Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At Ten 20120904

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have been four flash flood emergencies in the bloomingdale neighborhoods in just the last two months. fox 5's karen gray houston is live with more. >> reporter: the streets here along rhode island avenue northwest are bone dry now which may seem deceiving to some members of this community, but there are some trucks and bulldozers out here just in case we get bad weather tonight. for now the flooding may be gone, but there are still some wet basements. the hard work for now, disinfecting and cleaning up the mess. >> the level of water was up to here. it was close to 4 feet of water. >> reporter: michael thomas has lived on two floors at his house on u street for four years. he tookous a tour of his basement and says -- took us on a tour of his basement and said this is the worst he's ever seen. >> this is actually the third time it flooded in the last six weeks. >> reporter: he says just about everything that was not bolted to the floor was floating around. d. >> the pressure was so, so great that it punctured a hole in the wall. >> reporter: oh, my. back in the kitchen even the refrigerator flipped over. >> that's the way i found it. >> reporter: he uses this space as his living room. >> kind of clean up and all this was floating in the water, the couches, the table, coffee table, tv is shot. that's gone. it was turned over floating around in the water. >> reporter: and the kitchen is ruined. >> water came all wait back here. water was all -- came all the way back here. the water was back here up to the level of the countertop, above the countertop. >> reporter: thank gooden for friends and neighbors who -- goodness for friends and neighbors who pitch in and help out, but in bloomingdale there's similar frustration over the constant flooding that leaves residents defenseless against the repeated storms. even the youngest amongst them is concerned. >> i think the drain people should come and they should check out the drains and stuff because my family, they're going to have to put the money for my school shoes and supplies for my school in there. >> reporter: henry has a lot of ideas about what ought to be done and he's only in 5th grade. now staffers for ward 5 councilman kenyon mcduffie say his office wants to set up a relief fund to help people pay for those costly clean-ups and repairs, but some of the folks who live around here are pretty upset that the councilman him was at a wedding and not here to personally hear their complaints. brian, back to you. >> karen gray houston tonight. there was a lot of heavy rain in the area just luckily not in the bloomingdale area today. fox 5's gary mcgrady with what we can expect heading back to work this week. >> thanks a lot. not a lot going on right now. i guess that's good especially for those folks down there, but as we go to sentinel radar, i want to show you we still have pretty good showers and even a couple thunderstorms up north of baltimore. that's really where the concentration of the heaviest rainfall has been. then we're seeing a little bit coming up from the south and the southwest in parts of virginia now. this is coming up from 64. inside of 85, so this is moving up into orange county, madison county and eventually we'll see this come up into the western suburbs before it's all said and done. one last stop that takes us north of baltimore where we continue to see some showers and thunderstorms tonight. thief h as much as 2 1/2 inches of rain there -- they've had as much as 2 1/2 inches of rain there in central baltimore county and earlier they had a flash flood warning. workweek weather is coming up. a developing story in maryland where searchers will resume looking for a missing boater tomorrow. the coastguard was contacted around 12:30 this afternoon after a man and woman fell overboard in bayside beach. the woman was found. the man is missing. natural resources police and anne arundel county police are helping with the search. the democrats are in charlotte, north carolina, tonight preparing to kick off the democratic national convention. fox 5's tom fitzgerald joins us with some of the finishing touches being put in place to president's big week. >> that's right, shawn. the olympics posts both of these conventions together later than usual, so the calendar is compressed and democrats tonight are getting ready to meet in charlotte just a few days after republicans dropped their balloons in tampa. first lady michelle obama got a first look at the convention podium she'll be speaking from tuesday. president obama stayed on the campaign trail. >> i've got one piece of advice for you about the romney/ryan game plan, ohio. pump it away. it won't work. >> reporter: at a labor union rally in toledo with auto and steelworkers the president said a mitt romney presidency would hurt the middle class. >> you could choose to give massive new tax cuts on folks who have already made it or you can choose my plan. >> reporter: the labor message continued in michigan as vice president biden kept up the anti-republican attack in detroit. >> they view you, the working women and men of america, as the problem. we view you and know you to be the solution in america. >> reporter: but as democrats hammered republicans on the road gop vice presidential candidate paul ryan responded in their own convention state of north carolina. >> we can either choose to stay on the path that we are on, a path of debt, a path of doubt and