the i thought the next time i te would fly around the world itrl would be with no fuel at all. >> reporter: this plane is on less taxing trip flying from san francisco to new york. d.c. is the second to the lastlt leg of the trip and the crew will be here for a weefnlgtr a e while they're thia week.while tl talk up the virtues of flyingyig without foul thanks to the alert impulse. >> we are using our airplane could be used everywhere, cars,s construction of houses, public or private public system in it it was the case, our world could be divide by 2 its energies eneg consumption. >> when you don't use fuel, thee sky is limit. >> it's fully sustainable, canba stay in the air one week or two weeks.s. the weak link starts to be the pilot, the human. >> reporter: there's going to be press conferences and other e events here at the center.. we will push the link up here. we will update the site throughout the week.ut one of the other things theyr t were talking about, sarah and wisdom, were possibly in the the future a solar elevator trying v to help buildings go green. gre. >> great idea, that's really cool, lauren. >> thanks. coming up a gift or was it stolen? up next how russia's president got his hands on a new england l patriot ring.ring there's a new kardashian to talk about this morning. there's details on an early delivery coming up next. [ female announcer ] dove go fresh introduces new blue fig & orange blossom scent. ♪ it's bright. it's rich. it's freshness mixed with care. your skin will sing, and you can go fresh three more ways with scents like pomegranate & lemon verbena, cucumber & green tea, and plum & sakura blossom. ♪ go fresh every day. it's fresh at its best. go fresh every day. february 22n2nd. a landmark transportation bill is up for consideration in the virginia legislature. even though it's backed by republican governor mcdonnell, tea party republicans refuse to support the plan. but terry mcauliffe thinks this is too important a time for partisan politics. mcauliffe reaches out to democrats and urges them to support the bill. and the bill passes. terry mcauliffe. putting virginia first. is inspected by the usda before it's packaged. but perdue asked the usda to go further...a lot further. in our hatcheries, feedmills and the family farms where our chickens are raised. they verify that all our chickens are fed an all-veggie diet, with no animal by-products... and they're cared for in a clean, safe environment. no other chicken company does this. but we believe this is what it takes to bring your family a tastier, more tender chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken. the new superman movie tookk the top spot. spot. man of steel made $125 millionma frdeom its debut of thursday nit until yesterday. yeerday it opened in second place with over $20 million. $20 as an early father's day day present for kanye west the rapper and his reality girlfriend kim kardashian gave birth. the child has dark hair andand looks just like her mother. they have few details includingg a name right now that have beenn made public.public. the kardashian frenzy continuesu >> we just can't wait enough. >> wouldn't wait for the name to come out. russian president vladimir yoputin is denying that he stole the ring.ring kraft visited right after the patriots won the super bowl. putin put it on his left fingerr and left without giving it back. craft hakraft had said that it a gift of goodwill, but now kraft is saying that the putin took tk the ring without permission.perm putin put the wring in hishis pocket worth $25,000. there's mismun indicatio miscomt >> maybe in translation.anslati. >> both men probably are not hurting for i'm sure mr. kraft cannot depo bugo buyanother ring. >> you let somebody hold to aa ring and the next thing it's inn your pocket. a bombshell from the nsa whistleblower, he says that the u.s. is not the only one spying. >> we're headed back to northern ireland where president obama is giving a speech to people of belfast at before the g-8 summit. programs which teaches students from west to north belfast the skills for new jobs and exchange programs which have given the united states and thed chance to travel communities and learn from one another. one an one of those young people is here today, sylvia war warden ia director of a program that aims to bring about change -- ñs inside this is airsa's favorites shot of the day.the >> when the sun is coming up. we feel like we're a part of the rest of the world. >> it does, because it's what are we doing up in the middle od the