54 in dulles, 48 in washington. upper 60s and low 70s so the trend will be a little warmer up ahead of the front. the next couple of days pro mission dry weather. that should be good. there is your forecast, about 70 by 5:00 p.m. if you're going to the game, you my want to bring a little jacket. it's going to be cool. >> make note that downtown, this is when they were scheduled to shut off a portion of n street between first street and south capitol street. a little closure. this is scheduled to begin at 7:00. n street scheduled to be blocked off between 1st street and capital street. leaving college park, headed around the georgia avenue, checking for a crash report on the outer loop near college park. both bwi and 95 side up. southbound 270, busy approaching the top. nirapathpongporn. still cleaning up accident activity. leaving stafford, dale city across the occoquan and then from lorton leading up towards the franconaspringfield parkway. yeah. all right. the d.c. region is buzzing today. the nats are hosting their first ever postseason game and it is crucial. >> the team that wins game 3 goes on to win the series, statistically. dave ross is life at nats park on or. how cool is this? really is. going to be electrifying at 1:07 when they throw out that first pitch, first playoff pitch ever in nationals history. have not had playoff here in d.c. for 79 years. the nats got the job done in st. louis. they earned that two-game serie split there. the guy taking to the hill today, edwin jackson. a lot riding on this right hander's shoulders. he got 10 wins in the regular season. he used to play for st. louis so he knows the cardinals as well. he faced them one time this year and not very good, two innings, allowed nine runs. but his teammates are confident he will be better this time around. as far as game 2 goes, it's a memory that they want to make a distant one. carlos beltran with two big home runs and the cardinals evened that series at one game apiece with a 12-4 win. the players are undeterred and eager to get back at it today. >> that's what we have done all year, dealt with adversity and bounced back many that's how you do. you don't want to sit around and feel sorry for yourself. >> fans are thriving on the post season team. you know, it's a tough st. louis team. our pitching is pretty good. now we are delaying pretty well. we have to keep going. >> reporter: i know the fans are thinking positively and so are the nats themselves. you can get your tickets for the next series. the national league championship series starting at 9:00. you can get these tickets online. you can only purchase two tickets max for home game and a limited number of standing room only tickets will be available to the general public at the box office opening at 9:00. i just made the walk around the stadium. people are lining up for those 9:00 a.m. ticket. they go at $30 a pop. mark warner, one of the owners of the nationals will join me here. it is a historic day. fans are ready. tony and allison, i know you are ready. >> it's really, really great. it's fantastic. i know everyone is excited about it. >> thanks, dave. a heads up if you are riding the rail to the game. stay away from metro center, l'enfant plaza and gallery place if you can. you might want to take the new jersey aven entrance to the navy yard ballpark station because it is less crowded and make sure that you have enough money on your smart trip or fare card before you leave for the game to avoid long lines at those vending machines. and a check of this morning's other top stories. today, a former campaign aide to d.c. mayor vincent gray learns his fate. brooks admitted to giving brown fraudulent money orders. he could face six months in jail. former chairman of the d.c. counsel still kwame brown now has an overnight curfew. a federal judge ordered brown to check in with the court in person after he failed to make three weekly required phone calls. brown will be sentenced by the same judge for bank fraud next month. today's big storey is playing out on capitol hill. the obama administration is facing some tough new questions about the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya that killed the u.s. ambassador there. doug luzader is live. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the state department dropped something of a bombshell saying that they never thought that this attack on the u.s. consulate was part of a spontaneous protest. with the investigation into what happened at this compound in libya underway, there is now a clear rift between president obama and the u.s. state department. while many blamed the protests and discounted the idea that terrorists killed chris stevens, it's unclear what she was basing that on. the u.s. state department, that was not them. according to one official, that was not our conclusion. this as congress gets ready for some explosive hearings. >> what the state department bureaucracy distances itself from the liberal white house, you know the white house has a big problem. >> reporter: the white house denies there was a coverup. beyond that, more questions about security at the u.s. compound with documents showing well over 200 security-related incidents in the past 14 months. they will ask why the state department ignored some signs. some democrats in congress are using republicans of making a political issue out of all of this. >> doug luzader on the hill, thank you. you mentied doug mention that anti-islam film that sparked protests in the mid the east. he is now going to appear in court today. mark yousef has eight vials. and the u.s. supreme court is about to take up a case that could have implications nationwide. they are about to hear a case of a texas school that bases its enrollment on race. that could have a big impact. on the campaign trail, it's all about poi. president barack obama rallied students at ohio state university yesterday trying to hang on to the polling edge that he has had in the buckeye state. mitt romney also in ohio at a rally last night. the republican nominee was joined by chris 'tis at this. the dalai lama is making his way to virginia. he will speak at the williamsburg and tomorrow, the exiled at tibetan leader will speak at the university of virginia. we are following breaking news concerning the nobel prizes. the chemistry award was announced today and one the winners is affiliated with the maryland institute. robert lefkowitz worked at duke university. another winner is brian kobilka from stanford university. the men worked on how the body cells respond to the environment. toyota announced a massive recall involving millions of its vehicles. we have the details coming up next. and another warning about a safety feature on your car that could be a fake. and we are heading back to the ballpark. dave ross is standing by with two special guests and as we take you to the break live, we get the lateness traffic from tucker and july. [ barack obama ] i'm barack obama, and i apapprove this message. [ female announcer ] he says... president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid... even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. and it helps parents support children with disabilities. if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities? welcome back. jerry sandusky will most likely spend the rest of his life behind bars amount judge sentenced the former penn state football coach to 30 to 60 years in prison for sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years. three of his victims fought back tears at the hearing as they testified. sandusky also spoke. the new orleans saints bounty investigation is back in the headlines. nfl commissioner roger goodell has ruled on the appeal of four players the league said were paid cash bonuses. goodell upheld the suspension of jonathan vilma. the players can delay the suspensions by appealing again. a warning for some drivers. theanyone who has an airbag replaced in the last five years may have had counterfeit bags installed. a list of car models possibly affect are on the administration's website. new this morning, a major recall by toyota due to a power window glitch that could cause a fire. the company