decline, a path of joblessness or we can get things turned around. >> reporter: the dnc meanwhile moves outdoors thursday when president obama accepts the nomination in the 74,000 seat stadium of the nfl's carolina panthers. joining us live from the democratic national convention in charlotte fox 5 political analyst mark plotkin. mark, let's get right to it. we'll start in d.c. everybody knows mayor vincent gray has had political problems here n the district. how is he being received among democrats in charlotte? >> he's a bit late. wasn't there this morning at the morning -- he wasn't there this morning at the morning delegation meeting where chair party person wasserman schultz showed up. he didn't come till late afternoon and i was told he told somebody in contradiction to what he said last week is that he's not going to do much here. he doesn't want to do anything to drawn necessary attention or do anything to contribute to the obama defeat. obviously he's got his own problems and own concerns, but this is not the stan that he took last week that he was going to mobile -- stance that he took last week that he was going to mobilize. he seems to be many n a much more passive mode. >> is it your sense that is vincent gray's decision to keep arm's strength or the party's? >> i think it might be a mutual decision, that not they ever collaborated, but both sides probably don't think it's in the city's interest to push forward. many people are very displeased with vague vague who are wearing red statehood shirts. they think he should take a much more active role. he'll have a role when he announces the ballot results, but i don't think you'll see much opportunity there. >> reporter: i want to turn to virginia. the senate race between george allen and tim kaine is razor thin. there's all this talk about whether the senate race will affect the presidential race, vice versa. how is virginia being highlighted in this convention this year being as how they are in north carolithat far from virginia? >> well, there are -- you know, what you talk about getting on the floor of the convention, on this floor they have 40% more delegates than the republicans have. they chose to do that, but really there are only seven delegations who are actually on this floor and virginia is one of those seven delegations by virtue of the fact you have illinois and delaware and north carolina. so you really just have four that are crucial swing states, battleground states and virginia is one of them. also tim kaine has a speaking role at this convention and he is at this convention obviously. you remember george allen at the republican convention in tampa obviously too tight i didn't want to take one day -- he didn't want to take one day off. >> real quick we talked about martin o'malley's comment about are you better off than four years ago. this is a one-day story or do they have problems? >> no, i think this is trailing him and all his enthusiasm to be seen and eard has got him in trouble. it's going to last for a while. >> reporter: fox 5 political analyst mark plotkin live from the democratic convention tonight. shawn, back to you. a u-haul truck full of security equipment for vice president joe biden's trip to detroit was stolen. the theft outside a hotel yesterday was confirmed by the secret service. a spokesperson said there were no weapons inside. some equipment was later recovered at an abandoned building. the truck itself was reportedly found this morning. the vice president addressed a union rally near that hotel today in detroit. a surprise for the obama campaign staffers at a labor day rally in toledo today. the romney campaign bus drove by, but it didn't stop. the president spoke there at today's rally. his republican challenger mitt romney will spend much of the week in new hampshire and vermont preparing for the pcoming presidential debate. paul ryan was in north carolina today. he will be in iowa tomorrow and wednesday. more people are getting conceal carry gun permits from virginia even if they don't live there. the commonwealth can issue incorporates to people outside the state if they -- permits to people outside the state if they take an online gun course. virginia issued 1,600 concealed carry permits in the first half of this year, more than all in the year 2011. it could not come at a worse time, the nationals on the verge of the playoffs and they'll have to make due without stephen strasburg. find out when the pitching phenom will be shut down for the season plus fan reaction. >> coming up at 11:00 did you suffer pain at the pump this labor day weekend? why aaa is blaming hurricane isaac for the high prices on the news edge.  your 2012 washington nationals officially the best in team history today. they won a record 82nd game and guaranteed their first winning season here in d.c. >> unbelievable to say that and we're just beginning september. want 5 is the first year they were in d.c. -- 2005 is the first year they were in d.c. that team went 81-81. i think what's even more impressive about this team, 6 1/2 games up in the division and they've been able to maintain a pretty good cushion for a while. they played today against the chicago cubs, starting pitcher ross detwiler in control pitching seven scoreless innings aided by two double plays. ryan zimmerman start this twin killing to end the seventh killing and that would preserve the nationals 1-0 lead. to the bottom of the 8th bryce harp other first base and zimmerman with the base hit down the line. harper sprints off first, turns on the