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And controversial images removed;k from the national cathedral. The images that were not as problematic in 1963 are a little bit more problematic now. Ow. Your news starts right now. Right off the top tonight, a maryland teenager is heading to prison for an alcoholrelated crash that killed two of his friends. Todays courtroom drama centeret around former what the on hight School Student sam ellis and sam what happened the night of thatf horrible crash. Fox5s Marina Maracco has mores from rockville. Reporter a highly emotional day in court today as the judge came down with his sentence fore sam ellis. There were long faces, a lot of tears and deep shies. The judge ultimately sentencing sam ellis to four years behind bars and now this all comesmes after the state recommended 12 years out of the 20year maximum penalty. Sam ellis will serve those foure years after the death of calvin lee recent wooton high graduates who back in june of 2015 left a house party where alcohol wasas served. Sam ellis was behind the wheelel of the car. Toxicology results showing that he had consumed alcohol and was also under the influence of marijuana at the time of the crash. Cr now, ellis pled guilty to two charges of manslaughter in ordeu to avoid trial. Theyre considered nonviolent charges, which means once he serves a quarter of that sentence, just one year, afterer the four he was sentenced to, then hell be eligible for parole. There was gut wrenching evidence during the sentencing face which includes this dash cam video ofd one of the first responding officers being guided by neighbors who heard the recollect. The two fatal victims, alec america anodal vin lee had been partially ejected from the car. The driver and the front passenger were both seriouslyeri injured, but according doctors both of them made full recoveries. Four years is time for mr. Ellis to think about the things hes done and hopefully hell be able to serve the public goodbye doing the 500 hours of communitm service that judge greenbergree imposed today and it is ourour hope, too, that the ignition interlock system thats been ordered for him will prevent him from doing anything similar to this in the future. Calvin lees parents did not attend todays sentencing. They also did not write any letters to the judge saying that simply this or deal has been ton painful on the family. As for alec americas parents both of them speaking to the judge, evoking tears from the gallery. Nearly 200 people packed the courthouse. So am people that they had to move from one courtroom into a larger one to accommodate everyone that was present for todays sentencing. Ent and in two weeks from now will be the one Year Anniversary of this horrific crash. In rockville, Marina Maracco, fox5 local news. In other news tonight, grief counselors were on hand at clerk bug high school to Muriel Bowser the death of two students killee in a crash. They were all juniors. They died when the truck they tu were in crashed into a tree onre burnt hill road. The community remembered them ae a vigil last night. Ight the initial Police Investigation found speed and driver inexperience led to the crash. Er the driver also had only a provisional license which meanse he was notns posed to be driving with anyone under the age of 18. Fox5 is in Fairfax County now. The fire works were flying at a Heated School Board meeting. Etin at issue pushing forward with the transgender rights policy in the school, particularly thehe restroom debate. At Lauren Demarco was there. Reporter as you said, it was heated. People on both sides of this very passionate. On one rights kids talking about being uncomfortable using the bathrooms at school. At there were some heart breakingba stories of bullying. And then on the other hand youad had parents who were concernedoc that their children were forced to accept changes that are now the new norm. One man yelled out. N ye i think its kind of unfair that transgender rights shouldnt be able to use bathrooms and it may not seem like a big deal to those who arent transgender rights, but to me it is a big deal. De im also a transman and when i was an fcps student i experienced first kind the kinde of harassment that children getl from their pierce. Youre a coach . E a excuse me, sir. Ir. Keep him away from my kid. Human rights. Its evil. Evil. The group gathered to speakak before the board tonight came to thank for Fairfax County forr adding tofa its policy last may that it will not discriminate on the basis of gender identity inn schools. Theyre also asking thatthat regulations now be put into place that enforce that policy. They want School Records to be adjusted, that the properhe pronoun is used, t particularlyi on diploma as. They also want training for staff and teachers to make surem all students are treated fairly and they want students to be w able to use bathrooman and lockr rooms that correspond with theih gender identity. Youre now about to hear from one man who says hes encouraged about the changes hes seen att school. Start using the bathroomsathr that they know they should go to. It makes a whole difference forr the whole community because they feel of suicide and harm, things like that. I have a little child and shes afraid of boys and now shes got boys coming into the bathroom and its not just the bathroom. Its the showers, the lockerslok rooms. They could be basically striping down and b its not just children. Ch adults can go in there. That father and some of the others were very upset that thet werent allow to speak publicly at the meeting. But as part of the policy to speak at these regularly scheduled School Board Meetings you have had to have signed up in advance. Dvan there are several lawsuits currently underway in virginia regarding gender identity and students. The parents who are for transgender rights are concernei that the school beardgh and thee School Administration may notmi move forward atni all with these regulations until those lawsuits are resolved. Theyre afraid that could