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Transcripts For WRC Today 20110331 :
Transcripts For WRC Today 20110331
and welcome to "today" on this thursday morning. i'm ann curry with a special guest. >> i'm carl quintanilla. matt and meredith are on assignment. ready for the storm? >> absolutely not. >> april fool's joke, right? >> it's a terrible joke, one nobody's laughing at. we want people to be careful. >> we won't get the majority of snow expected but it won't be pretty. forecast details straight ahead. >> also ahead, we'll talk to four new york times journalistsle held captive for nearly a week by pro-gadhafi forces. they are here to speak about the ordeal for the first time in a live television interview. >> and a window into the life of a young elizabeth taylor. we have some of the personal love letters she wrote as a teenager. in one, she talked about giving up her promising movie career. we'll have an exclusive first look. >> that sounds interesting. first this morning, let's begin with the big spring storm taking aim at the northeast. maria la rosa is in for al this morning. what can you tell us? >> good morning. we are seeing the storm take shape. if you're waking up in the northeast and seeing precipitation you're seeing one wave. we'll be watching now across the southeast -- it has all the ingredients for a classic nor'easter developing tonight and tomorrow. expect rain, wind, higherer elevation snows though from the poconos into new england. we have a number of winter storm warnings up into maine. winter weather advisories as well. notice who's out of it -- philadelphia, new york and boston should be mostly rain and wind. the totals anywhere from 6 to 9 inches in the hudson valley up to a foot or more in parts of interior new england. back to you. >> thanks. we'll have the rest of the forecast in a little bit. now to libya where the cia has had operatives on the ground for weeks. nbc white house correspondent chuck todd has the latest details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carl. here's what we know. while the cia has had operatives on the ground for weeks they have been gathering intelligence, trying to find the rebels you can work with, dealing with helping with air strikes during the run-up to what is now the full enforcement of the no-fly zone. what's happened in the last couple of days is according to intelligence officials the president signed authorizing covert operations on the ground beyond intelligence-gatherering. this is the first step to where the u.s. could be doing covertly arming the rebels in their fight against gadhafi. now, u.s. officials caution that they have not done that yet. this is essentially laying the legal groundwork to do that. once you do, it comes under fairly strict congressional oversight, but done in a classified way, carl. >> chuck, what has the white house said about this? what are they legally able to say if they want to deny it? >> reporter: it's a covert operation and is legally deniable. that's number one. the white house is not confirming anything. obviously a few weeks ago when this crisis began they did announce that the full capabilities of the u.s. intelligence community would be used. now, at the time the implication was this was about the over the air surveillance, things like that in order to try to track gadhafi's movements. it was also at that time that the cia operatives were going into the country to begin gathering intelligence about the operation and gadhafi. one other thing, carl, the u.s. intelligence community is very optimistic about a big development overnight. that is the defection of mous moussa koussa, former head of their intelligence, head of the foreign ministry. they believe he could provide intelligence better than anything the u.s. on the ground now can provide. >> chuck todd, thanks. >> you got it. >> here's ann. >> carl, thanks. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel is in benghazi, libya, again this morning. hey, richard. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. for a while it looked like gadhafi's troops were on the back foot. they have been able to push back rebels to about a hundred miles from here in benghazi. the toll is clear on the front line. the rebels seem dejected, many appear confused, somber. no sign of the spirit that brought them days ago to within striking distance of gadhafi's hometown which now seems far away. the rebels have no communication, no commanders, but they do have weapons. artillery, mortars, even surface to surface rockets, but no idea how to use them. on the front line we met 25-year-old adnano tabal. he was studying in canada but dropped out of school to come fight. he bought his own gun, but doesn't know how to load it. >> we need more weapons. i swear to god there are people with nothing. >> reporter: he left in a car for a week living on steal bread and tuna fish. he was almost killed by a rocket attack. >> are you okay? >> i'm okay. i don't care about the rocket. i don't care. i want to die actually, if i can. >> reporter: why? >> it's honor to us. it's freedom. we want freedom. >> reporter: their enemy is outthinking them. until now it's been easy for western pilots to identify and destroy government tanks, but now that gadhafi is using jeepss that look just like the rebel vehicles, air support is much harderer. on a mission to protect civilians, it's become sieve cult to know who to bomb. the terrain is a decisive factor in the war which gadhafi's forces are using to their advantage. the rebels stay mostly on or near the main tarmac roads. gadhafi's forces, now in that direction, are also on the roads and engaging the rebels, but simultaneously gadhafi's troops are going out in small teams with mortars in jeeps through the open desert to flank the rebels and catch them in the crossfire. the rebels have one invaluable asset. >> it's my country, my people. >> reporter: heart. we have talked about arming the rebels and their capabilities. on the front line we saw some rebels try to fire a mortar without securing it, so it went wildly off in the wrong direction. i couldn't believe it. we saw them aim a rocket, what we thought at gadhafi's forces but it was pointed the wrong way and it went in the opposite direction toward a civilian city. they fired a rocket in the wrong direction. >> that's really unbelievable. richard engel, thank you very much. now to the torment suffered by four journalists at the hands of pro-gadhafi forces. they were pulled from their car along with their libyan driver near ajdabiya and were held for days. they include photographer lindsay adario, photographer tyler hicks, reporter and videographer steven farrell and beirut bureau chief anthony shadih. you have all faced the fear of losing your life in the line of reporting duty. and your instincts are well honed. i wonder, was there ever any clue, sign that you might be taken hostage? anthony? >> the clue came when it was almost too late. lindsay saw there was a government checkpoint and we fell on it within seconds. as soon as we got there it was clear to the soldiers that we were journalists. they pulled us out of the car almost immediately. that's when a gunfight started, one of the most intense any of us had seen. we basically ran for our lives. >> the rebels attacked the pro-gadhafi forces who pulled you out of the car? what happened and what did you do, tyler? >> it all happened very quickly. you have to imagine this is what we describe as you imagine you're about to get into a car accident. you have that second where you realize it's happening but you almost don't think it is. violently pulled out of the car and that exact moment the opposition fighters who we had just been with moments earlier were firing on the government soldiers who were with us. various times we broke away from them, really in a hail of gunfire and ran to cover. we were at that point had two sides against us. we were being fired on by opposition but also had guns poised on us from gadhafi soldiers as well. >> steven, listening and watching this, tyler broke away and ran for better cover. i mean, talk to us about the instincts you were experiencing at this moment. >> there is no rule book. every situation is different. we have been in situations like this before. i distinctly remember, i think i was the first to be pulled from the car. the guard was kicking and punching me. no more than two steps from the car you realize the rebels are firing past you. you can see people running for cover. you're having a bizarre, surreal argument with a guard. we're really going to have a discussion about giving up my camera when this is going on? and there is a guard pointing his weapon in your face and another guy firing from a hundred meters away. you're trying to judge, do i run and get shot by this guy, stay here and get shot by those guys? there is no right answer. >> the shooting stops, you were in captivity, what was your fear, lindsay? >> being taken from my colleagues. i didn't want to be separated because i was the only woman. for me, i wanted to be sure i was always with them. that said we were blindfolded most of the time. it was hard to judge whether -- when they would pick me up and take me away if they were also picking them up. >> you were sexually assaulted? >> i was groped repeatedly. >> how often? >> pretty much every time we changed hands to new men. >> why, do you think? >> i don't know. i think every time we ended up with a new group of men or we were passed off to people i think they wanted to scare us, assert their power over us. i think with the men it was being hit in the back of the head with a rifle butt and with me it was groping. >> a man came into the cell and tried to take you out alone? >> no, we were all together. we were crashed out, sleeping on mattresses next to each other. i don't remember if i had my blindfold on or if i could see from the bottom, but the clanking of the cell opening is the scariest sound because you don't know why they are coming, what they're going to do. he came in and just picked up my leg and started dragging me out. anthony was next to me. i crawled next to anthony and said, no, no. he picked up my leg again, pulled it and i crawled next to anthony and he gave up. >> i understand you held onto her. that's why she's okay to some degree. >> we were all together. we were just together. i think we all tried to stay close to each other. >> we're glad you're safe. the work you have done gives the rest of us clarity about what is happening in this troubled place. for all the suffering you endured, thank you on behalf of the people who enjoy your work. lindsay, tyler, anthony, our best to you. once again, here's carl. >> ann, thanks. now to capitol hill where angry rhetoric over the budget is heating up ahead of next week's shut-down deadline. kelly o'donnell is nbc's capitol hill correspondent and joins us from washington, d.c. good morning. >> reporter: it does feel like the deadline is getting closer. today tea party demonstrators are expected on capitol hill to try to pressure congress to make the deepest cuts possible while vice president biden says he thinks negotiators are making good progress. brash talk is hardly unusual on capitol hill. but speaker boehner's bluntless was a surprise as he challenged senate democrats on budget cuts. >> the senate says we have a plan. well, great. pass the damn thing, all right? send it over here and let's have real negotiations instead of sitting over there rooting for a government shutdown. >> reporter: house republicans armed with a first-term swagger fired off a critical letter to the senate majority leader, the gop freshman with the support of the speaker are taking on harry reid. >> we are asking senator reid one thing, pass the bill, be a leader. >> the biggest barrier between the people and the government is harry reid. >> reporter: reid, the formerer boxer, threw his own punch at the tea party that boosted many republicans into office. >> people who care about the tea party are a very small number. >> reporter: reid tweaked them more urging boehner's team to resist tea party influence that wants deeper budget cuts. >> let me reiterate that they can't don't to be pulled to the right by the radical, unrealistic, unreasonable -- i repeat radical -- and unpopular faction of the tea party. >> reporter: a government shut down like in 1995 would keep several hundred thousand federal workers home, close national parks and museum, halt passport processing but emergency services would continue and it's expected social security checks would keep coming. the white house claims optimism that a government shut down can be averted. >> we have to find middle ground here. we are willing to do more, to cut more, as long as priorities that the president believes are vital to ensuring economic growth in the future and job creation are protected. >> reporter: the white house point man is vice president biden who says the sides have generally agreed to cut $33 billion. republicans say, no, that's a democratic talking point. they say there is no agreement on a target number until everything is settled. carl? >> kelly o'donnell in washington, thanks. >> a check on the top stories from tamron hall in for me at the news desk. >> good morning, everyone. in japan, radiation levels are on the rise in the evacuation zone near the troubled nuclear facility may not be enough. lee cowan has more from tokyo. lee, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tamron. the latest news comes from the iaea who says there have been high radiation levels found far outside the current evacuation zone prompting fears that perhaps the crisis may widen. foukushima is already a waste land. deserted streets and empty shops that some 70,000 residents may never return to again. new tests done by the international atomic energy commission found dangerous levels of radiation in a vielg 25 miles outside that seclusion zone suggesting that the no-go area for humans may have to be doubled. >> the situation remains very serious. >> reporter: officials say the levels aren't high enough for acute radiation illness but they far exceed the standards for the general public designed to cut the risk of cancer. japan's government spokesman said they are taking the findings under advisement but had no plans to widen the evacuation zone. tamron, we should point out that in the u.s. the epa did find some radioactive iodine in milk products in the u.s. after doing tests in washington state. they say the levels were minute. there is no threat to human health, even children and infants. >> thank you. ohio lawmakers passed an anti-union bill that cuts collective bargaining rights for some 350,000 public workers statewide. the governor is expected to sign the law within days. in wisconsin, governor scott walker may ignore a judge's block on implementing an anti-union bill. ten sailors were injured on an aircraft carrier off the coast of california when a fighter jet's engine exploded during a training exercise wednesday. none of the injuries were life-threatening. fighterers supporting the internationally recognized leader of ivory coast seized the capitol and several other key cities. this as the united nations sanctions the man who has refused to step down following his defeat last fall. a parcel bomb exploded at the offices of swiss northern switzerland land. police believe it could have been carried out by anti-nuclear activists. you might say he'll be back. governor schwarzenegger returns to acting in a new cartoon action series call the governator about a superhero turned family man. my "i'll be back" is really bad. i'm sorry. >> you said it, not us. >> we love you for trying. >> oh, boy. we have a lovely maria back now to give us the rest of the forecast, in for ale this morning. morning. hey, maria. >> i appreciate that, considering we're talking about a big storm that will be heading into the northeast. right now that's beginning as more rain and storms across the southeast. in fact, the slight risk for severe weather in florida. how about record temperatures in the bay raleigh? san francisco into the 80s today. meanwhile, avalanche warnings in western washington as wind and rain continues to batter that part of the world. that's a look at the weather around the country. here's a look at what you can expect. that carolina low will bring us more rain later today. right now, we have some patchy drizzle, a little light fog, and it's chilly, but above freezing, mid and upper 30s throughout the region. 