jets. this guy will never stop and he doesn't. round third, scores without a throw and the nats are up 2-0. that proves to be the critical run in this game. in the 9th tying run on second for the clubs, that's the 30th save. nats win 2-1, their record 82nd victory. >> that's very surreal. it's a good accomplishment, but i'm just glad to kind of help the team win ballgames. that's the most fun. these fans are amazing. it's just building all year long. as players we're getting pretty excited, so it's been fun. >> the orioles shut out the blue jays today now one game behind the yankees in the al east because the yankees loss to the rays. >> which is still probably one game ahead in the wildcard race, so tight. >> everybody will building on the edge of their seats probably till october 5th at the close of season. in this politically charged town the big debate is not just about the economy and healthcare these days. it's also about whether the nats are making the right decision by shutting down star pitcher stephen strasburg to protect his surgically repaired elbow. fox 5's paul wagner shows us what the fans think. >> swing and a miss. strasburg wins that skirmish. >> stephen strasburg struck out nine batters and gave up just two hits over six innings yesterday in one of the last games he will pitch this year for the nats, a decision fans seem to understand and accept. >> the right decision. we'll be good for a long time. we don't want to ruin him. >> i've always said they should have waited and started him in may, kept him in extended spring training, but i understand what mr. rizzo is doing. he doesn't want this great pitcher to get hurt again. >> best idea, the only thing to, do we want him for many, many more seasons. he's going to be the heart and soul of this team. >> although the team looked great on paper coming out of spring training no one knew they'd be this good. removing strasburg from rotation could handicap the team as it attempts to make postseason baseball history in a town that last saw a world series winner in 1924. >> i'm agreeing with rizzo, too, because you go with what the doctor says. >> reporter: amid all this optimism the nats will win again next year with stephen strasburg here's a point to ponder. half famer cal ripken made it to one world series in his career in 1983 and never made it back. >> you got your run going now. you don't know if you'll get it back. >> i paid money to see strasburg. >> you need to keep in mind the team is really young. we need to worry about the future. there's five, six good years of pitching left in these guys. they're all in the beginning of their career. >> reporter: you want to weigh in? you're wearing a strasburg jersey. >> he's right. trust me. >> reporter: so enjoy it now, nats fans. the ks are coming to a close. paul wagner, fox 5 news. >> even the doctors are not in agreement about the necessity of shutting down strasburg. earlier today on fox 5 news at 5:00 i spoke with dr. david guyer via skype about this decision. >> 160 innings is what of an arbitrary limit that they've decided. we know that overuse is a factor. the problem is knowing is it 160 innings, is it 180 innings and is it just this season or many seasons down the road? that's one of the problems. you're just trying to make the best educated decision you can. >> right now it's not clear if limiting strasburg's innings this season will pay off in the future. nats management used the same approach last year when another prized pitcher jordan zimmerman came back from tommy johns surgery. zimmerman only pitched 161 innings last year. even though the maryland terps football season is underway coaches held open tryouts today. why now? school is back in session giving more students an opportunity to try to make the team. the odds are slim for a walk-on to make the squad. coaches will evaluate the people who tried out. we'll keep you posted. terps won their season home opener saturday against william & mary 7-6. coming up a hollywood star gone too soon. >> plus a somber homecoming for a fallen navy seal, how his hometown honored him today. anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in prince george's county. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland. this is sad news out of hollywood tonight. actor michael clarke duncan has died in a los angeles hospital after nearly two months of treatments following a heart attack president of duncan appeared in dozens of -- attack. duncan appeared in dozens of box office hits like planet of the apes and the green mile. he was nominated for an oscar for his performance. dunn campus 54. patrick feeks body came home to edgewater today. he was killed in afghanistan more than two weeks ago. laura evans with the story. >> today's homecoming was especially moving because so many people showed up taking time out of their holiday to honor a man they had never even met. [ sirens ] >> with honor and gratitude fellow americans boned only through country paying tribute -- bonded only through country paying tribute to petty officer first class feeks killed in afghanistan august 16th. his helicopter crashed during a firefight win is urgents. today his body returned -- with insurgents. today his body returned, not the homecoming his family hoped here. most here never even knew patrick feeks but all realized he gave his life fighting for freedom and wanted to say thank you. >> we decided that we wanted to come out and honor the soldier that had died. >> any time someone goes down in a war as an american you're obligated to