our sunday morning cover story. >> the medal of honorary flects the gratitude of the entire nation. ( applause ) >> reporter: the medal of honor is the nation's highest award. anybody who wears it is looked upon as a hero. but that's not how it feels to dakota meyer >> i can never forget that i'm a failure. it's in the face of the nation not just me. >> reporter: this sunday morning, a marine from this small town in kentucky comes to grips with the burden of wearing the medal of honor. >> osgood: the art of healing takes the form of healing art in a world-famous medical center in this country called cedar sinai. its a boost to the spirit and to good health as bill whitaker will show us >> reporter: thousands of pieces of contemporary art right in the middle of the country's second largest city yet it's one of l.a.'s biggest secrets. >> robert rawshenberg, frank stela, david hockney >> reporter: and this is throughout the hospital >> it's everywhere. we're trying to an environment conducive to healing >> reporter: join us to explore this vast collection of contemporary treasures few people even know exist later on sunday morning. >> osgood: among other things, fall means a new season for entertainment. throughout the morning we'll be looking ahead to what's on offer. in the field of pop music, that means a new offering from the rock band "no doubt." anthony mason has been sampling the tracks. >> reporter: it's been more than a decade since "no doubt" released a new record. but one of the '90s' biggest bands is back. >> the boys rehearse way more than me because i kind of feel like i'll just wing it. >> reporter: style icon and lead singer gwen stefani has returned to her roots. ahead on sunday morning, "no doubt" is making music again. >> osgood: nora roberts is a novelist who is anything but a novelty in this or any other publishing season. this morning she shares some of her wildly successful book-writing secrets with our rit a braver >> she's one of the most successful writers in the world, and she makes no apologies about what sells. >> you want these characters to have fabulous sex. either very romantic sex or fun sex or hot sex >> reporter: later on sunday morning, we'll meet the real nora roberts. >> osgood: mo rocca talks with actress and screen writer. mark strassman goes back stage at the tv series homeland. steve hartman marvels at one man's marvelous ways and much more. but first the headline for this morning the 23rd of september, 2012. a pakistani official has placed a bounty on the head of the man behind the film that triggered protests around the islamic world. the film maker, who has questioned by police in los angeles last weekend, has now gone into hiding. the state department is taking cnn to task for reopening and reporting the contents of a slain american ambassador christopher stevens' personal journal despite the objections of his family. the news channel says it found the journal four days after stevens was killed in the recent attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya. egypt's new president is calling on the united states to change its attitude toward the arab world. in an interview in "new york times," mohammed morsi says his country wants friendship but the united states must respect the cultural differences of the arab world. a salmonella outbreak has prompted a peanut butter recall. it involves the creamy salted valencia variety sold in trader joe's stores. the tainted peanut butter has sickened at least 29 people in 18 states. police plan to charge the man who was mauled by a tiger after jumping into the bronx zoo's tiger den. the 25-year-old is said to have told investigators that he wanted, in his words, to be one with the tiger. the hospital says he is in stable condition, physically anyway. mickey hart, the drummer for grateful dead joined a neurologist for a presentation at the national convention of the a.a.r.p. in new orleans. their topic, the positive effects of music on the brain. among other things they said music helps to offset the mental declines of aging. in the netherlands some uninvited guests ruined a girl's sweet 16 party pry fry night. the crowd of several thousand turned up at her house after seeing an invitation to the party on facebook. police made 34 arrests after being called in to break up the crowd. now for today's weather. you don't even need a calendar to know that autumn has arrived. today mostly cooler temperatures will prevail across much of the country. the week ahead will be mild and mostly sunny up north, but with plenty of rain elsewhere. finally. >> i just remember turning around to look and there was a guy standing above me... >> osgood: next medal of honor winner dakota meyer tells his story >> he had an ak-47. i was like, what do i do now? >> osgood: and later? don't worry about kunar >> osgood: starting over after a traumatic event is never an easy task. not even for a young man this nation honors as a hero. our cover story is reported by national security correspondent david martin. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome dakota meyer. ( applause ) >> thank you. reporter: for dakota meyer, the medal of honor is a full-time job which keeps him on the road 20 or more days each month. >> we could go out and make a difference >> reporter: here he is at a job fair for veterans in quantico, virginia. >> they told me i would be receiving the medal of honor i told them i didn't want it because i don't feel like a hero. then the president said something to me. he said it's bigger than you. i never really thought about that until afterwards. it is bigger than me. >> thank you all so much reporter: behind that jaunty air lies some of the toughest lessons any young man ever had to learn. first, there was the battle in a remote afghan valley for which he received the medal. >> the worst day of my life reporter: a bloody five-hour fire fight which left four marines and one soldier dead. this pentagon animation recreated what happened. meyer and his fellow marines drove into a gauntlet of fire from up to 100 insurgents. he went back again and again trying to reach buddies trapped in the ambush. but he didn't get there in time. he has been haunted by that ever since. >> i can never forget that i'm a failure. it's in the face of the nation not just me. >> the medal of honorary flects the gratitude of the entire nation. ( applause ) >> reporter: at last september's medal of honor ceremony, president obama described meyer's actions in heroic terms. >> today we pay tribute to an american who placed himself in the thick of the fight. again and and again and again >> reporter: in his own pook called "into the fire" meyer describes a brutal battle to the death. how much do you think you killed >> it doesn't make a difference. i can tell you this. i didn't kill enough. >> reporter: and you killed at least one of them with your bare hands >> yes reporter: it is not mentioned in his medal of honor citation because there were no witnesses. but as meyer describes it, he was kneeling over the body of an afghan soldier and one of his best friends >> i just felt something hit me in the back of the head. and it was just like slow motion the whole time. i just remember turning around to look. there was a guy standing above me with a huge beard, you know. he had an a.k.-47. i was like what do i do now? >> reporter: meyer knew one thing. >> i was going to make the son of a bitch kill me. i wasn't going to get my head chopped off on tv >> reporter: he fired from the hip >> i remember squeezing the trigger on my 203. it hit the guy right in the chest >> reporter: 203 is the grenade launcher >> the grenade launcher reporter: but the grenade didn't go off and the two men fought hand to hand >> i just remember my hand grabbing a rock. finally i just got him. it's just like after i knocked him out to get him off me it's just like i couldn't stop. just like all the anger from that day, it just went straight into him. i mean it's just like i couldn't do enough to get rid of this guy. >> reporter: when the battle finally ended meyer was filled with grief for his lost men and rage that air and artillery support which had been promised was too long in coming. the marines decided they had to get him out of afghanistan. >> they sent me home early reporter: why did they send you home early? >> i was wound too tight. you know, i needed... what they wanted to do for precautionary measures was send me to, you know, to get some help for p.t.s.d. rehab center >> hopefully it ain't bent up too bad >> reporter: meyer got post traumatic stress counseling and moved back in with his father mike on the farm where he grew up in the kentucky hills >> then you come home to this peaceful place in the country. what was that like coming home? >> a shocker. it's hard living here. it's easy being deployed. it's easy fighting. you know, because it's simple. like war simplifies life in my mind. >> reporter: meyer was home but his father could see the war was still with him. >> he made me get new locks on the doors. made sure the house was locked up every night. he would always want to have one or two guns in every vehicle. >> reporter: he always wanted a weapon close >> really close eporter: even when he slept yes, sir reporter: did he sleep with a weapon? >> yes, sir, on his chest. reporter: really? for three months. reporter: did you try to talk to anybody about it? >> what is there to talk about? reporter: get it out of your own brain and into somebody else's >> why bother somebody else with it? it's just part of it. >> reporter: believing he had become a burden to his family, meyer turned to the bottle. one night driving home he stopped his truck and pulled out a gun >> i was just like, i'm done. i always kept my pistol in my trail blazer. i squeezed the trigger. amazing that there's nothing left, you know, there was nothing in it >> reporter: you put the gun to your head >> yeah reporter: and pulled the trigger >> yeah reporter: click click. the loudest click you'll ever hear. >> reporter: do you know why there wasn't a round in that chamber? >> you know, i can state the obvious reason, that somebody took it out. >> reporter: after the click? did you come to your senses? >> sobered up instantly. you'd be surprised >> reporter: was that the low point? >> oh, yeah. you don't get any lower than that. >> reporter: trying to put his life back together, meyer cut back on the drinking and went to work doing construction. 