night. >> yeah, beautiful. >> good morning, it's going tog, be a i decent day today, we will see highs in the mid-to upperupe 80s, the humidity back anddity maybe a thunderstorm that afternoon, typical june weather. >> okay. >> not too much of this, not tot much of that, but habe a few a w stormmaybe a fewstorms later to. 69 out at dulles, bwi marshall 70 degrees, yesterday in the mid-to upper 80s, clouds will wl start today, starting to see on the backside in northwest northw maryland and southernhern pennsylvania some clearing and s we will seeom a decent amount of sunshine. had a little bit of rain develop, and more than a littlet down across the lower eastern en shore some rain, kind of see that ribbon of rain through central are, virginia, and thisi the last, pittsburgh, another, e frontal system, very, very weak is going to drop down into the e area later today.ater that is going to serve as a gathering point for a fewr a few thunderstorms later today. toda a few storms back in thethe forecast, partly cloudy, warm cu and humid, 87. all right. thank you, tuck. all right, julie wrightwrigt time. how is the morning commute, julie. >> reporter: i like that, julie wright time.time. that means it's just the wright time. >> that's right. t >> reporter:fullha traveling on route 4 the lanes are open, butt approaching route 4 that isthat where we have the highway, and lanes are flowing freely at thee wilson bridge.wilson bri we will show you what else we we have on the roads, not a lot happening, light traffic value leaving fair oaks, and you will find the lanes are open if youu are northbound on 395, passingpg duke street, headed for the th 4th street bridge, on route ro 100, lanes are open with traffic flowing free arely between th fe baltimore beltway and d.c. d.c. president obama is in northern ireland set to attend a g-8 summit with worlds from worl around the world. world. the global economy and the crisis in syria are going to be discussed. the president continues to praise the people of ireland. >> our histories are bound by blood, and belief, by cultureure and by commerce. comm our futures are equally linked, that is why i have come to the belfast. >> president obama is said toid meet with the presiden ireland e minister. the guardian newspaper is reportinreporting that britain's eavesdropping agency hacked intd the phone calls and e-mails of later today we should get more details about the terror tr plots that the program has stopped. die ondiane feinstein is promiso release a number of terror plans thwarted about the nsa. nsa. it includes salary increasessed based os based on previous experience. er the increase will kick in early next year. thene fairfax public schooll system is teaming up with sleep specialist to develop a la plano develop the start for high possibly move the start to to 8:00 a.m. or later. right now nearly all county couy public schools start at 7:20 a.m. and he they will look at ask debate options and look at other suggestions as well.well. still ahead, details of prince phillip more than a week after he went under the knife. f an update, coming up in near colorado springs coming up next. mom... yes honey? dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪ the 499 and 500 additions to the 10th most wanted fugitive list.fugi theti fbi began the list in marh of 1950. it has included osama bin laden, and mlk assassin games earl ra. firefighters in colorado are working to stop grass from from quickly igniting. the black forest fire has been 65% contained.d. it destroyed nearly 500 homes, and evacuees outside of the burn area have been allowed back at a their homes. home fire officials are due to arrivr and investigate a cause. britain's prince phillip haa left the hospital in london tenn days after having abdominal search. last week the duke of he ha he d enburly. and we have a new miss ump sa. usa, we will fill you in on who it is. we do know, there it is, and we do know that weather andat traffic is coming up, stay with us. [ male announcer ] the new subway® $4 lunch is for everyone. it's for value seekers. for spicy italian lovers. for veggie eaters. for meatball dreamers. for everyone who wants more of what they love. the new $4 lunch. a 6 inch sub and 21 ounce drink. tons to choose from. all day every day. all right, welcome back totb fox 5 morning time now 5:43. we're going to take a little a moment to do a little bit of bragging. congratulations is in order for our very own holly morris won emmy honoring the liveli report she brings to us every morning from cool places