come give it all you got. he was a good man. >> community, they just came out of the woodwork. i was surprised. there was so many people coming down here this morning. it was really refreshing. >> reporter: feeks who was 28 was stationed in coronado. he served two deployments to iraq. his final deployment was to afghanistan. he's described by his teammates as a consummate professional. his awards and decorations are numerous including a bronze star with valor, purple heart and combat action ribbon. >> i just feel so bad. they're doing their best over there and we're just using them up. >> there is a viewing tomorrow. funeral service is wednesday at ft. myer memorial chapel. he'll be buried at arlington national cemetery. patrick was an avid reader, aggressive bicyclist and try athlete survived by his parents and wife emily. to the gulf coast now, the clean-up continues in the wake of hurricane isaac. president obama got a firsthand look at the damage this afternoon, his message for the storm victims up next. heavy load in amererica. but mit romney plan, a middle class to $2,000 more a year in taxes. multi-millionaires like himselfg hits the middle class harder... bigger break. forward for america? this message. this is fox 5 news at 10:00. as the democratic national convention gets ready to kick off in charlotte, president obama traveled south to look at the damage from hurricane isaac. the president visited families devastated by the storm and walked through st. john the baptist parish where isaac soaked subdivisions in water. he told the victims that the government is doing everything it can to help out. he also praised interagency cooperation as well as the spirit of those who reside along the gulf. >> i want to particularly thank fema and the state and local authorities because sometimes in the past we haven't seen the kind of coordination that is necessary in response to these kinds of disasters. this time we've seen it. >> meantime the clean-up continues while thousands still wait for their electricity to come back on. fox's casey steigel has the latest. >> reporter: hurricane isaac has come and gone, but folks across the gulf coast continue to feel his sting. officials say tens of thousands are still without power, most in louisiana where isaac made landfall as a category 1 storm last week. some folks who were forced to evacuate now allowed back into their neighborhoods, many who have been through this before having an idea of what to expect when they return home. >> debris, rotten food in the freezer. >> i think i have a little damage to my trailer, the roof. we always prepare for the worst. >> reporter: crews across the region continue the clean-up process. inspectors from the federal emergency management agency are on the ground assessing damage which is estimated to already surpass more than $1 billion. >> there's more damage and destruction and water here today than there was for katrina. >> reporter: low lying areas like plaquemines parish in louisiana hit hardest, many saying the flooding topping the damage left behind by katrina seven years ago. >> i knew when it stalled we were in trouble and i had made the wrong decision about not leaving. >> reporter: what's left of isaac will continue to push into the lower mississippi valley bringing the threat of tornadoes and heavy rains along with it. in new orleans casey steigel, fox news. dozens of pets from louisiana are now looking for new homes as well, these dogs up for a dops near new orleans before the hurricane hit. they were -- adoption near new orleans before the hurricane hit. the animal shelter rescued stranded pets left behind by their owners when they evacuated. a developing story in california tonight where wildfires forced thousands of people out of a national forest. the fire broke out yesterday near a campground at angeles national forest. it's already grown to 6 square miles. officials cleared out campers so that the only road in and out of the canyon could be left open for fire trucks. there's another fire burning in los padres national forest about 150 miles northwest. as we mentioned earlier, the democratic national convention kicked off in charlotte. earlier this evening fox 5's tom fitzgerald spoke with press secretary of the democratic national committee and asked her what the democrats' message will be in the next few days. >> reporter: the last 24 hours have been filled up with talk of this question are you better off than you were four years ago. what i'm curious is why did it take 24 hours for the dems to seem to have to get their -- democrats to seem to have to get their story straight on dancing what many think seems to be an obvious -- answering what many think chems to be an obvious question -- appears to be an obvious question. >> four years ago when the president walked into office the economy was bleeding $750,000 a month. today we have created -- the private sector has created 4.3 million jobs over the last 28 months. so we are absolutely clear on where we are today versus where we were four years ago. we do still have a lot of work to, do though, and that's what the president wants to do. >> i guess the question was governor o'malley got a little flack over saying what he said sunday, but in a way he kind of did you a favor heading into tomorrow when this will come up. is the message clear about what the democrats will say about the state of this country versus where it was in 2008? >> the message is absolutely clear. what we're going to talk about here in charlotte is we're going to make