37 at reagan international. for first pitch, 45 degrees, cloudy. a few sprinkles. they'll play most of the game, but toward the end of the game, we'll have more steadier rain, tonight as well. some of the precipitation may ann, back to you. >> all right, maria, thank you so much. prince harry is surrounded by snow as he trains for his daring trek to the north pole. we have ben fogle on the trip as well with him. good morning. how are things going? >> reporter: good morning, ann. prince harry spent another day here learning the skills required as he joins part of a trip to the north pole, this time getting to know the true meaning of sub zero temperatures. after a bone chilling day on the ice training in the life-saving immersion suit there was light relief as well for prince harry and the group of wounded soldiers before the arctic trek. having pulled his possessions behind him, prince harry spent his first night in the snow learning to camp in the arctic conditions that will be his kingdom for the next week or so. after setting the tent his temporary royal residence, the guide brought his dog to stand guard and protect the prince from the threat of polar bears. it was a cold night as temperatures plunged to 25 below zero. how was his first night in the arctic? >> it was good. things happened that i never want to speak of ever again. >> reporter: an early start and he woke to a small audience one last time before he and the team of injured soldiers trek into one of the most remote areas on the planet. >> how was your night? >> we have been here all night waiting for you to wake up. >> you kept quiet. well done. >> we didn't want to disturb you. >> reporter: as the prince packed up, we asked the guide the question everyone wants to know. does he snore? >> he has this cozy little -- mm. this little bass going. it's not snoring. more like a little bass in the background. >> reporter: i'm not sure if that piece of information got the royal seal of approval or not. well, it looks like the team's departure seems delayed up to 24 hours due to poor weather in the north, an indication of just how hostile it is here. so for now at least it looks like prince harry and the team will be stuck here in svalbard. back to you. >> two words, ben. hand warmers. thank you so much. coming up this morning on a more serious note, what is behind a disturbing violent fight caught on tape between young girls. a 13-year-old so severely beaten she had to be hospitalized speaks out this morning. firs just ahead, judge judy rushed to the emergency room. what happened and how she's doing. >> plus, newly revealed love letters written by elizabeth taylor and they are right in our studio. we'll get a glimpse. first your local news and weatherer. sounds like a mini-wheats day to me! and becka's science fair is on the 8th. she's presenting the solar system. hey, i've got just the wholegrain fiber to keep her full so she can stay focused. um, you rock. she'll be ready to rock. [ female announcer ] make your kids big days, mini-wheats days. packed with 100% whole grain fiber, kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal has what it takes to help keep your kids full so they can stay focused on the days that matter most. keeps 'em full. keeps 'em focused. to have their close-ups taken by a fashion photographer. then we asked them to try new dove visible care. a revolutionary new line of body wash with the highest concentration of nutrium moisture. visible care makes skin visibly more beautiful in just 1 week. ♪ when they saw how much more beautiful and radiant their skin looked with new dove visible care... there was only one question. ♪ new dove visible care creme body wash. ♪ i wear what i love, because expression means everything. ♪ too hot to trot some say i'm one-of-a-kind. i say i'm so chico's. good thursday morning. it's 7:26 on this march 31st. i'm pat lawson muse. we have breaking news on traffic in northern virginia. let's get right to jerry edwards. jerry? >> pat, the accident involves a tractor-trailer. it all occurred just a very short time ago, outer loop of the capital beltway, close to telegraph road. we're told all of the outer loop through lanes are blocked. it's a tractor-trailer accident and fuel spill traveling from springfield through alexandria. you'll be detoured, so heads up. avoid that stretch. right there is the scene of the accident, just before you would get to the woodrow wilson bridge. quick check in maryland. heavy but steady with no major hang-ups along the 270 corridor, germantown on down. pat? >> thanks, jerry. it's a wet, mis [ male announcer ] beatrice earned her masters in education at a university with 20 years of experience combining classroom and online teaching. and a 15 to 1 student to faculty ratio... to make learning more... personal. today, she runs a thriving tutoring company that offers kids the same individualized attention she had. my name is beatrice hair, i teach hundreds of kids one on one, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the college of education at good morning. chilly and damp. passing drizzle. we're in the mid-30s and later today into the mid-40s. game at nationals park, they ought to get it started, but toward the end of the game, there will be some rain as well as wet snow predawn on friday. sun back saturday afternoon but a wind and highs just near 50. should be mostly dry over the weekend except saturday morning, a few sprinkles, but warmer. pat? thanks, tom. today on "news 4 midday," you may see them at the gym, but do you know 7:30 now on a thursday morning. it's the 31st day of march 2011. we're happy to see these happy faces this morning. it's shaping up to be a dreary morning in rockefeller plaza with a big storm on the way. you can see it's already starting to drop rain on some people. inside studio 1a i'm ann curry with a man who's anything but dreary. we are talking about carl quintanilla. >> so nice. keep it coming. >> stop it some more. matt and meredith are on assignment. ahead we'll talk about judge judy because she was hospitalized after becoming ill while she taped an episode of her show. still ahead, new details about what happened and how she's doing now. >> plus a look at the love letters elizabeth taylor wrote as a 17-year-old to her first fiance. talked about giving up her movie career. >> you're such a romantic. >> she was so beautiful, too. >> she was. a controversial return to performing for the killer whale that dragged the sea world trainer to her death. we'll talk about that live coming up. >> that's right. we begin with violent fights between girls. prosecutors say they are seeing more cases and many are caught on tape. nbc's kerry sanders has more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, carl. the experts say it is hard to pinpoint a cause, but here in brunswick county, the district attorney said he's seeing more of this and has three girl-on-girl fights in the last month. the most sensational was recently a teenager who's a star on "teen mom 2." at first the fight appears staged, but as it unfolded, clear. 19-year-old nell and 19-year-old brittany are out to do each other harm. the fight was allegedly over a boy kiefer dell. he and janelle are charged with breaking and enterering and drug possession in an unrelated incident. janell evans is more than a girl in a fight. she's also a teenage mother and star on the mtv reality show "teen mom 2." >> my mom got mad i used her credit cards so she cancelled them and told me i couldn't come home. >> reporter: a spin-off of the show averages 2 million viewers an episode. the second highest rated original program on cable. prosecutors tell nbc news they fear reality tv creates a sense of impunity that teens believe this is okay because it's part of a show or the characters they play on the show. janelle and brittany are charged with fighting in public. district attorney john david. >> we are not going to allow anybody to make a mockery of the system. >> reporter: we asked mtv if they instigated the fight. they say absolutely not. we would never create an event like this f publicity. in the first installment of the show, one of the teenaged mothers punched and slapped the father of her child. that resulted in two felony charges. >> they are thinking the glorification from being on the internet or being on television is the way to get attention and that becomes a way to get attention. how do i get on tv? i fight, do outrageous stuff. that's the message being sent. >> reporter: case in point, in washington, 13-year-old sierra was so severely beaten last week she was hospitalized. >> i started getting a little nervous. i saw the blood that was on my face. >> reporter: sierra admits she willingly took part in the fight and has been in three other fights this year. >> it's the peer pressure. if i say i don't want to come they look at me and think i'm scared or a baby or something. all the peer pressure makes me want to do it more. >> it's like there is no accountability for the kids. they keep doing it. >> go for the head shot. >> reporter: in florida, deputies arrested not the fighters but the mother of one of those in this youtube video for allegedly taking her daughter to the fight and egging her on. the lawyers representing janelle, brittany and kiefer dell say they all plan to fight the charges. meantime, the district attorney here in brunswick county said there was recently another fight girl on girl that got so out of hand one girl stabbed the other and killed her. carl, apparently that's also all on videotape. >> incredible. kerry sanders, thank you for that. wendy murphy is a former prosecutor. dr. janet taylor is a psychiatrist in new york. good morning to you both. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> seems like we are seeing a lot more cases but the posting online and the videotaping, why is that happening? >> we live in a society where we have access to media 24/7. the kids are used to living their life using socialle media. the aspect of intentional violence and more disturbing, the observers and watchers. it's not entertainment. it's dangerous. someone was killed last week. we have to stop this violence. >> wendy, as adults we look at it and obviously think it's abhor rent, but teenagers may notal feel that way, right? >> that's right. it's hard because we are watching the programs and thinking nobody would behave like that and assuming our children feel the same way, horrified not excited. the line for kids between entertainment and, you know, warning signs, they are not always clear the way adults are. i agree that this is something because kids are seeing it onle television, this is the way you become famous, they feel it is normal, the way they should be. >> i want to ask you about "teen mom 2." 3.8 million viewers an episode on average. the second highest original program on cable. what do these shows have in mind? do you believe mtv's denial that they wouldn't stage this and do they bear responsibility? >> we all bear some responsibility. what would be disturbing is if the cameramen who are adults fliming it didn't intervene, but with the nature of teens and their adolescent brains, being reckless, trying new things, not thinking about consequences is part of being a teenager. what happens on the show is you see no consequence. you see teen mom and they don't look at what's hard 24/7, raising a child nor do they see the consequence of assault which is what we are visualizing with these videos. >> we heard in kerry's report the girl sierra spencer 13, who tells a reporter this is not a big deal to me. has fighting become a more acceptable social tool among teens? >> yeah. the peer pressure makes them not only engage in the be but think it's cool to make no big deal about it. kids have to understand, this is criminal activity. just because they are kids doesn't mean they won't be prosecuted for the crimes of assault or accessory. even if you're not hitting. if you are a by-stander egging a kid on, you can be prosecuted. you can go to jail. you think this is entertainment, but it's serious stuff. >> it raises a bigger question. how do we talk to kids not so much about you shouldn't do this, but the consequences if you do of being in the fight, of watching the fight. >> absolutely. fighting isn't an acceptable social tool. we need to teach kids to respond to peer pressure, to say no, understand that it's a big part of adolescence. walk away and tell someone. for every teenager you see on the videos there are kids suffering in silence. we need to get them to speak up and prosecute teenagers who were involved in this intentional violence with assault and let people know the consequences. >> incredible. it's good it's getting attention. thank you both. now a check of the weather from maria la rosa in for al. >> good morning, carl. weather from maria larosa, who's in for al. >> thank you, carl. we are waiting for a rain, a cold rain, waiting for snow to move into the northeast, but we have a great hardy crowd out here. where are you from? >> tucson, arizona. >> how warm was it when you left. >> about 85 degrees. >> okay, the good news, it might be that warm when you get home, but we definitely have a chill everywhere. we have a storm system taking shape across the southeast. take a look. possible severe weather, a tornado watch through central and southern florida through midday. be on the lookout for gusty winds and heavy, heavy rainfall that slight risk continues in through today. just an isolated tornado possible as well. you had some rough weather move through that region yesterday. otherwise, across parts of the south, looking at some sunshine. keep an eye out for record highs in the bay area and more wind and rain that will be impacting the pacific northwest through the day today. that's a look at the weather around the country. here's a look at what you can expect. good morning. starting off opening day with some drizzle, a little bit of light fog and chilly temperatures, in the 30s now, mid-to-upper 30s. here is the game-time temperature forecast. mid-40s by then. first pitch, 1:05, as the nationals take on the braves. should be cloudy, then maybe a few sprinkles. i think they'll probably get most of the game in. they can play in sprinkles and a little bit of drizzle. but late afternoon and overnight tonight, steadier rain may end as wet snow predawn friday, then drying out into the weekend. strong winds tomorrow. small chance of a sprinkle saturday you can get a check of your local weather 24/7 at back to you. >> up next, judge judy rushed to the hospital. we have details on what happened and how she's feeling this morning right after this. like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? 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[ female announcer ] side effects may include headache, viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds, and coughing. infections of the nose and throat and eye problems, including glaucoma or cataracts may occur. have regular eye exams. slow wound healing may occur, so do not use nasonex until your nose has healed from any sore, surgery or injury. nasonex can increase your risk of getting infections. avoid contact with infections like chicken pox or measles while using nasonex. it does not come in generic form. ask your doctor if nasonex is right for you. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's new mccafé shakes. with a fresh look and delicious new toppings, they're a brand-new way to indulge. new mccafé shakes. oh. thank you, baby. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of love at first sight. back now with the latest on the condition of judge judy. she spent the night in a los angeles hospital after a bit of a scare during the taping of her popular show. kristen welker has details and joins us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. judge judy's publicist tells nbc news the judge will be just fine, but she apparently had a scare wednesday. judge judy was taping her show, suddenly became ill and was rushed to cedars sinai in los angeles. she was initially listed in serious condition. according to some reports the judge was experiencing intestinal discomfort. she told the new york post she was in the middle of taping and started to feel weary and faint saying her speech slowed. her publicist released a statement to nbc news, quote, i spoke to the judge who said she's feeling much better. she said all of the tests are negative and she's going home laterer today. now, the judge is 68 years old and has presided over her courtroom show since 1996. she's expected to be released laterer today and will resume taping the show april 12 as previously planned. ann, back to you. >> kristen, thanks so much. kerry peterer son is an internist and contributor to women's health magazine. good morning. >> good morning, ann. we don't have an explanation. we also have a statement by judge judy saying i'm exhausted, just tired. a lot of things together including the bad news of the world. these are specific symptoms. >> they are. i don't think exhaustion or fatigue will be the contributing factor to what she was experiencing or the etiology of her symptoms. nausea and abdominal pain aren't related to fatigue. >> the other tests seem to have ruled out other factors. >> you have to think about life threatening things. was she having a heart attack, an aortic rupture, intestinal obstruction, infected gallbladder? these things can be ruled out quickly in the emergency room. for women, intestinal discomfort and nausea can be a symptom of heart attack. the classic chest pain isn't necessarily one of the presenting factors for women. it was very important that she got care urgently. >> that's an important point to make. most women don't realize that. her producer did confirm she had gone to the dentist for a tooth cleaning the day before. that wouldn't cause any sort of -- is there a reason to look at that as a potential cause? >> not that i'm aware of. with certain oral procedures you can receive antibiotics and they can cause in some people side effects like intestinal upset, gas, bloating. if she received antibiotics that may have been the reason she was experiencing the symptoms. if it was just a dental cleaning you usually don't reformation, so unlikely. >> it sounds like a lot of the tests, probably not all of them have come back. it sounds like an ongoing story in terms of her effort to find out what caused her to feel so badly. >> they did an ekg, cat scan, chest x-ray. they can rule out many of the life threatening things that could have occurred. if it showed nothing some things you think about is could it have been a run of the mill stomach bug and now she may have symptoms down the road but more mild. >> we wish her the best. thank you for helping us this morning. coming up next, we'll talk about the killer whale who killed his own trainer and the fact that she's making a return to performing, right after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing purina one beyond, a new food for your cat or dog. brancheau tilikum, the killer whale that dragged a sea world trainer to her death has returned to the stage at the theme park for the fist time in more than a year. thanh truong is in orlando. good morning. >> reporter: and a good stormy morning to you, carl. seeing tilikum in person you get a better appreciation for the size and strength. he is the biggest killer whale in activity and arguably the most notorious having killed three people. after killing his trainer last year, tilikum is now back in action. ♪ >> reporter: the 12,000-pound tilikum made a big splash in his first show back. pam brought her 2-year-old grandson to see tilikum. >> we have been coming for 13, 14 years. when he wasn't here we missed him. we didn't come to the shows anymore. it wasn't the same. >> reporter: the show also wasn't the same without talented dawn brancheau. last february as horrified sea world visitors watched, tilikum snatched the veteran trainer by her hair, pulled her under water and drowned her in a long, violent killing. authorities ruled it an accident. >> i think it's a tribute to her to go on. >> reporter: since the attack, sea world banned trainers from entering the water with tilikum or another orca. they can only get close enough to toss fish to them. plans also call for rising pool floors that can push animals and trainers above water in an emergency. former trainer said tilikum can only kill again. the whale killed a trainer in 1991 and then a homeless man in 1999. >> he's going to kill somebody else. this animal killed three people. he has three notches on his belt. how many will h get? four, five, six? >> sea world says participating in shows is a portion of his day but an important part of his physical, social and mental enrichme enrichment. the more important part of his day is breeding. he's the most fertile stud whale at sea world fathering more than a dozen calves. not to mention that the fathersome beast puts on an unfeshltable show. >> the kids just lo it. >> awesome. >> reporter: following the attack last year osha fined sea world. they are trying to work on a new show. no word yet, carl, if they will let trainers back in the water with the whales. >> nbc's thanh truong. thank you very much for that. >> now come out of the rain. coming up, elizabeth taylor's private letters to her first true love in our studio. we'll take a look after your local news. those with frequent heartburn imagine a day free of worry, a day when we can eat what we want, drink what we want, and sleep soundly through the night. finally that day has arrived with prevacid®24hr. just one pill helps keep you heartburn-free for a full 24 hours. prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn all day, all night. now we are free. happy. with prevacid®24hr, happiness is a day without heartburn. with prevacid®24hr, i wear what i love, because expression means everything. ♪ too hot to trot some say i'm one-of-a-kind. i say i'm so chico's. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. it's a raw, rainy morning in the washington area. don't leave home today without the coat and the umbrella. we'll tell you how much we're going to get. good morning. i'm pat lawson muse. our time is 7:56 on this thursday morning, march 31st. traffic trouble piling up out here this morning. let's go straight to jerry edwards to find out what's going on and where. jerry. >> pat, good morning. good morning, everyone. tough morning on the beltway in virginia. the outer loop of the beltway is crawling from springfield all the way to telegraph road, where authorities are struggling to clear an earlier tractor-trailer accident. we'll show you on the map. it was tying up a good part of the interstate, outer loop at telegraph road. we're told most of the travel lanes are in the process of being reopened. in maryland, inbound route 50 at interstate 97, i-97, earlier accident cleared out of the roadway but it's just part of the delays that extend from buoy all the way to the beltway. pat? >> thanks, good morning. right now we're in the 30s. mid and upper 30s. and we have some patchy drizzle. we'll have occasional drizzle off and on into mid-afternoon so most of the game should be okay at nationals park, but damp. then steadier rain tonight ending maybe as wet snow predawn friday, then drying out into the weekend. very windy tomorrow afternoon. might have a sprinkle saturday morning. pat? thanks, tom. today on "news 4 midday," you may see them at the gym, but do you know how to use them? you know how to use them? how to when your eyes are smiling... you're smiling. and when they're laughing... you're laughing. be kind to your eyes... with transitions lenses. transitions adapt to changing light so you see your whole day comfortably... and conveniently while protecting your eyes from the sun. ask your eyecare professional which transitions lenses are right for you. good morning. 8:00 now on this thursday morning, march 31, 2011. what happened to march going out like a lamb? it's raining cats and dogs on the plaza and a major springtime snowstorm is set to bear down on the northeast. say it's not so. i'm ann curry alongside carl quintanilla. so cold out here. >> want to share my umbrella? >> definitely. anyway, matt and meredith are on assignment this morning. just ahead, we have something exciting inside our studio. those are the love letters written by a then 17-year-old elizabeth taylor. in them, she opens up about everything including her weight, why she was ready to say good-bye to her career and everything connected with it for the man she loved. do you know what's stunning when you look at the letterletters? she had beautiful penmanship. >> at 17. >> unlike the person speaking now. we'll take a look at those letterers. >> also an incredibly dangerous form of research where guys go in and search for treasure in underwater caves. some of what they have found is incredible. >> look at that. fascinating. it's been there a long time. >> hundreds of years. >> cool, cool. also coming up, a look at the latest and greatest when it comes to e-readers. >> i have an ipad but there are all kinds of them. >> so you don't have to carry around the book and then there is the question of whether you can see the screen. >> tamron hall is at the news desk. >> good morning, everyone. nbc news learned the cia has had operatives on the ground in libya for weeks gathering intelligence on air strike targets and libyan rebels trying to force moammar gadhafi from power. president obama signed an order that puts machinery in place for arming rebels shouldle he decide to do so. nato has now taken over full command of allied air and naval operations in libya. u.s. officials are stepping up their monitoring of radiation in the atmosphere after finding what they call minute and harmless traces of radiation from the damaged nuclear plant in japan and milk samples from washington state and northern california. house republicans and senate democrats are ramping up rhetoric in the budget battle on wednesday. john boehner said if democrats have a plan for spending cuts they should, quote, pass the damn thing. harry reid said boehner should resist calls for deeper cuts from tea party republicans. several congressman want the irs to strip the aarp from the federal tax exemptions saying the group which lobbied for the new health care law will profit by selling more of its own health insurance. the aarp says profit had nothing to do with its support. foreign tourists are being evacuated from resorts in southern thailand where flooding and landslides killed at least 15 people and left 20 others missing. they are air lifting stranded vacationers to nearby ships. a plane flying in bad weather crashed in north carolina killing the pilot, the passenger and setting the house on fire. a family inside the home was able to get out safely. now to wall street. melissa francis is at the new york stock exchange. good to see you. >> good morning, tamron. a big story in the financial world this morning. david sokel, the heir apparent tole billionaire warren buffett at berkshire hathaway is resigning amid questions about his personal stock trading. he's being grilled on cnbc and it's something the financial world is watching closely. we are watching gas prices tick higher. 23 cents higher in the past month alone. we have good jobs numbers yesterday giving us a preview for tomorrow's big march jobs report. back to you. >> thank you. now to a tiny preview of the royal wedding. legoland in windsor, england unveiled its own version of the ceremony uniting a plastic prince william with a miniature kate middleton. the queen and her family watch from the balcony and there is a special guest, elton john in an unusual hat that would get attention at a wedding. it is 8:04. now back to maria with a check of the weather. >> the weather isn't great, but a lot of happy great, but a lot is happening today. of course, kickoff to baseball season, opening day, and lots of birthdays. what number and where are you from? >> i'm 18 and i'm from shelbyville, indiana. >> well, welcome and have a wonderful birthday. >> thank you. >> we wish you a very happy birthday. let's take a look at another spot in indiana, our pick city today, evansville, where we have partly sunny skies. it will be cool, 49 degrees. taking a look at what's going on nationwide across the southeast, still very stormy. we could see some strong thunderstorms across central florida as our big system for the northeast takes shape. now, we are looking at record highs in the bay area. you can see the mid-80s today with sunshine expected there. more rain in the northern tier and some mountain snow as well. that's a look at the weather across the country. here's a look at what you can expect. damp and chilly on this thursday morning. good morning. i'm meteorologist tom kierein. right now 38 at reagan national. it's above freezing throughout the entire region except far western maryland. a few spots below freezing, icing on some elevated surfaces there. first pitch today for the nationals at 1:05, taking on the braves. should be cloudy, maybe a few sprinkles. i think they'll get most of the game in, although if you're going, wear something water-proof and warm. and maybe some steadier rain late this afternoon, overnight tonight. precipitation ending maybe as a little wet snow predawn friday. windy carl, back to you. >> all right, maria. thanks. up next, an exclusive look at some of elizabeth taylor's love letter, right after this. who says credit card rewards can't be simple? 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[ male announcer ] why do so many car companies compare themselves to toyota? maybe it's because toyota is the most fuel-efficient full-line auto manufacturer. with 25 vehicle choices highway rated 30 mpg or better. like the 50-mpg rated prius, america's best-selling hybrid. plus, every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. we're #1 for a reason. come see for yourself. hurry in for the best selection. ♪ back now at 8:10 with a glimpse into the personal life of a young elizabeth taylor through her own words. more than 60 unpublished love letters written by taylor when she was just 17. we'll talk to the auctioneer selling them in a moment. first, kristen welker has details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. elizabeth taylor grew up in the public eye. there isle little we haven't seen of her, but these letters are shedding light on her legacy. she was among the last of the true hollywood legends. now it seems elizabeth taylor's legacy may be matched only by the vast fortune she left behind. >> elizabeth taylor is probably the greatest example of a celebrity who took their image and turned it into a brand and made a lot of money doing it. >> reporter: estimates put taylor's worth between $600 million to $1 billion. she amassed art, antiques, lavish homes and above all -- >> these have always brought me luck. >> reporter: jewelry. >> for taylor, jewelry was magic. >> reporter: her jewelry collection could fetch at least $150 million. almost all of her jewels were gifts from the men she loved except a few, including the prince of wales broach. block delivered the gem personally. >> she comes swishing down the stairs eventually looking absolutely magnificent and said, john, now you may present me with my jewel. >> reporter: taylor could earn more in death than in life. her perfume line white diamonds netted more than $70 million last year alone. now that she's gone who controls the estate and where will her possessions go? >> elizabeth taylor has four children. we are told much of the e estate will be divided amongst them but an unspecified amount will go to charity. >> reporter: her legacy will include newly released love letters she wrote as a 17-year-old starlet to her then fiance, 22-year-old william polly, jr., many penned on pale pink or blue stationery. i have never known this kind of love before, she wrote. she talks about giving up her career. i will be giving the greatest gift god bestowed on man -- love, marriage, a family. the relationship faded but taylor wed eight times including to legendary actor richard burton. his last love letter to her, taylor insisted upon being buried with. the letters are a newly discovered part of taylor's past and one more reason why she left behind is priceless. it's estimated the letters could fetch at least 25 to 35,000 dollars. ann? >> thanks so much, kristen. bobby livingston is from r.r. auction. they have been selling the letters and they are selling them next month. he's brought several to the studio. good morning. >> good morning. >> how is it that so soon after her death these are available for auction? >> mr. pauley gave them to us two years ago. we were planning the auction and they tell the story of the romance. they're spectacular. >> here is a photograph of him and here they are together. beautiful couple. it seemed as though she loved him deeply. >> they met on a summer vacation. she was off from mgm, went to florida, met him. he's the son of a millionle their. from the moment she got back on the plane for seven months she wrote over 60 letters. >> he gave her her first diamond? >> he did. a white diamond. she loved it. as the romance got off track he demanded it back. >> uh-oh. >> she wrote in there, i'll give you back this diamond but my heart is embedded in the center of it. beautiful stuff. >> let's read more from the letters. so many of them, the handwriting is beautiful. >> you can read that. >> oh, i can. oh, bill, darling, i do love you so very, very much. under line the second very. i misyou so much it feels like my heart were going to break. do you know, bill, i think i love you now more than i ever have before. i better stop before this gets too personal. >> it's fantastic. >> it's pretty personal. >> unbelievable. the letterers cover her career. "a place in the sun" she was filming in lake tahoe. talks about swimming at 20 degrees in the frozen lake in a bikini. >> she wrote from planes, like movie sets. do they reveal more about their love affair? does it reveal something about these movies? what's going on in her life? >> as a 17-year-old this was her first mature love. she says she talks about it constantly how she's going to be mrs. pauley and they will have grandchildren together. as it goes south it gets real sad. but she's reassuring him she will love him forever. he wants her to stop her career and marry him. >> she talked about doing so but, in fact, didn't. obviously she didn't. but she did something that caused him to say, that's it. is that right? >> absolutely. she signed a new two-year contract with mgm. >> there we have the rest of her career. there is a letter here with different script because it's from her mother, right? >> that's the final letter her mother wrote -- >> to him. >> on her behalf saying i talked to elizabeth, you're insanely jealous and you can't see her again. >> of her career? >> yes, of her career. he obviously still loved her all these years. he kept the letters in incredible condition, cherished them obviously. >> he's how old? >> he's 90. what if she had married him. >> and also that it happened at all and he kept them quietly all these years until now. thank you very much, bobby. the auction is next month. >> in may. >> 35,000 or more? >> we figure about 25,000 to 35,000 before her death. sky's the limit now. we don't know. >> we'll find out. thanks for joining us and giving us the lovely glimpse. coming up next, we'll tag along with a real live indiana jones on his search for ancient treasures in dangerous underwater caves right after this. ♪ stay inside? nah. not when you have a five-star overall vehicle score for safety. one more reason chevy traverse delivers more. ♪ good morning [ male announcer ] there are sixteen fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each carton of tropicana pure premium and absolutely no space for added sugar, water or preservatives. tropicana -- we put the good in morning. 