but it could make for a slick commute in the morning. gary mcgrady has the first forecast. >> we have been watching this come across the last couple of days. it dropped a lot of snow out to the west. by the time it gets to us, it will be moisture starved. this is what is coming at us. it's rain to the south. not quite cold enough there. but through west virginia, western sections of virginia we are seeing the snow. and light snow has crossed across 81. as it gets closer, it's having a hard time running into the dry air. the winter weather advisory is in place for montgomery, loudoun and up to the north of us. but in terms of what we are seeing now, it looks like we are talking maybe 1 to 2 inches of snow out there before it's said and done. the higher totals will be to the north of the metro and down to the south it looks like a dusting to maybe a little bit of accumulation down there. here in the district we are expecting an inch, northern sections up around two inches of snow. there is the winter weather advisory. it's expiring at 6:00 tomorrow morning. this is quickly moving through. it won't affect us for tonight's commute. we will be back with a complete forecast coming up. >> gary, thanks for that. staying on top of a developing story from the white house. president obama taking ultimate responsibility for the attempted plane bombing on christmas day and the president saying the buck stops here. tom fitzgerald is live with more. >> reporter: how did this young man get on the plane while u.s. officials had him identified as somebody who possibly had ties to yemen al-qaeda forces. the president acted quickly talking about this and said he initially is recommending four major changes in how u.s. officials deal with terrorism threats. let's take a look at some. he is saying first off he wants to assign responsibility to pursue threats. in other words, know who is going to be following up on leads. distribute intelligence reports more rapidly. some were not shared. finally he wants to strengthen the analytical process and strengthen the criteria for the terror watch list. he said if you are looking to blame anybody for all of this, he says blame him. >> ultimately the buck stops with me. as president, i have a solemn responsibility to protect our nation and people. when the system fails, it's my responsibility. >> reporter: one thing is clear that what republicans called for firings does not appear to be taking place at this point. the president said there are too many failures at too many different departments to single out one person. just following the president's remarks, john brennan, the deputy national security adviser in charge of counterterrorism and homeland security stepped to the podium and talked about how he personally let the president down. >> i told the president today i let him down. i am the president's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism and i told him that i will do better and we will do better as a team. >> reporter: now, many of the recommendations that went beyond the four points the president spoke to, in all more than a dozen like state and off of the counterterrorism units of the u.s. air force in the military and different arms of the u.s. military. many homeland security officials are telling us the problem here is not airport screening. the problem is intelligence gathering. the u.s. needed to do a better job of the information it has on hand. >> sounds like he told a lot of people to do better today. tom fitzgerald at ray gag national. the -- reagan national. the suspect umar farouk abdul mutallab is due in a courtroom tomorrow. it's being revealed that he met personally with a muslim cleric before the attack. a senior official says the two met in the cleric's home province. he was a former spiritual leader at a mask in falls church, virginia. he has been tied to a number of terror attacks from 9-11 to the fort hood shootings. another young man accused of plotting an attack. prosecutors say he planned to take out then presidential candidate barack obama. we are getting a look at items seized from his home, bomb making materials, maps of camp david and obama's motorcade route. sherri ly has the news edge. >> reporter: prosecutors say colin mckenzie gude had almost everything needed in july of 2008 to kill president obama who at the time was still a candidate. the key witness at sentencing is his codefendant whose lawyer says the plot was very real. >> i think the government interceded in what could have been a presidential assassination as well as other unknown harm to the community. >> one was granted immunity and a judge ordered him to testify at gude's sentencing next week. among the evidence presented to be presented is a map of maryland marked with routes to camp david. defense attorney says it's all false. >> there is absolutely no truth in the plot to kill obama. there is no map to camp david. >> reporter: police say gude had a carb of guns -- cache of guns, designated kill zone to take out a classmate and he devised this plan for a six man team to kill yesokoff's mother. >> this is not fantasy or fiction. this is something real. the government has taken seriously and the community should take seriously. >> reporter: in a plea deal, gude pled guilty to possession of a device. he said someone was going to kill john mccain so louisiana governor bobby jindal could become president. >> you are saying he's not mentally stable. >> i don't think he is mentally stable. >> gude appeared in good spirits smiling to his family and gave them a thumbs up. it won't be until