18 months later, the white house contacted him to say the president wanted to talk about the medal of honor. >> they told me, well, you know, you'll be receiving a phone call and that you need to be on a land line an hour prior, comm check every 15 minutes. i said, "hey, i can't do that." "well, why not?" "well, i have to work but he can call my cell phone." >> so we arranged to make sure he got the call during his lunch break. dakota is is the kind of guy who gets the job done. i do appreciate, dakota, you taking my call. (laughing) >> reporter: he did more than that. he wondered if he could come over for a beer. sitting in the rose garden, meyer asked his commander in chief what he should do with his life. >> whether you support him or not, nobody can ever look at him and say he's not a successful man. that's what i just wanted to ask him. what are some tips to be successful? >> reporter: what did he tell you? >> he definitely said, you know, he emphasized on education >> reporter: since then he's set up a scholarship fund for children of wounded marines. how much have you raised? >> $1.2 million reporter: $1.2 million we have given out ten scholarships this year. >> reporter: he's still a 20-something whose idea of a good time is zipping across the family farm in his a.t.v., but he's a 20-something with a highway named after him and a tribute to his medal in the middle town. if you think that's living the dream, take a look at meyer's blog from last may. they say time heals all wounds. but for me it seems the more time that has passed, the harder it gets. my blows, my best friends, are gone. gone forever. >> i have four guys, my team, that died that day that hold me accountable. as long as they're not looking at me saying, "dakota, what are you doing?" then that's all that matters >> reporter: so what do you think they're thinking about you right now? >> i mean, they're with me every day. i think they're standing next to me and pushing me on. >> osgood: next, putting freud on the couch. [ female announcer ] want to spend less and retire with more? then don't get nickle and dimed by high cost investments and annoying account fees. at e-trade, our free easy-to-use online tools and experienced retirement specialists can help you build a personalized plan. and with our no annual fee iras and a wide range of low cost investments, you can execute the plan you want at a low cost. so meet with us, or go to for a great retirement plan with low cost investments. ♪ >> osgood: now a page from our sunday morning almanac. september 23, 1939, 73 years ago today. the day a young medical specialty lost its world renown founder. for that was the day sigmund freud died at the age of 83 in london. >> german war wings over vienna osgood: a year-and-a-half after fleeing the nazi occupation of his native vienna. freud had achieved fame for his near single-handed creation of psychotherapy and for his theories about the role of the subconscious. highly controversial then, his theories and practices remain controversial today >> so good to meet you at long last. >> professor freud osgood: however there's no disputing the lasting impact freud has had on our popular culture >> i can see that now. osgood: hollywood portrayals of freud have rangedded from the serious as in last year's "a dangerous method..." >> i'm bound to say that the patient has a sexual desire >> my name is sigmund freud. osgood: to the fanciful as in this 1976 film "the seven percent solution." >> in this way we shall artificialally... >> osgood: alan arcin played the young dr. freud collaborating with sherlock holmes >> keep your eyes fast ened upon this. i want you to think of nothing else. >> reporter: to the downright comical as in this gag from the 1977 woody allen film >> i was with a frict freudian. they make you pay for the session if you kill yourself. they make you pay for the sessions you miss >> reporter: cartoons have been a main stay >> any time you see someone on a couch it's our debt to freud >> osgood: we analyzed freud with new yorker cartoon editor back in 2006 >> my favorite cartoon where it shows the analyst being... saying with the patient, perhaps i could get in