Havana. We will do whatever is necessary tosupport belgium and bring to justice those who are responsible. No one has been arrested or is in custody but those in police have issued a call for information about this man who they considered to consider to be a possible suspect in the airport attack. Surveillance captured him in a hat and tan jacket walking with two other people. There is no confirmation on their identities or if any of them are alive. And it is just days after a dramatic wave on friday in which Police Arrested the last suspected terrorist suicide bomber. They have not determined if the attacks were in retaliation for his arrest or if they were at all connected. Major cities across the United States are boosting transit systems, bridges and tunnels. National guard members are being assigned to several airports night a lot us Officials Say there is no known credible threat right now. At Charlotte Airport we saw additional officers on hand, hand, some armed and others with dogs. Mark becker is continuing the coverage there tonight. The explosion at the Brussels Airport happened inside of the departure area. It did. It happened right here outside of the security checkpoint we all have to go through. There was no credible threat, but tsa tells us that security here today was very evident. To miss today, outfront officers kept cars moving and took those took some inside of the terminal. Officers and dogs will work clearly visible. The security was on the line for passengers here as well. Drug david was on his way to houston. If he had been traveling overseas, he said overseas, he said he may have stayed home. The airport whole did hold a conference but they did not address any response to the bombings in brussels and generally dont talk about security plans but they have focused attention on areas outside of security checkpoints. The airport and tsa have said many times they would take a it as well. I just want to get to new york safely. Drove brenda was more than a little nervous but it was a tragedy of another horrible attack that struck her and others that we spoke with. Seeing that human beings do this to each other, it is disturbing. And it is just a fact of life nowadays. And more from europe, and more information in the next hour or so, that will be coming up at 6 00. For now, mark becker, gentleman is gentle nine Eyewitness News. Brussels airport will be closed until tomorrow at American Airlines has canceled flights to and from t here. They will rebook when the airport is open again. And this is just months the french ambassador. The french ambassador was in charlotte today. We spoke to him about the attacks is morning and the group the growing threat overseen overseas. Reporter he told me he was not surprised. [ applause ] reporter the french ambassador received applause when he came to charlotte as he came here to take part in a program in which he quickly found himself addressing the terror attacks in brussels. The bombings in brussels come just months after the attacks in paris and days after a man Authorities Say helps carry a carry out the effect that the attack was arrested. And all day there has been a sense of dread. Reporter the battle against terrorism could be a long fight. Thousands of young europeans are going to syria and they say closing the border is easier said than done. [ indiscernible ] it is impossible. It is just not possible. [ indiscernible ] we have to work. We. We have to continue these services. [ indiscernible ] reporter the french ambassador kept emphasizing the need for a mobile response to terrorism. Lawmakers on capitol hill are reacting with a moment of silence a moment of silence on the floor today. Both sides of the aisle called for a stronger response a stronger response been worried about attacks like today. It appears that the bombs that went off at the airport where in an area that does not get screened. That is an area weve been concerned about for some time. We need to take a look at every building here. Reporter they the white house is helping with the investigation. And showing solidarity with brussels got the eiffel tower is illuminated in the colors of the belgian flag. And president obama had to bow out of the he spoke in between the United States and cuba. Our coverage of this major developing story continues over the next 90 minutes. Charlotte to help local Police Prevent these attacks. We spoke with a belgian man who lives minutes from where the attack. And we talked to of charlotte family who was in paris and their reaction from europe. We also are breaking down the actions from top lawmakers. You can show your solidarity with brussels by sharing the pray for brussels badge. Any indepth coverage and live updates continue with an hour long world news tonight following Eyewitness News at 6 00. Is the goal of a juvenile is arrested, accused of robbing people at gunpoint. People said having just this afternoon, the latest case of young people in charlotte involved in Violent Crime and this foster just finished speaking to police about t his. Police announced they robbing another teen at gunpoint. Both were caught skipping school. Our chopper. Our chopper flew over the high school and a wooded area nearby where the robbery happened. Police say the suspect pointed the gun at the victim and the victim tried to wrestle it away and Police Quickly responded after the victim ran back to school. And police say there is something parents must know and talk to their kids about. Many criminals themselves are becoming victims of crimes. Reporter young teens have been becoming increasingly involved in Violent Crimes. A fourteenyearold and fifteen yearold recently fired shots at officers in East Charlotte and earlier this month several teams were arrested for robbing a Convenience Store at gunpoint at one of the suspects was only in this case today, they dont leave the suspect and victim knew each other but they dont know if the suspect had the gun at school. Police. Police say that suspect will be charged with Armed Robbery Armed Robbery. A pair of firefighter safety womans life after her home caught fire near hudson. And when they got to the burning home they could see that woman inside of a bedroom. They broke out a window to clear the smoke and get her out. Firefighters say they are not heroes. Im just doing my job. They believe the fire started from a lit candle. A woman says the post office refuses to deliver mail to their neighborhood. The demands from the post office before this Community Gets service back. Murdering three people could avoid death row and a family wants a family wants him to avoid take our coverage of the terror attacks continues as the world reaches out to belgium for support. This cartoon shows the french flag comforting the belgian flag and below it are the dates of the terror attacks in both countries. And a man accused in a it was announced minutes before sanctions for evidence violations. One of the victims family members told us why she wants him to take that d eal. Reporter it