take years. Thats the latest here in falls church. Lauren demarco, fox news. Hes accused of supportingup suicide bomber. Today, this virginia man faced a judge in alexandria. The 26 year old joined the Islamic Group last year but now says he regrets his decision so he surrendered. Rren last night he was transferred from iraq back to the united uni states. A preliminary hearing will be wl held in a few weeks. If convicted, queasy could face 20 years in prison. New at 11, prince georges1, county police have arrested two men in connection with a homicide in upper marlboro. Decarlo and Sean Dickerson are accused of killingy bar i jones early this morning. They of officers are were responding to a welfare check when they found jones both did i. Detectives believed the men wern friends who got into a fight. Both decarlo and shawn dicker face murder charges. Ce m if you have any additionalddit information about this crime, you are asked to call police. Been with me from the beginning of this incredible journey to be the first to know that im with her. I am fired up and i cannot wait until i can get out there and campaign for Hillary Clinton. President obama plans to join the former secretary of statetat for a Campaign Event next weekt in green bay, wisconsin. President obama met with b in the oval office. Later sand december held asa campaignnd rally. He told the supporters that evet though Hillary Clinton had clinched the democratic nomination he still planned to compete in the upcoming d. C. Primary. I will, of course, be competing in the c which will be held nexd tuesday. This is the last primary of the democratic nominating process. The major point that i will be making to the citizens of the District Of Columbia is that iat am strongly in state hood. Bernie sanders also said he will work with former competitor Hillary Clinton to make donaldn trump is not elected. Lect the massive memorial for the clamp next. Plus the growing outrage overer the light sentence given to a former Stanford University s student in ata rain case. Ase. How some are defending the judge behind the controversial rulingl sue, tony, if youve been frustrated that you didnt get to spend much time outside today, you get a do over tomorrow, so plan accordingly. What about the weekend . Ill have that forecast in just a few minutes. The news at 11 will be right back. Back. Weve been talking about this, and theve backlash is growing against superior court judge and his decision in the te controversial stanford rain case. A convicted rapist to just sixix months in jail. They called the sentence dangerous. The former student convicted ofn that rain is blaming society for what happened. Ha Sarah Simmons is here now with more. Reporter judge aaron perc ski has become the poster childi for judicial reform. Political leaders from all over the country questioning his handling of the case. The california general attorneyt weighed in. She says shes afraid the victim was not given dignity. He was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious 23 un year old woman behind a dumpster in january of 2015. Turner met the woman at a partya and sexually assaulted her after she drank too much and passedass out. Turner faced up to 14 years in prison but in the end didnt end receive anything close to that. Many critics feel the victim in this case was overlooked andver that anger has spawned an online petition on change. Org. At 400,000 signatures are on the site. Pushing for perc can can is reml from the bench. A stanford law professor is spearheading an official recall effort. There are a group of very ver politically engaged women, fundraisers, political operatives, Political Consultants and now elected officials who all feel that judge perc can is sentence in the block l turner case was both wrong and dangerous. Despite the controversialrsia ruling many who have worked alongside judge perc ski say he is one of the fairest judge they know. He was following thewing recommendation of county probation treatment. Rea the defense portrayed block turn tar as a smalltown innocent boy who was overwhelmed by the Party Culture at stanford. They found video that showed alcohol and drugs. The vicepresident wrote an open letter to the victim. In part he said im filled witht furious anger, both that thisoth happened to you and that our culture was still so broker that you were ever put in a positiona to defense your own worth. Proponents would need to gathero 20 percent of the registered r voters from 2014. Those would have to be certified and then a special election would have to be held next year. Thousands gathered in louisville kentucky to say goodbye to number alley. He planned the Muslim Prayer Service himself as a way t give the world a look at the muslim service. It was open to the public. Ic tomorrows events include a his casket and an inter faith service. Billy crystal who was a good friend of the former champions a and former president bill clinton. He will be buried in a private a certify mean ate cave hillave settlement try. The Washington National cathedral is making changes to a some of its windows. They contain images of the confederate flag. Fl they memorial robert e e lee ane stone jackson. In light of recent racial tension nationwide they sayay theres no place for the flags there. Events exploring raisin racism are also planned for next month. The images that are not as problematic in 1963 are a little bit more problematic now. No were starting a discussion,cu what is their place in the cathead are . What is our responsibility on conserving history, but also tellingls different parts of the history that arent currently told righh now. Will be removed from the windows in the next couple of weeks. Good news for all the metro riders. You could get a temporary break from paying full fairs. They gave the green light for reduced or even free fairs. The plan wont go into affect unless the general manager declare emergency. Emer paul white feld said he will he only do that every now and thenw but it is an important tool when riders are