touch with the personality that pays the bills >> reporter: freud was the subject of a light hearted song by the chad mitchell trio ♪ he forget about the neurosis and invented psychosis and 100 ways that sex could be enjoyed. he adopted as credo, the libido. >> reporter: as a therapist who believed jokes opened a window into the subconscious, dr. freud today could find much to analyze in multiple-paid sessions, of course. ♪ of dr. sigmund freud >> osgood: ahead, a healthy display of art. ♪ abracadabra. hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d, done! hand sanitizer, done! hey, eric! i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. whether it's flu shots or prescriptions, we continue to accept express scripts and medco plans. i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs. >> osgood: healing art is a specialty of one of our nation's top ranked hospitals. with bill whitaker now we'll stroll the hallways. >> reporter: off a busy street in this bustling city lies a hidden treasure. a dizzying array of dazzling art by con temperaturary masters. literally hiding in plain sight. feast your eyes on the art collection of cedar sinai medical center in los angeles. >> in this hallway alone we have st. francis, raymond pettybone, frank stella, david hockney >> reporter: john t. lang is curator of the collection, one of the most extensive in los angeles. so this is l.a.'s little secret >> a little bit, yeah, a fun little secret >> reporter: and this is throughout the hospital >> it's everywhere. we try to put together little exhibitions like this that could be an entire waiting area. it could be half of a wing. a lot of wall space so we're talking thousands and thousands of pieces. >> reporter: jasper jaws, rock liechtenstein, andy warhol. photography. sculptures >> it's a fantastic collection. i would certainly think, you know, any artist would love to have their work in this collection. >> we're trying to create an environment conducive to healing so all of the work that's on the walls is for the patients, for the visitors, for the staff. the idea is to give them a pleasant distraction, to uplift their spirit >> it does. it helps me >> reporter: it works? yeah, it's working reporter: so you've been in the hospital how long? >> approximately two months already. >> reporter: we bumped into emily strolling the hospital halls as though in a gallery. >> turning that corner is like walking in a museum for me >> reporter: she had been diagnosed with addison's disease and found comfort in a series of photographs by lee weaner of president john f. kennedy who had also suffered from addison's. >> i imagine what he's thinking by just his expression. that completely took me out of all of this for that moment. that to me is is the process of healing. it made me feel really good >> reporter: joanna was raced to cedar's with a brain aneurysm >> it's amazing to see this reporter: she was in a coma for six weeks >> it helps me to exercise because i want to explore the hospital more and more and see more of the art >> reporter: what would be a nicer thing than to have that type of artistic expression as your measure of how far you can walk? >> reporter: surgeon-in-chief dr. bruce gowertz says art work and doctors' work complement each other >> similar to if you and i were sitting out on a porch looking out over a beautiful, you know, a bucolic scene with a cup of coffee in our hands, our pulse rate is going to drop. the benefits of these fine pieces of art that we're fortunate enough to have extend to everyone. in most unexpected ways. >> reporter: exactly what contemporary art collectors and philanthropists, marcia and frederick weisman, envisiond when they started this collection almost 50 years ago. their portraits by warhol greet you in the main lobby. >> in the mid '6s frederick had a head injury. he landeddality cedar sinai. he was forgetting names, vug trouble speaking and everything. one day she brought in a very small jackson poll october to his bedside. he pointed at it and said pollack. he made a connection with the art work >> reporter: that's how this grand collection began. >> they gave hundreds of pieces from their own art collection. they went around the city and spoke to artists, art collectors, gallery owners. they spoke to everybody and got everyone to dough art work from their collections >> reporter: a grand tradition of giving that thrives today. every piece here was donated. >> i gave birth in the hospital. so that's our hospital really >> reporter: susan and leonard nimoy. they are passionate collectors of contemporary art >> it's part of our period, our culture. >> reporter: they donated a sculpture and this painting to cedar's >> so i called them on the phone. they were not, oh, yeah, bring it over. they wanted to see a jpeg of it. they wanted to discuss it among themselves >> not a place to dump