announced it's recalling over 7 million cars woald wide. 2 1/2 million of those in the state. the recall included several models across multiple years, some as -- such as highlanders, tundras, yaris, corolla and ramry. they will contact you by mail later this month if your car is part of that. >> i do not have a toyota but i have a power window glitch. i wonder if i could sneak mine in many. >> me, too. >> you don't have a toyota at all. that might be an issue. >> that might be a red flag. >> but do i have a problem. >> okay. >> bring the rest of the car. >> baseball, the big story weather,,weather should cooperate with baseball. one more sunshine throughout the afternoon. i know it's still a little foggy, still some fog in spots here. upper 60s, we'll top out in the 70s. it will be a little breezy. so if you are sitting in the shade, it may be cooler. here is the good news. will be dry this afternoon. you should get in the game with no problem. see the rain showers pushing across ohio there and michigan and into the great lakes? the rain showers will stay to the north but that front will bring in cooler and drier air overnight. that's why we're going to have some breezes around today. that will kick off the cloud cover that we had here. the good news that is we should see plenty. we should be in for a cool trend here. here is the seven-day forecast. you can see no rain in sight. cooler behind the front tomorrow, 62. we have another game tomorrow afternoon. that one will be on the cool side, likely in the upper 50s to the 60s. we have more baseball this weekend, should be fine. sunshine, warm trend early next week. >> i should not ask you this. do you know when the fifth game is? saturday or sunday? >> you just asked me. >> i know. tomorrow's game is 4:00 and friday's 8:00 at night if they have it. i guess depending upon how the other games go with the other teams. he is a walking encyclopedia. >> he is. >> i got lucky. >> let's go to julie on the road. >> how much money does he have ins which wallet? >> umm. >> i'm going to say, knowing tucker, $3.17. >> pretty close, unfortunately. [ laughter ]. >> i was going to go with just seung-jinles. all right, you guys, on the road this morning, we have been very busy, hit the ground early. we have a lot of cleanup to do. new pop-up, this is what's tying up the left side of the highway. b w parkway is backed up as well as you travel south of 198 heading out of powder mills road. we are still clearinthe utility pole. this is what's affecting your trfnlgt east bound 32 approaching route 1, the accident remains along the left side the highway. coming from buckiestown to georgetown road. over an hour's commute. almost 16 minutes heading southbound. busy commute in virginia. this is where we have the delay north bound 395. traffic slows again, pentagon across the 14th street bridge. that's a look at the ontime traffic. all right. wore' going to be talking about this all morning long. the first baseball playoff game in d.c. since 1933. >> before my parents were born. that's funny but it is so exciting. if you think you are pumped -- and we are pumped, imagine the folks who are really close to the team >> reporter: good morning, tony and allison. one of the gentlemen responsible to bring baseball to d.c. and now playoff pace ball to d.c. is the gentleman to my right, mark warner. thank you so much. i guess the collective thank you from the d.c. area and everybody from the dmv to have playoff baseball. i didn't think it was this year. my prediction was being in playoff contention but not necessarily get there but the guys in the clubhouse proved everybody wrong. >> reporter: jew guys got the split, winning game 1 coming back here, hopefully for just two games. and to see these three games played here in d.c >> i tell you, i have goose bumps already. it's very exciting. that's something that all d.c. baseball fans wanted for a long time. the cheers, the tears, we'll probably have a record crowd. hopefully everybody will be wearing red. >> we were talking about making it will d.c. a baseball town again and the way you have done it, the blue print has been set. >> we lost a wheel generation. it's very important when we started this thing to work with families. and those little eight and nine years old now, getting ready to drive, they are their fans of the future and their families. i think we have done a very good job in trying to build, you know, the fan base, basically from scratch. >> we are standing here by the timeline area as you enter nats park, by the center field entrance. you can see all the historic landmarks that show what d.c. baseball is all about. where are you going to put the 2012 world series timeline? >> we'll figure out something? >> this is a very cool thing, you know. people realize there are over 107 years of baseball in washington. it's quite a -- it's quite an honor to see all the dates here. >> reporter: and when you brought back d.c. baseball in 2006 when you guys took ownership of this, you wanted to make a fun experience to everybody in the ballpark. i think we accomplished that, yes? >> yeah, we try to get people here. people treat you right, the place is clean and the food is good and now we have a baseball team on the field to watch. it's a great time out and port the nationals. >> thanks, mark. tony, mark told me he did not sleep at all last night. how can you sleep? nobody sleeps today. get your nattitude on. >> give mark our congratulations. >> thank you. gas prices are already high, of course, and some local drivers may be asked to pay even more. still details about a possible gas hike. >> i'm sorry. i was not supposed to react. millions of young people will become scientists for a day all part of a nationwide experiment. holly explans live from chevy chase, maryland. right now, it's 7:22. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing a look twice. introducing a stunning work of technology -- the entirely new lexus es. and the first-ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. metro is officially unveiling its new rail cars today. a full scale model of the series will be rolled in landover, maryland, this morning. the cars do not have carpets and the seats are designed differently than you are familiar with. there is more standing room and more places to hold on as well as new signs for approaching stations. the new series will replace the oldest cars in the fleet. some drivers in maryland could soon pay even more. montgomery counsel till want the state to give power to raise gas tyke and say that the revenues could go towards improving roads and public transportation. it could add 10 cents to the state's already 23-cent a gallon gas tax. with just weeks to go, both presidential candidates are out with new ads, one even featuring -- you guessed it -- big bird. but sesame street does not think that's a good idea. and playoff baseball returns to washington. this is a live look at nationals park where fans will file n and we're going to answer this question. ♪ . >> what does this song have to do with the washington nationals? that's a good story. stay with us. stay with us.  [ female announcer ] it's one of the hardest decisions a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message. take away his toys and he'll whoplay with a stick.ppen. take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going. but if take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut college aid for middle class families ... they won't go far. yet that's exactly what mitt romney wants to do... pay for a $250,000 tax break for multi-millionaires. if mitt romney wins, the middle class loses. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ take on me ♪ >> i actually like that song. an 80s one-hit wonder will likely play a role at today's nats game. we are talking about ah-hah take on me. why are we showing michael morse? that's his at bat song but only late in the game when the stakes are high. they contacted the band ah-hah. >> that's not in there. >> when asked if the band would come to perform if the nats win. one of the band members -- they are from noway. >> yeah. >> one of the band members is a red sox fan. i don't know why. now they're going to switch to being a nats fan. >> i was at the game a couple of weeks ago and they played it. they played the song. the song stopped and the 30,000 people kept singing the song. >> i can imagine that. >> i was completely confused thinking, what's this? what's going on? what was happening? >> nattitude with ah-hah. >> what makes you want to hit a home run more than ah-hah. >> real quick, temperatures are cool at reagan national. a 57. we have some clearing overnight. check out what happened in winchester for the overnight hours. 