next week that he learns his te. sherri ly, fox 5 news. the news edge on dc, cameras rolling as an arrest went down at the courthouse today. randolph thomas was at court on another charge. he walked out and got cuffed by the joint fugitive task force for a new year's eve murder. investigators say thomas shot chardale brown in the head as he sat in his car. police believe it was over a drug related robbery. fox 5 cameras found gilbert arenas at his home in virginia. officials are working on charges against arenas for bringing in guns to the verizon center and keeping them in the locker room and he reportedly pulled a gun on team mace jarvaris. a bizarre security scare outside the white house gates. a naked jogger taken down by the secret service. he stripped down in 35-degree weather. the man is undergoing a mental evaluation. up next at 6:00, would you rather wait longer for trains or pay more to ride? metro is talking about serious charges. we will tell you about it.  if you ride metro, two words you hate to hear, fare hike. they are mulling a plan to have you walking farther, waiting longer and paying more to boot. john henrehan has details on serious service cuts. >> reporter: managers at metro had said earlier they would be seeking a fare hike in the middle of 2010 but a fare hike may come a whole lot sooner. board members made clear they did not like proposed cutbacks in rail and bus service designed to eliminate a current deficit. elizabeth hulett represents drivers in maryland. >> they would rather have some semblance of a fare increase than to have the service cut. >> reporter: the majority of board members wanted to consider an emergency fare hike, 20 cents a trip for rail and bus but jim graham who has been protective of metro's relatively low bus fares used a parliamentary block to limit any fare hike to a maximum of 10 cents a hike. >> reporter: most riders could live with that. >> don't cut off the trains. that -- they would be jam packed already. >> i would rather raise the fares than the service cuts. >> i think i will start driving if it goes up, yeah. unfortunately. >> reporter: metro's board wants public hearings on all options including the possibility emergency fare hike. those hearse will be scheduled in late january. if there are fare hikes for rail and bus, they could begin in february or march. john henrehan, fox 5 news. perhaps you heard snow is heading our way tonight. speaking of the cold weather, stick around in a few minutes we have a story that could save you time and money down the road. blrve about . everybody knows what is going on with your money. you are paying more at the bump. gas prices hit a 15-month high. the national average for a gallon, 2.70 cents today. gas prices are following crude oil prices as they rise. something else that could cost you, this cold snap. the freezing weather is leaving motorists stranded. karen gray houston is live with a prescription for avoiding preventible winter emergencies. >> reporter: if you haven't done your winter car check up, you need to get it done. the stalled motorist could be you. we road along with the aaa crew that was rescuing drivers having cold weather break downs. the biggest winter emergency complaint, dead batteries. >> it's crazy lately. >> reporter: when the mercury takes a dive, he gets busy. since this cold snap hit the regionaaa mid-atlantic has dispatched roadside crews to 41,710 stranded motorists. todd is one of them. >> came out to go to a doctor's appointment and nothing happened. i tried to turn it on, nothing started up. >> reporter: usually the cold weather is a dead battery. not this time. it was a starter. >> try it again. >> reporter: he checked evening he could -- everything he could think of. it has to get towed. >> maybe weather related, maybe not. sometimes starters just stop. >> reporter: next stop old town. flat tire. this woman drove from new jersey. the tire that went flat was brand-new. what could have happened. >> either i hit a pot home or drove over something sharp in the road. >> reporter: at the springfield headquarters, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. >> you want to visually check for the condition of the exterior of the battery. do you have investigator hosh shown. this will enter -- corrosion. that will interfere with the car starting. check your windshield washer levels. this is a tire gauge that i keep in my car. check your owner's manual to make sure how much air your tires really need. >> i always forget and this is a great reminder, throw a blanket in the car. you get insulated because you run from the house to the car. >> you can get stuck in the snow. we are not talking about the kind of snow that a lot of people will be east coast stuck in. will there be slipping and sliding, most definitely. it could have a big impact because we know it won't affect the evening rush hour but the morning commute. the bulk of what we get will be over by the time the sun comes up tomorrow morning. so, the advisories have been issued. we will see this being a powdery light snow. it will puff up more than a normal snow and we may end up with an inch or two. it begins between 9:00 and 11:00. we are seeing it west of 81. in the metro area, closer to the 10:00 news time. tune in and see where the flakes are falling. it will end before sunrise, maybe even by 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning. we think it will ave an effect on the morning rush hour. some schools may get canceled. i heard from people wearing pajamas inside out hoping for a three-day weekend. here is