clear the two very different paths for this country that the two candidates in this election have. mitt romney wants to take us back to the failed economic policies of the past that brought us to that crisis four years ago and so it is particularly rich for the republicans to ask that question when the policies they are promoting would take us back to that place. >> being the party in power you have a bit of an advantage being able to go second and have the last word, as it were. the president the last couple days particularly has talked about a lack of details out of mitt romney and the republicans down in tampa. by that token should we expect a lot of details, a lot of things that the president himself wants to take the country in a certain direction? >> we'll make clear the choice that voters have in this election and we are going to tell the story of the tough decisions president obama had to make in the last four years and how those decisions have moved the country forward away from the economic crisis that we were in four years ago to a place where the economy is now growing and we're going to tell that story. we're going to do it honestly, which is something the republicans didn't do last week in tampa and we are going to provide details. we didn't hear any details from mitt romney or paul ryan. what we did hear were a bunch of personal dishonest attacks about the president's policies. we're going to tell the truth. >> we thank you for taking time out of the democratic national convention in charlotte. an alexandria high school student is living out his drool of the 7 teen-year-old evan -- dream. 17-year-old evan drain is representing virginia's eighth congressional district and earlier today he shared how he got interested in politics. >> i really attribute my political involvement to my grandparents. they came over as displaced persons from hungary a few decades ago. i think that my political involvement is a way of preserving for me and future generations for my descendents the american dream they tried to win for me. >> drame turns 18 before the election allowing him to vote and serve as a delegate. up next russell crowe briefly lost at sea, why the actor needed some help from the coastguard this weekend. >> and later labor day joins the ranks of black friday and cyber monday. labor day 2012 one for the history books. gas prices setting a new record high this day, the national average coming in at $3.83 a gallon breaking 2008's record by nearly 15 cents. don't you know it? some 28 million americans are driving home right now according to aaa. summer box office sales not setting a record this year, holiday weekend revenues down 3.4% from last year bringing the summer season total $125 million short of last year's record. meanwhile the corner of wall and broad is quiet today. u.s. markets are closed for the labor day holiday, the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 all in the green so far this year. and volkswagen hopes its seventh generation car will drive them to no. 1. it will be on display in berlin tomorrow. that's business. i'm jamie colby. our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪ ...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, northrop grumman. you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card. then, the united club. my mother was so wrong about you. next, we get priority boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm. we're on vacation. this is no plan. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage card with special perks on united. get it and you're in. actor russell crowe is thanking the u.s. coastguard for helping him find his way back from a kayaking trip. the actor and a friend wound up lost in the water off long island, new york. the two men beached their kayaks at huntington bay beach when the coastguard found them and gave them a ride to the harbor. no one was hurt and the coastguard does not consider it a rescue. an heir to the red bull energy drink is facing charges to a deadly hit and run crash. police in bangkok arrested the young man earlier today. he's suspected of hitting a policeman with his ferrari, dragging the officer down the street and leaving the scene. his family is considered the fourth richest in thailand. he's out on bail. an indianapolis woman could not believe it when a blackhawk helicopter landed in her backyard. turns out it was a drug bust. nicki schultz said she had no idea 60 marijuana plants were growing behind her house. >> i saw it coming this way and it was low and i was like oh, my god. it's going to crash in my backyard. i got a bunch of men with guns and i'm home alone. >> the national guard troops told schultz what they were doing, then seized the evidence and left. coming up on the news edge at 11:00 we'll take you live down to charlotte a day before the democratic national convention officially kicks off. >> plus president obama travels to louisiana to get a first hand look at the remnants of isaac. >> and history could be in the making in chicago. thousands of teachers are prepared to strike if the city doesn't agree to a new contract coming up on the news edge at 11:00. i'm so glad you called. thank you. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far. we've all heard of black friday and cyber monday. now labor day is becoming another major shopping holiday. many retailers are showcasing deep discounts. fox 5's maureen umeh has more. >> reporter: 25, 60% off. bargain hunters take note. there's a new shopping holiday in the making. >> very good deals. >> reporter: for many americans labor day usually means the end of summer, but now the first monday in september also means great sales with retailers slashing prices to bring shoppers in and it's working. >> after three days you can go out to the store and say hey, you know, i'd like to do that. you look through the newspaper and hey, there's a sale, head out. >> reporter: at this plaza in rockville the parking lot is packed with dozens of people eager to take vac of the discounts offered. >> it worked -- advantage of the discounts offered. >> it worked out well for me. i like it. i don't normally shop unless it's time, so it's not like i'm looking all the time, but i have been waiting to get this. so it was nice to find a good price break. >> really good deals because we have a rescue dog for my son and two rescue cats. they were great. >> reporter: according to the national retail federation the major markdowns are on summer merchandise and back to school supplies. there are also huge savings on clothing and electronics. this family got some great deals. >> we did a little bit of research online. most of the places were pretty much the same, but hh gregg threw an added bonus in, so they got our business. >> reporter: home goods, appliances and sporting goods are also marked down. the key is to look for coupons further adding to the savings. it all spells good news for consumers who can certainly use a break on skyrocketing prices, labor day becoming another chance to get a deal while boosting retailer's bottom lines making for a happy holiday for all, maureen umeh, fox 5 news. wal-mart might soon let shoppers scan items with their iphones and then pay at a self- checkout. the store chain is testing a system called scan and go. the idea is to make things move faster and cut costs. wal-mart spends about $12 million per second on cashier wages. so far the test has only been done in one store. >> another humid warm day today. >>ly somebody from georgia are --ly somebody from georgia today -- i had somebody from georgia today and they said it is humid. >> they must have come for the wrong weekend. anyway yes, it's very muggy. it's been muggy today, tonight, tomorrow, probably going to be muggy until thursday or friday when we can finally get some drier air to come on through. it's still a beautiful night out there, though, even though we're on the mild side, temperature right now holding at about 80 degrees. we'll talk about that in a second. showers and thunderstorms, we haven't seen much tonight. most of it has been to the north of us. up here north of baltimore, but now we're beginning to see a little more creeping up from the south and the southwest. a little bit of this is actual thunderstorm activity. some of it is just good old- fashioned rain. i do believe that this continues to move up north just crossing over interstate 64 now, it's east of 81 here. so it's coming through charlottesville. there's a little more that's been creeping up towards culpeper here. no lightning in this, just some heavy rain at times and there's so much available moisture in the atmosphere at all levels. so that means this rain has been at least moderate to heavy in some places. again, culpeper, this is about to move on through. if it continues moving north and north east and stays together, there's a chance some of this could actually move through the metro area, but right now sentinel radar is showing everything to be dry for us, again just a little on the muggy side and we are cloudy now. highs today with limited sunshine. we did manage up to 85 degrees for national, just about there for dulles, just about there for bwi marshall and a little bit of a hint. looks like we'll stay right in the middle 80s for highs the next couple days. depending where you are dictates the temperature, 73 for gaithersburg, baltimore right now 78 degrees, winchester 703, martinsburg 75. s a mentioned in town we're sit -- 73, martinsburg 75 ands a mentioned in town we're sitting -- and as i mentioned in town we're sitting at 80. fredericksburg has a 76-degree dew point down there. that is a very muggy dew point, 75 for culpeper. we are lower 70s in town. one thing this does again, it makes these rains fairly heavy as they come across and keeps us feeling muggy. it will keep the temperatures tonight only going down to the low to mid-70s because the temperature can't get any lower than the do want. ail swirl left over from what was hurricane isaac -- dew point. a little swirl left over from what was hurricane isaac, heavy rains from the deep south moving right up our way this evening. again, this will hold together to bring us some showers, perhaps a thunderstorm overnight tonight with some pockets of heavy rain, but it should get out of here by tomorrow morning as futurecast shows. fairly dry tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. we could have a shower here or there as we progress through the day, kind of a spotty shower or thunderstorm. 