37 degrees right now. so a little clearing and some cool temperatures allowing temperatures to bottom out in the west. 55 leonard down. does not look promising out there at the moment. i do promise we'll see more sunshine than the last couple of days here. go to the park, highs about 70 with partial sunshine and just in time for the first pitch here at about 1:00. wind, not much to talk about. most areas calm. the winds will pick up a little later. to the west and eventually the north and west. let's quickly mention the cloud cover that you can see across the region. clouds, fog hanging tough here. we have some clearing out in the central and western portions of virginia. the trend will be more sunshine. here is the cold front north and west. that will come dry. up ahead, the wind are going to peck up and behind, a cooler air will rush in later tonight. temperatures are going to have clear skies bottoming out in the near 50s. breezy at the park, wind out of the test at 10:00, gusting to about 15 this afternoon. 45 tonight. so it will be cool. few clouds, cool over night here is the accu weather seven days. will feel like fall with highs in the upper 60s. a nice warming trip as we get into the week. a lofts sunshine around here. we have another game friday. we have games this weekend. should be all systems go with all dry conditions. that's a look at weather. this is track with julie. >> good morning to you, tucker. very busy out here on the roads at this time. traveling southbound along 270, from buckeyes town, 22-minute commute with the lanes open. towards georgia avenue, 295, checking for the crash near the beltway, average speed down to about 16 miles per hour to the inbound suitland bridge. we have delays leaving the beltway continuing out toward the penalty w parkway. that's when we had the crash tying up the left side of the road. 395, heavy and slow leaving the beltway continuing out towards seminary road and from the pentagon crossing over the in bound 14th street. 62 packed up in manassas. traffic slow at centreville trying to get across fair oaks. that's a look at the check 5 ontime traffic. thank you, july. in the race for the white house, a new poll shows mitt romney gaining ground on president obama and the president himself says his reelection hinges on his supporters remaining, quote, almost obsessive until election day. joining me now is peter finn. we are normally joined by republican jim asenzi. he called in saying that he was feeling. >> i got an e-mail at 6:00 saying that he feels terrible. i expect he is home watching session had he street. what do you think. >> you don't want to cub him while he is -- you don't want to kick him while he is down. >> i'm sure i'll get back to him. let's talk about that, the session had he street issue. mitt romney brought up big bird. the president kind of runs with it. he is talking about it on the campaign trail. >> better any madoff, kenis kozlowski, criminals, and the evil genius who towered over them. one man has the guts to speak his name. >> big bird. >> big, yellow. mitt romney knows it's not wall street but session had he street. >> i'm going to stop the subsidies to pbs. >> it's funny. something that you may see on sat nay night live. >> session had he street thinks it's over the top and pbs. >> this is an effort to take an absurd statement by mitt romney in that debate. i mean, look, pbs, total sub si did i is less than $500 million. subsidy for just the session had he street is like 5 million. you know, you get mitt romney spending more for his elevator in his renovation for his house in california than that. you know, he won make any cuts. he won't talk about the loopholes he'll close, won't talk about how he's going to pay for his $5 trillion tax cut but he will talk about a .0001% cut in pbs. the president is poking fun. the basic debate here is you are not getting a straight scoop from mitt romney. i mean, how is he going to cut the tax rates by 20%. >> the details. >> yes. and not stick it to the middle class the this is precisely what the president did not push back on him at that debate and what i think you will see him pushing back in future debate. >> but what's interesting is the future debates are on different topics now. had he his chance. >> right. >> let me ask you because we have not had a chance to talk to you since them what happened? everyone agreed the president was off his game. >> yes . >> we know it does happen but this is a critical debate and it has benefited mitt romney. >> there is no question it benefited mitt romney. the spin has continued. the president needed to challenge mitt romney more on the substance. forget the smiles and how they looked and how they were comfortable or uncomfortable, the president looking down. this is about substance. one of the things that the president was nervous about and concerned about was he didn't want to get into a petty back and forth, tit for tat. he is the president of the united states. he is making these decisions. he didn't want to go down to that level. but when you are in a debate -- and he has not been in a debate for four years and mitt romney has on. he was a little shocked when mitt romney says i'm not cutting taxes by $5 trillion, he was like -- he didn't know quite what to do. >> romney may have been light on some specifics but could you not argue that he provided more specifics previously and even on the session had he street thing. it's being blown out of proportion to some extent because it's big bird and all of that. even on that issue, could you not say well, here is how he feels and he is not shrinking back from that just because jim lehrer was siting there. >> that was the whole point of it because jim was sitting there. poor jim lehrer, he was not much of a moderator to be blunt. but i think that what obama should have done was to say, which mitt romney am i debating here tonight? am i debating the mitt romney, you know, who was -- who wants to repeal our health care or am i debating the mitt romney who says, you know, he wants to balance the budget or am i debating the mitt romney who has a $5 trillion plan. >> romney has narrowed the gap in some places. he has surpassed the president by 1 or 2%. they are essentially tied. if you are on the president's team, are you worried? >> look, i think these campaigns change rapidly and i think the important thing for the obama folks is to come back and to call romney on his future plans which are so vague. this is lying trying to nail jello to the wall with mitt romney. i think you have to call him on it. i don't think that the obama campaign was getting complacent. i do think that this is going to take a strong debate performance. i think he's going to campaign hard. i still think that this is -- you know, romney is still trying to dig himself back. and then my basic point on thx though, this is about substance. they have to really come back at romney on the substance. >> we have to run, there democratic political strategies peter fenn. jim, if you are watching, feel better. >> i'm kidding about session had he street. >> no, he is not. >> now he's going to get jello involved. back to you. >> peter, thank you. tony, thank you. it is not what you are tipally aware of trying to board a plane. >> and the facebook is testing new features to help businesses build their brand. we'll explain all of that what we come back. 7:48. ♪ [ male announcer ] the first only the beginning. ♪ ♪ introducing a stunning work of technology. ♪ introducing the entirely new lexus es. and the first ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. welcome back. a 28-year-old man arrested inside los