art. they're very particular >> well, and with the good reason >> reporter: art critic hunter wrote the book on l.a.'s contemporary art scene that burst into world's consciousness in the 1960s >> they're not sea scapes or landscapes. these are... they might be etchings that david hoctned did while he was traveling, or a word painting. it is museum quality art work in a hospital >> which makes it all the more interesting that this hospital has chosen to focus on contemporary art which, as you're say it's kind of challenging. it makes you think. it makes you question >> i think that's a great thing in a hospital. hospitals are supposed to be sterile physically but not necessarily emotionally or intellectually. they don't have to be. >> reporter: at cedar sinai medical center, even the walls are therapeutic. >> my goal was just to be like a working actor >> osgood: next the screen writer zoe. movies are in her blood. kazan >> you don't understand. i could have had class. i could have been a competitor. i could have been somebody. >> it's the new season on sunday morning, and here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: marlin brand owe won an oscar for his 1954 film "on the waterfront" as did its director the late elia kazan. now nearly 60 years later it's the director's granddaughter who is in hollywood's spotlight. here is zoe kazan in a conversation with our mo rocca. >> reporter: gloa an kazan's acting career was chugging along quite nicely. >> now, listen to me. call me >> reporter: she played meryl streep's daughter in "it's complicated." >> i will. i'll call you. >> reporter: and leonardo decap pre-owe's lover in revolutionary road >> i heard you were getting promoted. big shot. >> reporter: but kazan wasn't content simply saying other people's words. writing is hard >> yeah. really hard. writing is really hard. >> reporter: she should know. kazan is the daughter of two screen writers and the granddaughter of the late elia kazan, the legendary director of some of the 20th century's greatest films. including "a streetcar named desire." >> stella! i started writing because i was bored. to be totally frank with you. when you're a young actor and you're just starting out, you're spending all your time auditioning and very little time actually acting >> reporter: so she hunkered down at a favorite brooklyn coffee shop and wrote the screen play for a new movie. ruby sparks. >> your dog, she's so cute reporter: starring kazan and real-life boyfriend paul dayno, a debut screen play, yes, but she didn't just start writing >> i was like a super nerdy kid, fully invested in creating narrative from a very young age, writing stories for my little sister and me to act on but a yankee for narrative. >> reporter: in the movie calvin, a novelist with crippling writer's block dreams up ruby >> i missed you in bed last night. did you get good writing done >> reporter: a girl who comes to life and says and does anything calvin writes. but the relationship with his dream girl isn't so satisfying. >> you can make her like do anything. >> the fact that he can control her is this sort of addedded burden in a way to the relationship. >> you're such a control freak, right >> reporter: the film is about the rocky transition from infatuation with what you imagine someone to be... >> the writer has booked parties tonight >> hey, i was watching that reporter: ... to loving someone warts and all. but isn't a little bit of fiction always part of a relationship? imagining something about the other person that might not exactly be true? >> yeah, absolutely. you know, paul says to me that he thinks i'm the prettiest girl this the world. i know that that's not true. but, you know, he seems to believe it. so, yeah, that's a fiction that i'm totally willing for him to believe in. >> reporter: film making may be a kazan family business. her father nicholas and mother robin swicord have had thriving screen writing careers but zoe says her upbringing in southern california was more family than business >> i would say like totally normal childhood in almost every way except that if i wanted to come home and just day dream on the couch for four hours, they would make sure that i was undisturbed because they knew that there was value in just sitting there and thinking up stories. >> reporter: do you ever show your writing to your parents? >> yes. reporter: you do? i do. but i've learned not to show it to them too early. i also tell them beforehand what i want to hear. >> reporter: oh, you're kidding. no, i like give them a script. i need you to tell me you're proud of me. i need you to not criticize this part because i know it needs work >> reporter: basically i need you to be parents in this situation >> exactly. reporter: kazan graduated from yale university where a certain other kazan also went. if your grandfather were still alive, elia kazan, would you