has been emotional so far, jury selection far, jury selection has not even begun. And Everett Hewitt could have avoided trial by pleading guilty to three counts of seconddegree murder. Everett hewitt showed no emotion as the judge explained this deal deal to keep them off death row. We dont want to relive this nightmare. I hope he just takes it. Reporter she doesnt want to hear more on the details of how her sister was killed. They believe robbery was the motive. But after learning the judge sentence, he was attorney told the judge today that the client maintained his innocence. Beverly says she is only wanting to have justice and does not believe in the death penalty. We do not pay for life with life. He will get his judgment someday with god. Some investigators were crossexamined for not taking notes or losing maps of the crime scene. That will be included in the final closing arguments of this case because of those missteps. Dave tweeted out updates from inside of the courtroom all day today to find more about major news as it was enfolding. Follow dave and other gentlemen reporters on twitter. A man is accused of secretly keeping through a the ymca. He was arrested there yesterday. A woman was looking said he was looking through the gap at her. Police have identified the driver killed when his car slammed into a dump truck this morning. Investigators say the a passenger was not wearing a seatbelt. No one else was hurt. Officials are asking charlotte students to avoid sharing drinks, utensils, and cigarettes to avoid spreading the mumps. A letter is reminding students on how to protect himself and telling them what symptoms to watch out for. Only one out of three infected students has lived there on the campus. So far there are three confirmed but there are nine probable cases in our area. Another Beautiful Day out there, lets check in with kate as temperatures really look nice out there today. 33 degrees for the low cost 66 for the high, and still we are at the cusp of the high category with 70s on the way tomorrow. That could really go up quickly. We are really at the at the cusp of this. Rock hill is 67, nouns are close to 60. Sundown at 7 30. Look at those Crystal Clear skies. Take a look at chester county. Back into the upper 50s by 9 00 tomorrow morning, it is still cool but not frosty cold as it was this morning. Low 40s in charlotte. Around chesterfield, still near freezing in the mountains, but better than the 20s. We are warming up front we are warming up fast. 50s were the high today at l unchtime. 75 degrees tomorrow 75 degrees tomorrow afternoon, back above average, keeping it sunny other than a few high fairweather clouds. But there are changes to talk about as become through the week. Much more is coming up on the future cast, more rain chances come thursday night overnight into early friday morning. Most of us will see this rain coming right on through. Saturday starts. Saturday starts a weekend drive with another round of rain heading our direction. Sunday it looks a little a little bit later in the day for easter. Throughout the week. All of the latest news and Weather Information is right at your fingertips, and midseventies return tomorrow and into thursday, the rain is here late tomorrow night and early friday morning, and again, the weekend puts us back in the 60s. Not quite a washout on sunday but at the night in the night, we will see this continue into next week. We really need this record this rain as we are near the record. People in charlotte are preparing for the worst. We take you inside the training and what local experts say is needed in order to prevent attacks here. Charlotte traffic headaches, lawmakers are returning to breaking news out of denver, denver, a possible Security Threat leading to the evacuation of part of the main terminal of Denver International airport. This is right at the checkout area for American Airlines. Flight delays are possible, but there is no indication that the threat has anything to do with the attack in brussels. We will have more on that as information comes into the newsroom. Lawmakers are working on a special session to deal with a controversial lgbt ordinance. It is expected to cost taxpayers 42,000 per day. And jim bradley said they are not backing down. Reporter this session will be watched very closely and house leaders are going back into session tomorrow for a special session in raleigh. They will be targeting the controversial non description nondiscrimination ordinance. And approve is a provision that would allow transgendered men and women to use the bathroom of their choice. This has sparked a test on both sides and while lawmakers can govern the ordinance guide they say it is radical and could threaten the safety of women and children by allowing men to use womens bathrooms. And protesters plan to be in raleigh in the days ahead. No matter how tomorrow place out, we will be there no matter what and we will stand for what is right. The debate over what is right is what has been driving the controversy for weeks now. We dont specifically know what would which provision would be targeted. The host speaker is not releasing any information until the morning. It looks like republicans have the most choice on this. It. It will be also interesting to see what city leaders do in response. Jim will be there in raleigh for the special session. For more information go to our websites. We have a new story, mail carriers have not been in this Charlotte Neighborhood in more than one month. At least they could deliver my mail to me. What will it take to get mail service back . And Team Coverage continues after next got the biggest fears ne chaos, terror, and tragedy in europe, three blasts killed more hurt at least 100 more. [ indiscernible ] we saw the smoke and heard the blast. And International Hunt for this man believes to be one of the suspects behind the explosion. We have been following this story ever since daybreak and we have been asking experts about the impact here in charlotte and around the globe. And we are getting information on the americans hurt in the bombing. Reporter one Us Service Member and five of his family members were injured in the attack and three american mormon missionaries from utah serving a mission in france. Three of them were at the airport to say goodbye to another missionary heading back to the United States. He already had passed security when the explosions happened. It is currently unclear how in the meantime, we are learning about new anti terror movements taking place in the wake of the attack. And a raid on a house led to the discovery of at least one of the they found Chemical Products and an Islamic State flag, we can tell you isys has claimed responsibility for the attacks and the chairman of the Homeland Security says that us at United States intelligence believes that is true. It was coordinated. There were secondary targets and explosions. This was a very strategically placed organ it operation

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