angeles international airport with a stock pile of weapons is due on court on friday. police moved in after a smoke grenade, gas mask, leg iron and weapons were discovered in the man's luggage. he was dressed in a trench coat, bullet proof vest and pyre resistant pan. young haiwong harris is from boston but started working recently and living in japan. would you use a want and collect button as well on facebook? the social media giant is now testing new buttons. users create wish lists of items to buy. stores such as pottery barn, victoria secret are already participating. makes gift giving a little easier. >> i guess, yes. >> everybody does the wish list, you know. >> yes, yes, yes. okay. >> why not facebook. >> you're right. you are right. >> tucker? >> stay tuned, after 9:30, we'll bring it up again. he has time to think about it. >> tell us how you feel. >> everyone -- >> maybe it's too prove they can help generate real money. >> that is what it's all about. absolutely. >> let's do a picture outside. the blue appears. after some gray and cool, we'll warm it up. not going to be a perfectly sunny day but a lot brighter than it's been. let's see temperatures from washington. check out the cooler temperatures to the west, 40s and even 30s in winchester because the clearing first moved out overnight in the west and that allowed the temperatures bottom out in the 30s. 40s in cumberland, maryland. 48, detroit. more cool air pulled off to the west. this cold front will generally be good news because its ate going to push -- it's going to put the cloud out are here and the rain should stay to the north giving us a little breeze. if you are going to the game today, probably bring a jacket. even though with high temperatures in the 70s, there will be a little bit of a breeze and if you're going to be sitting in the shades, that's going to be cool. we should be nice and dry. if you are holding out for tomorrow's game, you're going to be plenty dry. the game should be no problem but it will be on the cool side. cooler tonight and tomorrow with highs in the low 60s. tomorrow and good news is next seven days dry conditions with a warming trend early next week. if baseball tips into friday and into the week, we should be dry for it. >> that's a good-looking seven- day. >> good weather, nats playing, redskins at home again on sunday. good weekend: yeah. >> thanks, tucker. let's go to julie right now and find out what's happening with traffic. >> i have to keep up with all the good stuff. >> that's right. >> oh, boy. well, all right. let's get off to the roads. it's been quite busy. good news is that lanes are open on 270 and with the good come the bad. and buckiestown, you are below speed. below speed leaving georgia avenue. a brief break and you are back on the brakes heading from the beltway towards the b w parkway. that's where we had the accident to the south moving to the shoulder. kenilworth avenue stacking up as you head to the d.c. line. north bound on the george washington parkway, headed towards the beltway, southbound delays from 123 headed to the key bridge. here we are, live, 395. beltway at king street, pentagon toward the 14th street bridge. that's a check of the fox 5 con time traffic. >> thanks, july. still ahead, dozens of local kids are making robots come to life. and holly is in the middle of the action. >> come on, guy, i'm always in the middle of the action. and today is no exception. they are gearing up for what is called the ebola bot challenge. they are taking young bill brilliant minds and turning them into engineers. pamela howze: it just seems like such an... infringement on our lives. how dare they step into my life that way. it's none of their business. he's trying to restrict us, again. he's taking us backwards. george allen is the last thing we need in washington. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising. railroads plan to spend $23 billion on their that's like building 4 nat's stadiums, 5 wilson bridges, and 8 dc convention centers...all in one year. and not a penny of it comes from taxpayers. [ knocking ] oh, no, i got to go. oh, can you make that to go? these days, nobody has time to get sick. but minuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. you guys want to go to the park? yeah! yeah! minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs/pharmacy. accepts united healthcare benefit plans. find a clinic near you at freight railroads plan to o sped $23 billion on their network. that's like launching 4 mars rovers, 10 gps satellites, and 20 space shuttles ...all in one year. and not a penny of it comes from taxpayers. ♪i just came to say hello >> time for the facebook fan of the day. look at that pretty picture. we say good morning to petrin ya will ya. she penalty all of october hope for the honor to come with her two big accomplishments for the month, her birthday and her getting her master's degree >> good for you. >> happy birthday. >> yeah, that's great. for millions of young people all across the country, toyed is about technology and engineering. >> it is 4h national science day. holly comes to us from chevy chase. >> reporter: two facts stand out here. one, we need to have kids excited about technology. second of all, hh is make -- 4h is making that happen. studies found that kids are more involved when they are involved with 4h. let's talk about the national challenge day. it's been in its fifth year. >> yes. we are happy that you are here to see robot day. there will be everywhere. >> let's talk about the eco bot challenge. it was successful last year, super fun. kids had a lot of problem solving. >> that's what we are trying to do, make science fun. for the kids, we'll take a tooth prush and a vibrate for from a pager and put a battery on and simulate a toxic spill and see how they clean up and do math and science and do math and technology. >> reporter: how do they come up with the challenges each year? >> we put it out to our universities who run the science program. this is out of ohio this year. we put the challenge to them and they desuperintendent this. >> reporter: volunteers are here, helping out. they are as excited as the kids. >> that's what it's b working together is cat his for positive change. these kids will take their ideas back to see how they can engage real robots in environmental cleanups or getting pollutants out of water or many, many ways that robots are a part of our lives today >> reporter: row bats are. i mean, they are the norm now, right? they used to be such the exception. now they are the norm. when we talk about the shortage of young people going into science and engineering field, how critical is that? >> it's huge. we have lost this fun connection between what matters and fun. keeps science known as that's what we're going to need solve. it's not somebody that didn't understand science that put that robot on ars right now. getting people excited about science and seeing solutions to the problems here. >> reporter: easy to find out what is the problem. it's different to come up with solutions. studies show that when kids are involved with 4h, they get better grades. >> yes. kids go more likely to go to college. and the good news is for girls, they are 40% more likely to get involved in science. and 5% of the kids go on in science >> reporter: so many times, people associate 4h with county fair and it is wonderful and those kids are learning things that are equally important. broad range of leadership skills and life skills. these robots will be at the fair next year. not just the cows. we'll have many robotics and computer programs. >> see, robots are the norm when they show up at the county fair. >> reporter: thank you so much. always great to see you. we saw in our shots here, we have kids already arriving for the eco bot challenge here in chevy chase. we'll begin in about five minutes. we will he be in the middle of it all and see the brilliant minds at work. >> holly is in her element today. >> yes, she is. coming up at 8:00, dave ross and wisdom martin join us live from national parks with another special guest and a former cia intelligence analyst is out with a new book about fidel castro. we'll sit down with him coming up. 7:56. lelet me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. straight ahead and 8:00, bringing the division series and postseason baseball back home to washington for the first time in nearly 80 years. we are live at nationals stadium with a look ahead to today's crucial game 3. good morning, everybody. i'm tony perkins. >> and i'm allison seymour. t minus 5. after two days of cold, rain, cold rainy weather, the nats and their fans, they are looking for a better day out at the ballpark. >> tuck is here with all the details. we'll go to dave ross and wisdom martin later at the park but now, tucker with the forecast. >> partly sunny conditions, warming up to about 70. ideal for october baseball in washing tonight there is the picture and satellite, not picking up clouds hanging tough around the area. the trend will be to decrease the cloud cover and increase the sunshine. either way, we should be in for a dry afternoon with a bit of a breeze here out to the west. favorable forecast here as we get into the baseball hour a little later today. temperatures at reagan national, 57 degrees. dulles, 49. 