show him your writing? >> probably not. i don't even know what it would be like to engage with that part of him. >> reporter: what was he like at a grandfather? >> he was a very present tense person. so if you were there in front of him incredibly loving and warm and generous and a good listener. if you weren't there, maybe not quite so much in the forefront of his mind. which is actually sort of how i am in a way too. unfortunately. >> reporter: spender in the grass starring warren beaty and natalie wood says is her favorite of her grandfather's movies. what about "a tree grows in brooklyn" which i love? >> did you see it, papa, out the window a tree they've killed it >> i've never seen that movie. i think i was like... i didn't want the movie to be bad. i love the book so much that it scared me. to watch the movie. i've been here for five years >> reporter: right now 29-year-old zoe kazan is busy making her own movies and her own name. >> i'm making the choice in my life right now at least that i would rather take a risk and look foolish or have it not succeed than not take a risk. >> osgood: next, one man's menagerie. a 90% smaller needle. announcing fluzone intradermal vaccine, a 90% smaller needle, wow that's...short. to learn more talk to your health care provider. [ female announcer ] fluzone intradermal vaccine is fda approved for 18-64 year olds. it shouldn't be given to anyone with a severe allergic reaction to any vaccine component including eggs, egg products or a prior dose of influenza vaccine. tell your doctor if you've ever had guillian-barré syndrome. redness, firmness, swelling and itching at the injection site occur more frequently than with fluzone vaccine. other common side effects include pain, head ache, fatigue and muscle aches. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. 90% shorter please. i have a callback on monday. [ female announcer ] visit or these locations to find fluzone intradermal vaccine. tiny needle, big protection. ♪ with your favorite instant coffee same great taste, now with a great new look that can be ready in a... [ pop! ] ♪ folgers instant coffee the taste you love just got more instant. the taste you love i've been a superintendent for 30 some years at many different park service units across the united states. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time to explore something different. it's like another chapter. >> osgood: in his travels on the road steve hartman sure does encounter amazingly talented people. take a look at this. >> reporter: you're about to see a ringer, not the throw but the man who made it. >> did you see that? reporter: this unassuming senior citizen is actually a carnival hucks ter's worst nightmare >> i'm going to play with this one right here >> reporter: the problem is is that 64 peter, a car salesman from detroit, is good. too good. so good, in fact, that here at the cedar point amusement park in sandusky ohio and at many other midways across the country management has put limits on the number of prizes any one person can win >> i don't want to say it is all because of me but it is all because of me >> reporter: still peter takes them to the cleaners every time. on this day in just the first few minutes he had already amassed a kennel's worth of dogs. this is a talent he seems to have been born with. he started playing these games at the age of 9 and won enough stuffed animals that first year to give to every single kid in his school, about 200. peter spent the next half century refining that gift, incorporating the fields of geometry, physics and ultimately engineering >> we can go about six high reporter: today he is arguably the best in the world as carnival games. although this is about as much as they'll let him win now, before they limited the prizes, he would almost disappear in his winnings. these shots are from a weekend of circus circus in las vegas >> we couldn't even sleep in the room because you couldn't walk around the animals. it was wall-to-wall animals. >> reporter: which brings us to the downside of winning so many stuffd toys. you win so many stuffed toys. what do you do with all these animals? >> i give them away. every one of them. >> reporter: peter says he has donated about a quarter of a million toys to more than 50 different charities. which in my book makes peter a big winner. win or lose. >> osgood: coming up a stopover in homeland. the emmy nominated television alright everybody, get your heads up. now when i was in the military, i learned that if you stand together, you can stand up to anything! no matter where i was deployed, i always knew that somebody had my back! you boys are your own band of brothers! you have each other! just like i had navy federal credit union... 24/7... live customer support! let's go! let's go! 4 million members. 