around virginia and maryland. >> it was a wonderful speech.wo we will talk with her this morning, she is going to begoine back. she has been on >> on and off around here. >> congratulations. >> you also played a big role in this as well. >> i was one of the cohosts. co. i was right next to her. her. that was me with paul warden. some of our viewers may be be familiar with them. so that was pretty fun. i was kind of a last minute fill in. they said, hey, why don't you do it. do i is. it was in baltimore.balt big thank you to the marriott mr out there that hosted us, it wa a good time, good time. >> fun. >> you were there, too. >> there's a lot of pressure. >> i'm hosting with you as well, my hair to be the perfect blowout and the pressure was. >> next year we can go as an entourage as your bodyguard. >> you can be my bodyguard.d. >> i'm not sure anybody will be intimidated. let's get the weather weathr forecast, it's going to be a decent start to the workweek, wo going to be a beautiful mid-and end to the week. we will see temperatures in the 80s, yesterday daytime high, 87 in reagan national.nati humidity creeping up as well anl you're going to notice thethe humidity in the forecast today.a 84 dulles, and bwi80s for daytime highs. not much of a cool down, 74 in washington, quantico 74, and that is a number in frederick aa well. 69 this morning out at dulles and 68 in winchester. highs in the mid-to upper 80s, yesterday 87, same departmentent here mid-to upper 80s, theuppe risk of a few thunderstorms.w td the reason why, got a little bi of a front, you can see it toito the south of colonial beach, bec slipping west to east, andand bringing showers along thelo eastern shore, much of the area waking up with a cloud cover. co a partly sunny monday, off to the north and west we have have another front.front. these fronts are not particularly strong and this one isn't. see the shower activity, some oo that is going to slip down later this morning and we will serve as a focal point forfor thunderstorm activity laterrm aa today. a few scattered storms back inms the forecast. fo partly sunny, warm and humid, aa few thunderstorms thisw afternoon,th not expecting sevee weather, wind south and west 5-10, 68 tonight, mostly cloudy, could be an early shower andy sw thener we will be warm tomorrowr tomorrow will be the hottest dat of the week, upper 80s to near scattered storms as another front moves on through. high pressure builds in andds in we're going to be glorious around here.around wednesday, thursday, friday, and saturday, mid-80s, sunshine, not a lot of humidity, should b a nice time to be outdoors. yeah, we love that. love >> this time of year it could gd either way. >> and it usually goes the othet way. >> take the good while you can. >> all right. ght. >> let's see if things are gooda on the roadways, julie wright is here. >> reporter: i'm not surete whicr:h way it is that, it's ju, wisdom, it's warm, the days are longer. >> good point.>> g >> so far so good, yeah. >> right.>> right >> okay, the humidity, the bug. [ laughter ] >> 1one and two. >> reporter: the good news ends with the traffic, that isti because we have an accident onai involved in an overturned vehicle that is blocked on the hov lanes.lane the hov lanes are closed no one is able to get through at this point. a lot of state police on then te scene as well as v-dot. we heard from skyfox, they arety on the scene. we hope to bring you pictures in the next 5-15 minutes. no issues as you continue past landmark. northbound on i-95, you willyoul find the that the hov lanes are blocked, springfield workingspri toward the accidentng scene. you can see the hovs are starting to crawl, and 66 aa better drive even though it's t starting to slow out of manassas headed toward centreville.ow no issuesar reported on top of f that stretch, behaving nicely continuing around 270. thets a check othat's a check oe traffic. and miss usa2013 is connecticut. >> the nation's newest beautybey queen is miss connecticut, you o heard it, 25-year-old erin brady was crowned miss usa. she left her day job as an accountant to enter the contestt along with the win she gets an n apartment the new york city for one year and is kepted to go on a tour around the nation raising awareness of breast and ovarian cancer. >> left a job to go do that. >> clearly it's worth it. months after filming a flash mob, a new fitness craze unveiled a new video over the weekend. ♪ ♪ why ♪ >> shack kaboom fitness, shack a boom fitness uses now music andd have fun while you're doing it. >> maybe they're