56 bwi, marshall. high today with plenty of sunshine developing by the noon hour, about 70 degrees. it will be a little breezy later today. a cold front will be you have moog through and that will increase the breezes around here. bring the jacket if you are headed to the game. that will feel a little cool there with the wind. all right. lots happening here on our roadway southbound 270 for starters. south brown from buckistown to georgia. a little delay on the outer loop 215 to the pelt way. crash on 50 moved to the shoulder. north bound gw parkway, traffic gridlock before approaching the beltway. that's where we have activity. checking for wires down across the highway. 228 in charles county in bunker hill, that's where we have reports of an accident. here is a live shots of traffic crawling southbound along 270 coming out of germantown and 270 headed toward the split. all the lanes are open. here is 395, right into the sun. slow exit from pentagon parking delays from the pain line. pentagon to the 14th street bridge. that's a check of fox 5 ontime traffic. >> i like that. a national revival. we are serious. >> this is getting exciting. >> playoff baseball returns to the area since the 1930s and fans are hype. and edwin jackson prepares tyke on to the mound. he is the one of the only nats starters with playoff experience. >> that should help, especially as the other two starters have struggled. >> we go to dave ross and the map who helped to bring baseball back to d.c. good morning, fellows. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. >> and you see, you already see who we have with us. >> that's right. >> the man. >> the man who needs no introduction but we'll give him one anyway. >> thank you. >> a man critical to helping baseball back to d.c. what does this do to your heart when you see playoff baseball in d.c >> you know, as we watched that overnight, have that clinched at the game, watching what's going on with the braves. that's unbelievable to be here. >> this is a good time here in d.c >> talk about the efforts to get this back here, this team back here in d.c. was it hard? >> you definitely don't want to do it at home. that's an enormous amount of effort from a lot of people. they came together, worked together and made it happen. business leadership, people who will be working on the project, nonprofit organizations, all working to see this day. >> reporter: this was a passion of yours. that's something that, when you are mayor, you wanted to have done and to have it come to fruition now, did you think we could get from ato z as we are? >> first, i thought it would be a good investment for d.c. and a good investment for baseball. the owners have done a good job. baseball is a national sport and this is the nation's capital. >> this is part of yowg legacy. i brought something for you from our personal collection. do you remember this? >> oh, i remember that, yeah. yeah. >> so you were kind of the face of bringing the nats back to washington, d.c. what do you think about what you see that picture. >> like i say, that's just a great day for our city. i'm just proud to have been a part of it. >> now, as far as moving forward, when you see this team and see what's going on, did you think it would be this quick for them to get to this level. they are in the playoffs already. has not been that long? >> i've been a sports fan. when the lerners hired sam cashden, that shows me they were serious because of what he did with the braves. we were confident that we were in for a long road of building and at some point -- i think it happened sooner than i thought. >> a lot of people did it's happening and i think it's fantastic. >> how many games do you get here? >> we are here all the time. we have season tickets. we love our seats because they are close enough to be close but high enough to see the withhold field. >> any fowbs come your way? >> we have never gotten a fowb? >> come on. >> i have never gotten a fowb, no, no. never gotten a foul ball. are you going to be here tonight? >> duh? the mayor said duh? >> today, tonight, tomorrow, the whole bit. >> another question for you. dave and i have not been to a suite. do you have a suite here? >> this is the man to talk to about suites. >> you can't pull those? >> you have baseball back to d.c. and you can't get wisdom andey a suite? >> i can't even get my car parked without a ticket. you know what i mean. >> you obviously came out for your morning run. is this a ritual? >> no, this is my normal -- i try to do some exercise every day to keep you going. this is great. this is a great running city. now, see, this is the great thing about the stadium. the stadium is part of the whole ensemble around the city there is a beautiful run along the river all the way down to rfk. check it out. >> can you do the run. wisdom and you can get started. i'm going to stay here. >> i'm not going to even start it. i have bad niece. >> get a win for the mayor who helped bring baseball back to d.c >> that's right. classic. this is classic old school here. >> 2004, i remember, before it came back. back to studio for now. >> really. >> that's great. >> and to get the former mayor there, that's fantastic. thank you, guys. good stuff >> good stuff. heads up if you are riding the rails to the game. metro riders should try to avoid switching lines downtown. stay away. metro center, l'enfant plaza, gallery place. you might want to take the new jersey avenue entrance to the navy yard ballpark station because it gets less crowded and make sure that you have enough money on your smart trip or fare card before you leave for the game to avoid long lines. that's the word from your mom. >> that's not. >> sounds like someone's mom. not to overlook our neighbors to the north, the orioles take to the field for their series against the new york yankees. >> go o's. that series is also tied at one game each. >> isn't this all just great? >> we done wants to jinx it but assuming that the nats can make it to the national league championship, tickets go on sale today for the general public at 9:00. there is a two-ticket limit for each game. a limited number of standing room only tickets will be available to buy on the day of each game at the box office. all right. the supreme court takes on a controversial college admissions policy and the state department takes heat on capitol hill. still ahead at 8:00, some of the other stories making news across the region. and new insight into the kennedy assassination and the possible role that fidel castro might have played. we'll sit down with castro's secrets author. let me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. [ female announcer ] he says... president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid... even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. and it helps parents support children with disabilities. if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities? making headlines in the day ahead. looking for ans after last month's terror attack in libya. >> today, republican-led house committee will hold