4 million stories. navy federal credit union. brody >> osgood: as television's new season gets underway the tv business is pausing this evening to offer the old season one last hurrah at the annual emmy awards >> this calls for an expression of gratitude. >> am i about to get a rare sheldon cooper hug? >> not this time or they wouldn't be special. thanks, penny. >> osgood: there is serious competition in the comedy category with cbs's big bang near owe up against nbc's 0 rock and abc's modern family. then there are hbo's three contenders, girls and veep. needless to say there's drama as well in the race to the best series. >> you're talking about prostitution. >> i'm talking about business at a very high level. >> osgood: madmen is looking for a record fifth consecutive win. but faces stiff resistance from its a.m.c. sibling breaking bad not to mention british import on pbs, game of thrones both from hbo and a dark horse challenge from a rookie series, the show time drama homeland. homeland is up for eight other emmys as well. what accounts for the show's success so soon out of the gate? mark strassman has found some answers. >> you're listening to jim dawk ins in the morning >> reporter: homeland is a drama about the demons in our post 9/11 world. the story of an american p.o.w. turned terrorist >> we need eyes and ears on brody from the minute he steps off that plane. >> reporter: and the unstable c.i.a. agent obsessed with learning his secrets and stopping him >> i missed something once before. i won't... i can't let that happen again. >> it was ten years ago everyone missed something that day >> everyone is not me. reporter: its premise might seem unlikely for successful television. at first even the stars weren't aligned with the idea of a drama about the war on terror. >> when i got the pilot and i was first asked to consider this project, it still felt really risky and maybe too timely. maybe too relevant >> homeland. ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: but the series on cbs's show time was one of the most acclaimed new shows of last year. it won golden globe awards for best drama and for best actress claire danes as sergeant carrie matheson >> one of the things that the show does to great success is hold a mirror to our times. >> yes. i think there are very few representations of what our society is wrestling with now. the 9/11 moment, the extended moment which is, you know, brimming with anxiety. >> i think it hits a nerve, a universal international nerve >> reporter: this man plays carrie's mentor at the c.i.a. >> it's a show that is desperately trying to find the common ground between the violence, the conflict >> this gives you four weeks you have a warrant? is that legal now? >> legal-ish you know, i don't think entertainment changes the world or fixes anything but maybe sometimes it has some effect. >> did you ever meet him? was he ever present during any of our interrogations >> reporter: homeland's first season viewers questioning. >> sergeant brody no, i never met him reporter: who is good? who is bad? what's right? what's wrong? >> thank you, sergeant brody how did this conflicted uses marine end up being played by a red-haired brit? >> a good question reporter: english actor damien lewis played sergeant nicholas brody, america's newest war hero freed after eight years of captivity in iraq >> brody is really a victim of war. that's what he is. he comes back absolutely eviscerated by war. damaged irreppably. and that's the human cost of war. >> reporter: carrie suffers from a by polar disorder, a cassandra character who speaks the truth that no one else believes. >> you don't know what you're doing. >> reporter: by the end of season one, she unravels and undergoes electro shock therapy. while brody at the last minute aborts his suicide bomb plot. >> got a call for you from your daughter. >> this thing just came right out of the gates. it was, you know, within episode 2 or 3 people were talking about it. >> reporter: but lewis never imagined who was talking about the show. last spring he was invited to a state dinner at the white house for the british prime minister. president obama told him he was a fan of homeland. >> you know, i said to him and david cameron halfway through dinner, when do you guys get to watch tv because aren't you supposed to be running the free world? and the president said, you know, saturday afternoons michelle takes the girls to go play tennis and i switch on homeland. >> reporter: somebody told me that you love this character >> i do. she's bad-ass and brilliant. infinitely more than i could ever be myself >> you said you had information about an attack by abu masir >> i have information prove it she has kind of a super hero quality >> reporter: inside a sound stage in charlotte north carolina the cast and crew are shooting the second season which begins next sunday. and all the brody office building stuff back at the safe house? nearly 