5:00 tomorrow we do it again and wednesday morning we have clouds and showers. wednesday afternoon and wednesday evening more clouds, more showers and it's looking like as we get to thursday, friday we'll dry out a little bit. 74 overnight tonight, a spotty shower. we'll be muggy, mile and a little bit of fog. winds will be out of the southeast 5 to 10 miles per hour and again tomorrow looks just like today, 85 degrees, limited sun, kind of a peek of sun here or there. we'll have some showers and some thunderstorms moving through from time to time. so that's what it looks like and tomorrow 78 degrees, 82 at noon, 84 at 5:00 and just watch out for these showers and thunderstorms scattered about through the day tomorrow. a couple days, tuesday, wednesday look almost identical, drier thursday and friday. this is your fox 5 accuweather seven-day forecast and one thing we need to look forward to for the weekend, it looks unsettled but cooler with temperatures only in the upper 70s to the lower 80s for highs. >> economic out the lows there, some of them in the 60s. >> -- check out the lows there, some of them in the 60s. >> that probably means 50s in the suburbs. >> flash freeze warning. >> thanks, gary. the redskins kick off the season sunday against the new orleans saints, but before the big game there is still plenty of work to do. lindsay murphy joins us now with the latest on this. >> now that the 53-man roster is set the team can continue to prep for the saints knowing who will be on the field and today the redskins had their first availability with the media since their final preseason game last wednesday. once again kick returner brandon banks made the final roster. he possesses quick strikability to score any time he touches the ball. the head coach also plans to use him in the backfield. receiver desmond briscoe earned a roster spot. the former buccaneer who caught six touchdown passes last year beat out terrence austin and anthony armstrong. how does mike shanahan feel about his squad as he begins his third year as head coach? >> i feel really good about our football team. it's changed obviously completely and you got guys that fit your system. you got guys that you're hoping that will all step up and play extremely well. i like the attitude going in. i like the competition and hopefully we play accordingly. >> so the team is off tomorrow, back to work wednesday, thursday and friday. they will leave saturday for new orleans. >> fingers crossed. >> everybody has been wondering who the starting running back support of evan royster so far on the depth chart is no. 1, but it doesn't necessarily mean he'll start. he didn't even know today. shanahan won't tell anybody. we'll find out the day before maybe. >> that's the way he always does that. coming up here on fox 5 news at 10:00 metro making some changes to their smartrip card system, what you need to know before you ride the rails still ahead tonight. anncr:r: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in prince george's county. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland. labor day wouldn't quite be the same without a big parade. thousands turned out this gaithersburg this afternoon for the city's annual parade. it features antiques, fancy cars, fire engines, marching bands and a few clowns and uncle sam on stilts. today was the 704th year for the labor day parade -- the 74th year for the labor day parade. fox 5 is monitoring metro and the changes to the mart trip card system. the plan to make -- smartrip card system. the plan to make those cards easier to find isn't quite off the ground yet. >> reporter: among transit systems metro is a pioneer in implementing an electronic farecard system that is simpler for customers and costs a lot less to maintain for metro than its own paper-based farecards. the paper farecards are still available, but paper users pay a whopping $1 surcharge for every train trip. metro buses are also cheaper when smartrip cards are used to pay. earlier this year metro estimated more than 80% of bus users pay with smartrip cards and nearly 90% of rail riders also use smartrip payment. as of september 1st, most smartrip cards will need a minimum of $1.20 for customers to enter the system and if users register their smartrip cards online, metro will put a $3 credit into their account. that makes the effective price of a smartrip card only two bucks. metro had also promised to expand the dispensing machines for smartrip cards to all 86 of its stations. the new machines are in, but they're wrapped in plastic and not operational. unlike the businessing machines which have braille on their surfaces for instructions for the blind, the new machines have no braille and no audio component. metro's spokeswoman caroline lucas told us by phone transit managers made an internal decision to keep the new distribution machines turned off until they're fully compliant with the americans with disabilities act. some metro customers question that decision. >> metro has a lot of problems. why not make something a little easier for the public? >> reporter: you say turn on the machines now? >> turn on the machines now. turn on the machines now and make it widely publicized when the other features are added. >> reporter: although metro promises to have working distribution machines at every station you may not find them at every entrance to every station. this is the jennifer street side of the friendship heights station on the red line and on this side of the station no dispensing machine for smartrip cards. metro managers say the new machines that are in business should be retrofitted with braille and audio and therefore turned on sometime in the next two months. john henrehan, fox 5 news. >> thanks so much for joining us tonight at 10:00. here's brian now with the news edge at 11:00. we're just hours away until the democratic national convention gavels in. ahead of his appearance in charlotte president obama paid a visit to louisiana. fox's craig boswell joins us live with the latest. >> reporter: good evening.

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