warming up. >> coming up with a song to showcase >> it's about fashion, it's a new shack a booming new energy and the beat is from your hearte anybody that likes shack a boom wants more and more. >> all right, shack a boom fitness classes are held six days a week at the franconia stations, the shack a boom isis available at itunes and be sure to catch it before tomorroo on fox 5 morning news. we will get a live performance. >> maybe he can do the shack a h boom for us. >> maybe he can do it live for r us. >> right now i have no clue what it is. >> that video didn't do it justice. i'm sure he knows what it is,ow and he is s going to talk aboutt it. >> dave ross is heckling on thee side line. line you have your moment, silence. coming up fist at the u.s.s. open. the spurs run away with gamh fifty five and once again it was all about the 3's, dave vos roso can't wait to get up to the desk he has sports edge coming up ah next. so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. [ male announcer ] there are those who brighten your day... the same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffee-mate... makes coffee and your day better. coffee-mate. coffee's perfect mate. february 22n2nd. a landmark transportation bill is up for consideration in the virginia legislature. even though it's backed by republican governor mcdonnell, tea party republicans refuse to support the plan. but terry mcauliffe thinks this is too important a time for partisan politics. mcauliffe reaches out to democrats and urges them to support the bill. and the bill passes. terry mcauliffe. putting virginia first. tiger woods sphwhrks my momds called me from florida, and told me i think phil is going to dodo it this year. year >> my dad is tougher to get on n board, in is when you rip your r heart out. he did it again. agai you wonder if it's meant for phil mickelson. mickelso this is tiger woods on two,, your guys guy, that' guy. get this, he finished 13 over er par for the weekend. weeke that is the highest score ever for tiger in a majorr championship. here is the shot we are talkingg about on 10th, phil10th, phil mickelson and he this is going h to bounce a couple of times, and watch the jump, wisdom martin, t he is going to win the u.s. open for the first time, but just didn't rose. rose. >> the english man is going to work this one in here forbiddery. shforbidderforbirdie, there's js the first english man to win the u.s. open since 1970. 1970. >> six times the runner up inupn the united states open. he said afterward, he goes when i of the u.s. open i think of of heartbreak.hear it's ripping his heart out. >> it was his 33rd birthday yesterday. >> it might be over. over. >> it could be ba >> it's not over for the nats because stwreef stephen strasbue back yesterday and he looked pretty good.good. here it is, the base hit up the middle, only through 82 pitches, pulling up through five but thee nats are very, very cold, it's s this summer, tucker barnes withr the heat, we thought the bats bs would kind of heat up, that wass the double play. play. the nats get shut out in cleveland, 2-0 there. 6 1/2 games behind atlanta. how about the orioles, chris davis, herculean swing these days, watch this one. e. 23rd home run, that leads to major leagues and the o's go on to win once again. they beat the red sox 6-3,6-3, they're now only a game behalfgf behind the red sox inside howinw about you're miami heat, they'rt in trouble wisdom martin. martin somebody up in the set picked the spurs and 7.7. >> it's game six and we will see. >> game six coming up.up. >> danny green, i know you called him a scrub last.. >> i called the other one. one. >> gary neil. >> gary green is not a scrub. ac he is from north carolina. caro >> switching it up a game. game >> you know what.ou know >> he had 24 points. po >> that was a good coach making adjustments. >> you're taking another shot aa the other guy. here isth your other guy, dannyy green off the lebron block. watch danny green sput up, knocked it down, 24 points for green. san antonio wins by 10, game 6g6 tomorrow night, they can qlo cls it out in style. >> they won't. they >> we will see inside straightgt ahead at 6:00, nearly 40% of of u.s. households owns at leastast one dog, but it's becoming more costly to take care of man's ma' best friend. >> i'm not in that group. >> first we're going to say gooo morning to the fan of the day. . lindsay, thank you very much for watching lindsay.say. >> we got fox 5 morning news coming up after this. 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