2500 miles away in los angeles, the writers and producers are trying to stay an episode ahead. so does the show have a message? is there a message you're trying to get across week after week >> definitively, there's no message. i mean, you know, when you have a message, a message is for propaganda >> reporter: howard gordon and howard ganza created homeland. they both worked on 24, another television drama about the war on terror >> in the last ten years we've been in two wars. we've seen the arab spring. we've seen certain rights, you know, and constitutional rights challenged in the name of security. so the idea of a soldier coming home from war was something that really grabbed us and the complexity of and the challenges of that >> hello, everyone. reporter: for the writers, the challenge this season is to maintain the suspense. >> ladies and gentlemen, congressman nicholas brody. >> reporter: brody had been elected to congress but still feels pulled into the terrorist web. >> carrie is recovering from electro shock out of the c.i.a. >> if you're going to ask me to go to beirut just ask me already >> reporter: but she too is being pulled back. >> find out what she needs we often said that we were able to pose a lot of questions in the first season but we have to answer a lot of questions in the second own. that is just inherently more difficult. >> reporter: this psychological thriller addresses some of the most troubling issues of our time. it's filled with moral ambiguities, hard choitses and complicated characters. that's a lot to ask of a television drama, even one that enters its second season with high expectations. >> osgood: still to come, "no doubt." >> i've got plenty of shocks osgood: but first at home with best selling author nora roberts. >> osgood: time to take a look at the new season in books, a business in the midst of change. so far this year sales of actual printed books are down 14% from last year. far behind e-books whose sales in this country tripled between 2009-2010 alone. when it comes to reading those e-books, tablets such as the i-pad are overtaking the kindle and similar devices as the gadget of choice. the average book reader is 44 years old with average age of the most frequent book buyer is 50. 58% of all book buyers are women. 42% are men. exactly what books are all these book buyers buying? so far this best seller list is topped by the three 50 shades books by james followed by the hunger games trilogy by collins. what will be the new season's best selling book well, that's still a blank page waiting to be filled. nora roberts is an author who can never be counted out. the stories she's written fill many a bookstore shelf. as rit a braver is about to show us, it found a place on tv screens as well. >> not everything is life and death. sometime there's just fun. >> reporter: and there's plenty of romantic fun to be had not only in angels fall, the tv movie basedded on the novel by nora roberts but in all of her books. >> love matters most. it's the most powerful emotion that we have. and i like writing books that celebrate that. between two really interesting, strong people >> reporter: interesting and strong, a description that fits nora roberts herself >> thank you for writing so many books. they have taken me out of my life many times when i needed that. so, thank you. >> reporter: she's one of the top-selling authors in the world with more than 400 million books in print >> don't worry about that. i'll get it home. >> reporter: and legions of devoted fans who can't seem to get enough of her independent heroins. >> they always seem to have an interesting career. they can take care of themselves >> reporter: in fact, roberts is credited with being one of the first romance writers to steer away from young, helpless and hapless women. >> orphan virgin raised by an aunt who is a secretary of the hero who is the richest man in the free world which can be a really fun story. what's wrong with that? you don't want to tell that every time. >> reporter: she doesn't just write pure romance. in 1995, she created a science fiction defective series using the pseudonym j.d. robb to make it clear that this is a departure from her usual fare >> i had had this idea for the main character of the books, a homicide lieutenant in the near future with a very dark past, a very difficult woman. >> reporter: but no matter what name she's writing under, her heroes and heroins are bound to be fabulous looking. >> why do i want to write about ugly people? it's my book. they can all be pretty. >> i think we have to say this. you write great sex scenes >> i hope so. again, if you're writing a relationship book and you don't write a good sex scene it's kind of disappointing, isn't it? you want these characters to have fabulous sex. either very romantic sex or fun sex or

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