paying full price bub not getting safe service. The safe track started last weekend. It will effect riders on thehe blue, orange and silver lines. I today was a great day. It would be nice if tomorrow was a great day since its friday. I think i can deliver on youn order, tony. It should be a very nice day. One thing you might notice about this time tomorrow night when you head out to maybe a late night or shawn and tony walkinga to their cars in the parking you might feel the humidity coming up a little bit. Enjoy the day. Day well still be very reasonable in the Temperature Department as we are tonight at 74degrees. The greatest gift of all is the dry air. Look at the relative humidity aa 20 percent. For most of the day tomorrowomor thats how we going to goi continue to role objection to t the form what ao night were having, 7 degrees in thein t district. Its down to 57 in frederick sor there will be a few spots that s are cool, if not chilly. Just a little bit in thetle morning. But not the 40s that we saw lasw night in many places. Pl 66 right now in dulles and 4 in cumberland. High pressure is going toress continue to bring in this th comfortable air that weve been seeing. A little bit breezy today. I dont think youll feel the breeze tomorrow t and its a cool start to be sure. Su open the windows and shut the ac off or break it down for the the time being because youre definitely going to feed it as we get into the weekend. We first things first, bus stop tomorrow, after school pleasantly warm, 78 to 84degrees. Still not too humid tomorrow afternoon, but also deep in minn that tomorrows uv index should be very high. If the kids are going to be go spending a the look of time outside theyll definitely need the sunscreen, too. 82 for quantico, 84 for fredericksburg, 84 for manassas and 83 out toward win chesser ts lets talk about the weekend ane what were expecting becausexpe its going to be our first 90degree day on saturday. We have not hit 90degrees. Its really late for that to happen. With the resulting heat and up tick in humidity a few isolateds thunderstorms around in thearou afternoon. Not a lot. Dont think of saturday as a wet day, but do keep an eye on your fox5 weather or the sky and make sure that you dont get caught in a thunderstorm. Th sunday a few clouds, 91degrees, we think sunday should be a dry day but were warming up big hurry. Hur as a warm front pushes through s our area bringing in the 90degree heat anden up tick ink humidity it is possible that a few spots could see that thunderstorm on saturday. Not so much on sunday, but we do have a cooling front is that t going to come on through. We think that will bring in another dry air mass as we get into monday. When we talk about the due poine and the humidity, we think the due point is going to be in the uncomfortable range for ther t weekend. We 65, if not higher in terms of dewpoints. The good news next week we think that frontal boundary should beh able to sneak through sunday su night and that will return usetu into the 70s at least for monday. Heres your fox5 seven day forecast forecast, a couple of who the and humid days after a really nice friday so get out and enjoy andeny our fox5 crew c down at anacostia. We are looking at monday at 90degrees. With our thunderstorms coming next n wednesday. We thats your forecast. Sean and tony back to you. A good trip tomorrow, good weather. Up next tonight, if you ask your dad what he wants for fathers r day, does he say nothing . Well if so weve got the perfectgot present you can give him much mu thats coming up next. First we were talking aboutbou tomorrow. Were going to have a special sp guest host on good day d. C. , Ross Matthews will join our team in the loft. You can catch ross from fro 9 00 a. M. To 11 00 a. M. Right here on fox5. Well be right back. Yep and theyre blowing up on instagram. Honey, your rump roast just broke the internet as it should. Life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. Now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. Ok. Dont let dust and allergies get and lifes beautiful moments. With flonase allergy relief, they wont. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. As it should. Life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. Now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. Ok. Finally tonight it can be tough to figure out what tnio get dadt for fathers day. Many times when you can what ca they want im a dad. Many times when you ask what we want, we just say nothing. Do you say that, tony . I dont know. I dont think so. My husband always says i jusi want the love of my family. Maybe ther i want to go to a movie. My dad actually asked for ties. I have enough ties. He does, too. Century t t1 figured furnishg dad wants nothing, then give hi, nothing president the Real Estate Company set up a website called give dad nothing. Com. The sublease a piece of land inn nothing, arizona. I is a deserted town 140 miles from phoenix. Once you sign p your dad for hif share of nothing you can download his share of nothing verifying his temporary ownership. It also is a 360degree tour of the town. Clever. At least get him a card. Definitely. And something else. And an at a boy. Write a car. Sink him a song. No. How come, mothers, you get all kinds of stuff. Today on tmz harvey so Justin Bieber got in a physical fight. Bieber cocks back and throws a right hook. Is it officially time to be worried about Justin Bieber . Harvey you know though, as a fellow runt, i think so the c. M. T. s were last night. There wasnt that much country but pitbull was with leona lewis. Harvey can somebody explain to me why the hell pitbull was there . They did it several times. Little big town was with pharrell. Yeah, there was no country. You know whats coming next . Gangsta country. I got an ak47 in my guitar case, man. Jeffrey toobin, legal analyst for cnn. The california primary just happened the other day and Bernie Sanders hasnt dropped out. This incredible coddling and

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