hearings focused on security one month after a mob in libya stormed a consulate killing the u.s. ambassador. some congressmen have questioned why the state department ignored pleas from its ambassador and the california man behind the anti islam film that set off some worldwide protests, initially blamed for the attack will be back in court. a judge will see if mark bacile yousef violated his probation stemming from a bank fraud conviction. federal investigators say that there found no link after a man dressd in a bullet proof vest was arrested at the airport. >> young wah wong was trying to fly to boston when authorities found cast iron, a his luggage. authorities said that he is not cooperating. tucker barnes is live. >> let's do the cutest factor the day. time now for the first photo of the day. >> we are saying hello to a genuine hunk. >> you know it. >> that's what it's there. >> how special. >> everybody, this is one month old walter matthew douglas, jr. >> big name for a little guy. >> big name. >> we here in the weather department always make it easy on her by helping her know how to dress for the day. >> how sweet >> that's our pleasure. >> cutie pay. >> and great shirt. >> it is a great shirt. >> you want one, don't you, tucker. >> go to tucker and not me because he was just talking about the shirt. >> that makes sense. >> we'll keep it between us, we know the trip. you go to and click on pictures we like this. it's cool out, there particularly the mornings. temperature in the 50s outside the immediate washington area here. 57 in washington. 46 in pittsburgh. if you can see chicago on your map, 37 degrees. that cooler air, believe it or not, headed in the direction. we'll fall back in the upper 30s or low 40s across the region. >> looking at the satellite radar, we have not seen much. we should see plenty this afternoon. early clouds will give way to partly cloudy conditions. the cold front will get here. it will pick up the wind a little bit but the rain should stay to the north. other than breezy conditions here, plenty of sunshine with highs expected to be about 70. there is the accu weather seven- day forecast. 70 today. cooler tomorrow behind the front. 62 and we keep the sunny streak going into the week. lots of sunshine friday, saturday and sunday with a warming trend towards the end of the weekend. that's weather. let's do traffic and gets the latest from julie wright. >> folks headed downtown, we strongly encourage you to take metro. i done think you want to be stuck in all of that traffic heading home. if you do opinion and driving, pack your patience. and, of course, go nats. >> on the roads right now, you will find that we are very busy still at this hour. we have reports of wires down if you are along 301. keep an eye out on that. we do have something headed in that direction. accident activity reported in charles county. this will affect the commute on 228 at bunker hill. northbound on the gw parkway, accident activity tying the right side of the road. leaving the beltway, continuing out towards the 14th street bridge, no accident, just delays continuing across the potomac and south bound 270 still gridlocked from before germantown. that's a check of the fox 5 ontime traffic. this month marks 50 years since the cuban missile crises and our fast si nation on fidel castro continues. author and former cia intelligence brian letrell will be here live. that's because you have the big book signing today. a former cia director called you one of cuba's foremost expert, 40 years working with the cia and fidel castro. tell me about your experience. >> fidel castro is one of modern history's most titanic figures. he came to power in 19 a 59, new year's day, 1959. he is still alive, 86 years old, still there. he is no longer the president, but he is still influencing what his brother -- raul castro -- is doing in cuba. my book is about cuban intelligence and fidel who was the supreme spy master in cuba. most people don't know that but fidel castro himself ran the intel jen services. they quickly became one of the four or best five services in the world. they carried out spectacular operations against the cia and against the fbi. i write about 48 or 49 double agents that the cuban service ran against the cia. these were cubans that the cia recruited and paid. the cubans all turned out actually to have been working for castro and not the cia >> reporter: lou did you get close to them? >> i was fortunate i was able to get in touch with about a half dozen defectors, high level, very knowledgeable defectors. these men, all of them are men, provided me with extremely penetrating, interesting stories about the inner workings of cuban intelligence. some of the great successes against america. some of their most odius, despicable actions in latin america or some of the united states >> reporter: you talked about some of the attempts on castro's life. you started by saying, he is still alive. juxtapose with the cia looking to end his reins there. how does he survive all of these years? >> i write about this. i talk about two or three very serious assassination attempts. his intelligence service that he created penetrated the cia assassination plot. one plot was the most serious plot against him in 19 of 23, coincided with kennedy's death in 1963. the cuban that the cia selected to be the assassin of fidel castro turned out actually to have been a double agent. >> you have to read the book for more on that. i do want to talk about something that you touched on. pretty explosive claim in the book that he also knew about the aattempt on jfk's life. >> my most important source, a cuban defector that came out of cuba, one of the most decorated officers that castro what in his intelligence service. this was a man completely trusted by the cia. they say he never fabricated, never exaggerated. when he told me that castro knew in advance that there would be shots fired against john kennedy in dallas that morning in 1963, i had to take it seriously. i went about investigating that possibility. i did find very persuasive evidence from four other sources in addition to this defector that castro, in fact, has been lying, ever since 1963 about what he and his people knew about oswald prior to the assassination >> reporter: fascinating. let me ask you about the man, castro. we call him ruthless. dictator. are we characterizing him in a fair light? >> certainly, he has been a dictator. there has never been an election. human rights are impossible to live out. it's a dictatorship. >> the regime has been very cruel to their opposition. so much that their opposition has fled into exile. they live in miami. about 30 to 40,000 cubans are leaving every year coming to the united states. that's not a happy place, by and large. >> the man that is fidel castro, we heard that he has a funny side, a good natured side. have you seen evidence of this side? >> the castro brothers are certainly like that. they are multi-faceted, very intelligent. fidel castro is one the most intelligent, really ingenious leaders of modern times. whether you love him or hate him, you have to admit and respect that this is a man of extraordinary abilities. raul castro who has been running castro for six years as fidel as successor is different. he is more pragmatic, moderate. he does not like giving speeches. he is not charismatic but also trying to attack the economic problems in the country. >> interesting. can you hear more from author brian latell at the spy museum at noon today. the event is free. there is a book signing and also a briefing on all the good stuff that's in the book. we appreciate you spending the time with us today. >> thank you, allison. pamela howze: it just seems like such an... infringement on our lives. how dare they step into my life that way. it's none of their business. he's trying to restrict us, again. he's taking us backwards. george allen is the last thing we need in washington. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message. health officials in maryland now report three more cases of fungal meningitis, bringing the total there to eight cases including one death. the latest numbers from the c.d.c. show 119 cases in 10 states and 11 deaths. however, there are reports that there was a 12th death in florida. the c.d.c. fears up to 13,000 people may have received the tainted steroids injection. lawmakers are now calling for stricter guidelines for specialty pharmacies. two americans will share there year's nobel prize in chemistry. >> robert lefkowitz is an investigate out of chevy case and the other, ryan robilka out of stanford university. the two men have been working on how cells respond to outside signals retailers want to win your business and they are rolling out extra lay away programs early. but is a structured plan a good idea for your bottom line? and the high supreme court takes on affirmative action. what's at stake coming up. [ female announcer ] it's one of the hardest decisions a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message. now to the race for the white house. president barack obama is back in d.c. after visiting ohio yesterday. mitt romney continues to campaign in that state. romney is now beating president barack obama by 4 points in the pew poll. the president led that poll by 4 point earlier and the vice-presidential debate will happen tomorrow. and today, the high court is taking on affirmative action. texas uses race for enrollment. and howard brooks will be sentenced for lying to fbi investigators about payments from gray's 2010 mayoral campaign to another candidate. brooks is one of three former aides to plead guilty to crimes related to that race. he won't spent time because prosecutors said that he provided, quote, substantive cooperation. and a judge put kwame brown under special restrictions after he failed to make the phone calls. a judge warned him not to mess up. jerry sandusky will probably spend the rest of his life in prison. he was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison that means that he will probably be die there. san dust day said that he was a victim, even though three of his victims were there. the election may be less than a months away but metro is hara planning for the inauguration. the transit agency says more will be riding the metro. they are looking into smart trip cards to mark the inauguration. here is the card if president obama wins and here is the card if republican nominee mitt romney wins. they will make one-day commemorative passes as well two hours to go before the gates open to fans at nationals park for game 3 of the national league divisional series. >> fans are hoping to grab a few tickets that remain. they started lining up a few hours ago. the team is not saying how many tickets are available. they are taking their chances, you know. >> i wonder, what's everyone doing about work, everyone hoist going to the game. that's 40-plus people. >> have to do it. >> massive sick call? >> should be okay for tonight. >> we would hope. >> i remember in the late 70s, i was a kid, and i got at day off to go to the orioles playoff game. >> officially from school? >> no, unofficial. >> it was not even my parents but my friend's parents who took me and my friend. but i'll never forget it. >> of course. something special like, this you have to do it. >> big day. here is the forecast for the game today. good news, after days of clouds and cool temperatures, we're going to warm it up into the upper 60s to 70s. it will be a little breezy out there if you're going to be in the shade at all, you you may want to consider bringing the jackets because of temperature in the low 70s. we not expecting any rain here during the course the day. 57 in washington, 58 in annapolis. we have 59 in salisbury and cooler weather to the north. overnight lows, we fall back to the 30s. they got the clearing ahead of us. you can see the clear skies break out across the region. should be a mostly to partly cloudy sky. up ahead of this front, later this afternoon, we're going to be a little bit breezy. rain showers will stay to the north and behind the front, we'll fall back into the upper 30s and low 40s, a reinforcing shot of cool air. here is thed. i know we have a lot of baseball for the next several days, big redskins game. and weather could not be better for it. highs in the low 60s but you can see the sunny streak continuing into the weekend with a nice warming trend by sunday and monday. >> listen up. retailers are ready to earn your business by rolling out their holiday lay away programs early at that early this year. the programs are supposed to keep your spending in check but are they always a good idea? fox consumer report steve noviello is live. good morning, steve. good to see you. let's start with what the pros are to these layaway plans. >> good morning to you, tony. >> one of the things is what you mentioned, they are starting extra early this year after retailers saw alot of success. that means that folks who take part will have some early layoffs. wal-mart lowered the $5. and if you complete it early, they'll take that lay away. and a pay schedule can help you do better but the jetting during this time of the year which would hopefully help you avoid the credit card debts i love that. what do we need to watch out for? >> there are quite a few pitfalls. best buy, for example, will charge you a 5% fee. when we are talking about expensive consumer electronics, that can add up quickly. there is a minimum purchase requirement in some stores. best buy, again, 250 bucks. so some shoppers might feel compelled to spend more just to get themselves into that eligible lay away window. if you cancel, some stores will not refund your fees. so it will cost you money and you will get nothing. and you also want to check the fine print about things like policies when it comes to price drops. if you put something onlayaway and the price drops, will the store honor the sales price? you may be surprised and may end up more than the next guy. and that's not a good idea to spend money that you don't have. >> i would not use a store that has a 5% charge for layaway like best buy is. what's the best advice? >> the best part about christmas is that it comes at the same exact time every single year. holiday spending should never be a shock to your budget. this is an easily anticipated line item when you are mapping out your money for the year. so if it were mine to do -- and it is, here is how i lay away. i take 10 to 20 bucks every week and lay away into a sayings account that i never touch. at the end of the year, there is plenty in there to pay for christmas in cash. >> great idea. i love it. steve, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> good to see you. >> back to you, allison. >> thanks, tony. still ahead, winter's toll. how to make sure your skin is ready for whatever mother nature has in store for us and the mayor's bet, first. we'll tell you about the wager that mayor vince gray made over the st. louis mayor and what a win will mean to the nation's capital. maybe the arch? that would look great here. aso. and marinated with our own special recipes. smithfield marinated pork. dinner that serves you with resolve deep clean powder. the moist powder removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone while neutralizing odors for a clean you can see, smell and really enjoy. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. how did they dance to this. >> they did different things >> all morning, we have been talking about baseball. >> and what goes better man baseball and peanuts. >> we are, of course, talking about charlie brown. they are coming to the big screen in 2015, plenty of time -- the same year that charles schultz celebrates an anniversary. >> this is written by his son and grandson. >> we might be the only ones there. >> my son and grandson doesn't like it. >> the title is a charlie brown wedding. >> redskins quarterback robert griffin iii will be back. he still has to clear some league-mandated tests before he can play but coaches seem confident that he will be ready by sunday. >> excellent. >> and the kicker controversy is over. the redskins cut struggling billy cundiff yesterday as expected after he missed 5 of 12 field goal attempts this season. he will be replaced, get ready, by free agent kai forbath. >> who? >> i don't know bragging rights on the line at nats park this week. >> the mayors of d.c. and st. louis have a little wager on the nats-cardinals series. st. louis mayor francis slay will fly a d.c. flag above his own city hall for a day if the nats win. it will be a modified version with taxation without representation on the bar. and if st. louis wins, mayor gray will fly the st. louis flag. >> i thought we would get the arch but maybe not. >> no. >> like it or not, winter will be here before you know it and we have some ways to protect yourself from the element. >> i hate this. >> i'm having problems already and some local students applying 4h training to a challenge. good morning, holly. >> reporter: good morning to you. these kids are designing robots to help preserve the environment. what are you doing? and did i mention to you that they are only in the 4th and 5th grades? this is the national science day and this year is the eco bot challenge. we'll tell you what that means and why this day is so important. that's coming up next on fox 5 news. let me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs when presidident obama couldn'. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. as we head into the winter months and the temperatures drop, it's important to protect your skin from the inevitable harsh winds and bitter cold. what is the secret? dermatologist lisa ginn is the author of at large. good to see you. >> in and good to see you. >> in and out of the office. i must add >> reporter: how does the cold affect you? >> we have the -- we need to repair the skin from the effect of the fun that we had in the summer. >> reporter: doctors are expensive. do we have to switch everything out or do we supplement of what we do? >> absolutely not. the foundation stays the same six months out of the year. in the winter months, you need more -- in the summer, you need to have something that will help with hydration. >> you pass along some base yuck rules. the first one is exfoliate. >> yes. if you feel that your skin is dry, does not have a glow, put some moisturizer on. the reason that you have to exfoliate -- and i brought some products with me. exfoliate, hydrate and repair and protect >> let's talk to exfoliate. >> okay. you talk about moisture and in the past, we thought about heavy moisturizers. i like products that contain hyaluronic acid. it's not hard at all. actually, it is good on the skin. if you have a combination of oily, use something as simple as a serum. if you have normal to dry skin, having a hyaluronic acid. >> can we find these products in our drug store, or do we need to come to see a dermatologist? >> if have you eks ma or dry skin, come see adermatologist. if you go to the drug store, you can find knows today. >> you also say repair and protect the face. >> yes. just because we are no longer in the sun, that does not mean that we do not need to protect the skin. there are some natural lighteners that are out. safety used throughout pregnancy. anyone can use them. threw do a nice job of getting rid of the dark spots that come from summer sun as well as that patchy redness. >> redness, too. >> that's the repair component. and sun screen is a year around commitment. if you think about it, the sun can escape through the ozone layer as well as if you have a her shall winter, reflection from the sun off snow is just as great as sitting on the beach. >> some things i know, we have some products here, but are there things -- and we are not condoning that you go and what have you. but are there some in-office procedures, mild procedures? >> one the most popular procedures now, allison, are done in the office. you go in and go. they help to melt your dark spots. none down time and they are safe for everyone to use. >> some exciting things on your website. and some tips. >> give us the website. >> >> this is dr. ginn's second appearance so she has created some tabs in the website. >> good tough. thank you. technology. math and engineering, all are the focus all across the nation this morning. pardon me. it's 4h national youth science day. students from our area gathered at the national 4h council and that's where holly morris is. hey, holly. >> reporter: hey, tony. this is the fourth year that they have get en together. this is the fourth year that they will present the eco bot challenge. they are designing robots to clean up and meet the environmental. i'm going to bring in an expert here. tell me your robot credentials. >> i'm part of a team that builds row bots that are about from this big to this big. we program them to carry out various tasks including lifting each other, clicking >> reporter: i think you've got it. he is 12th, in the 7th grade. let's talk about the eco bot challenge. how does it work? >> first, they have to identify the program of the fact that bailey beach had an unfortunate spill. you need to set up a containment area to prevents the oil from going into the ocean. so you have to pick up the oil because the oil is very dangerous for humans to do itthemselves. >> reporter: on a level of 1 to 10, how hard is this? >> 7 maybe. >> reporter: for a brilliant mind like yours, that's not too hard. let's go to these case. >> hey mon, ryan. >> reporter: tell me about your robot. what have you done here? >> one at a time. go ahead. >> we cut cups to make the barriers and used tapes to tape them down by the side. we tape the inside and outside. and brian cut some cups like a door. >> reporter: i want someone to explain the robot there that's a toothbrush? >> toothbrush head. >> reporter: tell me what you did here to make the robot go. we made a battery and motor to vibrate the brushes so it will move. but it's kind of having trouble going uphill but this is the design that will make it go up here and come up here. >> reporter: you guys are having a good time? >> yeah. >> especially when it's going in a circle. >> reporter: what do you think you want to be when you grow up? >> i don't know. >> i don't know. >> reporter: something that involves science? >> maybe >> reporter: we are not sold. when that robot gets going, you might get the bug. let me check in with the team over here. okay. let's check in with some girls. >> i'm sophie. >> reporter: how is it going over here? >> it's going really well. they did awesome. sophie gave you the really awesome. >> reporter: boys, your names. >> i'm charlie smiles. and i'm charms bijot. tell me about your robot. >> the slant made it fall this way. we didn't clean up here and it got stuck a lot here and we might have gotten more if it went this way. >> reporter: so what would you do different next time? >> maybe -- i think maybe something like add something over here. because, that i think, we should have put something else because a lot of times, it got stuck down in there. >> reporter: i think maybe we should just level out the table? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: what do you want to be when you grow up? >> i might actually be a scientist >> reporter: really? what about you? >> i don't know >> reporter: okay. jury still out. the jury is not out when it comes to the kids enjoying. this they are building, enjoying them september maybe they'll catch that science bug and they don't know about it. we'll have a new set of kids coming up and see how they do. >> thank you, holly. the man who helped make the nats' cinderella season. >> and dave ross will be next to nats jen raw manager mike rizzo as we continue the quest for a world series. doesn't that sound good in ♪ [ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! share everything by turning your smartphone into a mobile hotspot for up to 8 wifi-enabled devices at no extra charge. like the new droid razr m by motorola only $99.99. right now at 9:00, can you feel it? nattitude. it's running high across the dmv. the nats are just hours from game 3 against the cardinals. this morning, we are live at nats park with special guest including nats gm mike rizzo. dave ross and wisdom martin will join us. and coming up, chris cab will be here. he is performing for us coming up at 9:45. >> good wednesday morning. i'm allison seymour. >> and i'm tony

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