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[ slap! slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums back now with a dangerous sport that takes exploring to the limit. cave divers are drawn to the lure of the deep as they search for artifacts. josh joins us on set. >> good morning. i joined a talented group of cave divers. we embarked on expedition in mexico to document what's hidden below the surface. >> reporter: deep in the yucatan jungle an underground world exists, holding the secret to a long lost civilization. i joined curt bo hen, the leader of the adm exploration foundation, a part of an elite group of cave diving specialists who explore the unexplored in search of ancient treasure. >> the original gist of any exploration is to find new caves. along with that we discover ancient mayan relic s. >> reporter: they represent a small percentage of the diving community to document what they see. there are thousands of under ground water sources in the yucatan. some are open to daylight. others, little more than a hole in the jungle floor. overrun with bats and completely dark they are often gateways to vast systems of underwater caves. the first site is a small town with a rich history. wells used for drinking water suggest a large cave lies below. >> the probability of finding something interesting like an archaeological site is better here than in the jungle. >> reporter: using a combination of diving, climbing and caving equipment we drop 70 feet into the murky water below. once submerged, visibility at times is extremely limited. the environment, unpredictable and dangerous. >> it's easy to become disoriented in a cave. if you come into a situation where panic pulls at the back of your neck and you panic, you die. >> reporter: after swimming through giant stalagmites we make an ominous discovery. human remains. well preserved skulls, perhaps maya. the team surfaces and continues the quest for other discoveries. most caves yield just mud and rock. on rare occasions the explorers discover something truly spectacular. on my last day with the team i witnessed it firsthand. once again we rappelled down the rope into the unknown. there, resting in the darkness, 80 feet below the surface, a beautiful ceramic vessel. the pot is actually in perfect condition which is rare for a cave environment where there can be stones and rocks that fall down and break things. >> reporter: most likely used during ceremonies this pot is a rarity. intact despite being approximately 1800 years old. as a result of the discovery the mexican antiquity authority is asking the team to help them explore teams throughout mexico. >> since you came back you have learned more about the vessel, right? >> yeah. we have learned quite a bit. we sent it to different colleagues, experts in the industry. we know first of all the braided handle says immediately chocolate pot. they drank chocolate with almost every meal. what's unusual is the spout which says this probably belonged to someone of status. that was used both for serving and perhaps frothing the chocolate. their chocolate wasn't like ours. it was dark, like a honey mixture with maize in it. >> you had to leave it in the cave? >> yeah. we had to. we wanted to recover it, but the antiquities authority came with us, saw the pot and said, you know, it's intact and safe here and stabilized in this environment. once we bring it out, expose it to air it is a long process. they said, for now let's leave it here and keep the location secret. >> can you describe the frame of mind as you go down the well? people who dive in open water, we were talking during the break. but you have no idea where it will lead. >> that's the fun, the appeal for cave divers. you don't know what's there. you will be the first person to go into the cave and survive for maybe 1500, 2,000 years. that's the appeal. it comes with risk. it is a risky endeavor. unless you have the proper training you should not go into caves. >> or if you have claustrophobia, better not to try it. >> probably wouldn't even watch the segment. >> you actually have to breathe out in some places to make it through? >> not in this example, but i have been in places where just the width of your body will squeeze through. >> you're crazy. >> good crazy though. >> good stuff. josh bernstein. if there is an expedition you want to see josh undertake head to to decide his next adventure. ahead, quick and easy calorie meals only 300 apiece. after your local news. a live look outside right now. clouds hanging tough. a few sprinkles for some folks and a messy morning commute in some places. good morning. it's 8:26 right now. i'm aaron gilchrist. traffic problems are piling up. let's go to jerry edwards for the details. good morning. an accident on the outer loop at telegraph road. had all travel lanes closed during the height of the commute and it was a tractor-trailer accident. most of the lanes are reopened, but the outer loop delays begin back at springfield at the interchange, and i-95 is jammed from newington getting to or beyond the beltway. top side of the beltway, lanes are open, but the outer loop is heavy from i-95 college park around to silver spring. inner loop, earlier accident cleared. aaron? aaron? >> thanks, jerry. i can't say enough about them. i can go in, get the things i need, and i know i'm saving money. why would i shop anywhere else? at giant, we want to thank you for making us the store you love to shop for over 75 years. this week, look for savings in every aisle, just for you. like super g boneless chicken breasts, $1.99 a pound. and pepsi 2-liters, just 10 for $10. i pay for my groceries, and i look at the bottom of the receipt, i'm like, "yes! i did it!" that works for me. more savings every time you shop, with your giant card. good morning. i'm meteorologist tom kierein. right now it's cloudy and chilly, some patchy drizzle. we're in the 30s and later today into the 40s. i think the nationals ought to get most of their opening day in. however, toward the end of the game, steadier rain that will continue into tonight and end early tomorrow morning. aaron? >> thank you, tom. today on "news 4 midday," you may see them at the gym, but do you know how to use them? 8:30 now on a thursday morning the 31st day of march, 2011. that means that april fool's day is coming up tomorrow. april fool's day is tomorrow and we're not kidding. snow is in the forecast. we are not going to be fooled though. we'll have our coats on in the northeast. these people aren't letting the bad weather dampen their spirits. we're happy to have them here and happy and being seen by their loved ones at home. i'm ann curry on the plaza along with carl quintanilla and tamron hall. matt and meredith are on assignment. ahead we'll talk about the e-reader explosion. >> yeah, do you have one? >> i'm obsessed. >> the growth is amazing. we'll talk about the best ones, how easy it is to read copy, which ones to pick, we'll get expert advice. >> sounds good. plus, who says you can't have a tasty meal not packed with a ton of calorie, coming up, hungry girl shares recipes under 300 calories. tasty and 300 calories. >> that's terrific news. yum. also coming up, breathtaking images. you won't believe these still pictures taken by peter lik in search of the perfect photograph. he's found a lot of them. he's been documented on the quest by a new weather channel show that has something like 13 episodes. we're trying to understand how exactly he takes a photograph, what's in his mind and how it happens. >> we're know. umbrella, umbrella. anyway, let us now go, i think to maria. >> maria, yes. >> who's over here out in the weather. hello, maria. >> good morning, guys. we are sitting in the rain. it's okay, but it's opening day, a great crowd. this gentleman here traveled 742 miles to be here on the "today" show. are you happy you came? >> yes, ma'am! >> where are you from? >> south carolina. >> okay, this whole group from south carolina. welcome to new york. let's take a look at the weather that they can expect here and across the country today. we've got the showers moving in today. tomorrow will be snow across the northeast. meanwhile, strong storms in florida, mild and sunny from texas to the southwest. record highs possible for you guys in san francisco. then we've got more showers and wind and a high avalanche risk in western washington. and for tomorrow, we'll likely keep track of that northeastern storm. that's a look at the weather across the country. here's a look at what you can expect. damp and chilly. good morning. right now, temperatures around the region in the mid and upper 30s but we are above freezing most of the region and we have some patchy drizzle falling. and for the game today, first pitch 1:05, should be in the mid-40s and cloudy, maybe a few sprinkles, but they should be able to play in those conditions. toward the end of the game, though, maybe steadier rain moving in as well as overnight tonight. precipitation may end as some predawn snow showers and nothing sticking much, though, because it will be above freezing. windy tomorrow, just near 50. and then winds diminish over the weekend and a bit with our good friend willard scott. >> beautiful at the island resort golf course. come see it. it's pretty. happy birthday from smuckers, nothing like our smuckere buddis on the jam jars. first, irving jacobson, 101 years old from sanford, florida. he creates art and gives them to his family as gifts. bessie sherman, 101 from wilbraham, massachusetts. likes to work on puzzles every chance she gets. also we have zeal langshaw from dell ton, michigan. 100 years old. loves to travel and fix bicycles. elizabeth mccabe from jackson, wyoming is 100. loves to fly fish and goes every day when she can. she's a great photographer. many of her pictures are published in the papers and books. violet smith of midland, michigan. she's 109. wish her a happy birthday. all of her friends think she's the greatest. she takes life as best she can, one day at a time, she says. our last birthday of the day, leta deveraux, also from jackson, wyoming. loves doing all sorts of things, especially working with dogs. at 91 she purchased a four-wheel drive vehicle and none of her friends could get in. it was too high off the ground. now back to new york. >> willard you look so happy. thank you so much. coming up, how to pick the best e-reader for you. first this is "today" on nbc. as a buyer for t.j.maxx, i'm not just looking for deals, i'm looking for the hottest fashion. hot -- hot, hot. i get a lot of ideas just walking around the city, checking people out. it's like a fashion show out there. then, it's all about the deal. i negotiate directly with designers... so you get the savings. you know, the smartest fashionistas-- are really maxxinistas! t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. back now at 8:37. this morning on today's tech, the e-reader explosion. they are storming ahead of hard copy books. how do you choose the right e-reader for you? mario armstrong is a digital lifestyle expert. good morning. >> hey, man. >> people who don't have one yet probably need to understand how much this is going to change their lives. >> it's hu ee's huge. you can walk around with all of those books or you can take all of that plus magazines, plus newspapers, plus websites and blogs and carry it into one simple, light weight easy to carry package. >> not just four books but thousands. >> thousands. anywhere from 1200 to 6,000. >> you brought in four models. >> we have some of the popular ones you will see in the store, that you are going to ask about. which is right for me or which is right for a gift. >> the first is the kindle. >> very popular. this is the new one. one of the things i love about the kindle is it has the e-ink display which is different. it really replicates what it looks like on paperback. the screen is clear. so you have less glare in direct sunlight. it's easy on the eyes. as you can see, all the e-book readers can increase font size i'm showing how big it can be if people have a tough time reading. >> how do you get the books? >> you can go from the device online. with the kindle, with the 3-g version it's free internet connected. you can download in seconds any book, magazine -- >> you don't need to go to the computer. >> you don't have to. you can. if you're in front of the laptop and see something you like you can download it and connect your e-book reader to the laptop to transfer the book or magazine over. >> battery life? >> almost a month. >> a month? >> can you believe it? three, four weeks. >> without a single recharge? amazing. >> price point ranges from 139 to 189. depends on if you go with the wifi only version or the 3-g. >> people they know the name of the company but maybe not the model. >> sony has a popular version. love it because it has the e-ink display but a couple of differences. this is probably the smallest. look how small it is. you could put that easily into your coat pocket. >> it's light, too. >> very light weight. you can take it anywhere with you on the go. 1.2 million books are available. on the kindle you have 850,000 books available. on the sony, it's an open format which means e-pub beyond the amazon store. so you can use sony for other online bookstores. >> if a version is smaller than the kindle does it mean it holds fewer books? >> great question. no, because just of the size of the advice that doesn't mean so. in this case 1200 books on the sony and 3,500 books on the kindle. you can upgrade the sony to hold more. >> battery life, two weeks? >> two weeks. >> and the price? >> we have two models. they start around $229 and go up from there. >> i heard good things about the nook color from barnes and noble. >> love it. it's the best color e-reader on the market. hands down. i have had time to enjoy this. the difference is lcd screen, not e-ink. some people may have trouble with their eyes. you may have to test it out, see if it works. i love it at nighttime. in direct sunlight you may want to be in shade or adjust the settings. >> take a bigger toll out of the battery? >> it does. these are questions people ask when shopping. >> this has a feature that's audio based. >> right. eight hours of reading time before you need a recharge. one thing i love is they have nook kids. awesome for kids books, picture books, bedtime stories. they have a feature called read to me. touch it and it reads to the student or the kid a picture book. >> out loud. >> they can just wipe the page to go to the next screen. it reads it with a professional narrated voice. awesome device, in color. the other thing about the barnes and noble is you have the retail locations. if you need extra training or help and assistance, you can take it to barnes and noble. >> i hadn't heard of the pan digital e-reader. >> that's a mouthful. >> this is color. it went to sleep on me. this is also color but has a slower processor. the nook color is $249. the only other color is this one and it's $189. a little bit less expensive but slower processor. doesn't feel that great in the hand. feels plastic, inexpensive. >> but you can surf the web and do e-mail. nook color is coming out with a new software upgrade which will give you applications, games and e-mail. >> one thing you say is you may know somebody who has one. there are accessories that can work around it. >> 5.2 million were sold in the holiday season just last year. many people have these as gifts. protect these things with things like covers, cases. the other big accessory is a light. sometimes you need the light in dark times to read the screen. these are from and you can customize these and make your own cover. if you go online you can use your own photos and come up with a cool personalized gift idea. >> we are not in dangerer of it being obsolete in five years? >> that's long. in internet time that's ten years from now. >> five minutes? >> if you buy it in five mint minutes you're okay. no, five years, you're fine. >> up next, quick and easy meals under 300 calories. first, this is "today" on nbc. paul ? oh, hey, charlene. what are you doing ? this is to help me with my online investing. i'm so overwhelmed by jargon and trading tools and data that i need to get as much blood to my brain as possible, just to make sense of it all. touch the ball. whoa ! get sharebuilder from ing direct. hey, my headache's gone. more bold flavor!onds! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. [ alarm sounding ] ♪ [ woman ] please say "one" to speak to a representative. one. one. [ sneezes ] a little off the sides. [ scissors snipping, razor buzzing ] ♪ no! [ male announcer ] these days, it's hard to find good customer service. thankfully, there's still one place that gets it right. back now at 8:46. this morning on "today's kitchen" back to basics, the hungry girl. lisa lilien is creator of hungry and her new book is "hungry girl 300 under 300." lisa, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i have started to think about calories like spending money. sort of budgeting so you don't spend too much. >> exactly. you want calorie bargains so you get more bang for your calorie buck. >> one of the bargains you have come up with this morning is i don't know why no one else has thought of it. you're using pomushroom as a crt for pizza. >> who doesn't love pizza? i use unconventional crusts. this has been baked for eight minutes. are you going to help me? >> sure. >> we're going to turn it into a little pizza. >> bake for eight minutes with olive oil? >> no oil at all. season up the canned tomatoes. garlic, italian seasoning. mix it up. good job. a quarter cup of canned crushed tomato. now just pile it on. >> thick as you want. >> as thick as you want. >> noel oil in here either. >> no oil at all. now we build the pizza. what's next? cheese. i use string cheese because it's portion controlled. it's mozzarella cheese you can pull apart or put it in a food processor and it gets fluffy and goes a long way. >> mozzarella is less fattening, too. >> this is low fat string cheese. 50 or 60 calories for the whole thing. each one gets its own string. lots of cheese. >> okay. you can just make it as you will. you have something not considered so low fat which is pepperoni. >> turkey pepperoni. pile it on. this has 70 calories for 17 slices. it tastes exactly like regular pepperoni. i'm not lying to you. it is one of america's best kept secrets. >> lower in fat and calorie? >> way lower in fat. pile it on. this is the mushroom steps chopped. don't waste any of the delicious mushroom. pineapple it on. >> olives, there you go. >> throw it in the oven for ten minutes. bake it up and this is how it comes out. >> gorgeous. >> since we talked about calories what are the calories for the entire pizza. >> 118 calories. you can eat both and it's less than 5 grams of fat. it tastes a lot like pizza. >> you use lots of different ingredients for pizza bottoms. are there others? s >> eggplant, green pepper. if you really want bread use lawash or pita, things that are high in fiber and light. >> we want to move on to this. >> sloppy joes. this is browned lean turkey seasoned up. eight ounces of that. i don't know if you know what this is. this is broccoli coleslaw, another brilliant ingredient. shredded broccoli, carrots and cabbage. you get a ton of this for a hundred calories. it's preshredded in a bag at the store. >> oh, really? >> that's the best part. throw a little bit of salt on there. this is sloppy joe sauce. this is the key ingredient here. >> the sauce comes out of a jar? >> out of a can. it's sweet, some spice. >> do you compare them for the -- >> most are low fat. cook it. >> how long? >> about six minutes until it gets wilted. to me, i like it nice and soft so it's like a pasta texture. >> let's taste one. you have one over here. you also have something else you have made up here. >> yes. >> this is not something i think of as being low calorie. >> these are empanadas. three ingredients. 75 recipes in the book have three ingredients. do you like that? sloppy joe like. >> it has a sloppy joe -- >> you could put it on a bun. >> andle crunchy. >> 135 calories for a huge cup of that. >> tell me about this. >> shredded chicken, salsa and recipe creations dough. you know the dough at the market. you bash it on the counter and it pops open. three ingredients, amazing. 157 calories, really decadent. >> yay. so nice that you can enjoy food and not have to worry about too much of the calorie allotment for the day. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> the book is called hungry girl 300 under 300. lisa lillien, thank you. up next, much more. first this is "today" on nbc. a new weather channel series debuts tonight called "from the edge with peter lik." the photographer takes viewers on incredible adventures as he captures some of the most dramatic landscapes sculpted by nature and he begins with the volcanos of hawaii. >> the closer i go, the waves smack over the top of the boat. look at that! if you get the shot, you nail it. >> peter lik survives and he's here with us this morning. good morning. >> thanks for having us. >> first of all, what's that experience like? watching it on television is terrifying. >> just being face to face with nature is incredible. look how powerful nature is. that's what the show is about. from the edge coming as close as i can to nature. it's a beautiful, powerful moment. >> usually photographers work pretty much alone. to have this entourage of a video crew -- and it's trying to understand what makes you decide when to click. >> yeah. >> what is the idea? how do you let them inside your head? >> it was a lot of work. normally it's solo on the road. with the crew it's a different set of circumstances. you have to set everything up. takes longer to get going. eventually you get the shot which is what the show is about. >> you're not shooting on automatic. how do you manage the danger, everything coming at you along with the settings on the camera? >> it's full on, mate. i'm dealing with mother nature. you have to be ready for everything at any time. look for the beautiful special feeling when you press the shutter, the magic moment we live for. you know when you take a beautiful shot of your kid, your family and that's the moment i live for dragging the beauty through the lens. that's what it's about. showing you the other side of photography. >> want to show us about that? >> that's pele's whisper. it's one of the shots we are featuring on the weather channel tonight. it's all about capturing weather and nature. if you're on the edge, you're too far away. i was right on the edge capturing the volcano. you can actually see the face of pele right there. everybody loves the impact of the shot. this is the true spirit of america. it's about the extremes of america. what a beautiful country up in alaska to the arctic circle photographing denali and a live volcano. can you see the face? eyes, nose and a mouth. >> it's a stunner. that is such a stunner. tell us about it. oh, darn it, we're running out of time. >> you can catch "from the edge with peter liq accounts tonight at 8:00/7:00 central on weather channel and weather channe 8:00/7:00 central on weather channel and this is how your day will start here in the district, cloudy, maybe some drizzle and cold out there. we'll get the forecast in a second. first, good morning. it's 8:56 right now. i'm aaron gilchrist. in our headlines, police say a train hit and killed a man in prince george's county overnight. this happened at the riverdale rail station on queensbury road. police are now working to find out who the man is and why he was on those tracks. some local students will get a visit from maryland governor martin o'malley today. he visits greenbelt middle school to close out read across america month. america month. >a great looking lawn like this, but trying to grow grass from seed in tough areas like deep shade, along the driveway, and where the kids play can be a little intimidating... until now. with scotts ez seed. it's scotts best grass seed, starter fertilizer and a growing material that absorbs water and expands to surround and protect the seeds, you'll get a thick, green scotts lawn even if you've never been successful with other seed before. the revolutionary scotts ez seed. grow grass anywhere. i'm a curious seeker. scotts ez seed. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. good morning. cloudy and chilly and damp, patchy drizzle this morning. for game time, first pitch 45. might have a few sprinkles, but they should be able to play under those conditions. they ought to get in at least a complete game, maybe six innings before steadier rain moves in after that overnight tonight. jerry, how's traffic? tom, rush hour continues on the beltway, both directions in virginia. we'll focus on the inner loop leaving springfield north to i-66, crawling. more stop than go. a couple problems along the way are gone. lanes are reopen. and we'll head to the greenbelt, take a look at the beltway. quite slow. good news, no accidents, just volume right now. aaron? >> thank you, jerry. today on "news 4 midday," you may see them at the gym, but back now with more "today" on this thursday morning, march 31, 2011. a rare nor'easter, by the way, is making its way to new england and parts of new york state. some of these areas could be buried under a foot and a half of snow. we're warning all of you smart people joining us this morning with your smiling faces and we'll get the latest coming up. i'm ann curry along with carl quintanilla who's been great to have as a partner. matt is on assignment and natalie is off. >> a lot coming up including the story about judge judy. she was hospitalized after becoming ill while taping an episode of her popular show. we'll get details about what exactly happened and how she's doing now. >> one thing she's been saying is she was really exhausted. it e it's raised the question of are you tired today? so many americans, 32 million americans, are suffering from insomnia. this morning we'll tell you what you can do, what may be causing it and strategies for a better night's sleep. very important. >> also, are you doing spring cleaning? >> i always say i'm going to and i eventually do in the fall. >> it's a necessary evil from the kitchen to the garage. even the bathroom. some places you may not want to tackle. we'll talk about tricks to make this year's chore a breeze. then prince harry. we think this weather's bad? spending time in sub zero temperatures. we'll have an update on preparations for the daring trip to the north pole before he goes back to london for the wedding. >> very exciting. would you do that? i would. >> you'd do anything. >> maybe a few things here and there. let's check on the news. we have tamron hall in for me this morning. >> good morning, everyone. the libyan foreign minister and long time confidant of moammar gadhafi has flown to british saying he's no longer willing to serve the regime. this as president obama authorized cia operatives to enter libya and they assisted in the rescue of the crew of the downed fighter jet. nato said it's taken full command of air operations in libya. japan may expand the evacuation zone surrounding the quake are advantaged fukushima nuclear facility. radiation levels are higher than expected as far as 25 miles from the power plant. the voluntary evacuation zone currently extends 19 miles from the plant. ohio lawmakers passed an anti-union bill that cuts clek tiff bargaining rights for some 350,000 public workers statewide. the governor is expected to sign the law within days. in wisconsin, governor scott walkerer is indicating that he may ignore a judge's decision on a bill there. fighters on the ivory coast seized the capitol and other key cities. this as the leader was sanctioned after his refusal to step down. and a pharmacy is continuing to custom mix a drug known generically as 17-p and raised the price from $10 to $1500 a dose. judge judy suffered a health scare on if set of her show. kristen welker has the latest. a lot of people worry about the very popular judge judy. >> indeed. good morning, judge judy's publicist says the judge will be just fine. she apparently had a scare wednesday. judge judy was taping her show, suddenly became ill and was rushed to cedars sinai hospital in los angeles. she was listed initially in serious condition. according to some reports, the judge was experiencing intestinal discomfort. she told the new york post's cindy adams she was in the middle of taping and started to feel faint saying her speech even slowed. her publicist said, quote, i spoke to the judge who said she's feeling much better. she says all of the tests are negative and she's going home today. the judge is 68 and has presided over her courtroom show since 1996. again, she is expected to be released laterer today and will resume taping her show on april 12 as priestley pl-- previously plann planned. thank you. the first pictures have returned to earth revealing a look at the amazing planet of mercury. scientists are interested in the craters that may contain frozen water. maybe the workers trying to catch the lost cobra in the bronx zoo can take a lesson from a russian zoo. this racoon escaped and put up a fight climbing the highest trees, escaping a net and biting a rescue workerer. after the overnight chase, crews were finally able to corner the ska advantager and return it to its cage. look at that little fighter. back to maria with a check of the weather. >> we have a great crowd out here. look at these guys. it's cold and rainy. tomorrow we have an hardier tomorrow because we have a nor'easter under way. look at what's developing. what's right now in the northeast not related to what's developing in the southeast. that's going to turn into a full-on nor'easter as it goes up the coast tonight into tomorrow. we'll see snow developing, and ahead of it, we have a number of winter storm warnings, all the way from new jersey, pennsylvania, straight up through maine. here's what we're looking at for snow totals. nothing's wrong with your screen, folks. we're looking at possibly in the pink area more than a foot of snow for the green and white mountains up into maine. out of the picture for heavy snow, new york up into boston. so, that is good news for the morning drive, but be prepared for some cold, wet rain along the coast and windy conditions, too. that's a look at the weather across the country. here's a look at what you can expect. good morning. it is damp and chilly on this final day of march. here we have temperatures in the mid and upper 30s. 38 now at reagan national. it's all above freezing throughout most of the region. and opening day for the nationals at nationals park, first pitch 1:05, should be in the mid-40s then and cloudy. maybe a few sprinkles, but i think they'll get most of the game in. they can play even with sprinkles or even a little drizzle, but toward the end of the game, though, there will likely be steadier rain and steady rain likely tonight and then precipitation may end predawn as a little wet snow ann, back inside to you. >> all right, maria, thank you. this morning on "today's health" trouble sleeping? if you can barely see over your coffee this morning there may be a good reason. research shows us that 70% of women spend more time trying to fall asleep than sleeping. the majority are suffering from insomele knee i can't -- insomnia which affects 32 million americans and counting. kerry peterson joins us. good morning. >> good morning. >> why are so many of us suffering from this? >> insomnia is on the rise. we have identified four main reasons. first is stress. stress is on the rise. we go to bed worrying about what's going to happen the next day, about our jobs, our lives. it makes it difficult to fall asleep. causes the production of cortisol which interrupts the sleep cycle. also, we are not exercising enough. exercise really helps you fall asleep. i highly recommend if you're having trouble falling asleep, exercise. >> how much? >> 20 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity. >> take a walk for 20, 30 minute ifs you can. >> yeah. >> you're seeing this is on the rise so it's something people have to take care of. you talked about things people can do. you know, at some point you may have to see a doctor. >> yeah. >> this becomes chronic. not just once in a while because my son is having trouble in school or i'm having trouble at work or my husband, it's something mo-- >> correct. it could be an underlying condition. not just primary insomnia which has no known cause. investigate the cause with your doctor. first of all, emotionally you can be suffering from depression, anxiety. you can have multiple medical problems like arthritis, thyroid disease, reflux. if you're a shift worker and you work at night and sleep during the day that can be a cause. certain medications, caffeine, if you drink caffeine after 2:00, big problem. that's a no-no. alcohol, drugs. there are lots of sleep disorders that can be identified such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. >> once you checked off that you don't have a medical condition and you're maybe just exhausted because of stress, you talked about a walk. one thing i used to do was write down before i went to sleep the things i had to get done, what worried me because that's what happens. you get overwhelmed. do you recommend that? >> it's good to compartmentalize things and ask what can i handle now? can i make a decision to impact me and put my mind at ease before i go to sleep? if not, put it aside until morning. it will be there tomorrow. >> maybe if you have worries and writing it down isn't sufficient, maybe talking to your friends, going to a therapist. >> there are things, first off, certainly talking to a therapist can be helpful just to unload your stress. relaxation techniques can be very helpful. yoga, meditation. then there are therapies that a therapist can go through with you. one called sleep restriction which is where you limit the number of hours you're in bed. so you're only spending time in bed sleeping. rath ra not lying there awake. another technique is called reconditioning where you associate your bed only with sleeping. only go to bed when you're very tired. if you're lying in bed more than 30 minutes restless, get out of bed, go back to your living room and engage in a quiet activity until you become sleepy again. it takes the anxiety out of the bedroom. >> you can prepare -- i mean, isn't sleep also to some degree allowed when you follow the same pattern right before you go to sleep at night? in other words, create a pattern? >> yes. >> maybe create a place in your bedroom that makes it feel like a place you want to sleep? >> all of these -- sleep hygiene is important. spend at least one hour before bedtime winding down, keeping the lights dim to avoid the artificial light exposure like television, computers, smart phones. all the light inhibits the production of melatonin which allows you to fall asleep. you want your bedroom to be just for sleep. you want it to be a peace fful place. make sure it's cold enough. don't watch tv in your room. that makes you associate other activities with the bedroom. only go to bed when you're exhausted. wait until you're sleepy before you cross the threshold and make your bed every day. just having a clean, neat bedroom and unfolding the bed is another ritual that can help. >> yeah. sometimes with my kids and my family i always say before they go to bed, everything is going to be just fine. there is nothing to worry about. you're going to be fine. take a deep breath. >> deep breathing is helpful. >> life is good. thank you very much. great advice to help us. coming up next, carpet stains, moldy grout. how to tackle the toughest parts of spring cleaning your home. and another bone chilling day for prince harry as he prepares with other young men for a daring trip to the north pole. first these messages. our snack machine. you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy! and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch. delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. i have a great fit with my dentures. i love kiwis. i've always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. super poligrip free -- it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made the kiwi an enjoyable experience. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. from dresses to dress up, you'll find it at the season's lowest prices. sale starts friday, at sears. [ male announcer ] ragu, packed with two servings of veggies in every half cup of our now thicker, richer, healthy sauce. ragu has a great taste your family will love. ragu. feed our kids well. ♪ good morning [ male announcer ] there are sixteen fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each carton of tropicana pure premium and absolutely no space for added sugar, water or preservatives. tropicana -- we put the good in morning. it's that time of year, spring cleaning from the kitchen to the living room to the bathroom. if you're gearing up for a hard-core cleanup, shop smart magazine has solutions for your worst cleaning problems. lisa freeman is the editor in chief of shop smart magazine. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is an awesome segment. i love that you survey people asking their worst cleaning issues. were you surprised by the number of people who responded? >> it was overwhelming. we had hundreds of people get back to us begging us how to fix this, how to clean this. a lot of responses had to do with bathroom grunge, clogged sinks and pet stains. >> lots of similar themes. >> very similar themes. that's what the story covers as the most common things people ask. >> i want to ask how often you clean is as important as what you do to clean up the stains. how often do we do a top to bottom thorough clean of the home? >> once or twice a year depending on the item. >> not bad. >> if you shampoo carpets twice a year you wear them down. only once a year. your refrigerator is a good once a year job. certain other jobs do all the time. for example, the toilet. instead of bringing out the heavy duty chemicals once a week or every couple of weeks, clean it more often to make it easier. >> i'm with you on that. nothing like a dirty bathroom. the first tip is carpet stains. so many people relate especially the wine or juice on the carpet. >> the most dreaded carpet stain is red wine or grape juice. it's easy to fix. dab it with warm water first. then warm soapy water. take a cup of water in dish detergent, mix it around, put it on there. then 3% hydrogen peroxide. most people have it in the medicine cabinet. it has to be a fresh bottle or it won't work. >> will the peroxide bleach the carpet? >> no. it should be fine. if you're worried, test it in an out of the way spot first. >> next up, the microwave. we can relate to having the pasta the day after and it explodes. you look in there going, what do i do? >> if you wait a week -- >> hope not. >> or a couple of weeks, people who have one at work know. but put a bowl of lemon juice inside. squeeze fresh lemons in a quarter cup. put the microwave on high and use the condensation and a rag to wipe it clean. if there is stuck on gunk take a maxed out credit card and use it to scrape it out. >> lemon is a cure-all for so much. >> you can clean brass and all kinds of stuff with it. >> the kitchen synch, oink, one dirtiest spots in the home. what do we do to cure our problems with the kitchen sink? >> the trick is you have to maintain your drain. that means in order to prevent clogs from happening in the first place you can't put down anything that gets clumpy like coffee grounds, oatmeal, rice, all of that stuff. >> people think i have a garbage disposal and it goes away. >> don't do it. oil and grease, never put it down the drain. put it in the garbage can. if you get a clog there is something called the master plunger you can use to undo it without chemicals. another trick i love which is totally not -- chemical-free is to dump boiling hot water down the drain every month or so. >> that helps loosen any grease in there, any soap scum. it helps maintain your drain. >> and it's free. >> mold and mildew seems difficult because when you use the products sometimes it comes back in a day or so. what's the trick? >> one of our top cleaners is comet with bleach. scrub, scrub, scrub and then cover the clean grout with a mold resistant sealant. that should help make the job much easier. you shouldn't have to do it as often. if it keeps coming back you have a bigger problem. >> you have to change the grout. >> you may have to regrout. >> pet stains? that's one i can relate to. i have tried everything on the market. i'm going to get rid of the dog if she doesn't get it together. i kid, i kid. i love her. we love our pets but we want to get rid of the stains. >> try warm, soapy water first. that probably won't work so go to step two which is ammonia. this is toxic stuff. so put gloves on, put a tablespoon of ammonia, mix it with half a cup of water and put it on the stain. step three, use vinegar and water. a third of a cup of water, two-thirds of a cup of water. if that doesn't work, get rid of the dog. >> all those people who responded -- >> or your carpet. >> was there a stain you can't cure? >> no, it's all doable. if you need to, bring in a professional cleaner. there is always that. >> thank you so much. coming up, quick and easy ways to make the most of the extra room you don't know what to do with. george oliphant comes to tres cue. first, these messages. he rescue. first, these messages. [ female announcer ] if soap dries itself, imagine what it can do to your skin. but dove isn't soap. it contains pure 1/4 moisturizing cream because, everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. and who knows moisture better than dove. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. you know what i want? lipstick that makes house calls. i want someone to bring the make-up counter to me. i want to be the first to discover the latest. and get a litt advice from my avon representative whenever i ask. this is beauty that delivers from avon. see how avon can deliver extra income for you. go to or call 800 for avon to become a representative. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's new mccafé shakes. with a fresh look and delicious new toppings, they're a brand-new way to indulge. new mccafé shakes. coming up, a bitter cold day for prince harry preparing for a trip to the north pole. >> and how to convert that spare room in your home. >> plus, "sex and the city's" kim cattrall and her new movie playing a washed up adult movie actress. we all want our kids to eat their vegetables, but we all know kids would rather they just disappear. ♪ make me say la la la la la la ♪ [ woman ] now with a little magic from mom, there's an easy way to get kids the nutrition they need. mott's medleys has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass but magically looks and tastes just like the fruit juice kids already love. mott's medleys. ♪ la la la [ woman ] invisible vegetables. magical taste. >> going to a job interview, i make sure i've got the right guidance. it's the same with my taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step-by-step. and calculations are guaranteed 100% accurate. they even offer audit support. and help me reach my maximum refund, guaranteed. >> man: try turbotax now. some say i've done it all. i say i'm just getting started. i wear what i love, because expression means everything. ♪ too hot to trot some say i'm one-of-a-kind. i say i'm so chico's. a live look outside our weather window right now. you'll need the rain jacket with the fleece lining today. we'll look at your forecast in just a moment. first, though, good morning. it's 9:26 right now. i'm aaron gilchrist. in the news, it is opening day for the nationals. the team will open its season this afternoon against the atlanta braves. that game is a sellout, but 400 tickets will go on sale today for just $5 each. you'll have to be at the main box office starting at 10:35 this morning. if the weather cooperates, the game will start at 1:00. we'll look at th damp and chilly now. some scattered drizzle around and temperatures in the upper 30s. 38 at reagan national. and for game time today, should be in the mid-40s. opening day, maybe a few sprinkles, but they should be able to play under those conditions. there could be steadier rain toward the late innings and overnight tonight, maybe ending as a little wet snow predawn friday. then dry after that, windy on friday afternoon. jerry, how's traffic? tom, unfortunately, a new problem. you have to look hard for it. 270 southbound, an accident reportedly involving a car and tractor-trailer just after montrose road. this is at falls road headed toward the accident scene. fire and rescue crews are there. let's pop over to northern virginia, along 395. visibility's not much better, loaded up from the beltway to the 14th street bridge. aaron? >> thanks, jerry. today on "news 4 midday," you might see them at the gym but don't know how to use t ♪ so what do you do when your grandmother comes to visit? straighten up the house maybe? make sure you've got her favorite tea on hand? well, what about if you're prince william and your grandmotherer is the queen of england? >> hi. >> queen elizabeth and prince philip are headed to wales to visit with prince william. we'll get details as far as we can get them tomorrow here on "today." >> that's got to be a stressful visit from grandma. >> speaking of royalty we're here with carl quintanilla and tamron hall. i'm ann curry. we'll be speaking about prince harry. he spent another day learning skills required for his trek to the north pole, this time getting the true feeling of sub zero surroundings. the latest on that, you guys. >> also ahead, making the most of the space you have. if you have an extra room you don't know what to do with we'll show you how to convert it into something fun and useful and it doesn't have to cost you anything at all. george oliphant -- wow. ta-da. >> segment's over. >> more tips coming up. >> also cooking italian today. we'll learn how to make easy it. we'll learn how to make easy dishes, including a great baked pasta that will wow your friends and family. first, let's get a check of the weather from maria larosa, who's in for al. >> great having you here. you've done a great job. >> i don't know if i'll be invited back tomorrow, talking about a lot of snow potentially. today we're seeing the storm develop across the southeast and really nasty storms in florida right now. that risk of severe weather continues into the afternoon as our storm develops off the coast. meanwhile, sunny and warm from texas to southern california. we could see record highs in san francisco. now, tomorrow, the heavy, wet snow will move into the northeast, especially interior new england. green and white mountains could pick up over a foot of snow, but it does look like wind and rain the biggest threat from philly to new york to boston. that's a look at the weather across the country. here's a look at what you can expect. good morning. right now in the upper 30s with some patchy drizzle, low clouds. game time, opening day, nationals park, 1:05 first pitch, should be in the mid-40s and cloudy. and there may be a few sprinkles, maybe a little drizzle through most of the game, but they should be able to play under those conditions. however, by late afternoon and overnight tonight, we'll get some steadier rain. precipitation may end as a little wet snow predawn friday and then partly sunny friday afternoon with some strong winds, highs near 50. warmer for the weekend. might get a few sprinkles on saturday morning. more s ann, tamron, carl, back to you. >> thanks, maria. up next, the latest on prince harry as he prepares for a daring trip to the north pole. still ahead, got an extra room you want to turn into something fun or useful? george oliphant to the rescue. for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. ♪ good morning [ male announcer ] there are sixteen fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each carton of tropicana pure premium and absolutely no space for added sugar, water or preservatives. tropicana -- we put the good in morning. [ announcer ]opicana -- who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow. r, olive garden sends over 100 of us to study the art of italian cooking. we learn from master chefs. we visit the local markets. we talk to the artisans. we learn all the little secrets of italian cooking and bring them back to share with you. inspired by italy, our new handmade puff pastries. generously filled with italian cheeses and herbs. try them with sauteed chicken breasts in a creamy garlic sauce or with braised beef in a balsamic demi-glaze. tonight at your olive garden. don't suffer waiting for your pills to kick in. add alaway. for fast eye itch relief that works in minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. for fast eye itch relief, add alaway. ♪ so prince harry is surrounded by snow as he trains for his daring trek to the north pole. we have nbc special correspondent ben fogle on the trip with him. hey, ben. how are you holding up? >> reporter: good morning. it's very cold here. but prince harry spent the day learning the necessary skills that he'll need as he joins the trek to the north pole which meant getting to know the real meaning of sub zero temperatures. after a bone chilling day on the ice training in the life-saving immersion suit there was light relief as well for prince harry and the group of wounded soldiers before the arctic trek. having pulled his possessions behind him, prince harry spent his first night in the snow learning to camp in the arctic conditions that will be his kingdom for the next week or so. after setting the tent his temporary royal residence, the guide brought his dog to stand guard and protect the prince from the threat of polar bears. it was a cold night as temperatures plunged to 25 below zero. how was his first night in the arctic? >> it was good. things happened that i never want to speak of ever again. >> reporter: an early start and he woke to a small audience one last time before he and the team of injured soldiers trek into one of the most remote areas on the planet. >> how was your night? >> we have been here all night waiting for you to wake up. >> you kept quiet. well done. >> we didn't want to disturb you. >> reporter: as the prince packed up, we asked the guide the question everyone wants to know. does he snore? >> he has this cozy little -- mm. this little bass going. it's not snoring. more like a little bass in the background. >> reporter: i'm not sure if that piece of information got the royal seal of approval or not. well, the team have been delayed up to 24 hours due to poor weather conditions in the north that just demonstrates how extreme this hostile environment really is, which means that in the meantime, prince harry and the soldiers will be holed up here in svalbard. ann? >> ben, take care of yourself. hopefully they won't be too delayed. there is a wedding to go to. by the way, we have a royal wedding app now available on iphones. so to download it, it's free. you can get ready for next month's big event and hopefully harry will be there. up next, george oliphant has quick, easy, inexpensive ways to convert the spare room in your home after this. dove invited real women to have their close-ups taken by a fashion photographer. then we asked them to try new dove visible care. a revolutionary new line of body wash with the highest concentration of nutrium moisture. visible care makes skin visibly more beautiful in just 1 week. ♪ when they saw how much more beautiful and radiant their skin looked with new dove visible care... there was only one question. ♪ new dove visible care creme body wash. ♪ i wear what i love, because expression means everything. ♪ too hot to trot some say i'm one-of-a-kind. i say i'm so chico's. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's new mccafé shakes. with a fresh look and delicious new toppings, they're a brand-new way to indulge. new mccafé shakes. oh. thank you, baby. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of love at first sight. but the nicoderm cq patch gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free. i mean they're rewards, right? right? right. with the bankamericard cash rewards™ credit card... i get 1% cash back on every purchase. 1% cash back on groceries. highlights. frog leg green. 1% cash back on... whatever that is? and there is no limit to the amount of cash back you can earn. no expiration on rewards. no hoops to jump through. -simple. -i love this card. looove it. [ male announcer ] the refreshingly simple bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. [ male announcer ] the davis twins... ...are alike in nearly every way... ...right down to brushing their teeth. so how did only one get gingivitis? well, one in two people do. thankfully, there's new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. looks like the twins are even again. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. life opens up when you do. the coolest deals on the hottest appliances are all at sears, all at the lowest prices of the season. sale starts friday, at sears. this morning, giving new purpose to an extra room. an old bedroom or office can be easily converted into a new, useful space with a minimum cost, new furniture and a fresh coat of paint. "today" contributor george oliphant went to the rescue of a young widow in westchester county, new york. >> dear george, the day after my honeymoon my husband had a seizure, fell, broke his neck and died. his passing left me unsure how to handle the office space/workout room where he would spend his time. >> that was his room. i would walk into it and stand there and i wouldn't know what to do. >> if you could help me move forward with this room without leaving him behind i would be grateful. when you read something like this, you have to help. that's what we're going to do. first things first, we have to get everything out of here -- the books, shelves, bowflex, it's all got to go. then when our designer shows up, she knows what she's working with. what do you think we can do? >> make it lighter looking, paint a wall blue, but not the whole room. >> a fresh coat of paint changes the look of a room. once it's done, time to start designing. all right, nicky, this place looks fantastic. what a transformation. see what kristin thinks. welcome home from work. i'm glad to see you came in your scrubs. >> couldn't wait to get home. >> what do you say we check it out? >> sounds good. oh, my god. thank you. thank you. you made this apartment more of a home again. >> all about the first step, right? >> exactly. >> and george oliphant, host of "george to the rescue" is here with us with quick ways to convert a room. good morning. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> that was great. she was so deserving of it. >> what a wonderful lady. >> a lot of people want to copy the concept. what should you consider first? >> okay. you have a space. you're like, do i need a guest room, tv room, home office? why not all in one? multi-purpose furniture is your best friend. >> what do you have? >> we have great pieces. this is a couch but at the same time you have guests over, want a guest bedroom? push it forward and now you have a bed. >> and a chair. >> you can bring it back up, lounge, watch tv. everything folds up. that's the idea behind bow concept and multi-purpose furniture. you can have it as a little sitting room. then, oh, let me get dishes out or, oh, we have company coming, want to get rid of the dishes. >> great storage space. it's so comfortable. people assume with multi functional furniture you think dorm room, but it doesn't have to be. >> not at all. this is sturdy, high quality furniture that will go in any house. it could be in a college dorm or a nice house. >> this caught attention. >> all in one. you just fold everything up. i'm doing it backwards. it folds right into an ottoman like that. the storage solutions are there. you save space and away you go. >> it beats an air mattress. it's cute. >> who needs that? this is cuter and the air mattress would be still pumping. you want to have plenty of places to store books, knickknacks. a great way is shopping inside your house. find things that are stuffed on a back shelf, you're not using. bring them out, put them on a shelf, give them new life. >> you said something -- this is a decal. >> this is a picture of me from a rescue in north carolina. you can get anything, stock images like sports figures or animals if you have little kids or you can do something from home like family photos. put it on the wall and it personalizes the space. >> a fresh coat of paint. >> changes every room. >> all right. congratulations to kristin. how do people get in contact? i know you want to help. >> send an e-mail to this weekend, "george to the rescue" season 2 kicks off. watch it. >> you need a theme song. >> we do. something rocking. >> as long as you don't dance. >> are you saying my dancing isn't good? >> you're better in the home. up next, simple italian dishes you can serve tonight. first this is "today" on nbc. blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. this morning on "today's kitchen" step by step italian cooking. chef scott conant of scarpetta and the cosmetopolitan las vega is here with easy italian dishes that can be a meal or a side. nice to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> we should talk about how busy you have been. new restaurants in miami. >> miami, toronto, beverly hills and las vegas as well. i have had new york for a while. >> what is d.o.c.g.? >> it's a stamp of quality. you know how champagne is from champagne in france? it represents the same stamp of quality essentially. >> a class of wine? >> exactly. a stamp of quality for certain wines coming from certain places with a certain grape type. anyway, it's a reference to that. >> nice. what are we doing today. >> today we have stromboli. i have a beautiful dough we made. >> you have done the dough. >> i have. we're doing one with salami. the other with broccoli rabe, smoked mozzarella and ricotta. >> this is a vegetarian version? >> i'm doing the meat version. we have garlic that i'm putting inside. >> spread it across? i'm not going to put it in a lane that we wrap around later. >> do whatever you want. just spread it around. >> how involved was the dough making? >> simple dough. it's really straightforward. olive oil, yeast, water, little bit of salt. really simple and straightforward. the fun part is rolling this thing up. you stuff it nicely, fold it over. >> we have a limited amount of time here. >> this is goat? >> ricotta and fresh mozzarella. broccoli rabe. >> fold it by thirds and roll it up nicely just like that. perfect. then on top i add a little bit of olive oil, rub it on. a little bit of sea salt some tomatoes, some rosemary and pop it in the oven. i'll show you the finished product. >> is this a formal meal? >> this is something that's very rustic. it's in the bread basket at scarpetta. at docg it's on the menu. great with wine. great in the morning with a cappuccino. >> really? why does yours look better than mine and we are already started? >> i don't look as good as you though. i have caramelized onions in sausage. i will add the cookled rigatoni. let it cook for a couple of minutes. add beautiful spinach. this is a great -- you can do it without sausage as well if you're vegetarian. spinach, cherry tomatoes. i cook this beforehand. so when customers -- not customers, but when i have guests at home or something, just for example, i'll keep this right in the pot, cook it 10, 15 minutes before they arrive. when i'm ready to serve it, i pop it in the oven and let it heat up for 20 minutes. so i keep it right in the pot. >> if you like goat cheese, you can go heavy? >> not a problem at all. why not? people love that gooey good stuff. >> can't get enough. >> we heat it up, finish it in the oven. or we can go directly to the plate. >> oh! >> we like it! >> i'm done with you. >> oh, oh. >> this is amazing. this is a stromboli. >> we have garlic nundini as well which are garlic knots. and we have whipped ricotta. >> i'll live vicariouvicariousl >> good stuff. >> what's elephant garlic? >> you know what it is. the big one. >> i thought it came from an elephant. i don't know. >> all right. >> we're just here to learn. >> just here to learn. >> observe. >> the stromboli is delicious with the salami inside and that's vegetarian. >> it could be elephant. i have to be careful. >> such a nice quiet set before we arrived. >> sorry. >> scott, thank you so much. what's coming up? >> uno. >> kim cattrall is in the house. she has a new movie out. >> she plays an aging porn star as only kim can. she's really great in the film. >> terrific. >> it's actually moving. that sounds funny, but it's true. >> stick around. >> much more, but first your local news. kind of yucky out there drizzling. 40-something degrees. we'll find out from tom in a moment. good morning and welcome. 9:56 is the time. i'm barbara harrison. in the news at this hour, police say a train hit and killed a man in prince george's county overnight. it happened at the riverdale rail station on queensbury road. police are now working to find out who the man is and why he was on those tracks. it's opening day for the nationals. the team kicks off its season this afternoon against the atlanta braves. the game will start at 1:00. that's if the weather cooperates. and the person who can tell us if it will or won't, or at least maybe, tom. good morning. i think there may be a few sprinkles during the game, maybe a little bit of drizzle, but they can play under those conditions. and at game time, should be in the mid-40s. first pitch is at 1:05. but toward the end of the game, we may get some steadier rain, but they may get in six innings. that's enough for a complete game. and then some steady rain tonight. precipitation may be ending as a little wet snow predawn friday. then gusty winds tomorrow to 40 miles an hour, highs near 50. then over the weekend, warming up. jerry, how's traffic? tom, still tough on the beltway outer loop. delays begin just after springfield to the remnants of this morning's truck accident on the shoulder on the outer loop at telegraph road. but plan on needing a little additional travel time if you're headed over there. but there is good news. to the american legion bridge, no late issues. outer loop and inner loop looks good. travel lanes are open there. barbara? that you, jerry. today on "news 4 midday," you may see them at the gym, but do you know how to use them? "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody, so glad you're with us today. it's thirst-day thursday, the last day, thank you, lord, of march. >> it's a rainy day, and usually on rainy days, we don't get a big crowd outside, but there's quite a crowd. >> i have to say, let's get a close-up of them. a lot of young kids. >> we're glad you guys are all here with us today. >> how are you, hoda woman? >> doing well. >> we showed up today in time to see something you all are going to see. i think it comes out today. >> maybe it's already out. >> this was a nice present this morning. rob lowe is on the cover of vanity fair. it's almost 30 years since he did the breakthrough film "the outlanders." is that what it's called? >> "the outsiders." >> "the outsiders." >> when you look at him, you can't believe how cute he continues to be. >> i read with him once, and i think i was 24 and he was 14. he looked like that when he was 14. >> and those are his two sons. >> they look like the kids from "the outsiders" back then. >> can we go back to the one with the robe? there's a thing about men in bathrobes, they look better wet. look at him. there's something about just out of the pool and with a robe on. >> let's face it, this man is of a different species. not every guy looks good wet. i don't want to be cruel, but let's not just make a blanket thing. >> you don't want to do that? >> no, i want to be honest with people. >> by the way, the celebs were out last night. >> usually we go to our broadway show on wednesday but i've been working on my musical and that keeps me here until 6:00, so we've been going on wednesday night. >> we went and noticed right away there was sting and his wife trudie, and sandra bullock and her sister and another friend there. >> she took out her phone and showed us pictures of lilouie. >> louie in the bathtub with foam all around him. >> and she said he stuffs his cheeks. >> and by the time she gets it out, it's just the peel. he was the cutest kid. it's so fun to be we are because she's so real. she's a mother. >> she's adorable. "the book of mormon" is one of these broadway shows that you think either will be hysterical or you'll be highly offended. i think you'll know what category you're in. it's one of those that pokes at religion. if you get a kick out of that, you'll like it, and if not, it will probably be difficult. >> it's gotten reviews that i have not seen since "the producers" with nathan lane. well, mel brooks wrote it. i remember going to see "the producers," it was opening night, and i remember laughing my sides off from the moment it started until it ended, and being sore the next day. that's what i was expecting. what throuew me off a bit was se of the subject matter. they're not talking about that in the reviews, and i think you need to know there is reference to raping babies, there is reference to circumcision of women, all because it takes place in uganda. there are great dancing and terrific performances, but to warn you, this is not a family show. >> i found myself, and not, obviously, on those parts, but there were parts of it that were hysterical. you literally were gasping for breath. it was one of those shows that sometimes you even feel guilty laughing at some of the parts you end up laughing at. >> we have a great sense of humor, i think, we can laugh at pretty much everything, but for me, especially, if you're a person of sincere personal faith, and many, regardless of what you read, still are in this world, i felt -- if that's your faith, you know, if donny and marie were sitting in the audience, i don't know. i don't know, it's the subject matter for me. nothing to do with the creative process. it's brilliant in that level, but be careful, because -- i was in the minority, i got to be honest. everybody was going crazy for it. >> everybody was howeling and laughing, and they would clap twice like it was a clap-on. it was quirky and funny throughout. >> a really terrific performance. just know what you're getting into because i haven't seen much in the reviews that discusses the subject matter. every april this time of year, i work with child help. every april we light a candle. we started out lighting three candles for the three children who die every day of child abuse. now we're up to five candles, because every day in this world five children die of child abuse and neglect. maybe i'm just so close to that and the aids situation, it's hard for me to find humor in those situations. maybe it's healthy to do that, but it was off-putting for me. >> we noticed rob lowe is 47 years old, and we don't see any gray on him. they say he has peeks of gray coming through, but i don't see it. so it was asked, is it okay if men dye their hair? >> kathie lee said, of course, it is, but get it done professionally so you don't look like you're wearing an eggplant. >> that's the problem with these product. the color on the box is not what ends up on your head, and when the light hits it, it looks like it's eggplant. >> and a lot of guys do it themselves. >> yes, because they're embarrassed to go to a salon. i think it's a double standard, hoda. you get your hair colored. >> yes. >> i say go sexy on men, i say go natural, but if you're going to color your hair, let some gray come through so it looks natural. >> i have to color my hair or it looks awful. >> that's your greatest fear if you went to prison. >> i don't care about the prison part. >> i'm telling you, you would. >> i wouldn't. if i was in solitary, that would be good. >> we know what she looks like. we have a picture but we won't bring it up. >> let's talk about your bangs for a change. yesterday for some reason, you were -- >> i wore my hair straight. for some reason it was in my face a lot, so i was doing this a lot. >> let's count how many times we've done that. let's watch a little tape. >> i'm touching my bangs a lot today, and every time i do it, they're all doing shots. >> yeah, shots of caffeine, we hope. shots of caffeine. >> people on facebook noticed it and they started counting. and god knows how many they got up to. >> you know how you blow-dry your hair a certain way -- your bangs are in your face a little more. >> they just go where they want. i leave it alone. another thing that was big on facebook was this whole zumba craze. that's that dance aerobics dance thing run by this guy -- >> don't show that again! >> joann, i know you're back there. >> you're not even making an attempt to do what he's doing. >> i have my own thing going on. the bottom line is this zumba craze was so huge that on our facebook page, everybody wants us to do it. please don't show this. i don't like it at all. >> you could not be able to color your hair in prison. which do you prefer? >> all these people are writing on facebook saying they dropped all this weight, and they didn't change anything else in their lives, all they did was take this zumba class, and you're dancing and wsweating and don't realize you're losing weight. >> today is the birthday of one of my favorite people in the world. he's 89 years old today, and i just want to wish him -- one of my favorite people on the planet. i love my jimmy. i don't know where he's watching, either florida or up here, but, anyway. >> happy birthday. >> i don't do it all the time, but there are certain people who reach that milestone. jimmy, we're going to have a big celebration on your 90th. i guess that must be you coming up. >> it is! now, i decided this week i wanted to go a little country because i think it's time to go a little country. you can have great workout country music. >> i love country, i'm probably going to like this. >> listen to the words, especially the second verse because it's so good. it's called "hiptown." ♪ little jimmy jackson is jacking up his bronco ♪ he's going to lay a little rubber later on at the truck pull ♪ all the girls are getting ready to spray it on the white rain ♪ they're getting ready for a night down at the football game ♪ when we got the money, let it ro roll. >> you have to hear the beginning part of the second verse, it's so good. here we go. ♪ in a hip town. go, kim! go, kim. kim, you're going to love this. ♪ you can see the neighbor's butt crack laying on a shingle ♪ and a man smocking pall malls watching laura ingalls. ♪ grandma's getting lit. >> okay, "hiptown." >> i was turned off by the butt crack. i just was. >> you didn't like that part? >> i spend hours agonizing over lyrics and songs. why don't i just throw butt crack in there. >> it will work. >> hi, sara. >> our facebook wall is zumbalicious. joann says she lost 35 pounds. kim says she usually burns about 400 calories. susan lost 82 pounds. >> just having fun? >> you don't even realize you're working out. >> think about so you solitary people are. sedentary. solitary is some computer booth, what's they're called. for centuries we got up and farmed and moved around, we didn't get on planes and fly anywhere, we had to go lose it on our own. >> i think this class is transforming people. >> we have to try it. coming up, what you're saying on a date before you even open up your mouth. the body language. we're going to talk with a woman so good at playing the tramp next door. this time in a trailer. right after this. i really want dessert.nigh. i better skip breakfast. yep, this is all i need. [ stomach growls ] [ female announcer ] skipping breakfast to get ahead? research shows that women who eat breakfast, like the special k breakfast, actually weigh less. now in new multigrain oats and honey. with honey kissed whole grains... you'll never want to skip breakfast again. make your breakfast beautiful. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. there's not a "sex in the city" fan alive who didn't want to be like the sultry hannah jones. >> kim cattrall is playing a washed-up girl. take a look. >> what's that? oh, yeah, right. the drive-in waitress one. bending over in roller skates is not as easy as it looks. >> you should have seen her reaction when the clip came up. this is a very brave performance. you had to gain weight for this, you had to allow the camera right in the face that supposedly has been abused with life, that kind of a life for so long. obviously, as an actress, we know why it appealed to you, but did you have any reservations at all about allowing yourself to be portrayed that way? >> i did. when i was a very young actress, i worked with the great jack lemmon, and i said to him, how do you choose your products? and he said, if i read a script and it scares me, i know i have to do it. and this one really scared the hell out of me, it really did. >> you fought for this, didn't you? >> i did. there's very few roles after 50. >> tell me about it. you can always be a talk show host. >> i could never -- you guys are so great, i don't know how you do it. >> you know what's great about this, you're very iconic in that role, and i can tell you how easily it was so believable in an instant, just the way you played it, how emotional you got -- >> thank you. >> there was that beautiful scene where he was serving you breakfast and your heart broke -- >> meaning this 18-year-old kid who has been in fat waitfatuate you, just so we know. >> it reminds me so much of "harold and maude," which i loved as a kid. it was about two misfits who need each other to go to the next stage of their lives. >> and neither of them have friends. >> no, they don't. they're misfits. he's been in love with her every time any kind of sexual urge was happening. this is his ep tomorroitome of woman. he finds out she's stripping at a place called the petting zoo. he showed a little bit more than he's ever showed. >> yeah, he did, he did. thank you, brian. >> thank you, brian. and he goes on this journey to meet her and then meets her -- >> in a weinermobile. >> in a weinermobile. and she's over the hill. the first scene reminded me when i read it of "bus stop" with marilyn monroe when she's in that dive and she's performing. my heart went out to her. >> it's so easy for us as a culture to dismiss people like that and make fun of them and call them trash, but this movie shows the humanity of the woman. >> they're so margealized, but i think women are marge in inalize older they get. >> there are women who are over 50 that go to women and don't mind seeing people like them, right? >> the movie industry is having a tough time because cable is a real competitive force, so for people to come out first of all to make these movies, the people who pro duduced these movies ar all right. they're attracted to them. >> i liked toby. >> i thought, how am i going to have chemistry with a 17-year-old boy? but i did. >> i'm sure you did. it opens april 8 in new york and l.a. >> it was great to see you again. >> thank you. up next, the photos that make you say, what? >> and what is your body telling you that people are not? we'll talk to the body expert a littl little later, but first these messages. ♪ throw a ball thursday ♪ water, water wednesday ♪ touch your toes tuesday ♪ ♪ let's move monday ♪ swap a snack sunday announcer: 60 minutes of physical activity a day and eating well can help get your child healthy. so keep them active and eating well every day. get ideas. get involved. get going at that's you know, each year, olive garden sends over 100 of us to study the art of italian cooking. we learn from master chefs. we visit the local markets. we talk to the artisans. we learn all the little secrets of italian cooking and bring them back to share with you. inspired by italy, our new handmade puff pastries. generously filled with italian cheeses and herbs. try them with sauteed chicken breasts in a creamy garlic sauce or with braised beef in a balsamic demi-glaze. tonight at your olive garden. don't suffer waiting for your pills to kick in. add alaway. for fast eye itch relief that works in minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. for fast eye itch relief, add alaway. for fast eye itch relief, ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. we're back with "the things that make you say what?" . sara is here to show us what she found. >> they keep coming in. the first one in was liz bennett bailey from boon creek, tennessee. my husband and i were on our way out and found a true shopping paradise for hoda and kathie lee. >> kathie lee and hoda, you all would fit in just great here. our church is like fudge, sweet with a few nuts. >> they were having a shot contest the other day. they might be out of it. the next one was sent in by gregory in missouri. we have seven dogs and four cats and sometimes they just like to hang out. that cat is asleep. he's asleep, yeah. kitties will sleep anywhere, they're like babies. they are babies. the next one is sent in by christine dworkin from pal palo alto, california. it seems the college campus is even out to cause abstinence. it says, no sex. but they're out to change the signs because the directions actually said no sex. >> thanks, sara! send your photos to us. the best and worst prepared for a financial crisis. this one woman is going to you what your body language says about you and how it could be stopping you from getting the love you're looking for. and i went online to find a way. ♪ what really excited me about chantix -- it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. while you're taking the medication, for the first week, you can go ahead and smoke. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about chantix. and find out how you can save money on your prescription. go to to get terms and conditions. . fans are hoping the rain will not ruin opening day for the washington nationals. coming up on "newsz 4 mis 4 mid what's new at the ballpark this season? good morning. i'm barbara harrison. also coming up, an exercise ball is a versatile, inexpensive piece of equipment that you can store anywhere, but do you really know how to use it? our fitness guru has ideas for yo we're back on this thirst day and how to get what you're looking for when you go out on a date. >> that's for me. who wrote that? it's all about communication. there's no better way to flirt than sending non-verbal cues. so we went on a mission to decode body language at an event in manhattan to learn about the signals you're really sending. from angelina's hair shape to scarle scarlett's sultry ga gaze, body language is a very loud form of flirting. >> i always consider my body language because i might throw in my hips a little bit. >> we brought in joe ann driver, a professional in the city on a speed dating business. >> most women are sitting with their hands folded. this is how women sit on "the apprentice" just before they're fired by donald trump. this woman is holding her wrist, a sign she needs reassurance. paper in front of her on her lap. a sign she needs protection. and crossed ankles is giving the message you want to be somewhere else. over here, she's overly animated in a tight situation. gestures should be away from your body. he's coming across as desperate and overly aggressive. the date here, i actually like this move. make sure you do it on the far side. now i'm open to the person. people like people who are like themselves. the best way to see it is mirroring. when people sit the same way. when people talk about the it factor, this woman has it. she looks like she's talking to her sister or best friend. look at her. now she's hugging the guy. this is what it's about. the only couple i've seen so far that seem comfortable. this is a great strategy. move your body, move your mind. they're going to remember each other. some guys are doing what's called the figure 4 position. one ankle is crossing the knee of another. it basically says, look what i have to offer. we've got some confident boys here tonight. >> whoa! we are here with body language expert janine driver, offer of "you say more than you think" and also speed dater mark keller. >> that looks fascinating. i've never done something like that. >> you're married. >> even if you're married, it would be fun to convene with people so quickly. >> you were talking about crossed ankles and crossed wrists. we were sitting here going, our wrists are crossed. kathie lee said, i hold myself all the time. >> body language means nothing. it's how it's quade. what's your perceived value? when you hold your wrist, you could be potentially sending the signal, i want to be by myself. who held our wrist in our life? our mother when we were in trouble. your mother would grab your wrist and say, get over here, young lady. it's a sign you need reassurance. >> show us one of the speed daters and what she was doing right or wrong. >> katie is really open. see how she's leaning back. she's keeping the three zones open. her neck area, belly, and the area i call the naughty abyss. look at this woman, she's holding herself in, she looks like she's going to vomit on a roller coaster. >> but i don't think she's talking to anyone. >> the bottom line, guys are going to see her in a couple minutes. this one is genuine -- >> oh, they're all waiting. >> the guys will sit next to them in the next few minutes. they rotate constantly. katie leaning back, sign of power. this is something angelina jolie would do. >> so sit back. >> adorable, adorable. >> sir -- wait, this is the ankle cross. what is this saying? >> she's going with this ankle cross. think about when you have to go to the bathroom, what do you do? >> i go to the bathroom. >> what if someone is talking to you? >> she still gets up and leaves. >> if someone is talking to you, you're going to hang on tight, right? >> it looks like she waited too long. >> this is very interesting, though, because who teaches us to do this? our mothers and our grandmothers. our mothers and grandmothers tell us it's a polite way to sit. it sends the wrong message. >> so, mark, how do you think you did? show us -- >> mark is extremely confident, but you're getting a little too much into her intimate space. intimate space is less than 18 inches. this is where our loved ones go, and occasionally mark was getting into people's space. we'll talk about the great things mark did at the end here, but really, you need to be cautious on getting too close for comfort. >> what else was he doing wrong? >> i like this move, quite frankly. it's not that bad. the lower torso is close because mark had no choice, right, you were sitting next to the person. i love this pop. see this elbow pop? kathie lee, you're doing it now. that elbow pop is a sign of confidence. so once you pop the elbow and take a little bit of space, this says confidence. >> how do people take up space? >> i like this. be careful again on getting too close. a second earlier, you were a little too close to her. >> did you get any dates from this thing? >> it's a process. first you e-mail -- >> he didn't get it. >> mark is leaning forward. when you lean forward, this is a sprinter's pose like hoda is doing right now. it says you're ready to take action. this has a very high perceived value. what i'm not crazy about, though, mark, is you're giving her what's called the cold shoulder. we face our belly buttons toward people we like, admire and trust. she's not facing you, you're not facing her. this is the cold shoulder. >> they just met! >> look how she's sitting, excuse me. >> i follow her lead. >> you're doing awesome, mark. he's not only leaning forward, but his elbows are out here on his knees. this is going to score him a lot of dates, so you will get those numbers. >> can you sta >> if you start controlling how your body is, you're not being authentic. >> and kathie, you're hitting the nail on the head. it goes from intense first, then body language, then thirnging and words. thinking comes after your body language. be genuine. think of something that brings you happiness, and before you know it, you land a man orla la a girl. how to be good with your money. hey girls, do this... ♪ got that dry, damaged feeling? well, pantene's got moisture for you. pantene's dry to moisturized collections. customized pro-v formulas that give your hair the healthy moisture it craves. for lightweight fullness or deep conditioned smooth. find yours and love it or twice your money back. that's the smart beauty guarantee. the dry to moisturized collections from pantene. healthy makes it happen. dinner with the girls tonight. i really want dessert. i better skip breakfast. yep, this is all i need. [ stomach growls ] [ female announcer ] skipping breakfast to get ahead? research shows that women who eat breakfast, like the special k breakfast, actually weigh less. now in new multigrain oats and honey. with honey kissed whole grains... you'll never want to skip breakfast again. make your breakfast beautiful. hi, guys! >> so this is an interesting deal. you were trying to find out, they were trying to find out where the most fiscally responsible people live. what states are -- what did you find out? >> we found out, believe it or not, that the most fiscally responsible people -- and this is, by the way, from a survey by stenra -- they're in new jersey. i was kind of surprised by that. >> what do you look at, though? >> they look at a couple very specific factors. do you have an emergency fund? do you have that three months' worth of money set aside just in case? >> three months is hardly anything. people have been unemployed for two years now. >> quite frankly, i'd rather see six, i'd rather see nine, but three is better than nothing. and in other states, they do not. >> what are the worst? >> montana on the bottom. also oklahoma on the bottom and kentucky. and it correlates to income, it correlates to education. people who know better tend to do better. so we also took a look at people where they consistently spend less than they earn. very good thing. again, new jersey on top. >> interesting. who knew? >> yet their state has been in such fiscal trouble for so long. >> we hope that's changing, right? i was tweeting out, what does new jersey have that other states don't to try to get people to play along. take the bus, really good tomatoes. >> right across the street with sara. >> we have a question from kathy from washington, d.c. she has a question about a rainy day fund. >> i recently retired, and it's really scary to touch my nest egg, yet i want to keep quality in my life. how do i find a balance with that? >> you're talking about your nest egg. are you talking about your emergency fund, that three months, or are we talking about retirement funds? >> retirement funds. i do have a pension, so this is what i put away extra. >> the rule of thumb is you can tap 4% of that money every single year -- >> total. >> -- and that retirement fund will last. the 4% is a moving target, because if the markets go down and your nest egg is smaller, you can only take 4% of that smaller amount. but there's been a lot of research on this. if you stick to that guideline, you'll be okay. >> another question? >> next up we've got allison from colorado springs and she has a question about emergency funds. >> i wanted to know what people do when they do have an emergency fund and it gets taken up by uncovered medical costs and right now my husband is unemployed. we had a nest egg and now it's all gone. >> that's what an emergency fund is for. an emergency fund is so if somebody does get unemployed, you don't have to throw everything on a credit card. as your financial situation gets better, you need to put money back into that account so you build it back up again, you have it for the future. you cannot expect yourself to do it overnight. >> but her husband is out of work now, so how do you do that? what do you live on? >> you look at whatever is coming in from unemployment on what she's earning, you cut back on every expense you can. it means paying attention, but when you finally do turn the corner, you know how important those savings are, so you build them back up. >> thanks, jean! >> fitness fashion trends will get you back on the treadmill, we think. after this. [ female announcer ] if soap dries itself, imagine what it can do to your skin. but dove isn't soap. it contains pure 1/4 moisturizing cream because, everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. and who knows moisture better than dove. because, everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. ♪ call on me, brother, when you need a hand ♪ ♪ we all need somebody... brawny now comes with a money back guarantee. when you want a paper towel that can do it all, lean on me. ♪ when you need something strong ♪ brawny never lets you down. delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. need something to inspire you to get your body in motion? how about the hottest trends in fitness. >> expert fitness founder, she has the inside scoop to round out your wardrobe from head to toe. >> it does make you feel better when you're wearing something great. motivates you. >> it does. we're seeing a lot of animal prints and metallic. >> here? >> yes. >> let's start with tyra. she's wearing a running and jogging outfit. >> we have tyra in an adidas jacket and sneakers. you can see she has some cleavage showing. >> is she not wearing socks? >> no socks. this is a trend that's going on right now. >> are they comfortable. >> they're really comfortable. >> but you're not running in them. you don't get blisters? >> no. and you see the zebra prints on the side. this little wrist thing she has going on, that's a pocket where she can put her keys or whatever. >> next we have laura who is modelling in tennis gear. tell us about this. >> she's wearing a fanny pack. >> fanny packs are in. >> fanny packs are in, but it's slimmer. this gives her waist a little bit of a -- >> she doesn't have a waist. >> this dress she's wearing is by brazil. it has a short underneath so she has a range of motion, and this brand stretches from size zero to 12. so this dress can fit many different sizes. >> is there a sports bra in there built-in? sdplz >> no, she has one on. >> next we have nicole and she's got her dance gear on, her zumba outfit. >> i like nicole's outfit. the neckline of her body rocks. >> that was a sports bra. i got it. >> we're seeing the metallics here. she has a skirt on over npd sports confidence-boosting capris. she was telling me she thought it really helped her in. >> next we've got natalie. she's modelling for the golfer. adorable. >> unconventional, because we're used to seeing the visor and a lot of white. natalie has a more sexy look going on but she's more covered up and supported. she has an npd top much like i'm wearing that has that peek-a-boo cutout, and her skirt has the shorts underneath and she's got these great metallic shoes. they look like sneakers but they're actually golf shoes. >> thanks, ladies, very much. >> thank you, bianca. up next, something smells good in there. it's nick salina. >> what's he making? >> he's cooking up a dinner party for you, but first, this is "today" on nbc. what's all this? big news! we have another way to help you save. oh, really? how? by bundling. if you get your homeowners and auto insurance together, we give you even more savings. ooh! big bundle. [ chuckling ] home and auto together. it's like peanut butter and jelly. oh, or like burgers and fries. or pickles and ice cream. unicorns and glitter! no? bundling to save you more. now, that's progressive! call or click today. it's time to take you into today's kitchen and we're getting saucy with italian made easy. >> it's your turn to host a dinner party but you don't know what to make. nick salina makes cooking for friends easy. you're making one of my husband's favorite things. >> you know, i would like to publicly thank my pr agent to get me on this show. i said, i want to be on a show with beautiful women. they fulfilled my request. thank you very much. >> they'll be here next time. until then you got us. >> very important for people to know never use this end because it will shred completely. rips it apart. and you need a piece of plastic on it. this way the meat expands and it won't tear. here's a technique that many people don't do at home. we place it right on top. lots of people turn it around. it makes hard clumps is doesn't stick to the meat. look at this. in my own mind, i am a genius. i consider myself a handsome chef and one of the quickest thinking chefs. >> charming. >> we're using extra light olive oil, place it in here. you want to cook this for about 1.5 minutes per side. we have a piece that we've done already. >> this is so delicious. >> we have cooked -- this is the color that we want. when you take it out, the bone thing you want to do is make sure you already have a paper towel ready. >> to soak up the oil. >> exactly. i don't know if this thing is on. you know what, make this thing explode. let's go to tomato tucanke. >> what? >> it's a word i made up. we mix a little bit of olive oil and basil, just like that. then a little bit of salt, garlic powder, oregano. at this point you say, oh, my gosh, i'm so tired. then you rest and you move on with a tomato pesto. this is an art form most often seen in the likes of michelangelo paintings. according to my wife, i am the most handsome man on television today, and i say this with the benefit of making such a perfect dish, that i wanted to make sure i looked beautiful. tomorrow we have dating ad
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