where the snow is. this is a clipper like system moving quickly. it will continue to move quickly and we even see the back edge showing up to ohio. where is it in relation to us? some of this is not hitting the ground yet. it looks like it's closer to 66. it will be a few hours before it emerges as flakes because the air is so dry over us. it will be here 10:00, 11:00. the winter weather advisory will go until 6:00 in the morning. we have winter storm warnings for the mountains. we may get an inch or two but they will continue to get decent snow, maybe 5 to 10 inches for the mountain areas. this winter weather advisory includes loudoun in montgomery and howard and does not include fairfax, dc or prince george county. i know they will take a look at the later models and see if they need to include them. but generally that means that you will get an inch if you are in the winter weather advisory. max hd futurecast, you can see that our model is watching the snow closely and bringing it to the western suburbs by 10:00 tonight. i pause this at 7:00 a.m. so you can see how much is out of here. we are in the dry slot. there will continue to be some in the mountains. the center of the storm may go by and we may have lingering flurries with no additional accumulation. but the mountain snows will continue. temperatures definitely cold enough for snow. we dropped to 34 in the district. it will accumulate on roads immediately. they have been pretrenting but sometimes the first hour is when things can be at the slipperiest. 27 degrees. snow ends early. 34 degrees and we begin another lapse into colder weather. what about accumulations? what can you expect with the snowfall? 1 to 2 inches north of d.c. washington south a dusting to an inch. heavier across the mason dixon line, maybe 2 to 4 there and heavier in the mountains. a minor snow after we dealt with the 20-incher we can handle this but people get into problems. here is a big problem. it's bringing a lot of cold air. check out the five-day forecast. a little hope at the end of the tunnel. 40 tuesday, we will feel like we are in florida. florida is in 40. >> they sure are. fox 5 morning news is hitting the airwaves early tomorrow at 4:30 a.m. for the latest weather and traffic updates. from snow to smog, the epa sent stricter rules to clean up the air, far beyond pollution limits. it will cost tens of billions of dollars to get counties up to code. the government says the new limits could cut down on breathing problems, especially in children. sports edge up next. hear from the new offensive coordinator who happens to be the new head coach son. have you gotten your seasonal flu vaccination? great - but your work's not done yet. we still need to get the h1n1 flu vaccination. you, me -- we should all get one. the ccine is safe and proven effective against this highly contagious new strain of flu virus. we can help prevent the spread of this virus if we all just roll up our sleeves. to learn more about the h1n1 flu vaccination visit or call your local health department it's up to you to fight the flu. >> good evening. new redskins head coach mike shanahan is currently evaluating coaches. one guy that probably doesn't need a resume, his son mike -- mike's son kyle who will join as the ew offensive coordinator. he joined the houston texans coaching staff and two years ago at 28 became the youngest coordinator when he was promoted to offensive coordinator. he wanted to work with his dad but until now never had. we are as good of friend as father son. we get after each other, argue. my wife and my mom are worried about us working together. they think we will butt heads a lot. my dad and i can talk to anything. whether it leads to arguments a bunch but we find a solution. >> it will be good. >> javaris crittenton says he has done nothing wrong and once the investigation process takes its course that will be proven. gilbert arenas admitted bringing four guns in to the verizon center to use as a prank against crittenton. this is the photo that prompted david stern to suspend arenas. last night the wizards didn't laugh. they got blown out by the cavs 121-98. lebron james 28 points, eight assists and one circus shot over the backboard. after the game, cliff saunders was asked about the game. >> there are things we have to abide by. commissioner has the support of the wizards. >> when the capitals host the ottawa senators, they will have a new face between the pipes or an old face trying to regain the old form, jose theodore regulated to the bench but a guy that the coach wants to depend on. >> i don't think anything rides on this game, win or lose. i just want him to play and feel good about himself. i know the last couple of games he played he hasn't felt good about himself after the outcome. when a goalie or any player plays good, they get confidence and play better. >> let's not forget the first place cats. back to you. >> speaking of the nba known for hip-hop music as its soundtrack but hockey is something knew. rocking the red hip-hop style. [singing] >> it's the work of andrew bowser. the video is getting a lot of hits on you tube. a little snow in the forecast, sue palka one last look. >> on true view you can see it. the five-day forecast has the early snow tomorrow with 34 degrees. that is sneaking across interstate 81 and maybe the first flakes will fall 66 in the next hour. we will keep you posted. >> thank you, sue. now you have the news edge. the news is always on back for news edge at 11:00. hope to see you there. 

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